Severe Chemical Hypersenstivity and Allergies Persist Along With Other Signs Despite All Measures Taken - Any Input/Advice Extremely Welcome!!


Dec 11, 2020
Hello fellow forum members. My post contains aspects that could have been posted in many of the pointed categories on this forum; but I am taking a holistic approach and including them all here in order to create a complete picture of my situation. By way of history and background, I found Dr. Peat when I was 28 and had been estrogen poisoned by the medical industry since shortly before my 18th bday. I corresponded with Dr. Peat for over 20 years and over the years my health has improved in many ways with integration of his teachings.

At 50, most people think I'm in my thirties. My hormone levels now are what they should have been in my twenties--my menstrual cycles have been the most regular they have ever been in my life the last couple of years. I have been reisistance weight training (aligned with Peat principles) for over 30 years and am very strong and vital. Many signs of health. Yet, and I had corresponded with Dr. Peat much on this through it all, still some enigmatic issues for which I have not found answers.

The main one is severe hypersensitivity to chemicals that has become so debilitating, it is difficult to live in the world. I consulted a more holisitic D.O. last year who seems bright but is expensive and a bit arrogant, who supsected it was due to the gut and proposed leaky gut, sibo and stool tests (I did the first of these which revealed nothing - but never continued on due to expense and I have done many stool tests over the years which came back negative); so I have tried to work on gut health myself and have addressed possible dysbiosis the last couple of years. Despite much improvement in intestinal health and function, the sensitivity has only gotten worse. I also have severe allergies which I have had my entire life; and cyproheptadine is helpful for those but does nothing for the chemical senstivity (Dr. Peat at one point thought it might). As you can see from my handle, I am an advocate/attorney and am very much wanting to re-enter the world to do health advocacy work and address so much that is wrong in that realm as we all know here; but it is very hard to conquer the world when you are literally allergic to it.

I've been following Peat diet and "supplement" principles for a very long time and have been supplementing with thyroid (currently 1.5 tablets cynoplus divided in 6 doses throughout the day- equivalent to 3.3 grains; 180 mcg T4 and 45 mcg T3) for 13 years. I supplement D (upping that because level just came back at 49 but has been optimal over the years at the dosing in place at the time of testing), pure mg glycinate powder, progest-e (3 weeks per month), asprin and cyproheptadine 1mg. I have been on the microbiome labs gut health regimen (have used various of their regimens for a couple of years consisting of sporebiotics that Dr. Peat likes such as bacillus subtillus and lichenformis) I have shared here on the forum for gut health with great results. I am trying flora-assist (phages) again as well and have used them in the past per Dr. Peat's recommendation of them. I am interested in some of the more cutting edge supplements I am seeing here such as Methelyne Blue; but I am so sensitive to so much, I am cautious.

I had been coasting along fairly well the last few years, other than the severe hypersensitivity; but then, suddenly, over the last couple of months, I have had a bit of a health episode which seemed to begin after getting a dental crown beginining of November, escalated into severe allergic attacks (had not been taking cyproheptadine for a while unfortunately) and turned into horrid sinus issues. I tried to self treat the sinus infection and ended up with a horrendous allergic reaction (rash all over--still have it 4 weeks later) to grapefruit seed extract. Finally, just finished a week of doxycicline 100mg twice per day for the sinus/ear which I thought might actually help with the big picture based upon information on the forum about antibiotics. As I posed today in that section, not sure the doxycicline really agreed with me or brought about any positive effects. Regardless of anything else I have addressed, as I am constantly reminded whenever I go anywhere outside of my "bubble", I am still horrifically reacting to the slightest whif of a car fume or perfume or cleaner etc. The reactions cause systemic symptoms: taste of the chemical persists sometimes for days, nasal, head, sinus, intestinal, disorientation etc. I also notice that if I eat more than a minimal amount of organic white distilled vinegar (a cap full) on the carrot salad for instance, I get a very strong uncomfortable reaction to it; yet it does not happen with the small amount which would seem to suggest that I am not allergic to it but that it is inciting some sort of reactive mechanism in my body and wondering if that could be a clue?

