Vaccination: Ignorance is Bliss


Mar 12, 2018
On break, I talked to this young woman, she's 23 years old, about Covid vaccines. She mentioned that she is stressed with school. And she was sick again with covid. At least the second time despite being vaccinated against it. So I point out the obvious that the supposed protection is not delivered by the medicine. Of course, she was annoyed by it, but not troubled by the fact that the vaccine wasn't working as marketed. And she would most certainly get a booster, if restrictions on restaurants and bar visits were again enforced. I was just dumbfounded at the ignorance. You let yourself be vaccinated again, despite not being useful, just so you'd enjoy your freedom again? Sure! She says. And then she continues: you know, I have been vaccinated over twenty times in my life already: vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis, against HPV, and so many other things. As if to say, another vaccine doesn't matter. I'm speechless at the ignorance. I didn't know what to say anymore. And sure, the stress in your life is certainly not connected with the kind of stuff you take.

This attitude really scares me.


Jan 22, 2021
yeah, you can't really wake up someone directly because cognitive dissonance, they need to perceive it by themselves or perish


Mar 12, 2018
yeah, you can't really wake up someone directly because cognitive dissonance, they need to perceive it by themselves or perish
To me it's just so obvious. It's hard for me to understand how you could think otherwise.


Oct 6, 2020
On break, I talked to this young woman, she's 23 years old, about Covid vaccines. She mentioned that she is stressed with school. And she was sick again with covid. At least the second time despite being vaccinated against it. So I point out the obvious that the supposed protection is not delivered by the medicine. Of course, she was annoyed by it, but not troubled by the fact that the vaccine wasn't working as marketed. And she would most certainly get a booster, if restrictions on restaurants and bar visits were again enforced. I was just dumbfounded at the ignorance. You let yourself be vaccinated again, despite not being useful, just so you'd enjoy your freedom again? Sure! She says. And then she continues: you know, I have been vaccinated over twenty times in my life already: vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis, against HPV, and so many other things. As if to say, another vaccine doesn't matter. I'm speechless at the ignorance. I didn't know what to say anymore. And sure, the stress in your life is certainly not connected with the kind of stuff you take.

This attitude really scares me.

They won't see the connection until severe health issues arise. And even then, they have to get dissapointed and gaslighted by the medical system and doctors a bunch of times before legitimate questions about one's own medical procedures and therapys both now and in the past become a subject of importance.

The topic still makes my blood boil especially if i talk to family and friends who still believe unvaccinated are the root of all evil and disease, destroying these peoples life's in every aspect (physically, socially, financially) is totally legitimate and not at all a communistic infringement of freedom and personal sovereignty over ones own body.
They still advocate that bill gates is a good guy, people who did not follow the "absurd" rules are to blame, conflict of interests in politics and medicine doesnt matter at all, voting is good regardless if WHO, WEF, NATO, EU etc. call the shots instead of the people you "voted" for and so on and so forth.

My mother for instance when i met with her for coffee is a similar example. I told her from 3 people i know personally that got the shots and had severe induced damage from it even confirmed by their pro-vaxx doctors. Even then she told me she will get the booster and refreshes 3 other ones in one go. She choose to take the leap of faith approach sprinkled with kilogram amounts of ignorance with 99% pharma grade purity.

Idk about you guys but the lack of people in my life with "common sense" in that regard realy drains my already low energy even further. Its hard to not look at these "friends" and "family members" differently now. They act like nothing occured but i wont forget what happened. It is so sad and insane at the same time to see how their behaviour is so much dictated by the "rules" made by authorities. Their loyality is not with their own. Basic values (which i thought were the same for most people) seem to have left the building too or they have never existed in the first place.

It hurts alot knowing they would turn me over or watch me getting handcuffed in february/april. I remember this realy nice older guy from work who told me : "can't you see what they are going to do to you? They take your money and might even jail you! I know a doctor who is not in it for the money and vaccinating is the right thing to do! i vaccinated all my children!"
The very fact that my very own goverment raised financial/existential war on its own citiziens doesnt seem to bother the "pro-vaccine" socialists either and after all this any atrocity seems realistic to me now. Supported by the very people you used to love. All over this arbitrary idea of health and treatment that is not based in the t real world but the world of academic scientism.

To me it's just so obvious. It's hard for me to understand how you could think otherwise.

Exactly my thought, thank you.

