"Essential" Hypertension And Appreciating It For What It Really Is



Mar 29, 2016
My understanding is that when the ozone gets into circulation, it will contact and destroy any circulating microbes before it becomes metabolized. I believe this to be so, since I had used many anti-fungal treatments, essential oils included, with very minimal success, and did not eradicate the fungus until I used the ozone RIs. I am sure that some microbes will hide in deep tissue, etc., but that is why it is not a once and done treatment. Mine took two weeks with monthly maintenance, others may take longer. Osmose is doing the RIs, and you may want to ask him about his experience.
It may very well be that ozone is the answer.

Whatever works should have me seeing improvements in four areas:

1. Urine foaming will be gone.
2. Blood pressure will go down.
3. My wbc and neutrophils will go down.
4. My nightly spO2 chart (see above image 7 posts up) will see more greens than reds, with few or no spO2 drops because there is little phagocytic activity, and much less oxygen demand from it.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Thanks for the good ideas.

Short of ozone and UV and molecular H2 gas, I think the other ways I have tried should still have enough of an impact if my issue were microbial. And this is why I would first want to try NMBI, simply to know for sure if my issue were heavy metals. If NMBI fails, I can then resort to ozone.

I've bought and used an EMF zapper last year and it hasn't worked for me here. So I have a reticence fo add more special gizmos such as ozone and H2 gas machines. And those however are options I may consider if nothing else works, and desperation sets
I finally have found a good reason to resume this thread. It has been two and a half years since I last posted here. I stopped posting on this thread because I felt like I was going in circles, on a wild goose chase, every blind lead turning out empty, and I was wasting both my own time and that of those who would read my posts looking for answers. Already 13 pages long, and nothing to show except failure after failure.

But today, I began to question some assumptions I had made in order to narrow the scope of my problem solving, and I want to explain to you my thought process that lead to me rejecting my assumption.

At the start, I suspected lead toxiicity, and I abandoned that assumption. And that led me to assume my high blood pressure was due to microbial causes, until today. But today, I am back to suspecting heavy metal toxicity- more likely from mercury, and less from lead, and quite likely both.

I had long assumed that after I had my mercury amalgams removed and undergone mercury chelation using DMPS, all my mercury toxicity issues were behind me. As I could feel greater energy levels, in becoming very immune to flu and fever and colds and allergic rhinitis (which would happen very often) and to being able to run long sistances, uphill even, at a rapid clipm with 5k being a piece of cake, where it used to be at at 1k I would be so sore and panting so hard. That was because I my blood was carrying oxygen more fully with the mercury not displacing the oxygen at the sites where hemoglobin attaches to oxygen. My conclusion, without ever submitting to a provoked mercury challenge test, was that mercury is gone from my system.

But I was dismayed, thinking life doesn't give me a break, that less than a year later after this great improvement in health, like I was floating in paradise, that life would deliver me another health issue - high blood pressure. So, for the next 1o years, my bp would increase from a normal 120/80 to 180/120 as I looked for a solution to it. My naturopathic doctor would give up and told me to take bp medication, which I refused (in retrospect it was a good dicision, as other than high bp, my health was good. And by that, no respiratory illnesses, no heart of liver or kidney problems, no diabetes, no weight problems, but it's not perfect as my hair was beginning to thin out and my virility isn't dependable. Still, I'm better of than most of my contemporaries who are already taking plenty of maintenance drugs and when COVID hit, were so lacking in confidence in their health that they would submit willingly to mandates.

I took a trip to the US at that time and took a provoked challenge test,for heavy metals, as the regular heavy metal testing revealed no heavy metal toxicity, and it revealed that I had lead toxicity. And I said, there's the problem! But I came back to the Philippines and decided I wasn't going to do any more IV chelation and instead ordered a few products that the US naturopath prescribed where lead detox can be done orally. I did the detox but never got to do another provoked challenge test to ensure the lead toxicity is gone. But just to be more certain, I also took magnesium and vitamin C for a while as they are purported to be useful in clearing out lead from the body. Yet my bp stayed the same. And this is when I decided to change my approach. I began to think the problem could lie elsewhere in microbes.

