Help With TESTOSTERONE. Tips Advice Welcome


Apr 26, 2016
Hello All,

Been peating for a while now and things changed for the better

My hair improved / regrow after stopping daily training

energy improved

only thing that seems lagging behind is my testosterone levels, this has always been on the low side for me (no problems with erections though)

Id like to get tips from you guys to raise testosterone to about 700ngdl

last time i checked it was about 300 ( i am 28)

I dont consume milk produts because i have only acces to supermarket milk

The foods i consume daily are ( in order of amount)
white rice (3-400 grams uncooked)
red meat (500 grams)
potatoes (500 grams)
egg yolks (8x)
some fruits (very expensive here) like melons, grapes, cherries, mangoe, pineapple about 500 grams a day
liver 100 grams, 3x week
tap water 1 to 2 liters
olive oil


I train now 2 to 3 times a week.. this seemed to help quite a bit.
I dont want to consume cafeine because i tried it many times and always get very anxious on it, cant concentrate at all + severe withdrawls.

currently trying to raise my levels with low dose clomid 12,5 mg EOD,



Jan 15, 2017
Whats your gym routine consist of? I think youre probably aware but if you dont have the major compound lifts in, youre missing out on some pretty significant hormonal progress :D

What else are you doing as far as protective cardio?

Do you have a previous number that is above 300? Any particular reason you want 700?

Are you relatively lean?

And roughly how much saturated fat is in your diet once you do your daily totals? Thats going to be a decent player in this too


Apr 26, 2016
Whats your gym routine consist of? I think youre probably aware but if you dont have the major compound lifts in, youre missing out on some pretty significant hormonal progress :D

What else are you doing as far as protective cardio?

Do you have a previous number that is above 300? Any particular reason you want 700?

Are you relatively lean?

And roughly how much saturated fat is in your diet once you do your daily totals? Thats going to be a decent player in this too

Ive added my training scedule. i dont do any cardio at the moment, sedenary job

i dont have a previous number above 300 ... 700 Seems a nice number to be at in my opinion from what ive read....

i am around 12% bodyfat.

When i run my diet through cronometer i sit at 25 grams of saturated fat a day, see image below for my full diet

any tips/toughts?


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Jul 29, 2014
It's probably a good goal to aim for under 4g PUFA per day.

Your calcium is insanely low. Your calcium:phosphorus ratio is not ideal (it's awful really). It should be around a 1:1 ratio. Personally I think the supermarket milk would be better for your health than eating all that meat and eggs, but maybe some people would disagree with me. What about cheese? Parmesan (the real stuff) is available internationally and it's a very high quality cheese made from raw, grass-fed milk + calf rennet. Parmesan also has a very favourable calcium:phosphorus ratio of 1.7:1 (from what I remember)


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
@thms What's wrong with supermarket milk? You must be allergic to the vitamins.

Even still, Dr. Peat thinks it's a net positive.


Apr 26, 2016
@thms What's wrong with supermarket milk? You must be allergic to the vitamins.

Even still, Dr. Peat thinks it's a net positive.

I think so, milk bloats me like there is no tomorrow, gives me huge gas and a stuffed nose so that i have to mouth breathe

i ve tried goats milk in the past but didnt do any better with it

Ive traveled to another village to purchase farm raised raw milk but that gives me the same stuffed nose/ mouthbreathing problems..??

so thats why i wrote of milk completely, calcium intake is very low indeed


Apr 26, 2016
It's probably a good goal to aim for under 4g PUFA per day.

Your calcium is insanely low. Your calcium:phosphorus ratio is not ideal (it's awful really). It should be around a 1:1 ratio. Personally I think the supermarket milk would be better for your health than eating all that meat and eggs, but maybe some people would disagree with me. What about cheese? Parmesan (the real stuff) is available internationally and it's a very high quality cheese made from raw, grass-fed milk + calf rennet. Parmesan also has a very favourable calcium:phosphorus ratio of 1.7:1 (from what I remember)
ive tried to make cheeses work for me but the histamine content seems a problem for me aswell, bloating, stuffed nose , lethargy


Jan 15, 2017
Ive added my training scedule. i dont do any cardio at the moment, sedenary job

i dont have a previous number above 300 ... 700 Seems a nice number to be at in my opinion from what ive read....

i am around 12% bodyfat.