Edit: Sorry i had to vent a little there. God am i angry at times over this clown-show.
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Mar 28, 2019
And then she continues: you know, I have been vaccinated over twenty times in my life already: vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis, against HPV, and so many other things

Over 20 shots inc the covid vaxx by 23...she will probably be infertile by the time comes and doesn't know it. Good thing culture is so anti life and us bad humans need to reduce our carbon footprint or she might care.
Mar 10, 2021
On break, I talked to this young woman, she's 23 years old, about Covid vaccines. She mentioned that she is stressed with school. And she was sick again with covid. At least the second time despite being vaccinated against it. So I point out the obvious that the supposed protection is not delivered by the medicine. Of course, she was annoyed by it, but not troubled by the fact that the vaccine wasn't working as marketed. And she would most certainly get a booster, if restrictions on restaurants and bar visits were again enforced. I was just dumbfounded at the ignorance. You let yourself be vaccinated again, despite not being useful, just so you'd enjoy your freedom again? Sure! She says. And then she continues: you know, I have been vaccinated over twenty times in my life already: vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis, against HPV, and so many other things. As if to say, another vaccine doesn't matter. I'm speechless at the ignorance. I didn't know what to say anymore. And sure, the stress in your life is certainly not connected with the kind of stuff you take.

This attitude really scares me.
I feel the same way about people injecting Botox in their face knowing it is a toxin with side effects, not just possible side effects. People just want immediate gratification and will deal with the consequences later. I only feel bad for the military and people who have to travel afar to see family.


Dec 8, 2016

Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice.
One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force.
Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease.
Against stupidity we are defenseless.”



Mar 12, 2018
Idk about you guys but the lack of people in my life with "common sense" in that regard realy drains my already low energy even further. Its hard to not look at these "friends" and "family members" differently now. They act like nothing occured but i wont forget what happened. It is so sad and insane at the same time to see how their behaviour is so much dictated by the "rules" made by authorities. Their loyality is not with their own. Basic values (which i thought were the same for most people) seem to have left the building too or they have never existed in the first place.
Yes! Who thinks for themselves? Who asks really basic questions? Hardly anyone. It's as you describe authoritarian behavior. We need to protect our minds, bodies, and souls. If we don't, we'll perish. BUT, you must first have probably lost something in order to see how important it is to protect it. I've been duped into taking SSRIs for ten years and off (I was seventeen when this started). I didn't know any better. People sadly still have way too much trust in the medical field. I have learnt that they are only after your money. It's never been about health. Not with antidepressants, not with vaccines, you name it. You probably must first experience this before you stand up for yourself and realize, you need to be loyal to yourself. Nobody else will be there for you. You alone!

Thanks for your passionate contribution, Ben.


Mar 12, 2018
Over 20 shots inc the covid vaxx by 23...she will probably be infertile by the time comes and doesn't know it. Good thing culture is so anti life and us bad humans need to reduce our carbon footprint or she might care.
A pity for her because she looks voluptuous and sensual. It will definitely catch up with the young generation. They'll be 30 and wonder what happened? Totally clueless.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
In the parking lot at the store today someone in a car I walked by said "Don't do it!" in an urgent voice. Then I heard "It causes Bell's Palsy". Then I realized he was talking to someone about the vexxine.


Mar 12, 2018
I feel the same way about people injecting Botox in their face knowing it is a toxin with side effects, not just possible side effects. People just want immediate gratification and will deal with the consequences later. I only feel bad for the military and people who have to travel afar to see family.
Immediate gratification is a good concept. Why do we lack so much vision in our lives? We need to learn to hold on to things again. Wait out the turbulence. Wait for our time to come. There is a great blessing in perseverance.
Mar 10, 2021
Immediate gratification is a good concept. Why do we lack so much vision in our lives? We need to learn to hold on to things again. Wait out the turbulence. Wait for our time to come. There is a great blessing in perseverance.
I think because in a fortunate country like America, everything comes easy and there is always somebody to fix it when it doesn’t. There is no reason for self reliance or even a necessity to work hard, so anything goes, and those takers just live for more. Those people are easy to influence and control. No way are they willing to give up their limelight. They need attention.


I feel sorry for young people. Seriously. They’ve been programmed like no other generation before them. To be frank I don’t think I would have survived what most of them have been through. The young people who are conscientious have been duped into climate activism and veganism – image how that’s going to end. As if life isn’t complicated enough they also have pronouns! :fearscream:


May 31, 2018
I feel sorry for young people. Seriously. They’ve been programmed like no other generation before them. To be frank I don’t think I would have survived what most of them have been through. The young people who are conscientious have been duped into climate activism and veganism – image how that’s going to end. As if life isn’t complicated enough they also have pronouns! :fearscream:

Social Media controls them all. Everything, and I mean everything, is a "trend" and must be posted online, even getting the prick. Everything is to focus on me, me, me.

You cannot educate those who refuse to learn, even people who are generally intelligent. Their fears are on the level of hysteria, which is why they are so willing to just follow orders. I'm reading "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy..." by Kennedy and he has it all in there up until 2021, and even has updates available by phone scan. His footnotes are endless pages long, with links to show where he gets his info. Because I listened to the proper news stations the whole time and listened to the scientists and doctors involved, nothing is new to me in this book (yet) but it would be imperative for someone who watched controlled media. But, they are already brainwashed, so honestly, it's pointless. I am trying with an extended family member who LOVES to read, I sent her the book, but is she reading it? I have yet to hear back. Very intelligent woman, very respectable job, but was scared to death by those in power and her stance is "I will follow my leaders". I said "Ok, fine, you keep wearing that Joanne Fabrics cloth while your leaders party and don't wear masks". Little does she know it was her immune system keeping her healthy all that time in the height of it all, before any pricks, and just wearing a stupid napkin across her face (with no eye protection, which nobody talks about, BTW.. nobody wore eye protection).


