
  1. Apple

    Karen Hurd debunks coconut oil

    Here you go. Garrett Smith prefers sunflower oil , #ggenereux claims that coconut oil is no good because it delivers vit A all around your system and now biochemist Karen Hurd calls it coconut fad . Who would think... Mitochondria converts saturated fat into unsaturated fat through the beta...
  2. haidut

    HUMAN STUDY: Vitamin B3 ups muscle/bone mass/strength, lowers fat, improves glucose control

    The study is epidemiological and it did not distinguish between the various forms of vitamin B3 available through the diet or supplements. However, it was well-controlled and its findings match the known biochemical effects of vitamin B3, which the study authors cite themselves as the likely...
  3. haidut

    Obesity linked to mitochondrial dysfunction in GI tract, treatable by fat restriction

    I think the claim that obesity can be caused by lower metabolism is not something contentious, even though mainstream medicine will claim that it only happens in clinical hypothyroidism. The so-called idiopathic obesity in the general population (now affecting 40%+ of people) is claimed to be...
  4. haidut

    Aspirin may reverse NAFLD/fibrosis by reducing fat accumulation, inflammation

    Another great win for aspirin, especially considering the prevalence of NAFLD, NASH, fibrosis/cirrhosis and even liver cancer. This post comes mere minutes after the post on a single tablet aspirin (300mg) daily putting a terminal liver cancer in remission. This study below used a low-dose...
  5. haidut

    Obesity is estrogen-driven; Chronic fasting burns mostly muscle, not fat

    I wanted to do a quick post on this, as this topic is one of the most discussed in both medicine and society in general. Namely, whether fasting is a good and healthy approach to weight loss, which is largely determined by whether the weight we lose during fasting is mostly fat or muscle. Even...
  6. haidut

    Fat increases estrogen synthesis, even in menopausal females; glucose lowers it

    A fascinating study, which provides a number of important findings and insights. First, the study shows that fat (from diet or lipolysis) drives estrogen production not only in fat cells (which has been known for decades, even by mainstream medicine), but also in other organs typically not...
  7. haidut

    Androgens, glucocorticoids are antagonistic - former inhibit, latter promote fat gain

    As most of my readers know, androgenic steroids are considered extremely dangerous by medicine and are in fact outlawed in most "developed" countries. Aside from the (in)famous "roid rage", medicine claims that a large number of chronic conditions (spanning the spectrum from cosmetic to...
  8. T

    Pics: Does this look like hormone-fueled fat distribution / cortisol / insulin, or do I just need to lose a stone?

    So I've been on here a while, and I've been living a life inspired by Peat's work for many years. I avoid PUFA like plague, don't starve myself of carbs, try my damndest to hit my micros etc. and I generally dip in and out of the forum so as not to drive myself crazy! To recap to date, I've...
  9. Nnik

    I have never liked milk - help me

    Hi! I have been loving the freedom of eating in Ray Peat inspired ways after switching from a restrictive low carb, high protein diet that all the popular “health” people are promoting these days. However, milk has been a struggle for me. People have said to start of slow but as a child and...
  10. JamesGatz

    If you have a healthy metabolism you should be FAT - you SHOULD NOT BE SKINNY

    Hey man, go ahead and look at ANY ANIMAL IN THE WILD - Hippos, Gorillas, ANY ANIMAL REALLY View: https://youtu.be/Qn_AP9liBKw View: https://youtu.be/4ySKO7bWnMU THESE animals are PUSHING 500+ POUNDS MAN - you do not see them skinny unless they are SICK OR DYING if you have a healthy...
  11. AlphaCog

    A prospective study of dairy foods intake and anovulatory infertility

    Abstract BACKGROUND Dairy foods and lactose may impair fertility by affecting ovulatory function. Yet, few studies have been conducted in humans and their results are inconsistent. We evaluated whether intake of dairy foods was associated with anovulatory infertility and whether this association...
  12. V

    Limiting fat or carbohydrates

    Has anyone experimented with leaving mostly just one energy source? I mean, consuming large amounts of carbohydrates and limiting fat, or consume large amounts of fat and reduce carbohydrates. It would be to avoid a proportion an equitable distribution of macronutrients between fats and...
  13. IPlayDart

    Fat Tastes Disgusting

    If humans are supposed to eat a high- fat diet, why does fat taste so unbearably disgusting? You just get an instant puke reflex when ingesting fat into you mouth. It only gets bearable when adding carbs or lots of spices. Protein makes it taste okay, but you still get that disgusting fat taste...
  14. Can

    Need advice: How many grams of fat is safe in a day (in relation to other macros)?

    So I am very much aware that Ray Peat and most people on this forum prefer sugar metabolism over fat metabolism. I don't have any problem with that in theory but feel like in the moment, that my sugar metabolism is somehow impaired. I outlined this in another thread, atm I quickly feel...
  15. cs3000

    Taurine 30mg/kg improves fat digestion / absorption ~20% (bile connection)

    https://www.nature.com/articles/pr19852006.pdf?origin=ppub ^ Looks useful for people who get fatty stools / problems with low bile. Taurine conjugates fat soluable bile acids produced by the liver & gives them an added water soluble property which helps in the process of fat absorption through...
  16. haidut

    Cancer relies on fat as fuel due to high reductive stress

    One of the few studies out there that not only links cancer with impaired OXPHOS, but demonstrates directly the role of reductive stress (exemplified by the NAD/NADH ratio) in cancer's appetite for fats as fuel required for the cancer survival and proliferation/metastasis. It also once again...
  17. DDRB

    Why is my instinct anti-carb (and even anti-peat ?) ?

    I read a lot about carbohydrates and their supposed importance for oxidative metabolism, CO2, thyroid hormones etc. I also watched a number of videos from personalities known to advocate very high carb diets, such as McDougall, Douglas Graham, Furhman etc and various fitness youtubers with...
  18. haidut

    Higher PUFA intake correlated with mental disease

    An epidemiological study, yet still useful IMO since the correlation was maintained across the various levels of PUFA intake - i.e. the higher the PUFA intake the higher the prevalence of a mental disorder such as depression, which suggests a causal link. The link was the strongest in males and...
  19. haidut

    Oral allopregnanolone coming soon to a pharmacy near you

    Kidding aside, it looks like pharma companies are starting to develop a very strong interest in oral delivery of steroids, using the technique described by Peat decades ago to bypass the first-pass metabolism in the liver. Namely, as Peat described, mixing a steroid (or another molecule) with...
  20. Kvothe

    Low-fat diets and testosterone in men: Systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies

    Keep the butter on the bread, especially if you're a white dude!? A meta-analysis on the effects of low-fat diets on testosterone levels. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960076021000716 The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Volume 210, June 2021...
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