Why I Will NEVER Get An X-ray Again!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Why isn't hormesis relevant with radiation? Seems to work with a lot of other things.

Because the risk from exposure is cumulative. Some people are vulnerable enough to have even a single dental X-ray trigger squamous cell carcinomas in the mouth.


Feb 18, 2017
How would you know if you have periodontal infection if you don't submit to an x-ray?
Chlorine dioxide daily to floss, brush, and rinse will eliminate all periodontal infection. And noticeably whiter teeth, bullet-proof fresh breath, and (at least for me) teeth straightening are the "side effects". It's a bit of hassle to make every day (the ClO2 gas evaporates out of solution that quickly) so I recently switched to DioxiRinse, which is a commercial product that is easier to handle and seems to be the real thing. Time will tell.


Mar 29, 2016
Chlorine dioxide daily to floss, brush, and rinse will eliminate all periodontal infection. And noticeably whiter teeth, bullet-proof fresh breath, and (at least for me) teeth straightening are the "side effects". It's a bit of hassle to make every day (the ClO2 gas evaporates out of solution that quickly) so I recently switched to DioxiRinse, which is a commercial product that is easier to handle and seems to be the real thing. Time will tell.
How does that work? Do you have instructions?

One has to know or assume first he has a periodontal infection in order to make the effort to use this, though. Without having the benefit of an x-ray and no access to a divining rod to take its place, how would one know if a periodontal infection exists?


Jul 3, 2016
Chlorine dioxide daily to floss, brush, and rinse will eliminate all periodontal infection. And noticeably whiter teeth, bullet-proof fresh breath, and (at least for me) teeth straightening are the "side effects". It's a bit of hassle to make every day (the ClO2 gas evaporates out of solution that quickly) so I recently switched to DioxiRinse, which is a commercial product that is easier to handle and seems to be the real thing. Time will tell.
The dangers of chlorine dioxide tooth bleaching - study

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Feb 18, 2017
How does that work? Do you have instructions?

One has to know or assume first he has a periodontal infection in order to make the effort to use this, though. Without having the benefit of an x-ray and no access to a divining rod to take its place, how would one know if a periodontal infection exists?
Pretty safe to assume you have periodontal infection. Everyone has bacteria in their mouth. (With the possible exception of me :):) When the infection causes noticeable trouble it'll get diagnosed. But it's there whether it's diagnosed or not. No, um, divining rod needed.

Here's your instructions. 28% sodium chlorite solution. 4% HCL solution. I bought them as part of a kit. Put a few drops of the former in a shot glass, then add few drops of the latter, then wait a a minute or two. Put it in your mouth. Floss, brush (I add toothpaste to the brush), rinse. No matter what condition your mouth is in, it will be in better condition afterward. Or you could try DioxiRinse. Instructions on the bottle. It's easier, but I'm not fully convinced of it yet.

(BTW, my wife and her cousin who lives with us come from your neck of the woods. It would have eliminated a lot – a ton – of pain, expense, heartache, and covering the mouth to laugh if they'd had this back in the day.)


Feb 18, 2017
What's this? A guild trying desperately to protect their monopoly and crush their competition? How original. Kind of like an article titled, "Aspirin is Bad, M'kay", written by the esteemed Dr. Smarternyou.

Oh well, give it a look anyhow. OMG! Don't ever do ANY of that foolishness. People be going to the barber to have God knows what pasted on their teeth, then having the whole mess turned to concrete with UV lamps. What could go wrong?

But it seems they had nothing to say about floss, brush, and rinse with ClO2 for a happier, healthier you. If I missed it please point it out to me.


Jul 3, 2016
What's this? A guild trying desperately to protect their monopoly and crush their competition? How original. Kind of like an article titled, "Aspirin is Bad, M'kay", written by the esteemed Dr. Smarternyou.

Oh well, give it a look anyhow. OMG! Don't ever do ANY of that foolishness. People be going to the barber to have God knows what pasted on their teeth, then having the whole mess turned to concrete with UV lamps. What could go wrong?

But it seems they had nothing to say about floss, brush, and rinse with ClO2 for a happier, healthier you. If I missed it please point it out to me.
"Reported systemic effects of the toxic problems associated with chlorine dioxide whitening treatments for teeth.

