COVID Vaccine Trials Rigged To Show Positive Outcomes


Feb 18, 2016
The vaccines are basically designed to lower symptoms but will not make you immune.
As usual big pharma prefer treating symptoms and milking the profit as long as possible, immunity is a one time payoff compared to repeat business.

The lunatics are calling for these "vaccines" to be mandatory. It needs to be renamed immediately. Language used and abused by the ruling class as usual.

They basically lower the symptoms of a common cold and are being called vaccines, entrance required for the trial is a positive PCR test and complaint of a headache, cough or mild nausea.:tearsofjoy: So basically if you have a cold you can enter yourself into a vaccine trial for the "deadly" covid19!
When we consider T cell immunity is a reality we must ask why we have no mention of testing for T cells at this point

In essence this is basically a live legal trial being conducted on the masses and any side effects cannot be prosecuted legally , side effect compensation is payed for by the government/tax payer

The author is clearly of the authoritarian ilk as can be seen by his final paragraph, the question is do the ruling class really want a vaccine when they can continue with their flawed PCR test to justify authoritarianism and social engineering for years, they also need cover for the Jeffrey Epstein paedophile rings and taxpayer bailouts of banks and corporate groups, the answer is no, we need to do it.


"Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnsonare leading candidates for the completion of a Covid-19 vaccine likely to be released in the coming months. These companies have published their vaccine trial protocols. This unusually transparent action during a major drug trial deserves praise, close inspection of the protocols raises surprising concerns. These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.

Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint. Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection. Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected.

We all expect an effective vaccine to prevent serious illness if infected. Three of the vaccine protocols—Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca—do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache.

The greatest fear people have is dying from this disease. A vaccine must significantly or entirely reduce deaths from Covid-19. Over two hundred thousand people have died in the United States and nearly a million worldwide. None list mortality as a critical endpoint.

These companies likely intend to apply for an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with just their limited preliminary results.

Interim analysis success requires a seventy percent efficacy. For Moderna, the interim analysis includes giving the vaccine to only 53 people. Their success margin is for 13 or less of those 53 to develop symptoms compared to 40 or more in their control group. For Johnson & Johnson, their interim analysis includes 77 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 18 or less developing symptoms compared to 59 in the control group. For AstraZeneca, their interim analysis includes 50 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 12 or less developing symptoms compared to 19 in the 25 person control group. Pfizer is even smaller in its success requirements. Their initial group includes 32 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 7 or less developing symptoms compared to 25 in the control group.

The second surprise from these protocols is how mild the requirements for contracted Covid-19 symptoms are. A careful reading reveals that the minimum qualification for a case of Covid-19 is a positive PCR test and one or two mild symptoms. These include headache, fever, cough, or mild nausea. This is far from adequate. These vaccine trials are testing to prevent common cold symptoms.

These protocols do not emphasize the most important ramifications of Covid-19 that people are most interested in preventing: overall infection, hospitalization, and death. It boggles the mind and defies common sense that the National Institute of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, and the rest would consider the approval of a vaccine that would be distributed to hundreds of millions on such slender threads of success.

It is clear from these studies that the vaccines currently under trial will not be the silver bullet needed to end the pandemic. We must do all we can public health measures to control Covid-19 as China and other Asian countries have successfully done.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The vaccines are basically designed to lower symptoms but will not make you immune.
As usual big pharma prefer treating symptoms and milking the profit as long as possible, immunity is a one time payoff compared to repeat business.

The lunatics are calling for these "vaccines" to be mandatory. It needs to be renamed immediately. Language used and abused by the ruling class as usual.

They basically lower the symptoms of a common cold and are being called vaccines, entrance required for the trial is a positive PCR test and complaint of a headache, cough or mild nausea.:tearsofjoy: So basically if you have a cold you can enter yourself into a vaccine trial for the "deadly" covid19!
When we consider T cell immunity is a reality we must ask why we have no mention of testing for T cells at this point?

In essence this is basically a live legal trial being conducted on the masses and any side effects cannot be prosecuted legally , side effect compensation is payed for by the government/tax payer

The author is clearly of the authoritarian ilk as can be seen by his final paragraph, the question is do the ruling class really want a vaccine when they can continue with their flawed PCR test to justify authoritarianism and social engineering for years, they also need cover for the Jeffrey Epstein paedophile rings and taxpayer bailouts of banks and corporate groups, the answer is no, we need to do it.


Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed

"Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnsonare leading candidates for the completion of a Covid-19 vaccine likely to be released in the coming months. These companies have published their vaccine trial protocols. This unusually transparent action during a major drug trial deserves praise, close inspection of the protocols raises surprising concerns. These trials seem designed to prove their vaccines work, even if the measured effects are minimal.

Prevention of infection must be a critical endpoint. Any vaccine trial should include regular antigen testing every three days to test contagiousness to pick up early signs of infection and PCR testing once a week to confirm infection by SARS-CoV-2 test the ability of the vaccines to stave off infection. Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines. In fact, their endpoints all require confirmed infections and all those they will include in the analysis for success, the only difference being the severity of symptoms between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Measuring differences amongst only those infected by SARS-CoV-2 underscores the implicit conclusion that the vaccines are not expected to prevent infection, only modify symptoms of those infected.

