CNN: The COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A few weeks ago I posted an op-ed in the prestigious BMJ discussing how the COVID-19 vaccines trials are almost pointless as they are not designed to test if the vaccines would prevent development of COVID-19, exacerbations of COVID-19, hospitalizations, or deaths. The trials were apparently designed to test only whether the vaccine would lower risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2.

In that post above, I mentioned that the public health authorities are, of course, ignoring the trial design and gaslighting the public every chance they get that the vaccines are the key to safety. Now, a CNN article states directly that the vaccines do not really prevent infection but again claims that they prevent developing COVID-19. Again, the latter claim is NOT based on any evidence and none of the vaccine trials provide evidence for such claims. I guess the more interesting part here is this - if CNN is now admitting that the vaccines do not really prevent infection (which was the primary goal of the vaccine trials conducted so far) then what "benefit" are these vaccines supposed to provide???
"...Covid-19 vaccines prevent illness, but do not necessarily prevent infection. If someone tests positive and doesn't get sick, the vaccine has worked as intended. If someone tests positive within a few weeks of receiving the second dose, it may be because the vaccine hasn't yet fully kicked in."

Ironically, the CNN article is about a politician who got infected with SARS-CoV-2 after getting both vaccine shots. I guess the house of cards is starting to shake/collapse, so CNN and MSM are quick to change the narrative even if the new narrative is a blatant lie...

@Drareg @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe @Regina
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Mar 4, 2019
Sometimes I wonder if the vaccine studies showing an improvement of the declining symptoms and decreased presence of Covid-19 happened naturally through the body’s own immune system doing its job rather than the vaccine itself.

I really don’t think this is going to end, not least before they can milk as much money as they can. Fauci even wants to vaccinate kids despite children dying or facing “long covid” are practically nonexistent!:



Jul 29, 2014
I posted a study (here) suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 could be transcribed into our genome theoretically allowing RNA strands to be released into the blood stream (under stress?) I wonder if some of these positive tests (before or after infection) are a result of this very idea? Building on this, if the vaccine RNA can also be incorporated into our DNA, could that too result in a future positive test?

The mainstream doesn't seem to be addressing these questions (I think we know why).


Jun 20, 2015
"...Covid-19 vaccines prevent illness, but do not necessarily prevent infection. If someone tests positive and doesn't get sick, the vaccine has worked as intended. If someone tests positive within a few weeks of receiving the second dose, it may be because the vaccine hasn't yet fully kicked in."

not genetically modified + positive PCR-test + no symptoms = house arrest (aka quarantine) to ensure that healthy people do not infect others
genetically modified + postive PCR-test + no symptoms = 'vaccine' worked as intended, but you may infect others
Oct 15, 2015
Is this really a vaccine if you can still be infected? Or should it be labeled a therapeutic medicine? And if that is the case shouldn't the individual be allowed to choose between therapeutics? I just wonder about the terminology of the "vaccine".


Feb 18, 2016
Hasn’t "kicked in" , empirical science has been kicked out more like, It sounds like they are talking about quaaludes or ecstasy.

The European vaccine drama is a sight to behold, I still suspect they have realized the vaccine is useless and may be delaying to see how other countries react to it, this is giving them a lot of credit though, it’s likely their stupidity.


Jan 25, 2014
Hasn’t "kicked in" , empirical science has been kicked out more like, It sounds like they are talking about quaaludes or ecstasy.
Except that quaaludes and ecstasy can actually have a positive effect on people, even if only in the short term.


Jan 25, 2014
I guess the more interesting part here is this - if CNN is now admitting that the vaccines do not really prevent infection (which was the primary goal of the vaccine trials conducted so far) then what "benefit" are these vaccines supposed to provide???

Other than control for a select few over the general population, and massive profits for drug companies with zero liability...... none that I can see.


Jul 31, 2019
if CNN is now admitting that the vaccines do not really prevent infection (which was the primary goal of the vaccine trials conducted so far) then what "benefit" are these vaccines supposed to provide???

Correct me, if I am wrong, but as I see it these studies were not designed to see whether the vaccine prevents an infection, but rather whether they reduce the risk of severe symptoms/outcomes. The CNN story you posted is just anecdotal evidence, not any reliable data. Studies from Israel show that there was a 30-60% reduction of infection after the 1st shot, and further preliminary results indicate that the number after the 2nd dose is significantly higher. Don't get me wrong, these vaccines serve not real purpose, and are likely harmful, but they seem to do (to some extent, at least) what they are advertised to do.

