COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Are Essentially Pointless


Feb 18, 2016
I agree. I'm in Florida right now.
But Ron was immediately punished for going against the agenda.
Genius Covid knew to strategically target those restaurants and bars...
One just has to look at armswatch to see how dedicated our liege lord's are in studying aerosolized methods of releasing lab grown pathogens.

Ominously, Gates recently singled Ron out.
At the 22:50 minute mark

No questions to Bill in this interview concerning his rendezvous with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein in Strasbourg to meet with a Norwegian politician/globalist in 2013?
He is a horrible human being, he knows it and doesn’t care, this is what happens when your shorter than your dad and incel, take note humanity.


Feb 18, 2016
...because they won't tell us if the vaccines can prevent deaths or serious COVID-19 complications, or virus transmission between people. If you think I am trolling, check out the CNN and BMJ articles below - that is exactly what they are saying. If that is the case, then I do not see what is the point of those vaccine trials...unless the end goal is something else. One thing is certain - the claim that the vaccines are required before life can go back to normal is bogus, as there will be no proof they have any effect on any of the serious outcomes preventing which we were told required the lockdowns and used as justification for the actual (hugely expensive) vaccine trials themselves.

@Drareg @Regina @boris @tankasnowgod

Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us
Covid-19 vaccine trials won't tell us if the shots save lives, expert notes - CNN

"...The most advanced trials for coronavirus vaccines cannot tell researchers if the shots will save lives, or even if they'll prevent serious disease, a drug development expert pointed out Wednesday. The ongoing trials are only designed to show if the vaccines prevent infection -- and most infections are mild infections, Peter Doshi, an associate editor at the BMJ medical journal and a drug development specialist at the University of Maryland's school of pharmacy, said. "I think there are some pretty widely held assumptions about what we are getting out of Phase 3 studies," Doshi told CNN." "None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus," Doshi wrote in the BMJ."

"..."Hospital admissions and deaths from Covid-19 are simply too uncommon in the population being studied for an effective vaccine to demonstrate statistically significant differences in a trial of 30,000 people. The same is true of its ability to save lives or prevent transmission: the trials are not designed to find out." Four vaccines being developed in the US are in the most advanced, Phase 3 stage of development: those being made by Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. They're "event-driven" trials, meaning that the goal is to keep them going until a certain number of volunteers become infected. If more infections are seen among people who got placebo, or dummy shots, it's an indication the vaccines prevented infection. But that doesn't mean the vaccines saved people from serious disease or death, Doshi argued. "Severe illness requiring hospital admission, which happens in only a small fraction of symptomatic Covid-19 cases, would be unlikely to occur in significant numbers in trials," he wrote."

"..."People expect that the most severe part of the Covid iceberg -- the ICU admissions and hospitalizations and deaths -- that's what a vaccine would put an end to," he said. But the current trials will just look for early infections. It's possible to keep these current trials going and add onto them so that they will, eventually, answer the question of whether Covid vaccines save lives and prevent severe disease."

Let’s hope these saline solutions are more for show so the politicians can create a savior narrative for their imbecilic mistakes of locking down rather than this digital gulag styled fourth industrial revolution. Going by the intelligence level behind their covid circus I don’t have much faith in the grand delusion of a technocracy, basically what we have now with more drones, robots and nano knives for "health" issues, this is high tech for grandads like clause Schwab.


May 11, 2020
The RT-PCR test is not a test - it's a manufacturing technique whose inventor repeatedly proclaimed cannot be used to diagnose infectious etiology. There is no published evidence that anyone on Earth has isolated the exosomes they are calling COVID-19. There are numerous papers claiming they have, but careful study of the papers will reveal that none of them succeeded. The RNA they are multiplying with RT-PCR is common to most, if not all, coronaviruses. According to published research, no researcher has ever infected cells or animals with anything called a virus and produced illness. All they have ever done is starve and poison cells to produce exosomes, which are what they call viruses.
Correct. But they're referred to as the test. So, for the sake of commonality I just use the word test. It's a manufacturing technique retrofitted into a test, to be accurate.


Feb 29, 2016
The goal is most certainly something else.

This clown can't stop smirking and chortling between his, "ahhhhhh", "ahhhhhhh".

