70% of Americans Unvaccinated for Covid


Apr 19, 2020

My husband and i were just talking about the very noticeable increase in mask use here in our metropolitan area- and folks wearing gloves now too.

Plus our public school moms are very vocal about their fear of monkey pox as we head into this new school year.

It’s gotten to our children too.
Thanks to Tiktok.

This is inconsistent with what your reporting for the US by and large?
I live in rural Australia and I have noticed this increase in uptake in the last month. 2 weeks ago I spoke to a mate who owns a little shop (and works there too) in Hobart and he said he noticed this uptake in mask wearing as well. Young peeps, older folks, middle aged, all groups. I said I do not watch TV but do participate in a little you tube news to dip into what the Aussie news is. We both agreed that the fear button is being ramped up.

For as long as privately held guns in this country outnumber people. This is the exact reason for the Second Amendment. To protect yourself and family against a tyrannical government. And the Supreme Court has also strengthened that Amendment recently, with the Bruen decision.

It's explicitly stated in this country that the people are sovereign, both in our founding documents, and from the first Supreme Court ruling, and even from Presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt. So really, a tyrannical government will only happen if the people allow it.

It has seemed to me that TPTB, BlackRock Vanguard StateStreet, are not entirely unified, and that the JPMorgans/GS of the USA want to maintain their particular Hegemony (ie The Fed, The StockMarket etc.) whilst the BlackRock and Co. are more unified with Davos. This creates some inner tension amongst the Titans in the USA particularly, and I believe that their is a lot of momentum towards Secession/Civil War possibilities IF the GLOBALISTS (Davos et al, BlackRock,etc.) do not get what they want. Who actually kontrolls the Deep State I wonder?


Jan 25, 2014
I agree. Unfortunately, a lot of people seem willing to allow it. Or maybe they're just ignorant/apathetic?
Well, there is certainly a group that is encouraging it. It would seem there are a lot of people, maybe 100 Million or so, that are like Cipher in the Matrix.... "Ignorance is Bliss, put me back in!" I think some of the "vax" numbers might give a clue to how many people might stand and fight for their freedom, or some of the concepts we thought this country was about. The unvaxxed 70 Million of us that were willing to stand up, at least in some way. But more interestingly, I think the 30 Million that didn't complete the first series might indicate a bunch of people that got "woken up" by this process. That's huge, almost 10% of the country.

As far as "ignorance," I think that's a big problem. Really, over the past few years, I have learned how truly ignorant I was myself about government, and what is actually going on.

For example, everything that happened in the US as far as "Covid Restrictions" went was either directly applied to a section of the government itself (which, obviously, the government has power over itself), was a regulation put on businesses, an offer to contract (which they could then compel performance under), or a scare tactic. Mostly, they put restrictions on businesses (which they have authority to regulate under the commerce clause), but made it seem like it applied to people, too.

So, a "mask mandate" could apply to an employee or customer of a business, while they were at work or shopping, but had zero effect on people outside of that scope. But how many people did you see wearing masks outside, sometimes in the summer? Or when driving alone in their cars? The "mandate" sure "seems" unconstitutional on some level, but when you realize they are acting within some guidelines, you understand their behavior and the limits of it.

Or the "lockdowns." Yeah, they were called that, but all they really did was shut down businesses. No government force was forcing people to stay in their homes, except for maybe things like "nursing homes," which are actually businesses.

And even before "Covid," this country was both "The Land of the Free" and "The Home of the World's Largest Prison Population (both by absolute number and per capita)." That sure seems like an oxymoron, right?

One thing I've heard is that they always respect your sovereignty, and get you to agree to contract (either express or implied). There is a document out there, about 45 pages, called "The Secret Maritime Jurisdiction Exposed." It's a great little read, and helps to explain the "paradoxes" and to see how some of the things you might of thought of as "unconstitutional" actually have some justification. Even if it wasn't intended when the document was signed.


Nov 10, 2021
Saco Maine
i work at usps and vaccination is not required. I asked and most have been vaccinated but not boosted. A few still wear masks and i have no idea why. 70% unvaccinated, i really do not think is true, 70% not boosted i can see.

I need more data as you cannot work at most places without vax.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
So time to dispose of the carrot and whip out the stick? I expect we'll hear a lot more threatening language, especially as they realize the monkeypox narrative isn't working.
The carrot is definitely no longer working. Even as new categories of people (children) have been added to the eligiblity list, the number of vaccines per day has not been increasing.



