Geocentrism vs Heliocentrism


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Jun 19, 2023
Hello community.

I have this constant itch about why are things so disordered, why is it that nobody cares about anything. There is this constant equalization of good and bad, like there is no difference, nobody is wrong, nobody is right, you always need two people to start a fight...
Why is everybody treating everybody just like a number, especially in bigger companies, with this constant pretense of care.
Why is money or anything else more important then human needs like health.

I looked into the history of the the west and I am going to propose something what for many people are going to seem ridiculous.
I, myself, am also going back and forth, but it might be worthwhile sharing.

Pendulum is of course swinging back and forth naturally, all the time and we can do nothing about that, it is simply the nature of reality, but we as humans have free will and can choose not to swing with it.

So, without further ado, the root cause of the current state of the world is:
Heliocentric model of Universe

We all subscribe to it since Copernican Revolution. It was not accepted immediately, but as the pendulum was swinging from mysticism, in the time of disintegration of Roman Empire and beginning's of Christianity, towards reason, there was a shift from Geocentric worldview to Heliocentric.

Now you are thinking what the hell is he talking about, of course the Earth and everything else is rotating around the Sun.
Sure, everything rotates around the Sun because the Sun is the most heaviest object of all.
Think? In what kind of mindset is this putting you in? Materialistic of course. You value matter, that which is heavier, stronger.
This is how animals behave, but is it fit for a human?
Only those who manage to come into the middle, where the Sun is, get to live in the state of abundance, everybody else live in the state of scarcity and are treated like a number.
Its the system of quantity. On expense of quality. Number is more important then the thing itself being numbered. Neglect of human needs. When they should be in the center. Its the upside down world. Inversion of the Cross. Satanism.

Its the tyranny of the reason, the age we live in.
It is only reasonable and rational to think that the bigger object has more pull then the smaller one. But should we live our lives like this?
How many times have I seen a parent slapping a child for spilling a glass of water or any other insignificant thing like this. Sure, when you live in the mindset of complete rationality then spilling/wasting a little bit of resources is the great insult to that that mindset. I am not up for spilling buckets of milk and throwing away food just like that, but it just exposes how heliocentrism breeds strictness and dictatorship.
The age of Enlightenment. The tyranny of reason and Immanuel Kant swapped meaning for matter completely.
The world is breaking down under the weight of Matter because there is to much of it and it really took of with introduction of Heliocentric model.

Geocentric worldview puts humans/humanity into its rightful place which is in the middle, in the center, not on the periphery, as it is now.
In geocentric worldview every human is looked at as a respectful individual with his/her own universe orbiting around, not as a number.

There is something to be said about heliocentric model because its not without value.
It is mathematically simpler and it could be used for certain things because of that advantage, but should people live their lives by it? I don't thinks so.
Theory of relativity says that it doesn't matter which planet you put in the middle, numbers and calculations work out in any case.
Why not to put Earth/Humanity in the center then?

What is interesting is that there is a third system which is combination of both. It is called Tychonic system.
Earth is in the center with the Sun revolving it and all other planets revolving around the Sun.
Wouldn't that be the best? Living on the extremes of any kind brings always tyranny. Being it strict geocentrism which disallows of any kind of discoveries and progress of humanity or being it heliocentrism which kills humanity by the weight of Matter and meaninglessness.

What do you all think?
Does this make any sense or is it rubbish?
Thanks :)


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Jan 29, 2024
Burlington Washington USA
That is insightful. So, since childhood, we have learned the "little orbs" of our society must circle around the "big orbs" of our society, and the big orbs control what we do and where we go. I may never look at astronomy the same again.


Jun 6, 2016
Yes, heliocentrism was invented to convince humans that they don't matter and that earth is just one random place in the universe. Same purpose as evolutionary theory. Materialism, nihilism, there's many aspects. The purpose was to remove the creator from the center of life, which also removed all ethics, since people no longer treated others as brothers and sisters, children of the same creator. In truth, every deed matters.

One example is the Michelson-Morley experiment. It showed without a doubt that earth does not move. The PTB were shocked because they needed to rescue physics and the heliocentric worldview. So what was their solution?