Have you ever seen him in a mask, Noooooooooo not Billy Goats. Because he is Somebody


Aug 17, 2016
Have you ever seen him in a mask, Noooooooooo not Billy Goats. Because he is Somebody
It boggles the mind that anyone can view this grotesque interchange and believes this horsescrap. The bootlicking "newsman" and the evil stupid clown.


Jun 19, 2014
Reason to test vaccine: to make sure it doesn't have nasty side-effects? Secondarily to confirm that it confers some kind of benefit. No, the trials cannot determine how long that benefit will last.

Then we learn only over time how long immunity lasts. That can't be proven in the short term of course. We could end up with safe (or "safe") vaccine that confers immunity ranging from a few months to a lifetime. We won't know the answer to that for some time.

I'm not a fan of vaccines. I am just responding to Haidut's original post.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Right. That's exactly what I'm saying. It's so horribly unscientific and incompetent that the only explanation is it was planned for another agenda. We the people need it to just stop, at the very least. If it was up to me, I'd find every one of them and make them physically accessible to the people who had family members die because of lockdowns or incubators. These family members would be able to dole out their own punishments with impunity, for the whole world to watch on a live feed. I'd even recommend we make incubators and high-dose vaccines available as methods of punishment against the perpetrators.
There is no end to the hatred I have for these people. It's deeply personal for me. My punishment for them would be to spend the rest of their miserable lives working 21 hour shifts harvesting bull semen into buckets. If they acted up or made a mistake, they'd get another dose of the vaccine. I'd fatten them up by forcing soybean oil and bull semen gavages on them for a nice little keto balance of fats and proteins. If it weren't for laws, I'd be retrofitting the farm I had to move back to for this purpose.
So yeah, we can start with ending the public's suffering and then move on to justice. Sorry it got so dark.
This is a mint idea. Before lifetime servitude on the farm however, they must be put into stocks and rolled through the streets of every city and town with the townfolk lining up with an abundant surplus of gourdes, potatoes, pumpkins and other extremely resilient foodstocks to hurl at them. :)


Mar 22, 2017
Have you ever seen him in a mask, Noooooooooo not Billy Goats. Because he is Somebody
He is in his opinion god. Rest are half animals-half humans. He is descendant of Platoo and Pitagoras-Orphics. They saw themselves as a gods, his biggest opponent was Aristoteles(who was his pupil). In their religion, they SHOULD lie to us, and do whatever they want.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Secondarily to confirm that it confers some kind of benefit.

According to the article and study, the vaccine trials will NOT be able to determine if vaccines (1) save lives; (2) prevent transmission from infected to uninfected person; (3) prevent serious disease/complications once infected; (4) reduce hospital admissions.

Soooooo....what vaccine benefit am I missing that that those vaccine trials will be testing for? Besides, the vaccines are being sold to the public (worldwide) as the only way for life to get back to normal. They are being sold as a panacea that will have at least one of those 4 benefits listed above, yet it looks like none of those key benefits will be tested/verified in the trials. Considering the billions (with few, if any, strings attached) thrown at pharma companies producing/testing those vaccines it seems we are getting close to zero ROI on our money.
Safety testing is a separate issue and actually already has been mostly completed before the human trials even started. There are established animal models, including apes, that are done before the vaccine is even allowed to be tested on humans. Even in "emergency" situation like the one we are in now. It is not 100% reliable as we are now seeing adverse effects in humans, but most of the work had been done before the current trials even started.


Jun 19, 2014
According to the article and study, the vaccine trials will NOT be able to determine if vaccines (1) save lives; (2) prevent transmission from infected to uninfected person; (3) prevent serious disease/complications once infected; (4) reduce hospital admissions.

Soooooo....what vaccine benefit am I missing that that those vaccine trials will be testing for? Besides, the vaccines are being sold to the public (worldwide) as the only way for life to get back to normal. They are being sold as a panacea that will have at least one of those 4 benefits listed above, yet it looks like none of those key benefits will be tested/verified in the trials. Considering the billions (with few, if any, strings attached) thrown at pharma companies producing/testing those vaccines it seems we are getting close to zero ROI on our money.
Safety testing is a separate issue and actually already has been mostly completed before the human trials even started. There are established animal models, including apes, that are done before the vaccine is even allowed to be tested on humans. Even in "emergency" situation like the one we are in now. It is not 100% reliable as we are now seeing adverse effects in humans, but most of the work had been done before the current trials even started.
I certainly agree that the expectations are being oversold and overhyped.

