Why Do You Think MDMA Clears My Skin And Makes It "glow" (+ My [re]introduction To The Forum)

Nov 26, 2017

Hi all! :grouphug2

Backstory: Ok.. so I stopped taking a benzo (and many other prescribed hypnotics) for insomnia 2.9 years ago, I had been on a downward spiral ever since.

I had a couple of old accounts in here but I don't even remember my usernames, this is in part due to my awful short-term memory.

I was agoraphobic, had akhatisia, panic attacks, excessive sweating, random shaking attacks and nightmares (among many other w/d symptoms).


So, I'm a lot better now, I think it was @DaveFoster who reccomended me to stop eating starches and it worked! :snowman (plus some supplements though) I've been on a starch free diet for 2 months now. I'm not agoraphobic anymore and I can get out of my house without getting panic attacks, I can properly interact with people again. :dope

I get some slight anxiety sometimes though.

The supplements that have helped me a lot are bentonyte clay (2-3 tbs everyday, 2-4 hours after the last meal, Ive also been taking it for 2 months now), 360mg of aspirin (daily) DHT and progesterone (I hadn't took it for 1.5 months now, but I took it on and off for the past 10 months I think), 4 tbs of gelatin per day, bag breathing and of course medium-higher doses of LSD and MDMA.

I think I still suffer from silent acid reflux, but it's not as severe as 5 months ago.


So yesterday I took a high dose of MDMA, I had taken it before... but this time... the euphoria was similar to IV hydromorphone plus something else... idk, I can only describe it as... feeling "saved".

I was in almost the same state as the woman in the video, all my fingers and body went numb from the euphoria, and I kept repeating "oh God" for hours... I feel like we humans are nlt supposed to get this high.

I'm getting like 2500 calories per day (according to cronometer) and I get all the minimum daily value of all nutrients aminoacids etc..

I eat less than 4g of pufa per day.

So anyway, LSD doesn't improve my skin as MDMA does so... any thoughs?

So, any other suggestions for my diet, or suplements etc..?

PS: I tried turmeric and it worsened my IBS, also, activated charcoal helps, but it's not as good as the bentonyte.


Jun 22, 2021

Hi all! :grouphug2

Backstory: Ok.. so I stopped taking a benzo (and many other prescribed hypnotics) for insomnia 2.9 years ago, I had been on a downward spiral ever since.

I had a couple of old accounts in here but I don't even remember my usernames, this is in part due to my awful short-term memory.

I was agoraphobic, had akhatisia, panic attacks, excessive sweating, random shaking attacks and nightmares (among many other w/d symptoms).


So, I'm a lot better now, I think it was @DaveFoster who reccomended me to stop eating starches and it worked! :snowman (plus some supplements though) I've been on a starch free diet for 2 months now. I'm not agoraphobic anymore and I can get out of my house without getting panic attacks, I can properly interact with people again. :dope

I get some slight anxiety sometimes though.

The supplements that have helped me a lot are bentonyte clay (2-3 tbs everyday, 2-4 hours after the last meal, Ive also been taking it for 2 months now), 360mg of aspirin (daily) DHT and progesterone (I hadn't took it for 1.5 months now, but I took it on and off for the past 10 months I think), 4 tbs of gelatin per day, bag breathing and of course medium-higher doses of LSD and MDMA.

I think I still suffer from silent acid reflux, but it's not as severe as 5 months ago.


So yesterday I took a high dose of MDMA, I had taken it before... but this time... the euphoria was similar to IV hydromorphone plus something else... idk, I can only describe it as... feeling "saved".

I was in almost the same state as the woman in the video, all my fingers and body went numb from the euphoria, and I kept repeating "oh God" for hours... I feel like we humans are nlt supposed to get this high.

I'm getting like 2500 calories per day (according to cronometer) and I get all the minimum daily value of all nutrients aminoacids etc..

I eat less than 4g of pufa per day.

So anyway, LSD doesn't improve my skin as MDMA does so... any thoughs?

So, any other suggestions for my diet, or suplements etc..?

PS: I tried turmeric and it worsened my IBS, also, activated charcoal helps, but it's not as good as the bentonyte.