"Other, somewhat contrary data was released by Israeli health maintenance organizations Tuesday evening. Channel 13 News said that according to figures released by Clalit, Israel’s largest health provider, the chance of a person being infected with the coronavirus dropped by 33% 14 days after they were vaccinated. Separate figures recorded by the Maccabi health provider and aired by Channel 12 showed the vaccine caused a 60% drop in the chances for infection 14 days after taking the first shot."
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Jul 25, 2020
Except that quaaludes and ecstasy can actually have a positive effect on people, even if only in the short term.

A few weeks ago I posted an op-ed in the prestigious BMJ discussing how the COVID-19 vaccines trials are almost pointless as they are not designed to test if the vaccines would prevent development of COVID-19, exacerbations of COVID-19, hospitalizations, or deaths. The trials were apparently designed to test only whether the vaccine would lower risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2.

In that post above, I mentioned that the public health authorities are, of course, ignoring the trial design and gaslighting the public every chance they get that the vaccines are the key to safety. Now, a CNN article states directly that the vaccines do not really prevent infection but again claims that they prevent developing COVID-19. Again, the latter claim is NOT based on any evidence and none of the vaccine trials provide evidence for such claims. I guess the more interesting part here is this - if CNN is now admitting that the vaccines do not really prevent infection (which was the primary goal of the vaccine trials conducted so far) then what "benefit" are these vaccines supposed to provide???
"...Covid-19 vaccines prevent illness, but do not necessarily prevent infection. If someone tests positive and doesn't get sick, the vaccine has worked as intended. If someone tests positive within a few weeks of receiving the second dose, it may be because the vaccine hasn't yet fully kicked in."

Ironically, the CNN article is about a politician who got infected with SARS-CoV-2 after getting both vaccine shots. I guess the house of cards is starting to shake/collapse, so CNN and MSM are quick to change the narrative even if the new narrative is a blatant lie...
another thing to notice is how very few seem to be dying from heart attacks, car wrecks, the flu, sepsis unrelated to C-19, slipping on snow, falling off a ladder and the list goes on. The Covid-19 mantra “get your vaccine as soon as possible” lie is ugly and all done to benefit Big Pharma and billionaires who have invested, also kickbacks to cooperating politicos


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Correct me, if I am wrong, but as I see it these studies were not designed to see whether the vaccine prevents an infection, but rather whether they reduce the risk of severe symptoms/outcomes.

Please read my original post and also check the link I posted toward the beginning of that post that says the vaccine trials are basically pointless. In that link is an op-ed from BMJ (of all places) describing that the vaccine trials were not designed to test for prevention of developing the actual COVID-19 disease, exacerbations, deaths, hospitalizations, etc. They were apparently only designed to test whether vaccines prevent infections. And now, CNN is saying the vaccines are not designed to prevent infection either. If that is the case, then the vaccines are either truly pointless or one of CNN/BMJ is lying/wrong.
The story about the politician is indeed anecdotal but my post is not about him and CNN's statement about the vaccines is generic (not specific to that politician). So, it seems to me that the thread title is supported by the evidence I included in the original post.
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Jul 31, 2019
Please read my original post and also check the link I posted toward the beginning of that post that says the vaccine trials are basically pointless. In that link is an op-ed from BMJ (of all places) describing that the vaccine trials were not designed to test for prevention of developing the actual COVID-19 disease, exacerbations, deaths, hospitalizations, etc. They were apparently only designed to test whether vaccines prevent infections. And now, CNN is saying the vaccines are not designed to prevent infection either. If that is the case, then the vaccines are either truly pointless or one of CNN/BMJ is lying/wrong.
The story about the politician is indeed anecdotal but my post is not about him and CNN's statement about the vaccines is generic (not specific to that politician). So, it seems to me that the thread title is supported by the evidence I included in the original post.