Feb 21, 2021
The vaccine crap started with the fraud Pasteur. His first vaccine was tried on sheep. It killed most of them. The second time he tried, it's rumored that he used saline and claimed it was a successful vaccine. There was never any real science to prove viruses. It was all based on assumptions and actually fraud so they can get recognized as "great" scientist but also to profit from vaccines. Here's a critical thinking exercise. They (scientist and virologist) say that if someone is sick with a "virus", it is spread in droplets from sneezing or coughing, correct? So one would think that these droplets would have the virus in it right? That's how they say it spreads. Well, did you know that if they took the snot from a really sick person, they cannot find any virus. And they will tell you that is not how it works. Most people think these "scientists" take the snot, filter it, spin it, isolate the virus. Nothing can be further from the truth. They take that snot which they say has virus rna, but it does have human dna, bacterial dna and fungal dna. They put the unpurified snot with all that dna into a culture of monkey kidney cells and bovine serum (more dna). They poison this culture with streptomyacin and other toxins and they withhold nutrients. The cells soon die and they say, see, the virus killed the cell. Prof of virus. At this point, they take a picture of this mess of dead cell debris, circle a small structure and claim it's the virus. The never ever isolate anything. They cannot find the 30,000 pair rna they claim are viruses. They can find only small fragments that are up to only 300 pairs long or so. They put these fragments in a computer program to assemble into the 30,000 base pair genome. However, they never take out all the other dna from all the other organisms. For Covid, this computer spit out something like a million sequences. On what criteria did they pick the one for Covid.
This is a long paragraph just to say it's all bull****. Bacteria do not make us sick. Viruses are either just dead cell debris or signaling molecules made by your cells. And yes, many people are taking these toxic vaccines because the psychopaths have done a great job of selling this fear. I'm not saying people aren't getting sick. They are. But sickness comes from toxins. That's it. Toxic air, water, and food. EMFs can make you sick as well as regular ole stress.

This movie linked below started me on my journey that now includes many books, podcasts, videos, etc. It is long but amazing. I hope you take the time to watch and spread the word. It's the only way to stop these idiots demanding we take their "medicine".



Social Media controls them all. Everything, and I mean everything, is a "trend" and must be posted online, even getting the prick. Everything is to focus on me, me, me.

You cannot educate those who refuse to learn, even people who are generally intelligent. Their fears are on the level of hysteria, which is why they are so willing to just follow orders. I'm reading "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy..." by Kennedy and he has it all in there up until 2021, and even has updates available by phone scan. His footnotes are endless pages long, with links to show where he gets his info. Because I listened to the proper news stations the whole time and listened to the scientists and doctors involved, nothing is new to me in this book (yet) but it would be imperative for someone who watched controlled media. But, they are already brainwashed, so honestly, it's pointless. I am trying with an extended family member who LOVES to read, I sent her the book, but is she reading it? I have yet to hear back. Very intelligent woman, very respectable job, but was scared to death by those in power and her stance is "I will follow my leaders". I said "Ok, fine, you keep wearing that Joanne Fabrics cloth while your leaders party and don't wear masks". Little does she know it was her immune system keeping her healthy all that time in the height of it all, before any pricks, and just wearing a stupid napkin across her face (with no eye protection, which nobody talks about, BTW.. nobody wore eye protection).
I hear you. I make allowances for the younger generation but none for those who should know better. I've lost intelligent friends who refuse to look at data.
Jul 17, 2021
On break, I talked to this young woman, she's 23 years old, about Covid vaccines. She mentioned that she is stressed with school. And she was sick again with covid. At least the second time despite being vaccinated against it. So I point out the obvious that the supposed protection is not delivered by the medicine. Of course, she was annoyed by it, but not troubled by the fact that the vaccine wasn't working as marketed. And she would most certainly get a booster, if restrictions on restaurants and bar visits were again enforced. I was just dumbfounded at the ignorance. You let yourself be vaccinated again, despite not being useful, just so you'd enjoy your freedom again? Sure! She says. And then she continues: you know, I have been vaccinated over twenty times in my life already: vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis, against HPV, and so many other things. As if to say, another vaccine doesn't matter. I'm speechless at the ignorance. I didn't know what to say anymore. And sure, the stress in your life is certainly not connected with the kind of stuff you take.

This attitude really scares me.
That mindset is truly something to marvel at. Read the VAERS reports. So many keep going back for their multiple jabs over and over again, despite their serious side effects. I’ll never understand it.
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