They brought the puppet Einstein on to the scene, who completely turned physics upside down with his theory of relativity.

As Einstein himself said, "If the Michelson–Morley experiment had not brought us into serious embarrassment, no one would have regarded the relativity theory as a (halfway) redemption."

The entire purpose of Einstein was to discredit Michelson and Morley and save the heliocentric model. He removed the aether from physics and claimed that light is the only constant in the universe, without evidence. But this was the only way to counter the results from the Michelson-Morley experiment - the motion of earth relative to the aether is null. So his first theory of relativity claimed that the speed of light is constant, and the second theory removed the aether and replaced it with the concept of space and time relative to gravity and the speed of light. And voila - suddenly the result of the experiment simply proved the "genius" theory of relativity. Basically the general theory of relativity (1915) was damage-control to make the special relativity theory (1905) sound more convincing.

Of course, Einstein was never able to fully explain how light can move if there is no medium it can move through, but no one cares.
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Aug 17, 2018
I really like the gnostic texts found in Nag Hammadi. Based on the writings, the Earth (Sophia) fell out of Heaven (Pleroma) because she decided to create without her male counterpart – Will/Intention. Sofia had a vision of the Sun, Moon, and the Earth (herself) as a home for life (including humans). The story is a bit long but fascinating – so feel free to read about it.

Up to around 12,000 BC humans worshipped this trinity – Earth, Sun, and Moon. But as time went on, they started losing ground (I believe it was due to trauma) and no longer cared for the Earth and the Moon and started worshipping the Sun (some sort of escapism). You can see Sun worship a lot in Egyptian history. So, perhaps one reason for the heliocentric model.

Personally, I don’t see the whole thing as geocentric vs heliocentric. Our downfall didn’t start 1000 BC. Humanity already in 10,000 BC was super smart (I think way smarter than we are today). Due to trauma and not knowing how to deal with it, we started to error.

If you really interested read:

- Books by Robert Schoch – geologist who wrote a lot on the origin of the Great Sphinx and evidence of catastrophes in recent times.

- Works of Velikovsky – Worlds in Collision, Mankind in amnesia

- Jung – is good to read to understand how we create from our errors (ancestral) buried in our unconsciousness.

- Gnostic Bible

- Not in his image by John Lash

- Womb awakening by Bertrand (even though you are a guy, you should read this book)

- Julius Jaynes – his work on the bicameral mind is quite intriguing.
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Jun 6, 2016
I really like the gnostic texts found in Nag Hammadi. Based on the writings, the Earth (Sophia) fell out of Heaven (Pleroma) because she decided to create without her male counterpart – Will/Intention. During her fall she accidentally creates these alien beings. Because they are created out of the syzygy (without her male counterpart), they are incomplete. Sofia had a vision of the Sun, Moon, and the Earth (herself) as a home for life (including humans). The story is a bit long but fascinating – so feel free to read about it.

I think the Fall is basically the desire of parts of creation to forget the truth and live a live in a material prison that assumes no other truth exists than this material world. This is represented by Satan, the Devil, Ahriman or the Demiurge.

There's lots of hints still in the new testament, for example in the Gospel of John. The Bible is a badly translated remnant of the original documents that described the actual history of humanity from the point of creation.

It seems plausible that the Creator, our Father, came down from heaven to remedy the situation, in the form of his Son, as earth was devoid of light and men lived in darkness. Men were given the godly spark, and thus a choice to follow either darkness or light. "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Most rejected the light and their true source.

Now there are two ways, either the way of darkness, or the way of light. There are two factions on earth, fighting against each other. Ironically, most people are not aware of this war between Good and Evil. They think it's the stuff of fiction, but fiction is merely the projection for the unconscious masses who deep down know that there is truth to this war.

Or as Solange Hertz put it:




Aug 17, 2018
I think the Fall is basically the desire of parts of creation to forget the truth and live a live in a material prison that assumes no other truth exists than this material world. This is represented by Satan, the Devil, Ahriman or the Demiurge.

There's lots of hints still in the new testament, for example in the Gospel of John. The Bible is a badly translated remnant of the original documents that described the actual history of humanity from the point of creation.