I already had periodontal issues, and began to consider that the problem is from periodontitis. This was confirmed when I went to my biological dentist and had my tooth extracted where the periodontal issue surfaced befor. He showed me the large mass of periodontal bacterial colony which resembled a large muscle mass, and then for the next few months, I was waiting for my bp to go down. To my dismay, they stayed put stubbornly high.
It was then that I decided, after more research into Pubmed and all, that the bacteria must have translocated to my blood vessels. I took biofilm busters, chinese herbs, and antibiotics, all in a concerted effort to rain hell on these bacteria. Nothing worked. It got me worked up more.

I decided then to take proteolytic enzymes, such as ZymEssence and serraptidase, in a brute force attempt to to remove the plaque lining my blood vesssels, so that the periosontal bacteria could be exposed and die, on the assumption they are anaerobic and couldn't stand being exposed to the oxygen in my blood. But taking the enzymes turned the tables on me. I saw my blood pressure increase from 180/120 to 240/160. And that high bp persisted for the next 3 years until I was able to bring it down to around 200/140. This was still higher than before I started taking the enzymes.

Clearly I am being schooled by a devastating and wily foe!

More and more I am convinced this is a microbial issue, and as I began to learn about pleomorphism, I began to think that my internal microbiome has changed over time to include a greater portion of fungal microorganisms, and that I needed a newer approach. As much as I believe this to be the case, I began to lose my trust in pharma antibiotics as I would learn that some antibiotics would induce bacteria to assume more fungal characteristics on the way to becoming more virulent fungal parasites. This was confimed a year ago when I fell deathly sick a week after taking tetracycline while I was also taking potassium citrate in order to improve by blood's zeta,(to improve flow characteristics). I developed a high fever, severe cramping, and my liver enzymes shot up with visible jaundice, as my heart rate also went very high. I made the conclusion that taking the tetracycline together with a substance in potassium citrate that was made from a mold called aspergillus niger caused me to get this sick. So I decided to approach the microbial issue with the use of essential oils.

But during all this time, I was monitoring my CBC as well as my nightly spO2 charts.

Among the many things I obsserved in my CBC, what stood out was my WBC would always be high, and that my neutrophils were always very high. And I kept wondering on end why. And though I was sure it was because of high microbes, especially bacteria, I still left out the possibility there was something else at play- involving toxigs. Hmmm, could heavy metals still be at play here? That nagging thought never left me.

For more than a year, I would be wearing an O2ring, and it bothered me that as I slept, my spO2 would drop to as low as 72. And it isn't sleep apnea, as I also record my sleep with my cellphone, and I don't snore. I would suspect that at night, the immune system is actively protecting the body by doing its detox functions that it doesn't do during the day. The Chinese believe the liver's detox time is between 1 and 3 am, and that the lung's detox time between 3 and 5 am. And it is in these hours that my spO2 go crazy. I suspect this is the reason why my neutrophil count is high, and it's because neutrophils are the wbc's that do phagocytosis involving myoperoxidase, which produces a potent ROS called HOCl- and this ROS when it spills over and threatens the destruction of nearby tissues, albumin steps in as the main extracellular antioxidants to neutralize it. The resulting oxidized albumin is why my urine has a lot of foam as oxidized albumin cannot be recycled and is excreted, and is why I have high blood pressure, as I have less serum slbumin available to keep my blood at full volume. With lower blood volume than normal, the body has to compensate to ensure good circulation and perfusion of vital organs by increasing blood pressure.

As you can see, I am throwing the sink at the microbes with all means I have at my disposal, from pharma to herbs to chemical susbstances (methylene blue, copper acetate, turpentine) to essential oils, and I keep wondering what I am missing. I would use oral, nasal. ,anal (thru suppositories), and topical methods of delivery, but not IV, and nothing is working! Shoot, my enemy is bulletpoof and has a charm!

And so, this week @Brooks Esq. made a thread that enjoined me to get involved and it led me to looking up OSR, a heavy metal chelator, which @Santosh mentioned, and @Dave Clark had positive things o say, which led to me to this video interview of Boyd Haley:

View: https://youtu.be/uKKD6XWK8Do

And I began to rethink my assumptions.

Perhaps the high wbc and neutrophils were really due to toxins, and the toxins likely to be lead (as it was confirmed in the provocation test I mentioned). But I still hold out the possibility that the mercury chelated out of my rbc simply partly redistibuted to my liver and lung tissues inner recesses. undetectable even with provocation tests.

And that perhsps I needed OSR to rid the lead (and/or mercury) in my liver and lung tissues.

