Another COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Halted Due To Serious Side Effects


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
At this point, two out of the four Phase III human clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccine have been halted due to safety concerns as a result of serious adverse events (SAE) in the active group(s). Here is the thread about the other one being halted.
NIH 'very Concerned' About Serious Side Effect In Coronavirus Vaccine

Neither one of those halted trials has resumed (in the US), which speaks volumes about the "safety" of the vaccine. The really suspicious thing is that unlike the first SAE issue this time they are not releasing information as to what the SAE event is/was. This usually means the issue is very serious (possibly lethal) so they are giving themselves time to formulate a PR "strategy" and scrambling to find other causes on which to blame the SAE.
Covid-19 vaccine: Johnson & Johnson pauses trial after 'unexplained illness' - CNN
"...Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine arm is developing the shot. The company did not say what the unexplained illness was, but one point of clinical trials is to find out if vaccines cause dangerous side effects. Trials are stopped when they pop up while doctors check to see if the illness can be linked to the vaccine or is a coincidence."
"..."We must respect this participant's privacy. We're also learning more about this participant's illness, and it's important to have all the facts before we share additional information," the company added."

"...This is the second Phase 3 coronavirus vaccine trial to be paused in the US. AstraZeneca's vaccine trial was paused last month because of a neurological complication in a volunteer in Britain. While the trial resumed there and in other countries, it remains paused in the United States while the US Food and Drug Administration investigates."

@Drareg @Regina @boris


I think it's important that we make a distinction here. That is, the vaccine trials halted due to immediate side effects, emphasis on immediate. This to satisfy the perspective and sentiment that their vaccines are the root to these sudden so-called pandemics and other long range health and metabolic issues as well as the basic idea that they are really never safe. My somewhat paranoid side would even go as far to say they want to ensure that they put out headlines about a couple of vaccine trial failures to some how "demonstrate" that they're vigorously hard at work to "save us" and that the one that finally sticks will be good for ya lol


Oct 1, 2019
May the vaccine plan be crumbling?
Any way it goes, Bill Gates will be our saviour. If the vaccines fail, he will have an insurance with his Losartan study.

Losartan for Patients With COVID-19 Requiring Hospitalization - Full Text View -
INV-017069 ( Other Grant/Funding Number: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation )

The really suspicious thing is that unlike the first SAE issue this time they are not releasing information as to what the SAE event is/was. This usually means the issue is very serious (possibly lethal) so they are giving themselves time to formulate a PR "strategy" and scrambling to find other causes on which to blame the SAE.

Sounds very likely. It is hard to imagine they will be stopped from rolling the vaccines out sooner or later, so much money and effort invested.
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Jan 25, 2014
So, these drug companies stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars, with zero liability from vaccine harm, and the side effects are so staggeringly bad, they still have to halt their trials.

Snorting meth off a live rattlesnake appears safer than these vaccines at this point.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I think it's important that we make a distinction here. That is, the vaccine trials halted due to immediate side effects, emphasis on immediate. This to satisfy the perspective and sentiment that their vaccines are the root to these sudden so-called pandemics and other long range health and metabolic issues as well as the basic idea that they are really never safe. My somewhat paranoid side would even go as far to say they want to ensure that they put out headlines about a couple of vaccine trial failures to some how "demonstrate" that they're vigorously hard at work to "save us" and that the one that finally sticks will be good for ya lol

I agree, but I also think some of the anti-vax publicity may be due to good 'ol subversive acts by the "competition". Despite all pharma companies being essentially part of the same cabal, they do not hesitate to throw a wrench in each other's wheels any chance they get if money/profit is at stake. If one company's trial was put on hold and jeopardizes its profits, that company will probably do anything it its power to publicize failures of other company's vaccines as well.


Jul 31, 2019
At this point, two out of the four Phase III human clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccine have been halted due to safety concerns as a result of serious adverse events (SAE) in the active group(s). Here is the thread about the other one being halted.
NIH 'very Concerned' About Serious Side Effect In Coronavirus Vaccine

How did you arrive at 2 out of 4? It seems that there is a much larger number of vaccines currently being tested in phase-III trials.

Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker


Feb 18, 2016
The choice of words is always telling, "unexplained illness" , many other headlines had similar wording to imply potential pre existing conditions within the patient, I find the pre existing auto immune excuse highlights the psychopathology within these organizations, the immune response from the vaccine triggered it clearly but yet they deny, label and march on, it’s you the genetically determined inferior human that’s at fault.....

What’s also alarming is many of these vaccines don’t even give immunity to COVID19 but lessen symptoms yet we are still getting these "mysterious illnesses".
All covid deaths matter but 1 or 2 lives ruined from a vaccine is collateral damage, selective empathy has and is the telling trait within the covid cult since day 1 of the hysteria pandemic.