When i run my diet through cronometer i sit at 25 grams of saturated fat a day, see image below for my full diet

any tips/toughts?

First thoughts are I would certainly try to add some saturated fat if you have access to a quality source. If this were me, I personally would probably feel pretty nasty on it. I dont know what the forum members would say but I would think getting that fat content more toward the saturated side is going to help you ALOT. The pufa seems really high. If you have a way to replace it, definitely try to.

The only other thing(which you know your body) is I would make sure youre not pushing super hard into the lactate zone on the exercises you have listed for higher rep ranges. Obviously we need to be careful of the stress responses which may be your choice of rep number i would probably work into a heavier load, but stay away from failure and the fatigue threshold if youre trying to be peaty. You can progress to a lesser number of total reps, but can probably get a couple sets in and reach a heavier load. Also for legs, see if you can replace one of the extensions you do with a squat or a lunge even if its bodyweight. You stimulate more fibers probably a favorable hormonal response and you use your proprioception much better.


Feb 20, 2013
That's a lot of Red Meat (500 grams). Any signs of iron overload?
Your diet is a lot like a strongman diet, lots of eggs, meats, starches etc. which should result in a robust body.
If I were to eat like that I would get depressed because of the lack of calcium.
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Apr 26, 2016
Any tips / tweaks for my diet?

Ive already had the suggestion to up my saturated fat intake wich i now do with coconut oil/ butter
also thinkin about adding 30+ Cheese to my diet

I cut the oilive oil and a c ouple of yolks out..

more tips / tricks are welcome


Jan 5, 2019
Ive added my training scedule. i dont do any cardio at the moment, sedenary job

i dont have a previous number above 300 ... 700 Seems a nice number to be at in my opinion from what ive read....

i am around 12% bodyfat.

When i run my diet through cronometer i sit at 25 grams of saturated fat a day, see image below for my full diet

any tips/toughts?

you probably have low testosterone from eating too little for too long. up your calories. and no, pufa from egg yolk is not gonna give you hypogonadism.. jesus christ some of the stuff people write on here. this is the testosterone increasing matrix (in this order of priority):

1. eat a lot
2. eat a lot of carbs
3. eat enough saturated fats
4. don't eat too little protein
5. don't be obese
6. try to limit PUFA

i don't understand people who see that someone has low testosterone levels and their first advice is to "decrease PUFA". no other factor has as strong a correlation with total serum testosterone as total caloric intake. nothing even comes close. going from around 4500 to 2200 kcal can decrease your testosterone by 2/3rds. if you have low testosterone, eat more. the androgenic effect you get from egg yolks far outweighs the negative effects of the negligible PUFA content

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Hello All,

Been peating for a while now and things changed for the better

My hair improved / regrow after stopping daily training

energy improved

only thing that seems lagging behind is my testosterone levels, this has always been on the low side for me (no problems with erections though)

Id like to get tips from you guys to raise testosterone to about 700ngdl

last time i checked it was about 300 ( i am 28)

I dont consume milk produts because i have only acces to supermarket milk

The foods i consume daily are ( in order of amount)
white rice (3-400 grams uncooked)
red meat (500 grams)
potatoes (500 grams)
egg yolks (8x)
some fruits (very expensive here) like melons, grapes, cherries, mangoe, pineapple about 500 grams a day
liver 100 grams, 3x week
tap water 1 to 2 liters
olive oil


I train now 2 to 3 times a week.. this seemed to help quite a bit.
I dont want to consume cafeine because i tried it many times and always get very anxious on it, cant concentrate at all + severe withdrawls.

currently trying to raise my levels with low dose clomid 12,5 mg EOD,


I would switch out your olive oil against butter or coconut oil if you don't like the test of coconut oil it's easy to get the one with no flavor or fragrance. Myself was struggling with low T 2-3 years ago and before I found peat I was hanging around the anabolicmen .com and also the forum they had that was shut down. They touted to eat higher fat. I think I was doing 40% fat 40% carbs and 20% protein. After doing that and correcting my micronutrients through blood test my testosterone was at 920. I think saturated fat has a very anabolic effect on your body especially combined with a good intake of carbohydrates.