Hey are you still getting the same effects?
Nov 26, 2017
Gonna try it next week and see what happens. What does should i take for my first time? Any idea?
Nice. Yes:

MDMA is 3 ,4-methylenedioxyrnethamphetamine; the drug is active at doses of 50 mg to 250 mg, with 150 mg as an effective dose for the average adult. It differs from MDA in its duration of action, which is four to five hours, and in having fewer amphetamine-like side effects, such as muscle tremor or jaw clenching. The onset of pharmacological effects is usually within twenty to thirty minutes after ingestion, and there is a transient moderate rise in blood pressure and pulse rate. Subjectively, there is a surge in feelings of bodily heat and greatly increased attention and alertness; at the same time there is a feeling of bodily relaxation and ease. MMDA also is mentioned in Naranjo's book, where it is said to induce an experience of the "eternal now."(Both this description and the description of MDA given in that book could apply equally to MDMA.) Perhaps because of the alleged difficulty of its synthesis, it has not found much use among therapists and researchers interviewed for this chapter.

Setting and Context
Generally, the preferred setting for sessions in the therapeutic-sacramental mode is a serene, simple, comfortable room in which the person can recline or lie down and the therapist or guide can sit nearby. Clothes should be loose and comfortable, and a blanket should be available in case of transient episodes of chilling. It is best if there is access or proximity to the elements of nature. A fire in the fireplace serves as a reminder of the alchemical fires of inner purification and the life-preserving fire of Spirit. Fresh water to drink and proximity to a stream or ocean reminds us of the watery origins of our life.Ideally, earth and its natural forms—soil, plants, trees, rocks, and wood—would be close to the touch. Trees or plants in or near the room of the session make wonderful companions. Crystals or other stones maybe brought and contemplated. A somewhat different, though also profound, experience may be had ifthe setting is outdoors, in nature. It is probably best that such sessions, if they involve walking or possible interaction with people, be undertaken us-ing lower doses (50 to100 mg MDMA); alternatively, such excursions can betaken in the latter, milder portion of the session. For those who have had previous experience with full-intensity indoor sessions, such outdoor experiences can be extremely rewarding.
Characteristically, one may experience a kind of deep emotional, almost visceral bonding with the land, the plants,the rocks, the animals, and the environment in general. Perceptual changes with empathogens are usually minimal, but a deep feeling of appreciation for and connectedness with all life-forms is often reported in such sessions.The music—usually selected and played by the guide or sitter—can have a profound effect on consciousness, as with the psychedelics. Entire therapeutic processes or shamanic journeys can be undertaken during certain musical selections. Typically, therapists and persons working with MDMA and other empathogens have found the serene, peaceful, meditative music sometimes referred to as "inner space" music most valuable in these experiences. Fast, rhythmic, or highly complex music seems too difficult to follow.Simple gongs, bells, chimes, and drums are also pleasing and centering during such experiences, whether one plays them or merely listens to them.The attitude and behavior of the guide or sitter during the session is extremely influential. This role should be played with integrity and If the guide is the person's therapist, he or she should have a therapeutic agreement to explore any areas of concern. If the sitter is a friend or even a partner, it is best to have agreement and understanding before the session as to the role of the guide. Most people prefer and are perfectly able to do their own best therapy in these states. They want the sitter merely to be there,listening to and recording the remarks of the voyager and providing encouragement and reassurance if needed. Intense exploration of certain issues—for example, relationships, sexuality, or birth trauma—should be undertaken only by previous arrangement or at the request of the voyager.
-Ecstasy : The Complete Guide : A Comprehensive Look at the Risks and Benefits of MDMA pg. 197-198



Feb 24, 2019
Dont you get brain zaps from daily use of MDMA? I would rather look into 6-APB or 5-EAPB for more frequent use.


  • Beyond MDMA - alternative entactogens.pdf
    463.4 KB · Views: 10
Nov 26, 2017
Thank you alot for this
You're welcome, hope it all goes well.

Dont you get brain zaps from daily use of MDMA? I would rather look into 6-APB or 5-EAPB for more frequent use.
Hey, that was some bad formatting on my part. I let at least 3 months pass between doses. Yea those two seem like they would be safe to take on a more regular basis.


Sep 19, 2016

Hi all! :grouphug2

Backstory: Ok.. so I stopped taking a benzo (and many other prescribed hypnotics) for insomnia 2.9 years ago, I had been on a downward spiral ever since.

I had a couple of old accounts in here but I don't even remember my usernames, this is in part due to my awful short-term memory.