May 11, 2020
The choice of words is always telling, "unexplained illness" , many other headlines had similar wording to imply potential pre existing conditions within the patient, I find the pre existing auto immune excuse highlights the psychopathology within these organizations, the immune response from the vaccine triggered it clearly but yet they deny, label and march on, it’s you the genetically determined inferior human that’s at fault.....

What’s also alarming is many of these vaccines don’t even give immunity to COVID19 but lessen symptoms yet we are still getting these "mysterious illnesses".
All covid deaths matter but 1 or 2 lives ruined from a vaccine is collateral damage, selective empathy has and is the telling trait within the covid cult since day 1 of the hysteria pandemic.
Right. That same selective empathy allows people who kept their jobs, homes, 401k's and ability to eat food to not empathize with the hundreds of millions of people suffering and starving. I legit think we're watching the modern holocaust X5 unfold in front of our eyes. It will be completed once the vaccine hits. I said in another thread but it bears repeating: after the vaccine is widely administered and you're reading about it, replace the word "despite" with "because of".
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
How did you arrive at 2 out of 4? It seems that there is a much larger number of vaccines currently being tested in phase-III trials.

Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker

The two out of four refers to the Phase III trials, as my post says. It's in the CNN article. Two out of the four Phase III trials have been paused so far and there are six total (in any phase) in the US.
"...Johnson's Phase 3 trial started in September. It's one of six coronavirus vaccines being tested in the US, and one of four in the most advanced, Phase 3 stage. "

So, this trial and the one by AztraZeneca are both Phase III trials and both have been paused. Btw, this trend of pauses/halting seems to go beyond vaccine trials.
Eli Lilly's Trial For COVID-19 Antibody Treatment Halted For Safety Reasons


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The choice of words is always telling, "unexplained illness" , many other headlines had similar wording to imply potential pre existing conditions within the patient

It's funny how the "pre-existing conditions" are always brought up when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine/treatment trails but rarely (if ever) when it comes to attributing/determining cause of death in people with COVID-19.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
It's funny how the "pre-existing conditions" are always brought up when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine/treatment trails but rarely (if ever) when it comes to attributing/determining cause of death in people with COVID-19.
Yeah, It's called being 'economical' with the truth!, well said Sir Haidut :):


Aug 6, 2017
My somewhat paranoid side would even go as far to say they want to ensure that they put out headlines about a couple of vaccine trial failures to some how "demonstrate" that they're vigorously hard at work to "save us" and that the one that finally sticks will be good for ya lol

You don't need to be paranoid, in both cases as the trial halting hit the national news over here the local expert they interviewed was there to mainly tell that this is good evidence of how careful they are to not cut any safety corners.


Feb 18, 2016
It's funny how the "pre-existing conditions" are always brought up when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine/treatment trails but rarely (if ever) when it comes to attributing/determining cause of death in people with COVID-19.

That’s the covid cult hokey pokey at work, the CCHP is used with lots of hand waving and selective empathy to try put you in a hypnotic trance of learned helplessness, when wake up you are in a bizarre global communist system run by central banks and that’s what it’s all about.


Feb 18, 2016
Right. That same selective empathy allows people who kept their jobs, homes, 401k's and ability to eat food to not empathize with the hundreds of millions of people suffering and starving. I legit think we're watching the modern holocaust X5 unfold in front of our eyes. It will be completed once the vaccine hits. I said in another thread but it bears repeating: after the vaccine is widely administered and you're reading about it, replace the word "despite" with "because of".

Exactly while they sit there in sweatshop made socks and underpants doing a try on haul for their Vlog on youtube or insta, I call this the "underpants fallacy".
Primitive mammalian brains in flow, the pre frontal cortex has closed the door to stop the madness getting in, it can only hold out so long before the serotonin pufa saturated deluge enters and it’s function is gone forever, it’s trying to reason with the mammalian brain through the door but it’s hysterical and just screams continually like on of those antifa types.


You don't need to be paranoid, in both cases as the trial halting hit the national news over here the local expert they interviewed was there to mainly tell that this is good evidence of how careful they are to not cut any safety corners.
Ha, the perfect illustration.


Feb 18, 2016
Somebody has died in the astrazeneca vaccine trial, the BBC propaganda outlet are claiming the individual who died didn’t receive the vaccine, supposedly he was one of the alternative groups receiving a meningitis vaccine?
Nobody knows what vaccine they receive in the trial, convenient when somebody dies, is it really necessary to do a double blind study in relation to a vaccine? Surely the results are objectively measurable relative to antibodies etc?

I have no trust in any of these organizations.

All lives matter in relation to covid but not when they die from anything else it seems.

"Trials of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University will continue, following a review into the death of a volunteer in Brazil.

Brazil's health authority has given no details about the death, citing confidentiality protocols.

Oxford University said a "careful assessment" had revealed no safety concerns.

The BBC understands that the volunteer did not receive the vaccine.

Only around half the volunteers in the trial are given the actual Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine. The second group are being given an existing licensed vaccine for meningitis.

Neither the participants nor their families know which vaccine they are being given.

This enables the researchers to compare the results for the two groups in order to measure whether the vaccine is effective.



