Priest Dies After Getting Moderna Covid Vaccine

Nov 21, 2015
of course this had nothing to do with the vaccine...probably an unrelated heart attack...

Priest who participated in trial for unethical Moderna vaccine dies suddenly
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, December 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A Ukranian Greek-Catholic priest, who was previously a volunteer in the testing of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, has died suddenly in his home. It is still unclear if the 70-year-old’s death is related to the vaccine.

Fr. John Fields was the Communications and Religious Education Director for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which is part of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Announcing his death, the Archeparchy stated that Fr. Fields “has passed away in his home. The cause of death is yet to be determined.” Fr. Fields turned 70 this year.

Just recently, Fields had participated in the trials of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, after receiving an email from the University of Pennsylvania at the end of August, asking if he wished to “participate in the third and final phase” of the vaccine trial.

The Dialog reports that Fr. Fields had been very eager to participate in the trials, answering “yes” to the email: “It would be a great opportunity to fight this pesky virus that suddenly appeared and wreaked havoc throughout the world, bringing death and disrupting every aspect of our lives.”

He had been approached specifically due to his age, since he was in the age bracket the study team “deemed the higher risk group for the COVID-19 virus.” The first injection he received was on August 31, with the second on October 1.

Despite being asked to record any symptoms following the vaccination, Fr. Fields previously confirmed to The Dialog that he experienced none.

“I think of the researchers, who in only several months, as part of Operation Warp Speed, collectively used their knowledge and wisdom from Almighty God to achieve this medical milestone,” he had said. “I may be able [to] contribute in some small way to the development of an effective vaccine that would help stop this worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and the fear.”

Father Michael Hutsko, of Sts. Peter and Paul church in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, suggested that Fr. Fields had suffered “an apparent heart attack,” and the vicar general of the Archeparchy confirmed that Fr. Fields “did not have COVID-19.”

Archbishop Boris Gudziak of the Archeparchy said, “In our last conversation before Thanksgiving Father John was in good spirits and seemingly improving in his health.”

Moderna vaccine safety and ethical concerns
Vaccine manufacturer Moderna has promoted the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, but pro-life organization Children of God for Life reported in May that there was a “20% ‘serious’ injury rate” amongst those who had received a high dosage of the vaccine in early trials. The participants in the vaccine trial at that stage were also very selectively chosen, as Moderna “allowed only exceptionally healthy volunteers to participate in the study.”

Members of an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have been warning the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the public should be warned about the potential serious side effects from vaccines.

While Fr. Fields volunteered for the testing of the vaccine in its third stage trial phase, the Moderna vaccine does in fact use cells from aborted babies in its formulation.


Aug 6, 2017
Injecting stuff made from aborted fetuses is some satanic ***t, god was not happy one of his men took part in such abominations.
Nov 21, 2015
the rest of the article discusses the immorality of this vaccine.

Does anyone know if this vaccine does use cells from aborted fetuses, or was developed with said cells?
Nov 21, 2015
I predict a stream of these types of deaths and they will withdraw the vaccine after many many deaths.

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
of course this had nothing to do with the vaccine...probably an unrelated heart attack...

Priest who participated in trial for unethical Moderna vaccine dies suddenly
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, December 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A Ukranian Greek-Catholic priest, who was previously a volunteer in the testing of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, has died suddenly in his home. It is still unclear if the 70-year-old’s death is related to the vaccine.

Fr. John Fields was the Communications and Religious Education Director for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which is part of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Announcing his death, the Archeparchy stated that Fr. Fields “has passed away in his home. The cause of death is yet to be determined.” Fr. Fields turned 70 this year.

Just recently, Fields had participated in the trials of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, after receiving an email from the University of Pennsylvania at the end of August, asking if he wished to “participate in the third and final phase” of the vaccine trial.

The Dialog reports that Fr. Fields had been very eager to participate in the trials, answering “yes” to the email: “It would be a great opportunity to fight this pesky virus that suddenly appeared and wreaked havoc throughout the world, bringing death and disrupting every aspect of our lives.”

He had been approached specifically due to his age, since he was in the age bracket the study team “deemed the higher risk group for the COVID-19 virus.” The first injection he received was on August 31, with the second on October 1.

Despite being asked to record any symptoms following the vaccination, Fr. Fields previously confirmed to The Dialog that he experienced none.

“I think of the researchers, who in only several months, as part of Operation Warp Speed, collectively used their knowledge and wisdom from Almighty God to achieve this medical milestone,” he had said. “I may be able [to] contribute in some small way to the development of an effective vaccine that would help stop this worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and the fear.”

Father Michael Hutsko, of Sts. Peter and Paul church in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, suggested that Fr. Fields had suffered “an apparent heart attack,” and the vicar general of the Archeparchy confirmed that Fr. Fields “did not have COVID-19.”

Archbishop Boris Gudziak of the Archeparchy said, “In our last conversation before Thanksgiving Father John was in good spirits and seemingly improving in his health.”

Moderna vaccine safety and ethical concerns
Vaccine manufacturer Moderna has promoted the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, but pro-life organization Children of God for Life reported in May that there was a “20% ‘serious’ injury rate” amongst those who had received a high dosage of the vaccine in early trials. The participants in the vaccine trial at that stage were also very selectively chosen, as Moderna “allowed only exceptionally healthy volunteers to participate in the study.”

