Missing piece for Hypohidrosis - Lack of sweat ?

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Hi everyone, I've noticed that I never sweat, when I find myself in a hot space, or lifting weight, instead of sweating I start to have small tiny red spot in the body coupled with intense itching. Dr. Peat told me once that it was a sign of hypo, and someone in the forum mentionned in a similar thread that it could be sweat glands atrophy. Do you have any information regarding this ? I am having almost full Peat diet almost years (with almost no pufa except those in milk butter etc..) to heal severe hypo/estrogen issues (with good success). What could be the missing piece to help sweat glands recover and start sweating normaly ? All advices appreciated ! Thx guys <3


Dec 17, 2018
Hi everyone, I've noticed that I never sweat, when I find myself in a hot space, or lifting weight, instead of sweating I start to have small tiny red spot in the body coupled with intense itching. Dr. Peat told me once that it was a sign of hypo, and someone in the forum mentionned in a similar thread that it could be sweat glands atrophy. Do you have any information regarding this ? I am having almost full Peat diet almost years (with almost no pufa except those in milk butter etc..) to heal severe hypo/estrogen issues (with good success). What could be the missing piece to help sweat glands recover and start sweating normaly ? All advices appreciated ! Thx guys <3
Sweating is mainly caused by a rise in core temperature. The body sweats to lower core temperature. So yes to this extent someone who is hypothyroid rarely if ever overheats and thus sweating never happens. So if your body temp is low it could be that. Unless you can feel yourself overheating from say weightlifting or on a hot day and yet you still don't sweat.

The sweat glands are innervated by sympathetic cholinergic fibers but also some adrenergic fibers as well. It could be your choline intake is very low and thus your acetylcholine activity is also too low and this can also be contributing. What is your body temperature during the day and what is your pulse? Do you know how much choline you get in your diet daily?
Mr Joe

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Hi ! Thx for answer. My body temp is usually around 36°C - 36.5°C. I have a very low pulse though (60 bpm in the morning) and I am hyperventilating (16-20 breath per minute) which is probably sign of hypo. I have cavities on teeth @haidut mentionned that it's probably due to low CO2 in a thread which goes well with the hyperventilation. I have usually 2/3 eggs and eat a lot of red meet (always below 40g of protein and take some gelatin always to avoid ammonia). I suspect years of hypo followed by intense cortisol/prolactin production blocked my sweat glands. Prolactin blood test was showing prolactin way higher than the upper limit for males. Lack of sweat probably causing accumulation of water in tissues. Estrogen as well. BCAA protocol + Cypro to reduce serotonin is helping the most alghouth it creates some kind of depression due to tyrosine antagonism. Fixing diet + inhibiting serotonin/cortisol is helping with time and I think it takes time to recover from hypo but I was just wondering if sweat glands are going to correct themselves when hypo is fixed/co2 increased or if some outside/supplement would help (as it will help also evacuate heat and water). Someone mentionned sauna to open sweat glands but Sauna gives me exactly that INTENSE itching with tons of small red buttons due to sweat unable to evaporate. In the past I thought it was due to histamine, I was wrong. I know that Theanine increase the itching phenomenom as well.


Dec 17, 2018
Hi ! Thx for answer. My body temp is usually around 36°C - 36.5°C. I have a very low pulse though (60 bpm in the morning) and I am hyperventilating (16-20 breath per minute) which is probably sign of hypo. I have cavities on teeth @haidut mentionned that it's probably due to low CO2 in a thread which goes well with the hyperventilation. I have usually 2/3 eggs and eat a lot of red meet (always below 40g of protein and take some gelatin always to avoid ammonia). I suspect years of hypo followed by intense cortisol/prolactin production blocked my sweat glands. Prolactin blood test was showing prolactin way higher than the upper limit for males. Lack of sweat probably causing accumulation of water in tissues. Estrogen as well. BCAA protocol + Cypro to reduce serotonin is helping the most alghouth it creates some kind of depression due to tyrosine antagonism. Fixing diet + inhibiting serotonin/cortisol is helping with time and I think it takes time to recover from hypo but I was just wondering if sweat glands are going to correct themselves when hypo is fixed/co2 increased or if some outside/supplement would help (as it will help also evacuate heat and water). Someone mentionned sauna to open sweat glands but Sauna gives me exactly that INTENSE itching with tons of small red buttons due to sweat unable to evaporate. In the past I thought it was due to histamine, I was wrong. I know that Theanine increase the itching phenomenom as well.
Something does not make sense here. Pulse is often elevated when you hyperventilate. Low pulse in the morning is not an issue it will rise later and especially after you eat. During the day, what is your pulse and when you have episodes of hyperventilating what is your pulse?

What else do you typically eat? Do you consume caffeine?
Mr Joe

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Something does not make sense here. Pulse is often elevated when you hyperventilate. Low pulse in the morning is not an issue it will rise later and especially after you eat. During the day, what is your pulse and when you have episodes of hyperventilating what is your pulse?