Feb 13, 2021
70% aren't fully boosted, not 70% are unvexxinated.
This. Lets not spread misinformation ourselves, even if others do it. Seems like often this forum goes too far into one direction. Sure, lot of ***t going on in the world but sometimes its just overreaching what people claim here. We have enough issues to talk about that we dont need to make up more baseless claims
May 11, 2022
So the media just outright lied about vaccine uptake, 70% didn't bother, 228 million of you loons according to this article, the important thing however is profit for big pharma and shareholders, money was made from the sales. This is coming from fauci and MSM so be mindful of a ruse potential.
What didn't work out for the ruling class is even more people dying from the toxic concoction, also the digital plantation via vaccine fascism failed.

What this means is another onslaught is necessary for depopulation and creation of the digital plantation, everything they try now will have the same endgame, people dying and digital passports needed to save us etc etc , they have the money to keep this up via wealth transfers during covid and after.
Keep in mind going forward that every crisis they start amplifying will have the same end game, we currently have monkey pox and the "think of the kids" narrative, the clown show goes on and we will continue to dissent, resist and undermine them, remember don't waste your time arguing at grassroots level, find common ground by bringing the discussion toward blaming the ruling class, don't get stuck in the dialectic.

“If they don’t get vaccinated or they don’t get boosted, they’re going to get into trouble,” Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, told Los Angeles radio station KNX News 97.1′s “KNX In Depth” on Tuesday.

That applies to a clear majority of Americans. Nearly 228 million, or roughly 70%, of Americans were unvaccinated, hadn’t completed their primary vaccine series or hadn’t gotten their first booster dose as of July 21, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The uptake is particularly low for booster shots. All Americans age 5 and older are eligible for a booster five months after finishing their primary vaccine series, but only 48.4% of those eligible people have actually gotten boosted, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.
100% agree...whats happening is people are getting the booster and are having unprecedented side effects and and more and more and more people are seeing this and waking up...FINALLY....we have friends and family that are finally admitting these jabs do more harm then good and that that the vaccinations are wreaking our immune systems. on the big tech digital tracking agenda.....we have a brand new 5g tower that was just erected in record time, and a bunch of the blue 5g light bulbs in a bunch of city street lights now where I live. THEY originally said the lights were blue due to being "FAULTY BULBS"....which seems pretty ridiculous in itself. GOOD NEWS.... the sheeple that come to our side NEVER go back, so our side is growing EXPONETIALLY every day. the de-population plan "Georgia guidestones" etc etc, has been speed up because of this. tons of my pro vaccination friends and their family members, are NOW against the vaccines are fully agree they are poison now.even the government data charts show its mostly the vaccinated people getting sick.....and those people are staying sick for VERY long periods of time and or never fully recovering....ie...a friend of mine....always congested every day since getting the booster and never being able to get congestion free since....he is now on our side. they are telling us what they are going to do in the wide open now.....its 100% fact now....not a conspiracy any more....its public knowledge
May 11, 2022
The carrot is definitely no longer working. Even as new categories of people (children) have been added to the eligiblity list, the number of vaccines per day has not been increasing.
View attachment 40090
great post....and thanks for that


Dec 1, 2021
Just 2 more weeks, and billions of more profits and maybe... we will not extend the lockdown.

This is what I derived from months and months of unnecessary lockdowns here in the Netherlands. The vaccines didn't even change anything, we still got a lockdown albeit a shorter one.


Apr 19, 2020
@Drareg 100%:emoji_dart: "Keep in mind going forward that every crisis they start amplifying will have the same end game, we currently have monkey pox and the "think of the kids" narrative, the clown show goes on and we will continue to dissent, resist and undermine them, remember don't waste your time arguing at grassroots level, find common ground by bringing the discussion toward blaming the ruling class, don't get stuck in the dialectic."
May 11, 2022
@Drareg 100%:emoji_dart: "Keep in mind going forward that every crisis they start amplifying will have the same end game, we currently have monkey pox and the "think of the kids" narrative, the clown show goes on and we will continue to dissent, resist and undermine them, remember don't waste your time arguing at grassroots level, find common ground by bringing the discussion toward blaming the ruling class, don't get stuck in the dialectic."
one thing I will say is.....I think going after local media people and small low level local government ....ie school board people etc etc.....IS where we need to start. once we go after the Low level radio people, low level news paper media people, low level local tv people.....the elites will not really help them because the are useless eaters to them as well.....and once they start getting brought into court for various things and on different occasions, their families will start to crumble under ALL the bad lime light for pushing poison on babies....ie baby killers etc etc........their families will TELL THEM to quit their jobs because off all this bad publicity and pressure....and numerous court apparenaces....then we file lawsuits winning or not, doesn't matter...etc etc...........they will buckle and most other low level propaganda pushers WILL NOT WANT to follow in THOSE footsteps, the embarrassment of THEIR wives, husbands, and their children will bear weight going through all this....so they will be doing EVERYTHING they can to avoid this including getting into the court systems and the bad publicity for killing men , women , and children through the REAL science and the REAL facts which are coming out now all over the world from world renowned medical professionals. thats where we start.....you cant to after Trudeau??? good luck getting to him.....he will take off in his jet to Epstein island if he wants......your school board member cant go any where....your local radio dj, just cant take off to Jamaica ??? you start at the roots...fabian style like they do to us