• Inhalation and other breathing difficulties
• Exacerbation of patients with asthmatic condition
• Increased heart rate and palpitations
• Heart Irregularities
• Eyes watering
• Admission into the casualty and the emergency room"


Feb 18, 2017
"Reported systemic effects of the toxic problems associated with chlorine dioxide whitening treatments for teeth.

• Inhalation and other breathing difficulties
• Exacerbation of patients with asthmatic condition
• Increased heart rate and palpitations
• Heart Irregularities
• Eyes watering
• Admission into the casualty and the emergency room"
You think that's scary, check out this list of the side effects of aspirin: Aspirin Side Effects: Common, Severe, Long Term - Drugs.com. Wow, huh? Just as scary and a much bigger list.

So by all means avoid aspirin and ClO2. Blaze your own amazing trail :):


Feb 18, 2017
First, an important correction. The instructions I gave above for mixing ClO2 had a very big missing ingredient. After mixing, it's got to be diluted in an ounce of water before using. The edit post function is no longer available to me, so I hope anyone that might be interested reads to the end of the thread. But as the level of interest seems slight, the risk of it causing any actual harm would seem to be slight as well.

Anyhow, thank you @TreasureVibe for referring me to the thread you made on the hazards of chlorine. There is actual meat there, some of which may be relevant if I were more inclined to consume it at the moment. But I do wonder why you did not lead with it and instead led with something of such clearly dubious credibility. Especially since it was also arguably off-topic. As I believe I said, whiter teeth was a side effect. If it were the actual purpose for using ClO2 then the protocol, including dosages and other ingredients, were likely to be notably different. And from a quick scan, that certainly did seem to be the case.

Dose makes the poison, of course, which was demonstrated nicely in one of the studies you linked in your thread that found that 100 ppm ClO2 in drinking water caused thyroid effects while 20 ppm did not, in either rat pups or monkeys – I forget which. I don't know what the ppm of ClO2 might be in the mixture I suggest, and as the last of my chemistry training was nearly half a century ago, I won't even attempt to try to figure it out. But obviously using the rinse concentration of ClO2 in all the fluids you consume in a day yields a very much greater dose than one gets from using that same concentration in one ounce for 5 minutes in the mouth, then spitting it out.

It's also important to note that NOT using ClO2 has consequences in the form of more cavities, tooth loss, x-rays, cost and pain of dentistry, and systemic effects of greater bacterial load in the mouth. It was once supposed that poor oral hygiene was partly responsible for heart attack. Don't know if that's still a thing, but bacteria and the endotoxin in the gut is, in the view of many on this forum, including me, implicated in a wide variety of degenerative conditions. Oral bacteria likely adds to that burden. And there are also the purely esthetic benefits, including fresher breath, whiter teeth, and better tooth alignment. It literally straightened my one crooked tooth that was tilted, rotated, and leaned over. All three axes were straight within about 3 months, which was when I first noticed the change. And given it had been that way for more than 4 decades prior it had to be due to the ClO2. Certainly never expected that.

So you are right to point out that there are risks. But that's true of pretty much everything, including aspirin (as the list I linked to above clearly showed) and driving my car to the grocery store. In both cases I judge that the benefit easily swamps the risk. And keep in mind that there are people who take many ounces of the stuff every day while claiming they are curing cancer and autism and other stuff. Youtube has many such videos. And those folks are swallowing it, not spitting it out. Some even give themselves enemas with it.

I judge the risk to be well worth it for myself, but everybody has to make that judgement for him- or herself. Thanks again.


Sep 13, 2012
I stopped using the closys rinse which is supposedly stabilized chlorine dioxide but I find that doubtful. Its probably watered down bleach. I am doing lugols in my waterpik or ozone in my waterpik with very good results that I didn't get with just swishing. Also for active decay please please please get a silver diamine fluoride treatment. It stops all decay for 6 months, some cavities that are very bad might need a few treatments to be completely stopped though. Good research on that stuff. I wish I knew about it many many years ago.


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Sep 20, 2023
Chlorine dioxide daily to floss, brush, and rinse will eliminate all periodontal infection. And noticeably whiter teeth, bullet-proof fresh breath, and (at least for me) teeth straightening are the "side effects". It's a bit of hassle to make every day (the ClO2 gas evaporates out of solution that quickly) so I recently switched to DioxiRinse, which is a commercial product that is easier to handle and seems to be the real thing. Time will tell.
Where do find DioxiRinse? It is unavailable on amazon usa right now.
Mar 10, 2021
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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