COVID vaccines now causing AIDS(no joke)


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut @mayku-T-meelo

This is the podcast (begins at 00:58:25):

Peat remembered the year as 1969.

Cool, thanks. Good to have a reference for it.


Nov 18, 2019
I have to question if this spike is still from the original shot or if there is an entry to the DNA and production continues on an ongoing basis.
Clearly all cause mortality is a huge fail just based on the trial data twenty one in the experimental group to seventeen in the placebo group. But when the short and medium term side effects now coming into full revelation and long term starting to be seen. This is the first stealthy genocide that I have watched big pharmaceutical and governments run, again I am finding myself a little ashamed that I have not been cognizant before this.
? Hey, don’t be ashamed! Many people did not know about these dark issues that have been going on for centuries. This is the real underlying beauty of 2020 onwards, people are waking up!! YaY!! It is ONLY from greater awareness will people resist and say no. Only then does the global human population have a fighting chance.


Nov 18, 2019
If you think about it, the deliberate culling of the plebs has been happening on an "industrial scale" for a long time, probably almost a century at this point. Vaccines are just a lot more visible due to the PR around them and the highly compressed time period of their "usage". I mean, can you name even one drug used for a chronic condition that does not ultimately kill/maim or at least make the condition worse, and give the patient a myriad of side effects in the process? Cancer "treatments" are notorious for this, but it applies to every mass-prescribed drug that I can think of, even "benign" stuff like PPI (anti-acid drugs), statins, and blood pressure drugs. When all major pharma drugs ultimately result in iatrogenic events worse than the original condition, then it simply can't be by accident. So, the only other option design. I mean, does it sound like the people capable of what the links below say, do the stuff they do out of ignorance or malice? And it is happening in both private sector and govt. Yeah, I'd go with malice.

Have you heard Peat's interview about that guy who approached him in the 1960s at a university lecture and told him about HIV being a synthetic, race-targeted virus? That was decades before HIV was "discovered" and AIDS became a thing. If that advanced medical technology and culling programs were in place back in the 1960s, you can imagine how much more streamlined and ubiquitous the culling programs are nowadays.
? I would add an increased time from at least a century to centuries. Perhaps the medications came into play later but other mechanisms have been in existence for centuries.


A few years ago my father had a massive stroke from Xarelto and died.
Now the same medical doctor put my mother on Zetia (alternative statin) for primary prevention of CVD (she doesn't have this health issue running in her family).
Of course she trusts the doctor and not me.


I have to question if this spike is still from the original shot or if there is an entry to the DNA and production continues on an ongoing basis.
Clearly all cause mortality is a huge fail just based on the trial data twenty one in the experimental group to seventeen in the placebo group. But when the short and medium term side effects now coming into full revelation and long term starting to be seen. This is the first stealthy genocide that I have watched big pharmaceutical and governments run, again I am finding myself a little ashamed that I have not been cognizant before this.
I feel like this sometimes. I knew they were up to no good in places like Africa but I never imagined the level of evil involved everywhere and almost everyone. I just thought they just wanted black people dead (million have been killed in Africa with AIDS). When Israel started mandating the covid injections and brought in the green card that's when I finally woke up to a bigger agenda. I'm still not fully recovered from the shock.


Aug 4, 2020
? Hey, don’t be ashamed! Many people did not know about these dark issues that have been going on for centuries. This is the real underlying beauty of 2020 onwards, people are waking up!! YaY!! It is ONLY from greater awareness will people resist and say no. Only then does the global human population have a fighting chance.
Thanks @Lollypop2, I have have made peace with we don’t know what we don’t know.
But I can certainly see the view of Plato’s or was it Socrates (matters not) description of the slaves chained together in a cave with a fire and puppet masters using a shadow show on the wall as the slaves reality.
When one slave realizes that his chain has broken and wanders out to the mouth of the cave and sees the actual sunlight, trees meadows, flowers and breathes the fresh air. They learn as much as they can after overcoming their own fears and desire to retreat back into the cave and the new reality or real reality. They are emboldened to go now back into the cave as a philosopher to educate those masses still living in the puppeteers world, despite the fact that telling these people may actually endanger their own life as they may want to kill the philosopher with this new found truth.
But they do it anyway because the happiness they receive from helping others become cognizant of the actual reality outweighs the risk of death that may befall them.
I can only speak for myself but this story indeed has much which I can relate to in the past two years.


Aug 4, 2020
I feel like this sometimes. I knew they were up to no good in places like Africa but I never imagined the level of evil involved everywhere and almost everyone. I just thought they just wanted black people dead (million have been killed in Africa with AIDS). When Israel started mandating the covid injections and brought in the green card that's when I finally woke up to a bigger agenda. I'm still not fully recovered from the shock.
I am becoming of the mind that those that test these drugs consider the African continent to be as Kissinger aspired them to be,”a slave class that must never become aware of the mineral wealth that lies beneath the dirt they walk upon”.
So from that viewpoint of lowering a part of humankind to an almost animal like level, where the vast mineral resources that Africa is rich with is of more value than the people themselves that make Africa and its many nations truly rich with its history and traditions as many believe that it is indeed the birthplace of mankind.
It seems incredulous and beyond my limited understanding how anyone could take experimental drugs, treatments, and cancer therapies and give them to these people without consideration of basic human rights of informed consent or compassion to help these people when the devastating side effects manifest.
I have a thought at times that, what is happening in our western society with these gene therapies and all who suffered and all who have died as well as those who will is in some way Karma being visited upon us for our complacency for allowing these experiments and genocides to happen.