That aside, the things you list that the trials will not do seem more like setting actual realistic expectations mixed with a little bit of good old American fear of litigation. Perhaps "benefits" was too strong of a word for me to use. But it is my understanding that at least some of the trials (maybe not in the US) are intentionally exposing people to SARS2.

But, although the safety had been "mostly" completed before human trials started, it is necessary to entirely complete the safety testing, for exactly the reasons you note.

I don't really disagree with anything but the thread title. They aren't essentially pointless, they just are not nearly as significant as most people believe they are.


Feb 29, 2016
From ICAN and Del Bigtree
After months of objections, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna have capitulated and provided ICAN a copy of their internal 322-page Safety Summary Report for the Phase I trial of their COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273). A full copy of this report is available below and this is the first time it is being made available to the public.

On May 18, 2020, Moderna issued a press release claiming the data from its Phase I trial “substantiate our belief that mRNA-1273 has the potential to prevent COVID-19 disease.” Since this trial was actually conducted by the NIH, ICAN submitted a FOIA request on May 22, 2020 to NIH for: “All safety and efficacy data and information regarding mRNA-1273, including from the Phase I clinical trial of this experimental vaccine conducted by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.” ICAN requested that NIH grant expedited processing for this request.

On June 8, 2020, NIH recognized the “compelling need” to expeditiously release to the public the information ICAN sought by granting its request for expedited processing. But then NIH failed to produce anything. Therefore, ICAN sued the NIH on August 13, 2020 in federal court to force NIH to release this data. NIH then finally sent a “final response” to ICAN stating: “The safety data for this study comprises 1,093 pages. I have determined to withhold those records in their entirety pursuant to [exemptions that] protect information that constitutes trade secret information and information that is confidential and commercial or financial in nature.”

ICAN did not accept this objection and its attorneys, led by Aaron Siri, informed the court that we would argue for the documents via briefs to the court. NIH’s opening brief – explaining why it should not produce this data – was set to be due to the Court on October 30, 2020. Eight days before that due date, on October 22, 2020, NIH and Moderna abruptly reversed their position and advised that they would produce all of the data.

On October 29, 2020, ICAN received the first 332 of 1,093 pages -- the remainder of which will be produced shortly. It can be downloaded here. ICAN and its subscribers are the first people in the world, outside of NIH and Moderna, to actually see this data. We will be carefully studying all of the disclosed data but ICAN wanted to widely disseminate it immediately so that others have the opportunity to do the same.

Despite only receiving a portion of the data, what ICAN has already received provides important information for the public to know in evaluating Moderna’s vaccine. For example, the documents ICAN received reveal that approximately 70% of participants reported unsolicited adverse events, many of which are extremely concerning.

Just as the pharmaceutical companies will never rest when it comes to promoting and selling their vaccine products, we will never rest in exposing the truth regarding these products or in demanding full transparency and full informed consent for any and all vaccines.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
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Nov 8, 2020
Pfizer also patented fin for hair loss I think, and they know exactly how bad that drug is for people


Oct 15, 2016
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Feb 18, 2016

The numbers are minuscule, I think it’s just over a hundred people so far.
The only thing effective is the propaganda to pump the imminent vaccine narrative to stop people getting frustrated with lockdowns, big protests in Germany and the UK this week against them.
Once the vaccine comes out we will probably move to a lower amplification cycle on the PCR test, this will be done quietly and magically the numbers come down and the vaccines will labeled the cure when in reality they only lower symptoms.


Jul 31, 2019

So, far I have asked 6 people what they think "90% effective" means, and it seems that the vaccine industry and media have been utterly successful in their attempt to convince everyone that the vaccines will prevent or drastically lower the chances of getting infected with the virus. I haven't been able to find a single newspaper article that even mentions the fact that these phase-III trials do not even look at any effect the vaccines may have on the probability of infection. All the defined endpoints in the studies already require an infection. The only thing defining "effectiveness" is the recorded difference of the severity of symptoms in the placebo and vaccine group. The funny thing is that their definitions are remarkably arbitrary and do not even include hospitalization, ICU, or death.
I'll be honest I wouldn't have believed this kind of blatant fraud to be possible, a few months ago. They do not even try to hide their bull**** anymore. They can simply be sure that people are so gullible that they will swallow anything.
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