Members of an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have been warning the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the public should be warned about the potential serious side effects from vaccines.

While Fr. Fields volunteered for the testing of the vaccine in its third stage trial phase, the Moderna vaccine does in fact use cells from aborted babies in its formulation. does not appear to me to be balanced news source.
Nov 21, 2015
It is possible he was in the placebo group, but supposedly they got something too, not just saline. Very confusing without disclosure, and this is Science by Press Release.

He seems to have been in the trial group, and he died. So that could mean anything I suppose.


Mar 29, 2014
I would hope that the conduct of that phase of the trial would involve looking at outcomes for all participants. I would imagine that might be relevant to any speculations about likely causes of death.

Interesting that COVID denial in this forum seems to include both implications that most of the approx 200 000 US elders who have died with or of COVID were going to die anyway of something else, whereas the strong implication in this thread is that the vaccine is the only likely cause of death for an individual 70 year old.


Nov 18, 2020
Not to say the man didn't die from the vaccine but is there a source of this news that ISN'T from a conspiracy theorist website? LifeSite is dedicated to pro-life/anti-abortion articles as well as talk about Catholicism and some far-right conspiracy theories it appears so I'm skeptical of the claim that aborted fetuses were used in the vaccine...


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I would hope that the conduct of that phase of the trial would involve looking at outcomes for all participants. I would imagine that might be relevant to any speculations about likely causes of death.

Interesting that COVID denial in this forum seems to include both implications that most of the approx 200 000 US elders who have died with or of COVID were going to die anyway of something else, whereas the strong implication in this thread is that the vaccine is the only likely cause of death for an individual 70 year old.

Have you seen the "influenza-like illness" deaths for this year? Look at the CDC's website. They are statistically zero for some odd reason. It's almost as if all of these deaths, which are typically around 00-200k each year, have disappeared and covid19 has taken it's place. Could that have somehting to do with the fiduciary incentives of confirming covid cases? Some states received as much as $300k per reported covid death from the stimulus earlier this year.

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
I would hope that the conduct of that phase of the trial would involve looking at outcomes for all participants. I would imagine that might be relevant to any speculations about likely causes of death.

Interesting that COVID denial in this forum seems to include both implications that most of the approx 200 000 US elders who have died with or of COVID were going to die anyway of something else, whereas the strong implication in this thread is that the vaccine is the only likely cause of death for an individual 70 year old.


Sep 8, 2019
Aborted cells have been a confirmed ingredient in past vaccines... But the question is.. Why?
Sounds very satanic, who knows what the true dark purpose is?
Not to mention the mercury, aluminium... Oh and the polysorbate 80 to allow these toxins to pass the blood brain barrier.. Easy access.
The scary part of the covid vaccine is we're not sure what's inside it.. It's a mystery, for now.
Micro robotic technology? It's a possibility and wouldn't surprise me. Are we really going to let them inject something inside us when they have the potential to control/manipulate us from the inside out?

Wouldn't touch it for a million ******* dollars


Jul 25, 2013
so what? You mean he didn't die? He didn't get the vaccine?

Sorry this isn't CNN.

It's amazing that people don't know that CNN is a propaganda/lies machine 24/7. And one of their "fact checkers" (Lead Stories) is run by a former CNN employee.


Jul 25, 2013
I would hope that the conduct of that phase of the trial would involve looking at outcomes for all participants. I would imagine that might be relevant to any speculations about likely causes of death.

Interesting that COVID denial in this forum seems to include both implications that most of the approx 200 000 US elders who have died with or of COVID were going to die anyway of something else, whereas the strong implication in this thread is that the vaccine is the only likely cause of death for an individual 70 year old.

The flu is LITERALLY 99% gone, worldwide since March, and is still GONE despite being well into the new flu season. Allegedly, the "protective measures" for covid eliminated the flu, yet allowed covid to explode to 65 million cases. Ha ha. This is beyond ridiculous.
Big Picture: How are people not seeing the OBVIOUS lies, censorship, and power-grabs?
And are these blind people going to take an experimental vaccine with ZERO long-term or even medium-term safety data? I hope not, but I bet a lot of them will.


Aug 6, 2015
Aborted cells have been a confirmed ingredient in past vaccines... But the question is.. Why?
Sounds very satanic, who knows what the true dark purpose is?
Not to mention the mercury, aluminium... Oh and the polysorbate 80 to allow these toxins to pass the blood brain barrier.. Easy access.
The scary part of the covid vaccine is we're not sure what's inside it.. It's a mystery, for now.
Micro robotic technology? It's a possibility and wouldn't surprise me. Are we really going to let them inject something inside us when they have the potential to control/manipulate us from the inside out?

Wouldn't touch it for a million ******* dollars

if you are eaten by sharks, it is counted as a COVID death

all deaths are now counted as COVID

according to conspiracy theorist David Wilcock, the goal of the elite is to get people to take part in satanic rituals without them realising,
for example our support for wars, factory farms, products made from slavery, all the TV shows and companies with hidden symbolism, even language and phrases we use, etc


Jul 25, 2013
according to conspiracy theorist David Wilcock, the goal of the elite is to get people to take part in satanic rituals without them realising,

I just discovered that the Google Chrome logo is 666 arranged in a circle.
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