It seems plausible that the Creator, our Father, came down from heaven to remedy the situation, in the form of his Son, as earth was devoid of light and men lived in darkness. Men were given the godly spark, and thus a choice to follow either darkness or light. "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Most rejected the light and their true source.

Now there are two ways, either the way of darkness, or the way of light. There are two factions on earth, fighting against each other. Ironically, most people are not aware of this war between Good and Evil. They think it's the stuff of fiction, but fiction is merely the projection for the unconscious masses who deep down know that there is truth to this war.

Or as Solange Hertz put it:

View attachment 62440

View attachment 62443
Thanks for your comment. To be honest with you, I am not a fan of religion. The script for Christianity was written ages ago in Egypt. Already back then you had a holy trinity Farther, Mother and Son which were Osiris, Isis and Horus. Already back then you had manipulation of power by the priests. Religion is misusing your power of imagination.

The Demiurge is in the Gnostic text the 'alien' being that Sofia accidently created during her Fall. He can't create anything but can copy. He is a mind parasite and I find him to be very similar to Christian God who demands for humanity to fear him and obey (read the book Not in his image by Lash - there should be a free copy at

Humanity 12,000 bc was not devoid of light. This is what I have been trying to say in my first post. Human brains back at that time were well integrated. Then human brain became as if split (Julius Jayne) due to trauma. Humanity basically became mentally ill.

Personally I think we went through similar ups and downs many times. Evolution is not a straight line.

Also the Earth is not a material prison. To forget about the Earth and elevate Father in the skys is more like escapism. The book Womb Awakening is explaining this perfectly. Read it. It will answer many of your questions.
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Jun 6, 2016
The Demiurge is in the Gnostic text the 'alien' being that Sofia accidently created during her Fall. He can't create anything but can copy.

Yes, the demiurge is her son. She repented, but he not yet, according to the gnostic texts.

Christianity mixed a lot of this demiurge with the actual God and thus organized religion became a tool for brainwashing.

There is no "Father in the sky", rather the Father is our Creator.

I am looking through that book but it's hard to take an author seriously who writes sentences such as "New universes are created inside black holes, where the known laws of physics do not apply - within lies a magical quantum feminine otherworld, a fairy banquet of cosmic proportions." The book is full of feminist ideology.

The feminine is indeed the womb which is the earth. It is true that the feminine energy got suppressed throughout history, just like the male energy got suppressed. You can't separate one from the other.

As the books mentions: "The Apocryphon of John says, “Sophia . . . conceived a thought from herself. . . . She wanted to bring forth a likeness out of herself without the consent of the Spirit . . . and without her consort and without his consideration.”

It was the feminine energy that wanted to create without the consent of the male. This creates the Fall, the desire to live within the material and forget the male Spirit, God who we are seeking. So the way out of this mess is by seeking Him, and then there will be re-union of female and male.

The feminine woman is of the earth and can not seek God, the male is able to connect with the Father above. To the feminine woman, her husband is who she looks up to, and she can only seek God through him. Feminism has destroyed a lot of ancient knowledge. Men and women needed to come together in unity, but it is always the man who is seeking.

Basically it's the female energy that belongs in this world, and the seductive qualities of the female energies keeps the male trapped in the material world. It is the male energy that can escape in the sense that it can reconnect the female energy back with God, creating an upward movement.

Here's a fitting quote by Boris Mouravieff (about Esoteric Christianity):

"The romance, by which Christian society expressed the principle of reciprocal choice, reached its climax in the Middle Ages. In spite of the decline it has known since then, and in spite of a current tendency to return to regressive forms of relations between the sexes, it still remains the avowed ideal of our society.

Is it not exact, then, to speak of the death of romance? A revolution is occurring silently which will replace the free romance, distinctive mark of the Christian era, with the singular romance characteristic of the Holy Spirit. Liberated from servitude to procreation, this romance of tomorrow is called on to cement the indissoluble union between two strictly polar beings, a union which will assure their integration in the bosom of the Absolute. As St. Paul says: "Nevertheless, neither is the woman without the man, nor man without the woman in the Lord."