I was agoraphobic, had akhatisia, panic attacks, excessive sweating, random shaking attacks and nightmares (among many other w/d symptoms).


So, I'm a lot better now, I think it was @DaveFoster who reccomended me to stop eating starches and it worked! :snowman (plus some supplements though) I've been on a starch free diet for 2 months now. I'm not agoraphobic anymore and I can get out of my house without getting panic attacks, I can properly interact with people again. :dope

I get some slight anxiety sometimes though.

The supplements that have helped me a lot are bentonyte clay (2-3 tbs everyday, 2-4 hours after the last meal, Ive also been taking it for 2 months now), 360mg of aspirin (daily) DHT and progesterone (I hadn't took it for 1.5 months now, but I took it on and off for the past 10 months I think), 4 tbs of gelatin per day, bag breathing and of course medium-higher doses of LSD and MDMA.

I think I still suffer from silent acid reflux, but it's not as severe as 5 months ago.


So yesterday I took a high dose of MDMA, I had taken it before... but this time... the euphoria was similar to IV hydromorphone plus something else... idk, I can only describe it as... feeling "saved".

I was in almost the same state as the woman in the video, all my fingers and body went numb from the euphoria, and I kept repeating "oh God" for hours... I feel like we humans are nlt supposed to get this high.

I'm getting like 2500 calories per day (according to cronometer) and I get all the minimum daily value of all nutrients aminoacids etc..

I eat less than 4g of pufa per day.

So anyway, LSD doesn't improve my skin as MDMA does so... any thoughs?

So, any other suggestions for my diet, or suplements etc..?

PS: I tried turmeric and it worsened my IBS, also, activated charcoal helps, but it's not as good as the bentonyte.

Have you reliably noticed and tracked this effect via time-stamped photos in the same lighting/photo area?

Perception is an extremely tricky, subtle thing that only you can really hold yourself accountable for. I dont see people mention it enough since it cant really be controlled for.

It can also be lighting/types of lighting.

I've noticed similar phenomenon revolving around a lot of the anti-serotinergics and psychedelics. Not to say that they don't have effects themselves on the skin over time; I've just never tracked them myself.

Also, improved sleep can be a factor... Age.. Weight.. Hydration. Lymphatic draining (I'd assume). Endotoxin? Detoxifying from drugs.

Even things like caffiene and sugar (Adrenaline) affect perception.

I felt I looked best when I was drinking the most coffee, and taking the most sugar, and metabolic uncouplers, but objectively looking back via photography across multiple different photos, I look the same.
Nov 26, 2017
It didn't occur to me to take pics and compare them afterwards. Still, at least 2 people complimented on my facial skin after I took MDMA for the third time. I think it's due to it's potent systemic serotonin depletion effects.

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
I have exoerienced this off MDMA, don't take too much too often though otherwise it has the opposite effect and makes you super depressed


Feb 24, 2019
Yeah this [depression] is the effect of the MDMA affinity to certain receptors of 5HT serotonin, The general consensus among simple users is depletion of 5Ht. But nee, only nano-grams of 5Ht are in the brain, so it only take a day for that to replenish. So logically its , the depression is confined with the effects of donwregulation of certain serotonin systems that the molecule of MDMA stimulates that is mainly the culprit [depression].

so Im trying to say, it does not depend [ depression from mdma use] on the missing neurotransmitters be it 5HT , dopamine nor adrenaline . nee, those are only mediator molecules. for we know depression in NOT reliant on those molecules, nee their breakdown and metabolism is what has repercussions on the higher system. depletion of them, ala reserpine , as DR peat indicated actually ! has anti-depressant fx, as my client can confirm who used an extract of reserpine herb (discontinued use after dr peat said it can lead to estrogenic effects)
therefore we can safely assume the neuro"transmitter theory of depression is incorrect.
-edit grammar , typo
Last edited:


Sep 19, 2016
It didn't occur to me to take pics and compare them afterwards. Still, at least 2 people complimented on my facial skin after I took MDMA for the third time. I think it's due to it's potent systemic serotonin depletion effects.
Word. Definitely something to look into.

General serotonin depletion has a lot of benefits in general. Maybe a reduction in facial fat/puffiness due to lower endotoxin?

The lymphatic system is quite interesting to look into in regards to all that.
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