The Unvaccinated Will Be Blamed.



I was also kind of coerced by my wife to take a tetanus booster several years ago due to her being worried about the fact that I often get cuts and scrapes while gardening, hunting, etc. I don't think you should worry about it, That said, I will definitely never touch a vaccine again with a 10-ft pole.
That worry comes from spending too much time reading about vaccines. Like you I am done with vaccines lets hope our governments let us make that choice.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
My brother just showed me this and told me to stop being stupid for not taking the vaccine lol. Like as if Jennifer Aniston would sway me. Even if I did take it, it would be while taking things that counter it.
Like a coffin?
Mar 10, 2021
My friend just texted me and is upset that her work, in the medical industry, is now mandating the vaccine. Somewhere in one of these Covid vaccine threads someone posted that it is against the law to force someone to enter into a medical experiment. Does anyone recall that one?


Mar 4, 2019
I feel quite empowered being a hold out. I just avoid the self righteous pain in the you know whats! Stick to your guns!
Of course, I could pull out a few anecdotes of the vaccine causing hair loss in my already hair losing brother, but that would be too evil :P. Actually he did start losing hair around the same time he took vaccines to be able to go to a third world country a few years ago… Uhh…
I hope you are right. I have decided not to get injected because I believe the risk of death or serious injury is high for me. Perhaps I am projecting my vulnerability onto others. You might be ok taking it.
I am not okay taking it - even if I believed it was 100 percent safe it would make me feel like I am justifying the pandemic because of the ignorance or corruption of the governments and their health authorities. If they were smart enough ee wouldn’t be in the lockdown situation in the first place. If you ask any doctor, they would tell you that anti inflammatory medication is not recommended before and after taking a vaccine. My relatives asked about the Covid vaccines and the doctors told them specifically to avoid Aspirin.

I am sorry to hear about your tetanus shot side effects!!

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Im dumb i dont get this lol
My meaning was that you take a good chance of dying or having serious debilitating effects. What will counter this? A coffin. There is nothing short of death to stop your DNA from being spike protein factories except death once your DNA is altered by this poison.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
My friend just texted me and is upset that her work, in the medical industry, is now mandating the vaccine. Somewhere in one of these Covid vaccine threads someone posted that it is against the law to force someone to enter into a medical experiment. Does anyone recall that one?
That's from the Nuremburg Code.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Thanks Rick! I passed it onto her!
From an article @Mito just posted:

As an administrative unit of the Commonwealth of Virginia, GMU has no compelling state interest in overriding Professor Zywicki’s personal autonomy by effectively forcing him to receive a vaccine or suffer adverse professional consequences. Because of his natural immunity, Prof. Zywicki already has the same or better antibody levels than a vaccine would give him. In fact, his immunity status makes him far better protected—and less likely to spread the virus—than others on GMU’s campus who have taken one of the inferior foreign vaccines (e.g., Sinovac). As a result, GMU’s arbitrary reopening policy infringes upon Professor Zywicki’s rights under the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution—including his rights to due process of law.

The reopening policy also conflicts with federal law. None of the vaccines approved for use in the U.S. has received full Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. Rather, they have only been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status, which means anyone offered the vaccine may withhold their informed consent. The policy thus conflicts with the EUA statute and thereby violates the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which dictates that a state or local law is preempted when it creates “an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress.”

NCLA urges the Court to issue a declaratory judgment that GMU’s reopening policy infringes Prof. Zywicki’s right to bodily integrity and to refuse unnecessary medical treatment; that it represents an unconstitutional condition that also denies him due process of law; and that it conflicts with the federal EUA statute and thus violates the Supremacy Clause. For these reasons, NCLA also asks the course to enjoin enforcement of the policy.
Mar 10, 2021
From an article @Mito just posted:

As an administrative unit of the Commonwealth of Virginia, GMU has no compelling state interest in overriding Professor Zywicki’s personal autonomy by effectively forcing him to receive a vaccine or suffer adverse professional consequences. Because of his natural immunity, Prof. Zywicki already has the same or better antibody levels than a vaccine would give him. In fact, his immunity status makes him far better protected—and less likely to spread the virus—than others on GMU’s campus who have taken one of the inferior foreign vaccines (e.g., Sinovac). As a result, GMU’s arbitrary reopening policy infringes upon Professor Zywicki’s rights under the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution—including his rights to due process of law.

The reopening policy also conflicts with federal law. None of the vaccines approved for use in the U.S. has received full Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. Rather, they have only been granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status, which means anyone offered the vaccine may withhold their informed consent. The policy thus conflicts with the EUA statute and thereby violates the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which dictates that a state or local law is preempted when it creates “an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress.”

NCLA urges the Court to issue a declaratory judgment that GMU’s reopening policy infringes Prof. Zywicki’s right to bodily integrity and to refuse unnecessary medical treatment; that it represents an unconstitutional condition that also denies him due process of law; and that it conflicts with the federal EUA statute and thus violates the Supremacy Clause. For these reasons, NCLA also asks the course to enjoin enforcement of the policy.
I think I get the jest of it. Will this still be the case when the vaccines are approved next month?


Dec 10, 2016

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
I think I get the jest of it. Will this still be the case when the vaccines are approved next month?
I think every court has cited precedent with the supreme court ruling in 1905.



Nov 18, 2019
Unfortunately Westerners tend to be much more obedient with the exception of France.
Nah...I am sure this will also happen in the west. It happened in Israel - lasted only a few weeks and no one was complying. This is pure small business economics and has nothing to do with East West. Please don’t go down that path. Too many threads derailed by this east west conversation.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Don't read if you are already anxious, but here is an intelligent, excellently written essay regarding the mass psychology of the self-righteous vaxxed or, as I call them, the pointers and shriekers: Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed
Dang it, I didn't read the warning and now I'm anxious. Just kidding, Doc. Article is right and true and by golly something must be done. Methinks we will have a limited skirmish or all out war on "them" for causing all of our problems while the cabal sings and dances and continues with it's nefarious "plan" while we are distracted.
I really do see the possibility of civil war erupting from the hysteria and outright insanity of the vaxxed who are now focusing their misdirected rage on the unvaxxed; we who are the cause of "it all".
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