Somebody has died in the astrazeneca vaccine trial, the BBC propaganda outlet are claiming the individual who died didn’t receive the vaccine, supposedly he was one of the alternative groups receiving a meningitis vaccine?
Nobody knows what vaccine they receive in the trial, convenient when somebody dies, is it really necessary to do a double blind study in relation to a vaccine? Surely the results are objectively measurable relative to antibodies etc?

I have no trust in any of these organizations.

All lives matter in relation to covid but not when they die from anything else it seems.

Covid: No safety concerns found with Oxford vaccine trial after Brazil death

"Trials of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University will continue, following a review into the death of a volunteer in Brazil.

Brazil's health authority has given no details about the death, citing confidentiality protocols.

Oxford University said a "careful assessment" had revealed no safety concerns.

The BBC understands that the volunteer did not receive the vaccine.

Only around half the volunteers in the trial are given the actual Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine. The second group are being given an existing licensed vaccine for meningitis.

Neither the participants nor their families know which vaccine they are being given.

This enables the researchers to compare the results for the two groups in order to measure whether the vaccine is effective.
It's laughable that they pathetically attempt to make an excuse that it was not the convid vaccine but the other vaccine. The thinking person would simply realize, well vaccines in general are, again, not safe.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Somebody has died in the astrazeneca vaccine trial, the BBC propaganda outlet are claiming the individual who died didn’t receive the vaccine, supposedly he was one of the alternative groups receiving a meningitis vaccine?
Nobody knows what vaccine they receive in the trial, convenient when somebody dies, is it really necessary to do a double blind study in relation to a vaccine? Surely the results are objectively measurable relative to antibodies etc?

I have no trust in any of these organizations.

All lives matter in relation to covid but not when they die from anything else it seems.

Covid: No safety concerns found with Oxford vaccine trial after Brazil death

"Trials of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University will continue, following a review into the death of a volunteer in Brazil.

Brazil's health authority has given no details about the death, citing confidentiality protocols.

Oxford University said a "careful assessment" had revealed no safety concerns.

The BBC understands that the volunteer did not receive the vaccine.

Only around half the volunteers in the trial are given the actual Oxford University Covid-19 vaccine. The second group are being given an existing licensed vaccine for meningitis.

Neither the participants nor their families know which vaccine they are being given.

This enables the researchers to compare the results for the two groups in order to measure whether the vaccine is effective.

If you look at my original post you will see that there I predicted that the SAE in the J&J trial was likely something lethal because they did not openly announce what it was. When a side effect is relatively mild, the health authorities are VERY quick to announce is as to emphasize their "openness" and the "safety" of whatever intervention the trial is testing (see Ma, it was only a rash!). However, whenever you see just an announcement of "a patient has suffered an SAE" then 9 out of 10 times it is something very serious and often lethal. So, the company does the minimum reporting required by the law and goes into PR crisis mode to come up with explanations of why it is not their or their drug's fault and starts aggressive bribing...I mean lobbying to be allowed to continue the trial.
The patient died in the AstraZeneca trial, but I bet the J&J trial SAE was also death or something crippling like polio, stroke, etc.


Jun 20, 2015
People in the UK vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 can rest assured that their government is doing everything to monitor the numerous side effects with brand new artificial intelligence.

European Procurement Journal

The procurement falls outside the scope of application of the directive


For reasons of extreme urgency under Regulation 32(2)(c) related to the release of a Covid-19 vaccine MHRA have accelerated the sourcing and implementation of a vaccine specific AI tool.

Strictly necessary — it is not possible to retrofit the MHRA’s legacy systems to handle the volume of ADRs that will be generated by a Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, if the MHRA does not implement the AI tool, it will be unable to process these ADRs effectively. This will hinder its ability to rapidly identify any potential safety issues with the Covid-19 vaccine and represents a direct threat to patient life and public health.

Reasons of extreme urgency — the MHRA recognises that its planned procurement process for the SafetyConnect programme, including the AI tool, would not have concluded by vaccine launch. Leading to a inability to effectively monitor adverse reactions to a Covid-19 vaccine.

Events unforeseeable — the Covid-19 crisis is novel and developments in the search of a Covid-19 vaccine have not followed any predictable pattern so far.
I don't know about the UK. In my country (Germany) the authority who monitors adverse effects of pharmaceutical drugs is the same one that approved them in the first place. How can they rule out conflict of interest?


Jun 20, 2015
Yet another vaccine trial halted.

Peru has temporarily suspended clinical trials of a COVID vaccine made by Chinese drug giant Sinopharm after detecting neurological problems in one of its test volunteers.

The National Institute of Health said Friday that it had decided to interrupt the trial after a volunteer had difficulty moving their arms, according to local media.

"Several days ago we signaled, as we are required, to the regulatory authorities that one of our participants (in trials) presented neurological symptoms which could correspond to a condition called Guillain-Barre syndrome," said chief researcher German Malaga in comments to the press.

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