And perhsps that is how I could stop the chronic oxidative stress that is depriving me of precious albumin and causing my blood pressure to be high.

It also explains why my ferritin is always high, as the body is keeping iron away from being involved in the chronic oxidative stress coming from the lead or mercury toxicity and the phagocytic response of neutrophils to it:

I am so excited to see you are going to give the OSR a shot. While I may not be a good person to take advice from due to the current state of incapacitation I have caused myself by IV ALA, I would highly recommend to every person over 30 to start taking NAC and Glycine every night (1000 mg each) as this is the magical combo for most age related diseases, and also helps limit the oxidative damage caused by the heavy metals. Furthermore, it inhibits seven (7) of the nine (9) hallmarks of aging.


Mar 29, 2016
Thanks Brooks. I hope to see you sharing good results as you recover from the ALA-induced mercury redistribution and see mercury removed from your system first, and then get back to dealing with what you suspect to be a mycobacteria-related sickness.


Dec 2, 2022
My understanding is that when the ozone gets into circulation, it will contact and destroy any circulating microbes before it becomes metabolized. I believe this to be so, since I had used many anti-fungal treatments, essential oils included, with very minimal success, and did not eradicate the fungus until I used the ozone RIs. I am sure that some microbes will hide in deep tissue, etc., but that is why it is not a once and done treatment. Mine took two weeks with monthly maintenance, others may take longer. Osmose is doing the RIs, and you may want to ask him about his experience.

Fungi and bacteriae are present in a heavy metal environment.
You can try and nuke them all you want with different methods, as long as you have heavy metals they will eventually come back.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Fungi and bacteriae are present in a heavy metal environment.
You can try and nuke them all you want with different methods, as long as you have heavy metals they will eventually come back.
Exactly why ozone and NBMI are co-companion treatments, which I have used successfully.


Mar 29, 2016
Exactly why ozone and NBMI are co-companion treatments, which I have used successfully.
Because of periodontitis, I am certain I have pathogenic microbes that is causing hypertension, but it is possible I have been successful keeping these microbes at bay to a point where if they were the sole cause, my hypertension would be gone. But the heavy metal toxicity is another cause of oxidative stress, and is why I continue to have hypertension.

I mentioned my frustration at the emf zapper being ineffective, and it only makes sense because a zapper would kill microbes bit not something already dead- heavy metals.

I also think that when I used proteolytic enzymes to lyse plaque, my bp increased further because another load of oxidative stress was introduced on top of an existing load, the existing load being mainly coming from heavy metal toxicity. The additional load was from dormant microbes becoming active enough once again from being released by the lysing of plaque, which activated more neutrophils and which led to more phagocytic action on the microbes by the immune system, resulting also in spillover ROS that would result in higher bp (from albumin being used as an antioxidant heavily, leading to urine foaming and lower blood volume, as albumin is needed to build blood volume).

So, when my bp jumped to 240/160 from 180/120, it was from this additional load from the microbes released from lysing plaque.

I have been able, over 3 years of efforts that are mice over directed, been able to lower bp to 200/130, and with more microbes directed efforts, it could go back to pre-proteolytic enzyme levels of 180/120.

But it would just stall at that level as I am back to a situation where heavy metal toxicity is not resolved.
And so NMBI would be my natural first recourse to continue my efforts at reducing bp.


Mar 29, 2016
Fungi and bacteriae are present in a heavy metal environment.
You can try and nuke them all you want with different methods, as long as you have heavy metals they will eventually come back.
I think it's because the heavy metals create in themselves create oxidative stress, and attracts neutrophils, which try to destroy them using ROS, thereby creating more ROS, and in the process create a more acidic environment in the process of creating ROS, and this continual process contributs to a very acidic environment in the ecf, which, if we believe the "terrain is everything" precept of Beachamp, creates more virulent microbes such as fungi and fungi parasites.

Bacteria are relatively benign when compared to fungi. Most doctors' efforts are directed towards bacterial elimination, and the antibiotics they employ merely make the bacteria pleomorph into forms that are more fungal in character, such as mycobacteria and mycoplama, which are more resistant to antibiotics, and which are halfway to being the most virulent as fungal parasites.

At that point where fungal parasites are dominant, that is the stage of cancer. And it is no surprise that Dr. Simoncini would recommend using baking soda as a treatment, so that the acid base balance would improve, as in an optimal pH environment the fungal parasites would revert to milder forms of bacteria. And the body would be set up to return to producing its own CO2 as the vital pH buffering agent in the body as its ability to use oxidative respiration is restored.