Aug 4, 2020
If you think about it, the deliberate culling of the plebs has been happening on an "industrial scale" for a long time, probably almost a century at this point. Vaccines are just a lot more visible due to the PR around them and the highly compressed time period of their "usage". I mean, can you name even one drug used for a chronic condition that does not ultimately kill/maim or at least make the condition worse, and give the patient a myriad of side effects in the process? Cancer "treatments" are notorious for this, but it applies to every mass-prescribed drug that I can think of, even "benign" stuff like PPI (anti-acid drugs), statins, and blood pressure drugs. When all major pharma drugs ultimately result in iatrogenic events worse than the original condition, then it simply can't be by accident. So, the only other option design. I mean, does it sound like the people capable of what the links below say, do the stuff they do out of ignorance or malice? And it is happening in both private sector and govt. Yeah, I'd go with malice.

Have you heard Peat's interview about that guy who approached him in the 1960s at a university lecture and told him about HIV being a synthetic, race-targeted virus? That was decades before HIV was "discovered" and AIDS became a thing. If that advanced medical technology and culling programs were in place back in the 1960s, you can imagine how much more streamlined and ubiquitous the culling programs are nowadays.
I am always reminded of the revelation you gave on Danny’s show. Where the Doctors went on strike and the patients started becoming more healthier, and living past expected death points and death rates declined.
Then the Doctors settled and went back to work and health declined and death rates returned to expected times and rates.
Yes I definitely concur with your above statements, my wife asked me,”why i don’t protect myself against COVID-19 and where the mask and get vaccinated why don’t you care about your health and go to the doctor and get check ups”.
My reply was simply,” I care immensely and passionately about my health, that is why I don’t do any of those things”.


Feb 18, 2016
If you think about it, the deliberate culling of the plebs has been happening on an "industrial scale" for a long time, probably almost a century at this point. Vaccines are just a lot more visible due to the PR around them and the highly compressed time period of their "usage". I mean, can you name even one drug used for a chronic condition that does not ultimately kill/maim or at least make the condition worse, and give the patient a myriad of side effects in the process? Cancer "treatments" are notorious for this, but it applies to every mass-prescribed drug that I can think of, even "benign" stuff like PPI (anti-acid drugs), statins, and blood pressure drugs. When all major pharma drugs ultimately result in iatrogenic events worse than the original condition, then it simply can't be by accident. So, the only other option design. I mean, does it sound like the people capable of what the links below say, do the stuff they do out of ignorance or malice? And it is happening in both private sector and govt. Yeah, I'd go with malice.

Have you heard Peat's interview about that guy who approached him in the 1960s at a university lecture and told him about HIV being a synthetic, race-targeted virus? That was decades before HIV was "discovered" and AIDS became a thing. If that advanced medical technology and culling programs were in place back in the 1960s, you can imagine how much more streamlined and ubiquitous the culling programs are nowadays.

Russia released this the other day.


Apr 19, 2020
I feel like this sometimes. I knew they were up to no good in places like Africa but I never imagined the level of evil involved everywhere and almost everyone. I just thought they just wanted black people dead (million have been killed in Africa with AIDS). When Israel started mandating the covid injections and brought in the green card that's when I finally woke up to a bigger agenda. I'm still not fully recovered from the shock.
Yes, not just White Supremacists with their labor itories. When I saw the movie Constant Gardener, I said to a friend afterwards, "how long before they start to mess with the general world population?" Shocking, yes. Hard to swallow, yes. And some intelligent peeps I have gotten into a discussion with about this subject are in NO way close to listening or accepting or realising the severity of the situation. What to do?


Aug 4, 2020
The fact that it can be carried over into offspring and render them sterile is alarming to say the least.
Terrifying revelation that monsters do exist and walk amongst us. It is almost biblical.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe



Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - URGENT WARNING to the World: AIDS Will Be Their Next Move!​


UK Hospitals Begin Screening ALL Blood Tests For ALL Patients For HIV (12th Apr)​


From the article
Patients do not have to be screened for the virus; they can choose to opt out by speaking to the clinician in the emergency department.
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Jan 23, 2017
Yes, not just White Supremacists with their labor itories. When I saw the movie Constant Gardener, I said to a friend afterwards, "how long before they start to mess with the general world population?" Shocking, yes. Hard to swallow, yes. And some intelligent peeps I have gotten into a discussion with about this subject are in NO way close to listening or accepting or realising the severity of the situation. What to do?
Development of Depopulation Disease Vectors in Software Development Terms
Alpha version: AIDs and treatment.
Beta version: Covid and vaccines.
Version 1:0: Coming soon. Stay tuned.


Dec 8, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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