Ray Peat on Jeremy England


Dec 14, 2013
RP: "There is a new young physicist who I don't know if he's still at MIT, but he was working there, Jeremy England, who has been demonstrating basically the fact that the universe isn't controlled by the second law of thermodynamics. He says that if you start with a random clump of atoms and shine light on it long enough, it shouldn't be surprising that you end up with a plant. That is something that ever since Le Chatelier and Vernadsky, basically it's restating what Vernadsky said that the sun generates large-brained animals, basically. And in Jeremy England's phrase, if you create a plant by shining light on random atoms, if you shine enough, brighten enough light, you'll eventually get... large-brained mammals, because the ordering principle of a directed flow of energy is going to create a complexity, and whatever the surrounding conditions are where you're disturbing the equilibrium, it's going to conform to those boundary conditions, so it will take a shape responding. To everything in the environment, but it's the flow of energy, which is responsible for the growing complexity."

source: Optimizing The Environment with Ray Peat [Generative Energy #33] [enNGb3c1NKk].mp3-transcript.txt

Danny: One thing I wanted to ask was, because I know that you keep up with... a lot of different spheres of research that are going on and new studies that are coming out, have you noticed that any AIH-like theories or experiments have been going on that are getting some more mainstream traction or anything you've seen that you're sort of hopeful about?

RP: A guy in Germany at Ulm University, André, I think it is, Sommer, S-O-M-M-E-R... is doing the organized water in cells approach. And at MIT in physics, Jeremy England is taking the approach that order builds itself spontaneously given the flow of energy. And that approach is......basically denying this 200-year-long assumption that matter is an inert, randomly moving something. The idea that order is intrinsic to matter is a big assumption. It has to be changed. The idea that an atom is identical at all points of time and everywhere in every context is a purely Platonic idealist doctrine, no evidence whatsoever. It is saying that the elements of matter are nothing but... a mathematical, a changeless thing, until they change, and the change is only described by a randomness describing statistical approach. Even Leibniz would have a better grasp of reality in seeing that everything... depends on its relationship to other things. Every atom is slightly different depending on where and when it is. The inductive effect says that every atom is sensitive to its surroundings and that sort of thing. Once you have the membrane assumption that... things move randomly inside of cells, even Leibniz's recognition would tear down the whole whole approach.

Danny: Do you have any hope whatsoever that something like the AIH or the AIH will eventually one day be taken seriously?

RP: Yeah, if the next election for example could......theoretically overthrow the whole drug medical establishment and establish by legislation the insistence on being empirical and rational in everything done in research.

Danny: Who do you think would do that?

RP: Theoretically Bernie Sanders could... say look at all of this criminal waste of resources on phony medical approaches, phony military approaches. There would be roughly 20 trillion dollars a year left to do something intelligent.

Danny: Right. That would be amazing. Well, thank you so much, Ray. Yeah, we really appreciate your time.

source: On The Back Of The Tiger - Episode One Supplemental: Dr. Ray Peat [H0oWFJFO1gU].mp3-transcript.txt

I have a general thought in mind understanding how everything works and things that don't fit the established theories or paradigm just stick with me. Some of them for 50 or 60 or 70 years have been in the back of my mind and that was what finally shifted my main activity from painting and literature to biology was these unanswered questions that no one was working on and currently the idea is around the idea of stress and energy and structural development. There's a young professor at MIT, Jeremy England, who a few years ago proposed a new way of looking at the origin of life rather than being governed by chance. The really kind of silly idea that is behind neo-darwinism that everything is random and that life developed by chance. Jeremy England is saying that the flow of energy very quickly on a time scale relative to the conventional beliefs very quickly will create order and that the order will begin self-organizing and his idea really is just a new mathematical version of the Russian Vernadsky who started that same idea at the end of the 19th century and tried to convince like he applied for research support at two or three American universities who told him to go away but he was integrating the development of soil with the development of organisms in the context of the continuing flow of energy from the Sun. And he showed very clearly why organisms develop big brains simply responding to the flow of energy from the Sun. Oh, and that's how the evolutionary, that's how we evolved, is what he argues. That's how we as a species... Yeah, but my interest is in how it governs development from the ovum up through the adult form. It's really the same sort of principle. It's the flow of energy ultimately derived from the Sun in the form of the sugar made by plants. And then the sugar which the mother consumes is provided to the fertilized ovum and in proportion to the oxygen and sugar, basically the source of energy and the recipient of the energy on oxygen. It's that flow from glucose to oxygen that shapes the human organism or any animal organism. And it follows that same principle that the flow of energy through the system creates order. Those observations that have been sitting around for a hundred years are just now starting to show up again in the science culture with people like Jeremy England.

Yeah. Do you think we're ever going to know, I mean, in our lifetimes, the really nitty-gritty, Dr. Pete, of what goes on when we react to a stressful situation on planet Earth? I mean, it's probably pretty difficult to tell exactly all the negative things that go on. Well, I think that's the thing that Jeremy England and others working in the tradition started by Vernadsky, I think that's basically what they're working on. They're probably trying to figure out, yeah

source: 08.20.19 Super Health Researcher, August 20, 2019 [668670851].mp3-transcript.txt


Sep 26, 2022
Since learning about Jeremy England, Vernadsky etc.. last year from Ray, I've been in love with the theory. Thanks for posting.
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