I already read that article, and it doesn't really match with what you are saying. The studies were specifically not designed to prove prevention of infection, and the Moderna guy they quoted even says so outright:

"Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission,” Zaks said, “because in order to do that you have to swab people twice a week for very long periods, and that becomes operationally untenable.”
He repeatedly emphasised these “operational realities” of running a vaccine trial. “Every trial design, especially phase III, is always a balancing act between different needs,” he said. “If you wanted to have an answer on an endpoint that happens at a frequency of one 10th or one fifth the frequency of the primary endpoint, you would need a trial that is either 5 or 10 times larger or you’d need a trial that is 5 or 10 times longer to collect those events. Neither of these, I think, are acceptable in the current public need for knowing expeditiously that a vaccine works."

As I understand it, the endpoint was Covid-19 disease which was defined as the occurence of symptoms and subsequent confirmation by a positive PCR test. In order to demomstrate effects on transmission you would have to test all participants continously, regardless of symptoms, and of course they did not do that. You are right,that the studies do not show whether vaccines prevent serious outcomes like hospitalization or deaths, but I think they show whether it prevents you from getting mild symptoms characteristic of Covid-19.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I already read that article, and it doesn't really match with what you are saying. The studies were specifically not designed to prove prevention of infection, and the Moderna guy they quoted even says so outright:

"Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission,” Zaks said, “because in order to do that you have to swab people twice a week for very long periods, and that becomes operationally untenable.”
He repeatedly emphasised these “operational realities” of running a vaccine trial. “Every trial design, especially phase III, is always a balancing act between different needs,” he said. “If you wanted to have an answer on an endpoint that happens at a frequency of one 10th or one fifth the frequency of the primary endpoint, you would need a trial that is either 5 or 10 times larger or you’d need a trial that is 5 or 10 times longer to collect those events. Neither of these, I think, are acceptable in the current public need for knowing expeditiously that a vaccine works."

As I understand it, the endpoint was Covid-19 disease which was defined as the occurence of symptoms and subsequent confirmation by a positive PCR test. In order to demomstrate effects on transmission you would have to test all participants continously, regardless of symptoms, and of course they did not do that. You are right,that the studies do not show whether vaccines prevent serious outcomes like hospitalization or deaths, but I think they show whether it prevents you from getting mild symptoms characteristic of Covid-19.

Here are the relevant quotes from that thread I included in the original post. Are we reading the same thing? Can you please explain how the portions I colored in red below do not corroborate exactly what I said? Namely, the vaccine trials are not designed to test if the vaccines will prevent deaths, hospitalizations, exacerbations (ICU admission), or even transmission of virus from infected person to a non-infected one. They are only designed to test for prevention of early infection, and now CNN's article above says the vaccines won't really prevent those early infections either. So, what are those vaccines good for, then?

"..."...The most advanced trials for coronavirus vaccines cannot tell researchers if the shots will save lives, or even if they'll prevent serious disease, a drug development expert pointed out Wednesday. The ongoing trials are only designed to show if the vaccines prevent infection -- and most infections are mild infections, Peter Doshi, an associate editor at the BMJ medical journal and a drug development specialist at the University of Maryland's school of pharmacy, said. "I think there are some pretty widely held assumptions about what we are getting out of Phase 3 studies," Doshi told CNN." "None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus," Doshi wrote in the BMJ.""

"..."..."People expect that the most severe part of the Covid iceberg -- the ICU admissions and hospitalizations and deaths -- that's what a vaccine would put an end to," he said. But the current trials will just look for early infections. It's possible to keep these current trials going and add onto them so that they will, eventually, answer the question of whether Covid vaccines save lives and prevent severe disease."


Jul 31, 2019
Here are the relevant quotes from that thread I included in the original post. Are we reading the same thing? Can you please explain how the portions I colored in red below do not corroborate exactly what I said? Namely, the vaccine trials are not designed to test if the vaccines will prevent deaths, hospitalizations, exacerbations (ICU admission), or even transmission of virus from infected person to a non-infected one. They are only designed to test for prevention of early infection, and now CNN's article above says the vaccines won't really prevent those early infections either.

"..."...The most advanced trials for coronavirus vaccines cannot tell researchers if the shots will save lives, or even if they'll prevent serious disease, a drug development expert pointed out Wednesday. The ongoing trials are only designed to show if the vaccines prevent infection -- and most infections are mild infections, Peter Doshi, an associate editor at the BMJ medical journal and a drug development specialist at the University of Maryland's school of pharmacy, said. "I think there are some pretty widely held assumptions about what we are getting out of Phase 3 studies," Doshi told CNN." "None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus," Doshi wrote in the BMJ.""