What else do you typically eat? Do you consume caffeine?
I always hyperventilate during the day it's a state, of course it may go up and down of 2/3 breath per minute when I eat sugar/ increase metabolism. MB and Thiamine decrease it to 16/18 breath per minute but it's still high (most probably because I am hypothyroid) and come back from long road. I consume at least 2/3 coffee a day as it increase my body temp and help with dopamine and helps me heal my liver/gut. I have some sort of leaky gut due to hypothyroidism stuff that needs to be fix. 2 years ago I could not even skip a meal without having hard anxiety/ surge in cortisol. After 2 years following Peat advices/ and trying different tools (cypro BCAA, taurine, coffee, protein, gelatin, MB, dhea, progesterone, pregn) things are getting better day after day. I took T3 last year but it didnt impact that much my temp so I tought I need to fix some liver and gut issue before trying again. I think everything is linked, and catabolism occur in a loop, breaking the circle and your body starts to get evey piece back to normal state. I still try to find specific solution to specific condition as it increase my knowledge as well and I keep learning with every issue. itching is one of them.

I was reading this article and I've noticed that if I push my stomach I would feel some tension going up to my neck, and brain (eyes area), was wondering if the water retention don't create vicious loop where hypo = loss of sodium = sweat glands atrophy = water retention = low CO2 = internal swelling increase serotonin / low oxigenation of the tissues.
Mr Joe

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
I have the exact opposite problem as you but now you mention it, I think I have noticed the same thing with theanine.
Some said in the forum something interesting about that, I share it here :

Theanine can increase NGF - Nerve Growth Factor (Theanine, r-glutamylethylamide, increases neurotransmission concentrations and neurotrophin mRNA levels in the brain during lactation. - PubMed - NCBI)
That can cause over activity in your nervous system, and that's why you feel itching and restlessness (Nerve growth factor, pain, itch and inflammation: lessons from congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis. - PubMed - NCBI)

Try to lower the dose and see if you still get it


Mar 26, 2014
Some said in the forum something interesting about that, I share it here :

Theanine can increase NGF - Nerve Growth Factor (Theanine, r-glutamylethylamide, increases neurotransmission concentrations and neurotrophin mRNA levels in the brain during lactation. - PubMed - NCBI)
That can cause over activity in your nervous system, and that's why you feel itching and restlessness (Nerve growth factor, pain, itch and inflammation: lessons from congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis. - PubMed - NCBI)

Try to lower the dose and see if you still get it

That's really interesting thanks!


Dec 17, 2018
I always hyperventilate during the day it's a state, of course it may go up and down of 2/3 breath per minute when I eat sugar/ increase metabolism. MB and Thiamine decrease it to 16/18 breath per minute but it's still high (most probably because I am hypothyroid) and come back from long road. I consume at least 2/3 coffee a day as it increase my body temp and help with dopamine and helps me heal my liver/gut. I have some sort of leaky gut due to hypothyroidism stuff that needs to be fix. 2 years ago I could not even skip a meal without having hard anxiety/ surge in cortisol. After 2 years following Peat advices/ and trying different tools (cypro BCAA, taurine, coffee, protein, gelatin, MB, dhea, progesterone, pregn) things are getting better day after day. I took T3 last year but it didnt impact that much my temp so I tought I need to fix some liver and gut issue before trying again. I think everything is linked, and catabolism occur in a loop, breaking the circle and your body starts to get evey piece back to normal state. I still try to find specific solution to specific condition as it increase my knowledge as well and I keep learning with every issue. itching is one of them.

I was reading this article and I've noticed that if I push my stomach I would feel some tension going up to my neck, and brain (eyes area), was wondering if the water retention don't create vicious loop where hypo = loss of sodium = sweat glands atrophy = water retention = low CO2 = internal swelling increase serotonin / low oxigenation of the tissues.
What is your pulse throughout the day (not when you wake up but in the middle of the day)?

What recent blood tests have you done to figure out this problem? Have you recently done a thyroid panel, CBC, iron panel, etc?

You mention you eat some red meat and eggs, what other foods do you eat? Do you eat a lot of dairy?

Someone like you should not have coffee at all if you hyperventilate all day. Caffeine does make you warmer temporarily but it also increases oxygen consumption and will worsen hyperventilation because your body does not have enough oxygen and it increase breathing rate and heart rate to get more oxygen into cells. Emotional/mental stress can also cause this reaction.
Mr Joe

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
What is your pulse throughout the day (not when you wake up but in the middle of the day)?

What recent blood tests have you done to figure out this problem? Have you recently done a thyroid panel, CBC, iron panel, etc?

You mention you eat some red meat and eggs, what other foods do you eat? Do you eat a lot of dairy?

