Thousands of Israelis test positive for coronavirus AFTER getting vaccinated


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
There is already evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are anything but safe, despite MSM and authorities praising their "unparalleled" safety.

And now we have evidence throwing into doubt the (95%) effectiveness of the vaccine. Sure, most of the positive tests were in people who got only one of the two-shot regimen, however recently many Western countries agreed on protocols saying even one shot is good enough. US, UK, Germany, France, etc are among those countries and I think (ironically) so it Israel. In summary, the effectiveness of the vaccine is now under serious doubt while actually having a risk of death 14 times higher than riding in a car (see above post). I am not sure what lie governments need to come up with now in order to make such vaccines mandatory...
"...More than 12,400 people in Israel have tested positive for coronavirus after being vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, including 69 who had received their second dose, the country's Health Ministry said. Some 189,000 people were tested for Covid-19 after being vaccinated, with 6.6 percent getting a positive result, according to ministry data reported by Israeli outlets. The majority were apparently infected shortly after receiving the first jab of the two-part vaccine – a period when the inoculation isn't expected to have kicked in yet. However, 1,410 people tested positive two weeks after their first injection, by which time partial immunity should have already taken effect. Moreover, 69 patients became infected with the novel coronavirus despite already having been administered both shots of the vaccine, the ministry said. Israel began administering the second doses almost two weeks ago, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being the first to complete the course."

@Drareg @tankasnowgod @Regina


Oct 21, 2013
Yeah, I think their argument will be it reduces severity of disease and thereby hospitalizations, so everyone needs to take it since if you don't, you will wind up in the hospital.


Sep 5, 2015
Yeah, I think their argument will be it reduces severity of disease and thereby hospitalizations, so everyone needs to take it since if you don't, you will wind up in the hospital.
That argument should not hold up for young people though, right? The percentage of infected, young people who end up the hospital is tiny. Or does vaccination in young people affect severity of the disease in the elderly somehow?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yeah, I think their argument will be it reduces severity of disease and thereby hospitalizations, so everyone needs to take it since if you don't, you will wind up in the hospital.

Noe of those claims were actually tested in any of the the trials. The only thing tested was whether the vaccine reduces chance of infection. So, claiming those things would actually be fraud under FDA's own rules. Not that it would stop the powers that be to claim it anyways...



Oct 21, 2013
My grandpa got the pfizer vaccine and he was dead within 15 days
:oops: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any details to share that might indicate the death was related to the vaccine, as opposed to something else? How old was he?
Nov 18, 2018
@LucyL He received his jab from Mount Sinai Medical center the same place the 56 year old M.D. Gregory Michael got stabbed. Anyways my grandpa developed “mysterious” respiratory issues immediately after receiving it such as water in the lungs, COPD and god knows what else. My abuelo was 90 years old.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Yeah, I think their argument will be it reduces severity of disease and thereby hospitalizations, so everyone needs to take it since if you don't, you will wind up in the hospital.
If that is true, the risks are a lot higher:

However, because vaccination does not prevent infection with the virus, Mareks is still transmissible from vaccinated flocks to other birds, including the wild bird population. The first Marek's disease vaccine was introduced in 1970. The disease would cause mild paralysis, with the only identifiable lesions being in neural tissue. Mortality of chickens infected with Marek's disease was quite low. Decades after the first vaccine was introduced, current strains of Marek Virus cause lymphoma formation on throughout the chicken's body and mortality rates have reached 100% in unvaccinated chickens. The Marek's disease vaccine is a leaky vaccine, which means that only the symptoms of the disease are prevented.[11] Infection of the host and the transmission of the virus are not inhibited by the vaccine. This contrasts with most other vaccines, where infection of the host is prevented. Under normal conditions, highly virulent strains of the virus are not selected. A highly virulent strain would kill the host before the virus would have an opportunity to transmit to other potential hosts and replicate. Thus, less virulent strains are selected. These strains are virulent enough to induce symptoms but not enough to kill the host, allowing further transmission. However, the leaky vaccine changes this evolutionary pressure and permits the evolution of highly virulent strains.[12] The vaccine's inability to prevent infection and transmission allows the spread of highly virulent strains among vaccinated chickens. The fitness of the more virulent strains are increased by the vaccine.

The evolution of Marek's disease due to vaccination has had a profound effect on the poultry industry. All chickens across the globe are now vaccinated against Marek's disease (birds hatched in private flocks for laying or exhibition are rarely vaccinated). Highly virulent strains have been selected to the point that any chicken that is unvaccinated will die if infected. Other leaky vaccines are commonly used in agriculture. One vaccine in particular is the vaccine for avian influenza. Leaky vaccine use for avian influenza can select for virulent strains which could potentially be transmitted to humans.[13]


Jan 25, 2014
:oops: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any details to share that might indicate the death was related to the vaccine, as opposed to something else? How old was he?

If they counted it the same way they count COVID deaths, it would 100% go down as a vaccine death.

In the end, most deaths usually aren't caused by one single thing (except trauma deaths), but a series of causes.


Jan 25, 2014
There is already evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are anything but safe, despite MSM and authorities praising their "unparalleled" safety.