"..."..."People expect that the most severe part of the Covid iceberg -- the ICU admissions and hospitalizations and deaths -- that's what a vaccine would put an end to," he said. But the current trials will just look for early infections. It's possible to keep these current trials going and add onto them so that they will, eventually, answer the question of whether Covid vaccines save lives and prevent severe disease."

How can a study not determine the incidence of transmission, yet determine the risk of an early infection? Infection and transmission are the same thing according to their own definition they use nowadays. Since most infections are asymptomatic, those studies couldn't determine the risk of early infections with the methods they used.


Jan 25, 2014
Correct me, if I am wrong, but as I see it these studies were not designed to see whether the vaccine prevents an infection, but rather whether they reduce the risk of severe symptoms/outcomes. The CNN story you posted is just anecdotal evidence, not any reliable data. Studies from Israel show that there was a 30-60% reduction of infection after the 1st shot, and further preliminary results indicate that the number after the 2nd dose is significantly higher. Don't get me wrong, these vaccines serve not real purpose, and are likely harmful, but they seem to do (to some extent, at least) what they are advertised to do.

"Other, somewhat contrary data was released by Israeli health maintenance organizations Tuesday evening. Channel 13 News said that according to figures released by Clalit, Israel’s largest health provider, the chance of a person being infected with the coronavirus dropped by 33% 14 days after they were vaccinated. Separate figures recorded by the Maccabi health provider and aired by Channel 12 showed the vaccine caused a 60% drop in the chances for infection 14 days after taking the first shot."

To quote all the lockdown and virus proponents, "wait two weeks."

More than 12,400 people in Israel have tested positive for coronavirus after being vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, including 69 who had received their second dose, the country's Health Ministry said.
Some 189,000 people were tested for Covid-19 after being vaccinated, with 6.6 percent getting a positive result, according to ministry data reported by Israeli outlets. The majority were apparently infected shortly after receiving the first jab of the two-part vaccine – a period when the inoculation isn't expected to have kicked in yet.

So, in the 9 days between your Times of Israel article to the date of the RT article, the positive test rate went from being 2.5-5% among those vaccinated, to 6.6%, taking that 30-60% reduction and leaving just a 13% reduction. Both articles are talking about the same country and same drug company vaccine. Seems like that early positive press might just be a small sample size? Doesn't seem like they are even doing what they were advertised to do.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How can a study not determine the incidence of transmission, yet determine the risk of an early infection? Infection and transmission are the same thing according to their own definition they use nowadays. Since most infections are asymptomatic, those studies couldn't determine the risk of early infections with the methods they used.

Well, I am simply quoting what the BMJ and CNN are saying. I am not making any arguments myself. So, as I mentioned before - if both of them are right then the vaccines are useless (while also carrying risk of side effects). If one of them is right, which one is it and why should one trust one over the other? Which one (if any) is more trustworthy?
Btw, preventing infection and transmission are not the same thing. The former is preventing a vaccinated person from becoming infected, while the latter is preventing a vaccinated person from infecting others (if that person is carrying the virus but not getting sick from it). Both are important for curbing the pandemic spread, but prevention of transmission is usually what leads to herd immunity. However, as per the quote I provided above, the vaccine trials are not designed to test for that and here is another link that corroborates that point. They say in the link below the vaccines "likely" reduce transmission but, again, it's just speculation currently as the trials are not designed to test for that endpoint. So, based purely on what BMJ and CNN are saying, and supported by the link below, as of now we have no evidence whether vaccines prevent infection, transmission, exacerbation, hospitalization, or death. Maybe they do, but there is no evidence currently to claim any of those benefits for any of the vaccines. Yet, every politicians on every MSM outlet I have seen in the last 2 months has been promoting exactly those claims, completely evidence-free.
"...In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease. Many vaccines can also prevent transmission, potentially leading to herd protection whereby unvaccinated people are protected from infection by the vaccinated people around them because they have less chance of exposure to the virus. We are still learning whether or not the current Covid-19 vaccines prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2. It is likely they reduce the risk of virus transmission but probably not completely in everyone."


Jul 31, 2019
To quote all the lockdown and virus proponents, "wait two weeks."