Someone like you should not have coffee at all if you hyperventilate all day. Caffeine does make you warmer temporarily but it also increases oxygen consumption and will worsen hyperventilation because your body does not have enough oxygen and it increase breathing rate and heart rate to get more oxygen into cells. Emotional/mental stress can also cause this reaction.
I have not done any blood test recently as things are going to the right direction in global health I'm just keeping the way. My pulse when I wake up is 60 then 65/70 after breakfast (milk gelatin honey orange juice coffee). Same during the day. As far as coffee, I know it's a bit controversial and some people may feel increase cortisol when they take coffee but taking it with sugar is ok. It's same with emodin, t3 or anything that increase metabolism, if I don't take that with sugar to fuel the increase metabolism I would have a bad reaction due to glucose demand. Feeling the same with Cypro, if I take cypro alone, it will bind serotonin and cortisol histamine, if not helped with sugar it's dangerous. Also increasing temp and pulse with coffee is maybe a good things no ? Also people like me struggles with poor digestion and excess serotonin can lead very quickly to high constipation and coffee + sodium put you in toilet right after due to increase digestion/bowel.


Nov 5, 2021
When I'm working out I sweat so much I look like I've just exited a shower, not sure that's necessarily a good thing but I don't have comorbidities that suggest it to be bad. I use lots of salt and only work out when I've consumed enough calories to fuel my muscles for working out, and if my muscles don't feel "horny" for lifting weights then I abstain all together.

I imagine using cyproheptadine to allow you to go hard on calories with lots of salt would allow you something similar. Vitamin D also comes to mind with lots of calcium. Also working out later in the day than in the morning.


Dec 17, 2018
I have not done any blood test recently as things are going to the right direction in global health I'm just keeping the way. My pulse when I wake up is 60 then 65/70 after breakfast (milk gelatin honey orange juice coffee). Same during the day. As far as coffee, I know it's a bit controversial and some people may feel increase cortisol when they take coffee but taking it with sugar is ok. It's same with emodin, t3 or anything that increase metabolism, if I don't take that with sugar to fuel the increase metabolism I would have a bad reaction due to glucose demand. Feeling the same with Cypro, if I take cypro alone, it will bind serotonin and cortisol histamine, if not helped with sugar it's dangerous. Also increasing temp and pulse with coffee is maybe a good things no ? Also people like me struggles with poor digestion and excess serotonin can lead very quickly to high constipation and coffee + sodium put you in toilet right after due to increase digestion/bowel.
You are not supposed to be hyperventilating all the time. This is what I am trying to tell you caffeine often makes it worse. Caffeine is fine if you don't hyperventilate but if you do that means its a net negative to your health. It will actually keep blood CO2 levels lower because it makes you breathe even faster. This can eventually translate to bone issues (teeth) as well. I highly recommend you get labs again to see what's going on and not wait this out and hope it fixes itself. Thyroid panel, CMP, CBC, iron panel.

Thiamine works because it increases acetylcholine levels which makes you breathe slower and keeps heart rate down, reducing sympathetic dominance but this hyperventilation could be due to anemia. You are using thiamine as a crutch in this case.
Mr Joe

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
You are not supposed to be hyperventilating all the time. This is what I am trying to tell you caffeine often makes it worse. Caffeine is fine if you don't hyperventilate but if you do that means its a net negative to your health. It will actually keep blood CO2 levels lower because it makes you breathe even faster. This can eventually translate to bone issues (teeth) as well. I highly recommend you get labs again to see what's going on and not wait this out and hope it fixes itself. Thyroid panel, CMP, CBC, iron panel.

Thiamine works because it increases acetylcholine levels which makes you breathe slower and keeps heart rate down, reducing sympathetic dominance but this hyperventilation could be due to anemia. You are using thiamine as a crutch in this case.
I got your point and I appreciate, what I am trying to respond is that I know my hyperventilation is due to low CO2. Thiamine + MB is helping drastically increase CO2 and thus increase heart beat + decrease hyperventilation is a consequence. Healthy people naturally maintain CO2 and they don't need "thiamine + mb" cocktail. The fact that this affects me a lot means that global CO2 is low that that the cause might be hypothyroid and/or gut issues/ liver issues etc... The fact that caffein might worsen the phenomen is probable but it's the same as feeling "bad" after taking cypro. It's affecting cortisol etc.. if you are in a bad state then should you stop "cypro" ? I don't think so, maybe reducing, or finding a way to help compensating the fact that cypro is increasing your metabolism / opposing glycolisis. Taking cypro if your oxidative system is not working well can trigger "lack of energy" due to glycolysis inhibition, that's why Peat suggested adding thyroid progesterone caffeine to help compensate. Knowing that I am taking cypro to help with cortisol (my acth blood test showed very high acth) I had to start caffeine to compensate loss of energy due to cypro. It worked quite well. Caffeine is not making me more hyperventilate, it's quite que contrary, after taking coffee, temp rise, heart beat rise and breath slows (which is maybe a good sign).


Jul 27, 2022
Do you notice this still?

apart from hypothyroid thinking about it zinc & iron are lost through sweat. if the body was deficient in them it would want to sweat less
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