A global epidemic of cancer in the young


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I did a post about 2 years ago where I stated that "the young have now become the old" - i.e. that people under 40 now have the same diseases as people 20-30 years older. At the time, I was ridiculed for my fear-mongering, but now even CNN has stated the exact same thing. The "good" news is that this cancer pandemic should definitively prove to even the most die-hard genetic oncologists that cancer is NOT a genetic disease. Second, even metabolic diseases cannot really become a pandemic in even a single country, let alone the entire world, in just a few years. Don't pay attention to the claims that improved diagnostic procedures are behind the increased rates. This is a common lie that medicine has used since at least the 1980s to explain rising rates of many chronic and deadly conditions. If the improved detection was the reason we would have seen a decline in age-specific cancer-related death rates (due to early diagnosis/treatment). Yet, those death rates are skyrocketing. Which brings me to the following "conspiratorial" thought. What unprecedented event happened in the last few years that had not occurred in over 100 years? I leave the answer to that question to my readers, but when even the wife of the POTUS starts making claims of impending cancer epidemic (second link below), before the cancer pandemic study was even published, it makes one question the remarkable prescience of our leaders. Hint: All of the lab animals that got mRNA COVID-19 vaccines got cancer, and it was 100% lethal.

Is early-onset cancer an emerging global epidemic? Current evidence and future implications - Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
Jill Biden Predicts Wave of Cancer Diagnoses After COVID-19
A global epidemic of cancer among people younger than 50 could be emerging | CNN

"...A new review of cancer registry records from 44 countries found that the incidence of early-onset cancers is rising rapidly for colorectal and 13 other types of cancers, many of which affect the digestive system, and this increase is happening across many middle- and high-income nations. The review’s authors say the upswing in younger adults in happening in part because of more sensitive testing for some cancer types, such as thyroid cancer. But testing doesn’t completely account for the trend, says co-author Shuji Ogino, a professor of pathology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health."

"...The younger you are, the higher the risk: Ogino’s review found something called a cohort effect, meaning the risk of an early-onset cancer has increased for each successive group of people born at a later time. Those born the 1990s have a higher risk of developing an early-onset cancer in their lifetime than those born in the 1980s, for example."


Jan 25, 2014
Don't pay attention to the claims that improved diagnostic procedures are behind the increased rates. This is a common lie that medicine has used since at least the 1980s to explain rising rates of many chronic and deadly conditions. If the improved detection was the reason we would have seen a decline in age-specific cancer-related death rates (due to early diagnosis/treatment). Yet, those death rates are skyrocketing. Which brings me to the following "conspiratorial" thought.
Not if the "treatment" was the actual or main cause of declining health, death, and side effects. After all, what are the main treatments for cancer? Blast the patient with radiation and put them on harsh chemotherapy drugs. Basically, you can make any "diagnosis" of cancer a reality (really, a self fulfilling prophecy) if the "treatment" causes the obvious symptoms of the "disease."

Basically, it would mean any "improved diagnosis" just puts more people on the fast track to death or poor health with the "treatments" offered.
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Mar 29, 2014
@haidut hadn’t heard that re: lab animals getting cancer from the vaccine. Do you have a source I can read and send to people?


Nov 10, 2021
Saco Maine
Diet could also be a cause.
acrylic - good point, that study would be good to have for sharing and reference


Sep 21, 2014
Not if the "treatment" was the actual or main cause of declining health, death, and side effects. After all, what are the main treatments for cancer? Blast the patient with radiation and put them on harsh chemotherapy drugs. Basically, you can make any "diagnosis" of cancer a reality (really, a self fulfilling prophecy) if the "treatment" causes the obvious symptoms of the "disease."

Basically, it would mean any "improved diagnosis" just puts more people on the fast track to death or poor health with the "treatments" offered.
Reminds me of the story with the prostate cancer experts that Dr. Peat mentioned quite a few times. When someone asked them about what they would do if they were diagnosed with prostate cancer themselves, the majority answered "Nothing".

Yet if their they diagnose their patients with prostate cancer...


Feb 26, 2016
“Ignorant people, you just don’t go to the doctor enough.” —doctors in lead-lined rooms.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut hadn’t heard that re: lab animals getting cancer from the vaccine. Do you have a source I can read and send to people?

Peat mentioned it, as well as Dr. Malone (inventor of mRNA "vaccines" technology). If you Google around you should be able to find some of them. Many were never published due to pharma companies not wanting to scare the public and have only been referenced by other studies.


Oct 31, 2015
Hint: All of the lab animals that got mRNA COVID-19 vaccines got cancer, and it was 100% lethal.
Do you want to know the "funniest" thing?

My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, somewhere in the 90's. Scared of the treatments as she was, she decided not to do anything and carried that secret with her for decades.

She get the jabs last year, and, a couple of months later, all of a sudden, she starts to feel very ill. After a lot of insistence from family members and a fainting episode, she is begrudgingly taken to the hospital by my concerned uncle.

Doctors were as shocked to find as we were, that she had metastasis spread out all throughout her body. They quickly realized that that couldn't have been something sudden, but a prolonged situation that my aunt must have had hidden from everybody. She later admitted the whole thing.

She died a month later...

Besides my shock with the whole thing, the timing seemed "peculiar" to me... I wondered if this couldn't somehow be related to the vaccines... So maybe it was...
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Do you want to know the "funniest" thing?

My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, somewhere in the 90's. Scared of the treatments as she was, she decided not to do anything and carried that secret with her for decades.

She get the jabs last year, and, a couple of months later, all of a sudden, she starts to feel very ill. After a lot of insistence from family members and a fainting episode, she is begrudgingly taken to the hospital by my concerned uncle.

Doctors were as shocked to find as we were, that she had metastasis spread out all throughout her body. They quickly realized that that couldn't have been something sudden, but a prolonged situation that my aunt must have had hidden from everybody. She later admitted the whole thing.

She died a month later...

Besides my shock with the whole thing, the timing seemed "peculiar" to me... I wondered if this couldn't somehow be related to the vaccines... So maybe it was...

Sorry to hear about your aunt. Sadly, situations like this are likely to become much more common after the "vaccination" campaign. A lot of dormant tumors that have been sitting there and not causing issues get reactivated by the systemic inflammatory reaction the mRNA shots cause and may even kill the person.
Btw, did you aunt get any "treatments" after she got to the hospital? If yes, then this could be why she died. Even metastatic cancer can often stay dormant for years until reawakened by some kind of external assault like chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.


Jan 6, 2019
Earth's electromagnetic field has been weakening for the past few decades at least. EMF deprivation leads to tumors and deranged behavior in rat studies.


Oct 31, 2015
Btw, did you aunt get any "treatments" after she got to the hospital? If yes, then this could be why she died.

No. All the medical care she received at that point had the sole purpose of making her as "confortable" as possible. The doctors had no hope...

Because of all the Covid restrictions at the time, I couldn't even say goodbye.

I have been told that she died at peace so, at least there's that.
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