So, in the 9 days between your Times of Israel article to the date of the RT article, the positive test rate went from being 2.5-5% among those vaccinated, to 6.6%, taking that 30-60% reduction and leaving just a 13% reduction. Both articles are talking about the same country and same drug company vaccine. Seems like that early positive press might just be a small sample size? Doesn't seem like they are even doing what they were advertised to do.
Apparently not. I hadn't followed up on those news. Looking at the haaretz article cited by RT, it seems even worse. According to them, the infection rate is not different, at all, after 3-4 weeks in many groups.

"At this stage it is still difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the effectiveness of the vaccine, for better or worse. In some groups of inoculated people during the different post-vaccine periods, the ratio of positive tests corresponds to the ratio of positive tests in the general population, the overwhelming majority of whom were not yet vaccinated."

The article states that the positive rate after 22-28 days was only 2,2%, so they will just say that the immunization process takes a little longer than expected, and that the important aspect are the results after the 2nd shot, anyways.

"Of the 3,199 people who took coronavirus tests between day 22 and day 28 after the first vaccine, 84 were found to be positive (2.6 percent), including 69 people who had already been vaccinated twice."

Well, I am simply quoting what the BMJ and CNN are saying. I am not making any arguments myself. So, as I mentioned before - if both of them are right then the vaccines are useless (while also carrying risk of side effects). If one of them is right, which one is it and why should one trust one over the other? Which one (if any) is more trustworthy?
Btw, preventing infection and transmission are not the same thing. The former is preventing a vaccinated person from becoming infected, while the latter is preventing a vaccinated person from infecting others (if that person is carrying the virus but not getting sick from it). Both are important for curbing the pandemic spread, but prevention of transmission is usually what leads to herd immunity. However, as per the quote I provided above, the vaccine trials are not designed to test for that and here is another link that corroborates that point. They say in the link below the vaccines "likely" reduce transmission but, again, it's just speculation currently as the trials are not designed to test for that endpoint. So, based purely on what BMJ and CNN are saying, and supported by the link below, as of now we have no evidence whether vaccines prevent infection, transmission, exacerbation, hospitalization, or death. Maybe they do, but there is no evidence currently to claim any of those benefits for any of the vaccines. Yet, every politicians on every MSM outlet I have seen in the last 2 months has been promoting exactly those claims, completely evidence-free.
"...In general, most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease. Many vaccines can also prevent transmission, potentially leading to herd protection whereby unvaccinated people are protected from infection by the vaccinated people around them because they have less chance of exposure to the virus. We are still learning whether or not the current Covid-19 vaccines prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2. It is likely they reduce the risk of virus transmission but probably not completely in everyone."

Thanks for the clarification. As I see it the points are still valid, then. Without continous PCR testing you won't be able to determine either infenction, nor transmission. After reading the Pfizer trial description for the first time, I thought that this must probably the most useless trial ever, as the only thing it really looks at is whether you get a mild cough and fever, or not.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
the only thing it really looks at is whether you get a mild cough and fever, or not.

Exactly, and to Big Pharma's credit they never claimed otherwise. It was all MSM spinning this into the greatest thing since sliced bread. Encouraged by MSM (or in collusion with it), all sorts of politicians started jumping up and down and saying the vaccines will save us all, and this is probably what prompted that op-ed in the BMJ. Doctors may be getting scared that they will become the scapegoats when the promised results do not meet reality and people keep dying. So, BMJ is basically saying "stop promising paradise with those vaccines, they may turn out to be great but that's up to future trials to determine, and the current ones have only one clear goal (given the emergency rush and such) and that is to test for early infection prevention".


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
of course then this happens wright on cue

It is the never ending story not matter what, on and on it goes

This quote below says it all. I did a little FTFY to say it bluntly, as apparently the Health Minister is more willing to sell fairy-tales than simply point out what the evidence available so far shows.
"...“We see a wave of infection that refuses to decline, apparently because of the mutation ineffectiveness of the vaccines,” Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said at a press conference on Thursday."

...and if we have to take all the available evidence into account, the true statement becomes this:

"...“We see a wave of infection that refuses to decline, apparently because of the mutation ineffectiveness of the vaccines, fraudulently raised PCR test sensitivity, and shifting of mortality cases from other infectious diseases to the COVID-19 category,” Health Minister Yuli Edelstein said at a press conference on Thursday."
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