GMO Mosquitos Released in Florida


Jul 3, 2017
It's impossible to predict what will happen in the wild once genetically modified organisms are released, and there is no way to undo the release. There has been a trial on Cayman Islands that was a failure. They found that the number of female adult mosquitos was actually increased after the trials started.

Oxitec’s Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: Failing in the field?

Thanks for explaining Giraffe, this makes a lot of sense. I should have really capitalized that IF in my post as it seemed a big stretch to assume that the larva would hatch with the same tetracycline dependency.

Considering how tightly balanced ecosystems can be, it seems really foolhardy to incorporate genetically modified wildlife into the mix.


Aug 10, 2012
It's impossible to predict what will happen in the wild once genetically modified organisms are released, and there is no way to undo the release. There has been a trial on Cayman Islands that was a failure. They found that the number of female adult mosquitos was actually increased after the trials started.

Oxitec’s Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: Failing in the field?
I get a "Safari can't find the server" on this link. Your second link worked and info was very interesting. Thank you.


Jun 20, 2015
Bees, flies and moths are also dying out. Great idea to deliberately speed up the extinction of insects.

Why are we humans so dumb
My impression is that the people who live in areas where GMO mosquitoes are released are not so fond of the idea. It's not "we humans".

Sorry for being nitpicky. I think that we need to be more clear with language. It's not "we humans" who are destroying the environment. Let's name the real culprits.


Aug 10, 2012
My impression is that the people who live in areas where GMO mosquitoes are released are not so fond of the idea. It's not "we humans".

Sorry for being nitpicky. I think that we need to be more clear with language. It's not "we humans" who are destroying the environment. Let's name the real culprits.
Good point and can't be said too often.


May 19, 2017
My impression is that the people who live in areas where GMO mosquitoes are released are not so fond of the idea. It's not "we humans".

Sorry for being nitpicky. I think that we need to be more clear with language. It's not "we humans" who are destroying the environment. Let's name the real culprits.
Yes "we humans" are stupid because as a whole, we do absolutely nothing to stop "the real culprits".

There are Billions of us. There are maybe hundreds of "the real culprits". We can easily stop them if enough of us want to.

Yet we are letting them ruin our lives and honestly, most people would agree if you ask them if they want to kill mosquitoes (or enforce face mask mandate or add fluoride to water or whatever).

You don't find that stupid?


Jun 20, 2015
Yes "we humans" are stupid because as a whole, we do absolutely nothing to stop "the real culprits".

There are Billions of us. There are maybe hundreds of "the real culprits". We can easily stop them if enough of us want to.

Yet we are letting them ruin our lives and honestly, most people would agree if you ask them if they want to kill mosquitoes (or enforce face mask mandate or add fluoride to water or whatever).

You don't find that stupid?
I would still prefer to blame the wrongdoers, and I wouldn't say that people are dumb. We are all subject to disinformation, people are manipulated, distracted, brainwashed, and maybe many are too lazy or too tired to do their own research, or they think they did research something, but they haven't learned how to do it properly. Some think that they are too small to change anything. Society conditions people to conformity. Many are not raised in a way that encourages you to trust your inner guidance system. The good news is that once a person changes the perspective, there is no way back. To lump it all up under "the mass is dumb" is not helping.


May 19, 2017
I would still prefer to blame the wrongdoers, and I wouldn't say that people are dumb. We are all subject to disinformation, people are manipulated, distracted, brainwashed, and maybe many are too lazy or too tired to do their own research, or they think they did research something, but they haven't learned how to do it properly. Some think that they are too small to change anything. Society conditions people to conformity. Many are not raised in a way that encourages you to trust your inner guidance system. The good news is that once a person changes the perspective, there is no way back. To lump it all up under "the mass is dumb" is not helping.
I see where you are coming from, but taking out personal responsibility doesn't help either.

Lack of personal responsibility is what leads to situation like this in the first place. Everybody hopes that somebody does something, and at the end of the day, nobody does nothing.

Everybody is responsible for their own health and well being. If somebody or something threaten your life and you choose not to do anything about it, you will be eliminated from gene pool. Simple as that. You might not like it, but that's just how nature works.

The worst part about this is that the poor bees, flies and mosquitoes really don't have an ability to do anything about it. They can only submit and be killed of. We humans do have this ability, pretty much each of us, and we choose not to. I'm finding this f*d up and stupid. Sorry.
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Jun 20, 2015
I see where you are coming from, but taking out personal responsibility doesn't help either.

Lack of personal responsibility is what leads to situation like this in the first place. Everybody hopes that somebody does something, and at the end of the day, nobody does nothing.

Everybody is responsible for their own health and well being. If somebody or something threaten your life and you choose not to do anything about it, you will be eliminated from gene pool. Simple as that. You might not like it, but that's just how nature works.

The worst part about this is that the poor bees, flies and mosquitoes really don't have an ability to anything about it. They can only submit and be killed of. We humans do have this ability, pretty much each of us, and we choose not to. I'm finding this f*d up and stupid. Sorry.
I agree with most of what you say. For me the saddest part is when people delegate the responsibility for their health. I think this shows it most clearly how disconnected those people are from themselves.

Regarding the original topic... It doesn't look like the release of those genetically modified mosquitoes achieves what it is supposed to achieve. And even if it helped to reduce the numbers of adult female mosquitoes, they would at best disturb the natural balance for a while, and there is so much that can go wrong on the way.


May 19, 2017
I agree with most of what you say. For me the saddest part is when people delegate the responsibility for their health. I think this shows it most clearly how disconnected those people are from themselves.

Regarding the original topic... It doesn't look like the release of those genetically modified mosquitoes achieves what it is supposed to achieve. And even if it helped to reduce the numbers of adult female mosquitoes, they would at best disturb the natural balance for a while, and there is so much that can go wrong on the way.
Very well said!


Dec 14, 2019
The Land of Oz
Generally, every time there is a grand idea such as this is unleashed there are unintended consequences that can't be wound back.

Take for example the introduction of South American Cane Toads into Queensland, Australia to eradicate a beetle that was destroying our cane sugar crops. The beetle was sorted, however the cane toads have become prolific and have now marched there way across Northern Australia and have infested the natural waterways of Northern Western Australia. They have cleaned up the local fish population and the saltwater crocodiles have become more aggressive and are swimming further inland than ever to source food. Meanwhile their toxic skin is causing death to freshwater crocodiles in Lake Argyle in large numbers. Amazingly they have adapted in a very short time so that their front and rear legs are now 25mm longer than when they were first introduced which has allowed them to cover ground at a much more rapid rate than they could when they first started migrating.

There are numerous examples such as this - one where a grass was introduced for some reason and now it has become a pesky weed and has killed off natural grasses which served all sorts of purposes.

We are slow learners....


May 19, 2017
Insect-borne viruses like Zika and Dengue could be the cause of the next pandemic, world health chiefs warn

US company about to release 2.4 Billion Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to battle deadly diseases


Aug 17, 2016
Insect-borne viruses like Zika and Dengue could be the cause of the next pandemic, world health chiefs warn

US company about to release 2.4 Billion Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to battle deadly diseases



Aug 10, 2012
Yeah this is what bothers me about DeSantis; why he allowed the release of these in Florida. Why has no one confronted him about this?
I don't know. I don't remember anything said on Attorney Jeff Childers' Coffee & Covid blog. And he mentions a lot including that bill DeSantis signed allowing continuance of the hospitals' special protection against Covid patients' complaints.
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