The vision of such a romance has haunted the highest minds for thousands of years. We find it in platonic love, the basis of the singular romance in the myths of Androgyne man; of Orpheus and Eurydice; of Pygmalion and Galatea... This is the aspiration of the human heart, which cries in secrecy because of its great loneliness. This romance forms the essential aim of esoteric work. Here is that love which will unite man to that being who is unique for him, the Sister-Wife, the glory of man, as he will be the glory of God. Having entered into the light of Tabor, no longer two, but one drinking at the fount of true Love, the transfigurer: the conqueror of Death.

Love is the Alpha and Omega of life. All else has only secondary significance.

Man is born with the Alpha. It is the intention of the present work to show the path which leads towards the Omega.

If the Fall is a direct consequence of identifying with the "I" of personality, and the solitude of polar beings separated by the Fall is the source of weakness in humans who have in this way become mortal, the return of Unity appears to be an inexhaustible source of new energies. These energies are necessary to man, and to restore the dangerously disturbed equilibrium of today's public and private life, he must seek them out."
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Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
What do you all think?
Does this make any sense or is it rubbish?
Thanks :)

I don't see why the model of our solar system needs have any bearing on a persons psychology. Just separate the two things.

I.e if you are a speck in a vast infinite universe that does not revolve around you, who cares, doesn't make your life any less important to you.


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Jun 19, 2023
I.e if you are a speck in a vast infinite universe that does not revolve around you, who cares, doesn't make your life any less important to you.
You see, that is exactly what I am writing about.
You are speck in a vast Universe? That is a very disassociative view of one's self which breeds Nihilism(lack of meaning). Exactly what the World has been stripped away from. You are clearly carrying that virus which I am describing.

I don't see why the model of our solar system needs have any bearing on a persons psychology. Just separate the two things.
Before, when I had no knowledge about that subject, I would say the exact same thing as you did here. I was a materialist blinded by the lack of knowledge.
Solar system of course has everything to do with person's life and psychology.
How you order the solar system is how societal system is going to be ordered and also how you are going to order you personal life.
You understand it trickles down in every pore of people's lives. There is a natural hierarchy there.
If you work in a company and your boss makes a certain decision, you bet it is going to affect you.

In heliocentric system you are exactly that how you described it. A speck, insignificant. Roaming around somewhere on the perifery.
That is exactly how bosses in a company are handling employees. Like matter, not humans with needs. Numbers.
And I see that people are actually trying hard to care for others, but its so difficult and impossible cause you have to constantly push against heliocentricity which tells you that you are insignificant and just a number.


Aug 17, 2018
Yes, the demiurge is her son. She repented, but he not yet, according to the gnostic texts.

Christianity mixed a lot of this demiurge with the actual God and thus organized religion became a tool for brainwashing.

There is no "Father in the sky", rather the Father is our Creator.

I am looking through that book but it's hard to take an author seriously who writes sentences such as "New universes are created inside black holes, where the known laws of physics do not apply - within lies a magical quantum feminine otherworld, a fairy banquet of cosmic proportions." The book is full of feminist ideology.

The feminine is indeed the womb which is the earth. It is true that the feminine energy got suppressed throughout history, just like the male energy got suppressed. You can't separate one from the other.

As the books mentions: "The Apocryphon of John says, “Sophia . . . conceived a thought from herself. . . . She wanted to bring forth a likeness out of herself without the consent of the Spirit . . . and without her consort and without his consideration.”

It was the feminine energy that wanted to create without the consent of the male. This creates the Fall, the desire to live within the material and forget the male Spirit, God who we are seeking. So the way out of this mess is by seeking Him, and then there will be re-union of female and male.

The feminine woman is of the earth and can not seek God, the male is able to connect with the Father above. To the feminine woman, her husband is who she looks up to, and she can only seek God through him. Feminism has destroyed a lot of ancient knowledge. Men and women needed to come together in unity, but it is always the man who is seeking.

Basically it's the female energy that belongs in this world, and the seductive qualities of the female energies keeps the male trapped in the material world. It is the male energy that can escape in the sense that it can reconnect the female energy back with God, creating an upward movement.