Many people have heavy metals in their body without knowing it, and it is an uphill climb for them as the odds are stacked against them. It's like they are strapped with a load of heavy rocks in their backpack ascending a mountain. It is even more arduous of a climb if they don't have any semblance of a functioning oxidative metabolism.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
What's your ozone protocole :

Orally ? Rectally ?
Device ?
Timing ?
Dose ?
I did rectal insufflations{RI}, since it is said that they are almost as strong as IV ozone, which, for me, IV would require a practitioner. I know some people do IV ozone at home, but putting needles in me isn't my cup of tea. So, I did rectal ozone, played around with different doses and volumes, but settled on only 200 ml volume and between 40 or 50 gamma. I was doing weeks of RIs at 30 gamma with no success, and at that point I figured i just spent a bunch of money on yet another gadget that isn't going to help my candida/fungus. Then, I read that the gamma level must be over 40 in order to kill fungus. I upped the gamma, and in two weeks of once/day RIs, my fungal rashes and other signs of fungus were gone. I thought, this is great, but I did other anti-fungal protocols that seemed to work, and then lo and behold, the fungus is back in a few months. So, I decided on doing a monthly maintenance of RIs, at first 4/month, then two, and now only one/month. So far, in five years, I haven't seen any signs of fungal return. Also, within that 5 years, I did not know about NBMI, so I am sure I was not completely clear of all Hg and other metals. However,, I had been using {and still do sometimes} modified citrus pectin {MCP} to clean up any mycotoxins, metals, etc. It is studied to be effective , mild, and help lower inflammation by reducing the galectin-3 molecule.


Mar 29, 2016
A few notes as I ponder:

Why didn't I have hypertension when I had both mercury and lead toxicity at the same time and only when my mercury toxicity was resolved and only lead toxicity remained?

I think that mercury toxicity was bringing my metabolism down and this had the effect of lowering my blood pressure. At the same time, lead toxitity was bringing my bp up because of it lowering my blood volume due to it causing my serum albumin to go down, as the lead toxicity was causing ROS to be produced that needed alfumin as an antioxidant to neutralize. I remember my hands being cold then, and this was due to being hypothyroid. So with mercury toxicity causing bp to be pulled in a downward direction concurrently with lead toxicity pulling bp in an upward direction, my bp would appear normal.

-Why did my bp increase further only when I began taking proteolytic enzymes?

At that time, I had both lead toxicity and periodontal bacteria in my system, with an active oral periodontal issue present. The bp had stayed steady at 180/120, which was a result of both lead toxicity and periodontal bacteria, but mainly the periodontal bacteria was coming from an active oral periodontal condition and it was coming in trickles as the body's immune system would keep burying new bacteria like one would sweep dust under a rug, but in this case the bacteria were being trapped under new plaque being formed at the blood vessel surfaces. But when I began using proteolytic enzymes, the trapped and dormant bacteria ensconced and tucked away in the plaque became visible and activated the immune system, which began the process of killing these bacteria causing oxidative stress and the need to use more albumin to neutralize the stress. This contributed to more albumin being excreted in urine and less albumin being available to build blood volume. With the low blood volume caused by lead toxicity reduced further by the body dealing with the bacteria, blood pressure had to be further raised to compensate.

Over time, the amount of dormant bacteria increases over the netwok of blood vessels. The use of proteolytic enzymes would cause a large amount of bacteria accumulated over time to be released, and this would be a much larger load of osidative stress and more impactful cause of further increases in an already high blood pressure.


Aug 17, 2018
I found this in one of the older haidut's posts:

Taurine and K2 are probably best for high BP. Also, methyl palmitate apparently has a potent and immediate effects on lowering BP. But the overall goal should be to raise CO2 as that is what keeps vessels supple. In the absence of CO2, NO rises as the emergency vasodilator.


Mar 29, 2016
I found this in one of the older haidut's posts:

Taurine and K2 are probably best for high BP. Also, methyl palmitate apparently has a potent and immediate effects on lowering BP. But the overall goal should be to raise CO2 as that is what keeps vessels supple. In the absence of CO2, NO rises as the emergency vasodilator.
Thanks, but as much as I find these substances helpful, their contribution is generally towards a better metabolism that helps the body withstand all manners of insults, such as the ones that are directly causative to my having high blood pressure.