Jan 25, 2014
I am afraid, at this point, their only real "option" is either the Samson one...or at least a major "conventional" war with Russia/China/Iran that they can blame the economic collapse on and possibly institute martial law so they can implement their abomination of a plan.
I don't know if you ever heard Richard McDonald's talks, but he says that we already are under Marshall Law, since the Reconstruction Acts have never been repealed. Here, he talks about a letter writing campaign to get the Congressional Research Committee to admit it-

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d2x4swPt04

Of course, they could always do what they have always done..... two steps forward, one step back. It worked brilliantly for centuries in the modern conspiracy. Obviously, the economic carnage was part of the plan, maybe even the main goal. The system was designed to create defaults, its a mathematical certainty. I'm not sure what you mean by "economic collapse." Yeah, we'll have foreclosures and more unemployment and businesses failing, but I don't think the system itself is going away. It's a zero based system, debt is being used to offset other debt. It's accounting. And truly, there is no limit to the amount of accounting that can be done, or debt that can be created. Which means that the system can keep on going to infinity.
The viral hoaxes won't work. People see through them now, and even the Marburg virus won't work as its high mortality rate makes it a non-starter as a global pandemic driver.
Isn't any claimed germ with a "high mortality rate" derived from Case Fatality Rates among a relatively small group of people? Like "1000 were diagnosed with Marburg, and 400 died, therefore, it's a 40% mortality rate." It seems to never be based on cases higher than 100,000 people. There's no reason to think it would apply to IFR, or that the "Mortality rate" would hold if scaled up into the millions or even billions.


Feb 18, 2016
I think they were lying about the numbers in total, probably using a metric like "vaccines shipped" rather than "vaccines in arms," or what have you. But look what the new qualifications are-

So, they are clearly counting people as "unvaccinated" who would have been "completely vaccinated" 1 year ago. A moving goalpost, as so many have suggested.
I see, I suspected something was off coming from fauci and MSM, it's good to highlight it, a lot of people on twitter were duped by it.


Feb 18, 2016
For as long as privately held guns in this country outnumber people. This is the exact reason for the Second Amendment. To protect yourself and family against a tyrannical government. And the Supreme Court has also strengthened that Amendment recently, with the Bruen decision.

It's explicitly stated in this country that the people are sovereign, both in our founding documents, and from the first Supreme Court ruling, and even from Presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt. So really, a tyrannical government will only happen if the people allow it.
They are trying to bypass it using the UN and human rights charter, european nations are being ruined by this, the UN charter is based on communitarian principles which believes the community needs should be above individual needs, this is a hegelian twist the fascist amitai etzioni put on communitarianism, its oxymoronic and confusing intentionally, a community is made up of individuals.
Its a means for the ruling class to maintain power.


Feb 18, 2016
one thing I will say is.....I think going after local media people and small low level local government ....ie school board people etc etc.....IS where we need to start. once we go after the Low level radio people, low level news paper media people, low level local tv people.....the elites will not really help them because the are useless eaters to them as well.....and once they start getting brought into court for various things and on different occasions, their families will start to crumble under ALL the bad lime light for pushing poison on babies....ie baby killers etc etc........their families will TELL THEM to quit their jobs because off all this bad publicity and pressure....and numerous court apparenaces....then we file lawsuits winning or not, doesn't matter...etc etc...........they will buckle and most other low level propaganda pushers WILL NOT WANT to follow in THOSE footsteps, the embarrassment of THEIR wives, husbands, and their children will bear weight going through all this....so they will be doing EVERYTHING they can to avoid this including getting into the court systems and the bad publicity for killing men , women , and children through the REAL science and the REAL facts which are coming out now all over the world from world renowned medical professionals. thats where we start.....you cant to after Trudeau??? good luck getting to him.....he will take off in his jet to Epstein island if he wants......your school board member cant go any where....your local radio dj, just cant take off to Jamaica ??? you start at the roots...fabian style like they do to us
Yep, its when their resources are pinched they will act, they have to take more so its unfolding, a lot of people will see through at this point, they will shocked initially.
May 11, 2022
They are trying to bypass it using the UN and human rights charter, european nations are being ruined by this, the UN charter is based on communitarian principles which believes the community needs should be above individual needs, this is a hegelian twist the fascist amitai etzioni put on communitarianism, its oxymoronic and confusing intentionally, a community is made up of individuals.
Its a means for the ruling class to maintain power.
agreed...great point about THEM using the United Nations to by pass the national legality codes/laws......a little to wordy. but good..lol....god bless
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