And now we have evidence throwing into doubt the (95%) effectiveness of the vaccine. Sure, most of the positive tests were in people who got only one of the two-shot regimen, however recently many Western countries agreed on protocols saying even one shot is good enough. US, UK, Germany, France, etc are among those countries and I think (ironically) so it Israel. In summary, the effectiveness of the vaccine is now under serious doubt while actually having a risk of death 14 times higher than riding in a car (see above post). I am not sure what lie governments need to come up with now in order to make such vaccines mandatory...
"...More than 12,400 people in Israel have tested positive for coronavirus after being vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech jab, including 69 who had received their second dose, the country's Health Ministry said. Some 189,000 people were tested for Covid-19 after being vaccinated, with 6.6 percent getting a positive result, according to ministry data reported by Israeli outlets. The majority were apparently infected shortly after receiving the first jab of the two-part vaccine – a period when the inoculation isn't expected to have kicked in yet. However, 1,410 people tested positive two weeks after their first injection, by which time partial immunity should have already taken effect. Moreover, 69 patients became infected with the novel coronavirus despite already having been administered both shots of the vaccine, the ministry said. Israel began administering the second doses almost two weeks ago, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being the first to complete the course."

@Drareg @tankasnowgod @Regina

I remember in some thread you mentioned that the rate of COVID infection in the control/meningitis vaccine group was something like 66% lower than the general population in the same 28 day timeframe (can't find that comment right now, I know it was in the middle of some thread). Wouldn't a 6.6% infection rate be far higher than the general population? In the US, that would be about 21.7 million people testing positive within a month or so (maybe less).


Jan 1, 2013
Israel is a great country to get health news from because it seems they really do care about the health of their citizens; they have been among the first to offer cannabis against cancer.


Jun 19, 2016
My grandpa got the pfizer vaccine and he was dead within 15 days
Thats truly awful. If someone from my close family died after the vaccination i'd probably go insane if anyone even mentioned the vaccine to me. I'd beat the ***t out of them tbh..


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I remember in some thread you mentioned that the rate of COVID infection in the control/meningitis vaccine group was something like 66% lower than the general population in the same 28 day timeframe (can't find that comment right now, I know it was in the middle of some thread). Wouldn't a 6.6% infection rate be far higher than the general population? In the US, that would be about 21.7 million people testing positive within a month or so (maybe less).

Yes, here is that post on general population infection rates.


Sep 17, 2020
They never claimed that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.

Still, you would think they would make it look like after the vaccination the cases/hospitalisations are going down, to make the public trust it.


Jan 25, 2014
Yes, here is that post on general population infection rates.
Nice. Israel started rolling out the vaccine on December 19th- Coronavirus: Israel leads vaccine race with 12% given jab

The article in the OP came out on Jan 20th, so looks like there was about 31 days of data for the vaccine. Probably fair to compare percentages.

6.6% tested positive for COVID after the first shot in Israel in Dec/Jan
2.2% of the general public tested positive in the US in the 28 day vaccine trial in July/Aug
0.6% tested positive in the Control/Meningitis vaccine group in July/Aug
0.03% tested positive in the COVID vaccine group of the same time period.

This means that the people receiving the vaccine in real life have 3 times the infections as compared to the US general pop in July, 11 times the infections of the "control" group of one of the trials, and a whopping 220 times the infections of the COVID vaccine trial group.

The layers of fraud run deep. As you pointed out, not only is the rate suspiciously low for all trial participants, the fact that trial was done in summer, when all diseases present in their mildest forms, was not taken into account at all.

The insanity just continiues!
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2014
My grandpa got the pfizer vaccine and he was dead within 15 days
Wow that's terrible!

Do you happen to know if they considered his death as a side effect of the vaccine? I've seen a few deaths reported post vaccine but in all cases they claim the vaccine had nothing to do with it. "Oh, he was old" or "they already had co-morbidities". So if someone tests positive for COVID and dies of heart disease they list it as COVID but if someone gets the vaccine and dies they list it as heart disease or something.

So we won't have accurate statistics of how many people have been negatively affected by the vaccine. Really irritating.
Nov 21, 2015
The people who tested positive are probably shedding spike proteins. It doesn’t mean that they’re sick.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Nice. Israel started rolling out the vaccine on December 19th- Coronavirus: Israel leads vaccine race with 12% given jab

The article in the OP came out on Jan 20th, so looks like there was about 31 days of data for the vaccine. Probably fair to compare percentages.

6.6% tested positive for COVID after the first shot in Israel in Dec/Jan
2.2% of the general public tested positive in the US in the 28 day vaccine trial in July/Aug
0.6% tested positive in the Control/Meningitis vaccine group in July/Aug
0.03% tested positive in the COVID vaccine group of the same time period.

This means that the people receiving the vaccine in real life have 3 times the infections as compared to the US general pop in July, 11 times the infections of the "control" group of one of the trials, and a whopping 220 times the infections of the COVID vaccine trial group.

The layers of fraud run deep. As you pointed out, not only is the rate suspiciously low for all trial participants, the fact that trial was done in summer, when all diseases present in their mildest forms, was not taken into account at all.

The insanity just continiues!

Wow, and if you add to that the much higher risk of death in the vaccine takers, I think we will start seeing some massive lawsuits soon. No wonder they are rushing with the "new strains" narrative to use it as an explanation for the upcoming carnage.
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