Apr 26, 2016
you probably have low testosterone from eating too little for too long. up your calories. and no, pufa from egg yolk is not gonna give you hypogonadism.. jesus christ some of the stuff people write on here. this is the testosterone increasing matrix (in this order of priority):

1. eat a lot
2. eat a lot of carbs
3. eat enough saturated fats
4. don't eat too little protein
5. don't be obese
6. try to limit PUFA

i don't understand people who see that someone has low testosterone levels and their first advice is to "decrease PUFA". no other factor has as strong a correlation with total serum testosterone as total caloric intake. nothing even comes close. going from around 4500 to 2200 kcal can decrease your testosterone by 2/3rds. if you have low testosterone, eat more. the androgenic effect you get from egg yolks far outweighs the negative effects of the negligible PUFA content

Thank you very much for your reply, you just made my day

do you have a list of reccomended foods to choose from?



Apr 26, 2016
I would switch out your olive oil against butter or coconut oil if you don't like the test of coconut oil it's easy to get the one with no flavor or fragrance. Myself was struggling with low T 2-3 years ago and before I found peat I was hanging around the anabolicmen .com and also the forum they had that was shut down. They touted to eat higher fat. I think I was doing 40% fat 40% carbs and 20% protein. After doing that and correcting my micronutrients through blood test my testosterone was at 920. I think saturated fat has a very anabolic effect on your body especially combined with a good intake of carbohydrates.

Thank you for your input.

Do you have a reccomended food list?

coconut oil makes my belly really bloated, i also retain a LOT of water when i take in coconut oil, even 1 scoop


Feb 26, 2018
Vitamin A deficiency causes almost always low testosterone since Vit. A , T3, and Cholesterol are needed for steroid genesis.
So you could supplement with Vitamin A and the other fat solubles and this should give you some higher test.
Also you should check out Pregnenolone supplementation , I got more muscle without training just from a few mg a day.
Nov 21, 2015
for me it never makes sense to take a drug like Clomid before I've exhausted everything else.

Lowering PUFA
Lowering iron
getting plenty of calcium

next I would examine thyroid function using temperatures in the morning

I'd consider over training -- sometimes a man does too much and this is often lowering T

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Thank you for your input.

Do you have a reccomended food list?

coconut oil makes my belly really bloated, i also retain a LOT of water when i take in coconut oil, even 1 scoop

Yes me too. I never eat coconut pure doesnt work. Use it for food cooking. Like if you scramble eggs use tasteless coconut oil a tablespoon. On low heat and stir constantly untill youre done is the secret to the most creamy scramble eggs you can imagine. Its awesome. Butter is easier for the stomach in my opinion. You can have a small amount in your coffee. Kinda nice aswell. Or fat cream. Eat fatty steaks, drink fat milk. Eat cheese. Pan fry all food with a bit of butter just makes it taste better. Toast with butter is good if you can eat gluten. Then on that for protein i eat eggs, meat, liver. I can buy like 1 kilogram meat put it in the oven for 5 hours then its really tender. You can like do something else while it cookes no need to watch it. Eat lot of fruits and orange juice, potatoes and white rice for carbs. Bacon eat it now and then. Eat gelatin make my own desserts with it. Use a lot of water mixing it and make jello. Honey jello and put it in a bowl of milk and eat super delicious. If yoy want more sweetnes just add more honey over. Eat a lot of spinach for vitamin K1 and magnesium since both of those are kinda harder to get by otherwise. But u get most micros from the food i mentioned no need to eat tons of fruits and veggies. Also just eating more suger makes your body synthesis saturated fat from the sugar which is good.
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