Below the line is bloodwork back from a recent annual physical I posted in the bloodwork threat. Not really worried about the cholesterol itself or the thyroid numbers; but I am confused as to why the cholesterol would be elevated with so much thyroid when it never has been all these years since supplementing thyroid. I also have obvious carotenemia (especially hands and feet) and my temperatures are not as high as they should be (lately often in the 97's every time of day although it is winter (I recall some mention that it may be difficult to get accurate readings when temperatures are extreme - heat or cold?) despite such ample thyroid levels on the bloodwork and the fact that my pulse rate has been steady at 88/min since adding proper thyroid supplementation many years ago. Although I do not supplement with many substances and keep my Peat diet consistently high in nutrients and properly rotated (dairy (mainly traditionally made cheese), salt, ample appropriate fruits and orange juice, eggs, liver once per week, oysters, seafood and meats recommended by Dr. Peat ,coffee, chocolate, coconut oil, butter, gelatin, daily white or low carotene carrot and/or mushrooms, occcasional nixtamized sprouted corn tortilla and madadamia nuts. ample light and red light, etc.), I am wondering if there could be a deficit responsible for the lower temperature and carotenemia; although my pulse rate is steady at 88/min. And perhaps the same factor could relate to the hypsersensitivity?

Cholesterol Total: 222 H (range is < 200)
HDL Cholesterol: 47 L (range is >=50)
LDL Cholesterol 148 H (range is < 100)

TSH .01 L (range .4 - 4.5)
T4 free 1.8 (range .8 - 1.8)
T3 Free 6.7 H (range 2.3 -4.2)

Grateful for your thoughts on any or all of this, particularly with respect to the chemical hypersensitvity as a clue, and certainly happy to give any more info that might be instructive. Thank you so much !


Jun 23, 2017
have you tried the Peat potato soup? I had heard he suggested this for severe disruptions with digestion. Also if it is tied to digestion I would imagine from a Peat prism we might ask if there are some longstanding mental offenses which may linger and disrupt long term digestion of foods?

Sinus I found was tied to teeth. Coconut oil here for multiple tries a day both ingested and with the teeth helped after spat out. I had this problem for a few years and culminated in a sinus infection and amoxocillin seemed useful with a guaf mucus PM thing every 12 hours that I wont name. This and a sugar that some special teeth people use to fight cavities in conjunction that I wont name seemed helpful as well.
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Aug 23, 2018
What helps my chemical sensitivity is reducing vitamin A intake and adding in soluble fiber.

Basically, you need to avoid colorful plants and dairy. I've come back and forth on this and it really does help relieve symptoms. I would love to keep dairy and I have tried in the last few years and I have now come to the conclusion that I'm better without it.

Another thing to look into is histamine intolerance.

I would love a Peat inspired diet, but all the staples mess with my health.


Sep 6, 2020
Wow 20 years. You're probably in a different metabolic ball game than most of us tbh.

One thing you might consider is charcoal. I experience the same thing you do, albeit to a much lesser extent, but I've noticed that drinking or gargling with water that has had a binchotan stick sitting in it for a while has an effect on how I perceive chemicals and other irritants. It seems to make irritants more tolerable.


Aug 23, 2018
Wow 20 years. You're probably in a different metabolic ball game than most of us tbh.

One thing you might consider is charcoal. I experience the same thing you do, albeit to a much lesser extent, but I've noticed that drinking or gargling with water that has had a binchotan stick sitting in it for a while has an effect on how I perceive chemicals and other irritants. It seems to make irritants more tolerable.

Oh, cool. I was wondering what to do for my cooking water (from tap). Binchotan seems like a good solution. Brita and other system seemed too expensive for the perceived benefits.


Apr 30, 2015
Two things come to my mind for hypersensitivity:

-There is a great multiple chemical sensitivity protocol involving nebulized glutathione and hydroxycobalamin. It is based on peroxynitrite free radicals and overtime can cool nitrosative stress. That would be worth looking into.

-The shoemaker protocol for Mold has as its last step a VIP nasal spray. I have seen many people have less sensitivity from using that nasal spray. That would have to be prescribed but it is probably worth looking into. Many moldies have hyper sensitivity


Dec 11, 2020
Two things come to my mind for hypersensitivity:

-There is a great multiple chemical sensitivity protocol involving nebulized glutathione and hydroxycobalamin. It is based on peroxynitrite free radicals and overtime can cool nitrosative stress. That would be worth looking into.

-The shoemaker protocol for Mold has as its last step a VIP nasal spray. I have seen many people have less sensitivity from using that nasal spray. That would have to be prescribed but it is probably worth looking into. Many moldies have hyper sensitivity
Thank you so much for this information. I found the mcs protocol here RMEHA, Dr. Ziem's Chemical Injury Treatment Protocol and am looking into it. Very interesting.Going back and looking at factors that lower nitric oxide too. All sounds promising.
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