We all expect an effective vaccine to prevent serious illness if infected. Three of the vaccine protocols—Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca—do not require that their vaccine prevent serious disease only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as cough, or headache.

The greatest fear people have is dying from this disease. A vaccine must significantly or entirely reduce deaths from Covid-19. Over two hundred thousand people have died in the United States and nearly a million worldwide. None list mortality as a critical endpoint.

These companies likely intend to apply for an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with just their limited preliminary results.

Interim analysis success requires a seventy percent efficacy. For Moderna, the interim analysis includes giving the vaccine to only 53 people. Their success margin is for 13 or less of those 53 to develop symptoms compared to 40 or more in their control group. For Johnson & Johnson, their interim analysis includes 77 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 18 or less developing symptoms compared to 59 in the control group. For AstraZeneca, their interim analysis includes 50 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 12 or less developing symptoms compared to 19 in the 25 person control group. Pfizer is even smaller in its success requirements. Their initial group includes 32 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 7 or less developing symptoms compared to 25 in the control group.

The second surprise from these protocols is how mild the requirements for contracted Covid-19 symptoms are. A careful reading reveals that the minimum qualification for a case of Covid-19 is a positive PCR test and one or two mild symptoms. These include headache, fever, cough, or mild nausea. This is far from adequate. These vaccine trials are testing to prevent common cold symptoms.

These protocols do not emphasize the most important ramifications of Covid-19 that people are most interested in preventing: overall infection, hospitalization, and death. It boggles the mind and defies common sense that the National Institute of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, and the rest would consider the approval of a vaccine that would be distributed to hundreds of millions on such slender threads of success.

It is clear from these studies that the vaccines currently under trial will not be the silver bullet needed to end the pandemic. We must do all we can public health measures to control Covid-19 as China and other Asian countries have successfully done.

What makes it worse is that the vaccines are marketed as the only way to go back to normal but none of the trials are set up to test if those vaccines will actually save live, prevent hospitalization, exacerbations, or even re-transmission.
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Essentially Pointless

...and we it looks like safety is a big issue because as of now 4 out of 4 Phase III trials were halted at least once for safety reasons.
China's SinoVac Vaccine Trial For COVID-19 Halted In Brazil


Jun 20, 2015
We should stop to call these substances vaccines.

We are dealing with a new technology. If this stuff does any of those things a vaccine should do has not even been tested. The long term effects have not been evaluated.


Feb 18, 2016
What makes it worse is that the vaccines are marketed as the only way to go back to normal but none of the trials are set up to test if those vaccines will actually save live, prevent hospitalization, exacerbations, or even re-transmission.
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Essentially Pointless

...and we it looks like safety is a big issue because as of now 4 out of 4 Phase III trials were halted at least once for safety reasons.
China's SinoVac Vaccine Trial For COVID-19 Halted In Brazil

There is no way they can make these mandatory, let’s hope it’s all for show to give the government the hero narrative they need, maybe then we are done with this.
Many European countries moved to the strictest lockdowns again recently and then started doing less tests immediately, most layman can see through this strategy when they claim cases are going down, like I said in another thread once "vaccines" are rolled out they will lower the PCR amplification cycling to Taiwan’s levels and like magic it’s over.


Aug 17, 2016
There is no way they can make these mandatory, let’s hope it’s all for show to give the government the hero narrative they need, maybe then we are done with this.
Many European countries moved to the strictest lockdowns again recently and then started doing less tests immediately, most layman can see through this strategy when they claim cases are going down, like I said in another thread once "vaccines" are rolled out they will lower the PCR amplification cycling to Taiwan’s levels and like magic it’s over.
and they'll get their decade of vaccines. Just the task force to make that happen:
Joe Biden's Coronavirus Task Force Is a Rockefeller, Council on Foreign Relations, Gates Foundation Swamp


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
There is no way they can make these mandatory, let’s hope it’s all for show to give the government the hero narrative they need, maybe then we are done with this.
Many European countries moved to the strictest lockdowns again recently and then started doing less tests immediately, most layman can see through this strategy when they claim cases are going down, like I said in another thread once "vaccines" are rolled out they will lower the PCR amplification cycling to Taiwan’s levels and like magic it’s over.

I think monitoring recently passes laws would be indicative where this is going. If we start seeing many countries start passing (retroactive) immunity laws for govt officials, and medical companies then we'd know the charade is coming to an end and they are covering their butts in case the public wants to sue. Same thing happened with the "war on terror" spying by IT companies in US and Western Europe. Once the "war" on terror could not longer be used to scare the population into more wars and funding, they quietly started pulling out troops and passed laws that make most companies that participated in the charade immune from prosecution. I think the very existence of "retroactive" immunity is travesty of "justice", but this is the world we live in.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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