Being able to identify what is the chief cause is difficult, and most of us are hardly equipped with the forensic skills to identify the cause. I have this doggone hard problem with high bp, and it has been twenty years of having it. But I don't give up easily, and as the latest posts show, I have been able to connect the dots together better, over much trial and error, and picking up useful leads from other members. such as you. The probability of success gets higher after such a long and steep learning curve.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2016
It may very well be that ozone is the answer.

Whatever works should have me seeing improvements in four areas:

1. Urine foaming will be gone.
2. Blood pressure will go down.
3. My wbc and neutrophils will go down.
4. My nightly spO2 chart (see above image 7 posts up) will see more greens than reds, with few or no spO2 drops because there is little phagocytic activity, and much less oxygen demand from it.
Adding to this list:

5. High ferritin will be much lower.
6. High uric acid lower.
7. Above range LDH will go lower as well.
8. My ECG QTc will lower as a sign of improved metabolism
9. My fasting blood sugar will go lower from 95 back to 84.
10. My waistline of weight of 150 lbs. will go lower to around 145
11. My current urine pH of 5.5 will improve to 6.5

Etc, Seborrheic dermatitis, thin hair, virility

It all boils down to the dramatic reduction in oxidative stress that saps energy. Once gone, that energy will be redirected.

Won't be supplementing as much of anything as long as good and balanced nutrition is maintained. Many supplement I have spent a lot of money on will become superfluous because the root cause all along was heavy metal toxicity, which drains the mitochondria of its oxidative and energy producing potential.

I could be wrong on some of this, so I will start monitoring the markers, both quantitative and qualitative.

From day one, i will be logging whatever I can, and on a weekly basis, take blood tests for the cheaper tests, and at the end of a 40 day period, take the more expensive blood test such as hsCRP and creatinine urine albumin-creatinine ratio. I had ordered a 20g amount of NBMI and at 500g/day it will last 40 days.

If taking NBMI is the answer to my 20+ year search for a solution to my high bp (which really is a symptom of a deeper issue of heavy metal toxicity causing oxidative stresses that my body has to cope with, thankfully well enough because of having good metabolism), it will be a great load off my back. And I can move on to other pursuits I have kept myself from committing to.


Aug 17, 2018
Did you find copper acetate to be good for anything bacteria related?


Mar 29, 2016
Did you find copper acetate to be good for anything bacteria related?
It is very useful.

I made my own based on another thread started by hsidut and it lasted a long time. But I bought a powdered form from Amazon and that will last a long, long time. As I don't use it often, but perhaps should find more uses for it.

I once ate undercooked pork and that night I became constipated and there was gas building up in my gut. That night and the next, I tried many things to fix it and they all failed. Then I tried this, with cascara sagrada and a probiotic. It resolved the fut issue. I believe it was the copper acetate that was instrumental.


Aug 17, 2018
It is very useful.

I made my own based on another thread started by hsidut and it lasted a long time. But I bought a powdered form from Amazon and that will last a long, long time. As I don't use it often, but perhaps should find more uses for it.

I once ate undercooked pork and that night I became constipated and there was gas building up in my gut. That night and the next, I tried many things to fix it and they all failed. Then I tried this, with cascara sagrada and a probiotic. It resolved the fut issue. I believe it was the copper acetate that was instrumental.
Thank you.

Which one did you end up buying?...and how do you prepare it?


Mar 29, 2016

Thank you.

Which one did you end up buying?...and how do you prepare it?
Amazon only has one seller for it.

A YouTube OE Google search got me instructions on how to do it. It's pretty straightforward. Ingredients are easy to find.


Jan 29, 2021
@yerrag Have you ever performed tests to evaluate arterial calcification and fibrosis?


Jan 29, 2021
It is very useful.

I made my own based on another thread started by hsidut and it lasted a long time. But I bought a powdered form from Amazon and that will last a long, long time. As I don't use it often, but perhaps should find more uses for it.

I once ate undercooked pork and that night I became constipated and there was gas building up in my gut. That night and the next, I tried many things to fix it and they all failed. Then I tried this, with cascara sagrada and a probiotic. It resolved the fut issue. I believe it was the copper acetate that was instrumental.
Is lightly seared raw or semi-raw meat more difficult to absorb in the intestine?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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