Here's a fitting quote by Boris Mouravieff (about Esoteric Christianity):

"The romance, by which Christian society expressed the principle of reciprocal choice, reached its climax in the Middle Ages. In spite of the decline it has known since then, and in spite of a current tendency to return to regressive forms of relations between the sexes, it still remains the avowed ideal of our society.

Is it not exact, then, to speak of the death of romance? A revolution is occurring silently which will replace the free romance, distinctive mark of the Christian era, with the singular romance characteristic of the Holy Spirit. Liberated from servitude to procreation, this romance of tomorrow is called on to cement the indissoluble union between two strictly polar beings, a union which will assure their integration in the bosom of the Absolute. As St. Paul says: "Nevertheless, neither is the woman without the man, nor man without the woman in the Lord."

The vision of such a romance has haunted the highest minds for thousands of years. We find it in platonic love, the basis of the singular romance in the myths of Androgyne man; of Orpheus and Eurydice; of Pygmalion and Galatea... This is the aspiration of the human heart, which cries in secrecy because of its great loneliness. This romance forms the essential aim of esoteric work. Here is that love which will unite man to that being who is unique for him, the Sister-Wife, the glory of man, as he will be the glory of God. Having entered into the light of Tabor, no longer two, but one drinking at the fount of true Love, the transfigurer: the conqueror of Death.

Love is the Alpha and Omega of life. All else has only secondary significance.

Man is born with the Alpha. It is the intention of the present work to show the path which leads towards the Omega.

If the Fall is a direct consequence of identifying with the "I" of personality, and the solitude of polar beings separated by the Fall is the source of weakness in humans who have in this way become mortal, the return of Unity appears to be an inexhaustible source of new energies. These energies are necessary to man, and to restore the dangerously disturbed equilibrium of today's public and private life, he must seek them out."
I will PM you since we deviated from the topic a bit.


Feb 3, 2020
I am just a needle in the haystack on this earth alone, independent on how I see or think of the universe. I am just one of the humans on this planet. That doesn’t make me feel like I am unimportant. At times I was plagued by nihilism but I am very sure it was due to problems with my brain biochemistry and physiology, which was marked by fatigue, depression, anhedonia and anxiety.

I am also sure life was very cruel and harsh before anything has been thought about the universe and it’s structure and proportion.

I think it’s a fallacy to think that humanity was once whole, well, happy and healthy just a few hundred or a thousand years ago. There always has been suffering, death, disease and wickedness.


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
You see, that is exactly what I am writing about.
You are speck in a vast Universe? That is a very disassociative view of one's self which breeds Nihilism(lack of meaning). Exactly what the World has been stripped away from. You are clearly carrying that virus which I am describing.

Before, when I had no knowledge about that subject, I would say the exact same thing as you did here. I was a materialist blinded by the lack of knowledge.
Solar system of course has everything to do with person's life and psychology.
How you order the solar system is how societal system is going to be ordered and also how you are going to order you personal life.
You understand it trickles down in every pore of people's lives. There is a natural hierarchy there.
If you work in a company and your boss makes a certain decision, you bet it is going to affect you.

In heliocentric system you are exactly that how you described it. A speck, insignificant. Roaming around somewhere on the perifery.
That is exactly how bosses in a company are handling employees. Like matter, not humans with needs. Numbers.
And I see that people are actually trying hard to care for others, but its so difficult and impossible cause you have to constantly push against heliocentricity which tells you that you are insignificant and just a number.

No I don't have a mind virus and indeed you do ( or you are just foolishly stupid or both) if you have to adopt a ridiculous model or the solar system which defies all logic and observation in order to elevate your ego to one where you have self worth, then apply that 'one idea' to everything like a simpleton.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
No I don't have a mind virus and indeed you do ( or you are just foolishly stupid or both) if you have to adopt a ridiculous model or the solar system which defies all logic and observation in order to elevate your ego to one where you have self worth, then apply that 'one idea' to everything like a simpleton.
The one who has the mind virus is by default possessed by that virus which is controlling him. Once implemented it is running in the background and nothing can be done until the one somehow snaps out of it.
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