*Why* do they want us to eat bugs?


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
In principal I don't have a problem with people who want to eat bugs, but what I loathe with every fiber of my being is the Globalist masters of the universe evil bastards that are trying to force us to eat bugs. If people want to eat bugs let them put it out in the free market without the government subsidizing it or forcing us.

They're not leaving it to individuals to make their own choices. It's also not about bugs to a large extent it is about taking the land away from farmers who own it for cows so they can build their dystopian mega cities.


David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
In principal I don't have a problem with people who want to eat bugs, but what I loathe with every fiber of my being is the Globalist masters of the universe evil bastards that are trying to force us to eat bugs. If people want to eat bugs let them put it out in the free market without the government subsidizing it or forcing us.

They're not leaving it to individuals to make their own choices. It's also not about bugs to a large extent it is about taking the land away from farmers who own it for cows so they can build their dystopian mega cities.

Eating crickets isn't half bad if you run them through an extra-corporeal processing unit first.


African Seasonal Ataxia (ASA) is another interesting recently described clinical
entity which presumably has a thiamine-related foundation. This syndrome has
been recently described in people who live in Western Nigeria and is characterized
by ataxia, tremors, and decreased levels of consciousness. These symptoms occur
during the rainy season of July through October. ASA usually follows a large carbohydrate
meal. At its peak incidence, ASA can account for well over 70% of hospital
and clinic admissions.
Various hypotheses have been advanced to explain ASA; however, strong evidence
supports a mechanism related to thiamine deficiency. There is a clinical triad
of cerebellar ataxia, ocular disturbances, and encephalopathy usually seen in acute
thiamine deficiency. Upon examination of the dietary intake of the low socioeconomic
strata of patients, it was found that almost all had consumed significant
amounts of roasted silkworm larvae Anaphe venata. The availability of these larvae
in the marketplace corresponds to the rainy season. The larvae represent a valuable
protein source for rainforest people.
The practice of entomophagy in low socioeconomic cultures is accepted. Protein
sources are relatively scarce for these people, who subsist largely on carbohydraterich
diets. Subsequently, it has been shown that there is a thiaminase present in the
Anaphe venata larvae. During the rainy season, these larvae fall from specific trees,
and are gathered and sold in markets. Subsequent consumption of larvae containing
a thiaminase by people ordinarily eating carbohydrate-rich diets can explain the
rapid onset of symptoms resembling those of thiamine deficiency. As a corollary
to this recent description are earlier descriptions of similar outbreaks of thiamine
deficiency. There was, for example, the outbreak of the so-called Chastek paralysis,
a disorder of silver foxes on a fox ranch in Minnesota. These foxes were fed raw
fish and within a few weeks developed ataxia, changes in consciousness, seizures,
and death. Pathologically, brain lesions resembled those seen in thiamine deficiency.
Subsequent work showed the presence of a thiaminase in the viscera of the raw fish,
which had precipitated the disorder.
Inherited ataxias are a group of relatively rare neurological disorders genetically
transmitted, which have as a common denominator ataxia and the possibility of
successful thiamine treatment. These diverse, yet related ataxias include Refsum’s
disease and Friedreich’s ataxia. This group of disorders has a defect in the enzyme
pyruvate decarboxylase. Pathologically, these disorders show mitochondrial damage
in selective brain regions. Treatment regimes include thiamine and ketonic diet therapies.



Thiamine Deficiency and Clinical Disorders By David W McCandless


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
African Seasonal Ataxia (ASA) is another interesting recently described clinical
entity which presumably has a thiamine-related foundation. This syndrome has
been recently described in people who live in Western Nigeria and is characterized
by ataxia, tremors, and decreased levels of consciousness. These symptoms occur
during the rainy season of July through October. ASA usually follows a large carbohydrate
meal. At its peak incidence, ASA can account for well over 70% of hospital
and clinic admissions.
Various hypotheses have been advanced to explain ASA; however, strong evidence
supports a mechanism related to thiamine deficiency. There is a clinical triad
of cerebellar ataxia, ocular disturbances, and encephalopathy usually seen in acute
thiamine deficiency. Upon examination of the dietary intake of the low socioeconomic
strata of patients, it was found that almost all had consumed significant
amounts of roasted silkworm larvae Anaphe venata. The availability of these larvae
in the marketplace corresponds to the rainy season. The larvae represent a valuable
protein source for rainforest people.
The practice of entomophagy in low socioeconomic cultures is accepted. Protein
sources are relatively scarce for these people, who subsist largely on carbohydraterich
diets. Subsequently, it has been shown that there is a thiaminase present in the
Anaphe venata larvae. During the rainy season, these larvae fall from specific trees,
and are gathered and sold in markets. Subsequent consumption of larvae containing
a thiaminase by people ordinarily eating carbohydrate-rich diets can explain the
rapid onset of symptoms resembling those of thiamine deficiency. As a corollary
to this recent description are earlier descriptions of similar outbreaks of thiamine
deficiency. There was, for example, the outbreak of the so-called Chastek paralysis,
a disorder of silver foxes on a fox ranch in Minnesota. These foxes were fed raw
fish and within a few weeks developed ataxia, changes in consciousness, seizures,
and death. Pathologically, brain lesions resembled those seen in thiamine deficiency.
Subsequent work showed the presence of a thiaminase in the viscera of the raw fish,
which had precipitated the disorder.
Inherited ataxias are a group of relatively rare neurological disorders genetically
transmitted, which have as a common denominator ataxia and the possibility of
successful thiamine treatment. These diverse, yet related ataxias include Refsum’s
disease and Friedreich’s ataxia. This group of disorders has a defect in the enzyme
pyruvate decarboxylase. Pathologically, these disorders show mitochondrial damage
in selective brain regions. Treatment regimes include thiamine and ketonic diet therapies.



Thiamine Deficiency and Clinical Disorders By David W McCandless
Interesting so a lot of these bugs that they're going to try to get us to eat are full of things that will kill us via vitamin deficiency. There is a reason why wherever humans have the option throughout history to eat meat instead of bugs we have always chosen meat.



Interesting so a lot of these bugs that they're going to try to get us to eat are full of things that will kill us via vitamin deficiency. There is a reason why wherever humans have the option throughout history to eat meat instead of bugs we have always chosen meat.
I am not sure if all the bug have this 'feature' lol but I won't be surprised if the evil globalist have specifically selected the most toxic bugs to feed us.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
@David PS Cochineal is probably one of the bugs that is actually harmless. Its been used for centuries in Europe as a dye for clothing. Its a bug that feeds of the sap and juice of cactus' they harvest the bug dry it and crush it. They still produce some in the canary islands i've been to a farm that produces it, extremely natural and virtually no processing.

It is now finding its way into cosmetics and food coloring because it is seen as a much more natural then the harmful chemicals that are currently used.



What was it that she said at the 1:49 mark that the male reported whispered to the female reported that “you can’t say that.”?
She said it tastes like normal c cs but I don't know what that means. Perhaps normal salted crisps
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