CDC lowers PCR CT count and diagnostic guidelines ONLY for the vaccinated


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
And there it is, the fraud lies in plain sight. If there was ever any doubt that the whole thing was a charade and a vaccine-pushing conspiracy, the articles below should dissipate any such remaining doubts. Quietly, and without a single "honorable mention" in MSM, on May 1, 2021 CDC changed the guidelines for both the PCR CT threshold and the definitions of what constitutes a COVID-19 case...but only for those who are vaccinated. In other words, the new guidelines make it virtually impossible for a vaccinated person to be labelled as having COVID-19, but for non-vaccinated people the older, looser guidelines (that virtually guarantee a COVID-19 diagnosis) remain in effect. The new guidelines for vaccinated people are to use a PCR CT count of <28 and to not report asymptomatic or mild cases as an actual COVID-19 "case". This is laughable, as CDC is actually asking doctors that a (vaccinated) person with a positive PCR test (even with a count of <28) and with symptoms not be counted as a COVID-19 case! For the unvaccinated, the guidelines remain absurd as before and the journalists who wrote one of the articles confirmed that in their state (Kansas) private labs continue to use PCR CT count of as high as 45 and the state lab used to use a count of 45 (which even Fauci recently admitted produces meaningless results) but has now "generously" lowered the count to 35. This change by CDC comes a few months after WHO changed its guidelines on PCR CT and symptoms as well (and are actually almost identical to the WHO guidelines) except that WHO did not specify who those guidelines should be used for while CDC explicitly states that those new guidelines should only be used for vaccinated people. So, with the stroke of a pen (or keyboard) the CDC ensures that vaccinated people will almost never be found to have COVID-19 (thus ensuring vaccine effectiveness of 99.999...%), while new COVID-19 cases will continue to skyrockets in the future (especially in the fall/winter) and will only be found in the unvaccinated. The latter ensures ONLY the unvaccinated will be blamed for any future "pandemic" and causing the collapse of the "health" system. It looks like the blame-game is already starting, as the thread below by @Pina shows.

@Drareg @tankasnowgod @Regina @ecstatichamster @boris @Giraffe @bzmazu

As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance. Previous case counts, which were last updated on April 26, 2021, are available for reference only and will not be updated moving forward.
Just like that, being asymptomatic – or having only minor symptoms – will no longer count as a “Covid case” but only if you’ve been vaccinated. The CDC has put new policies in place which effectively created a tiered system of diagnosis. Meaning, from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people."

"...As reported by Daniel Horowitz at Blaze Media, the new CDC guidance for “COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough case investigation” – meaning people who tested positive after getting vaccinated – says PCR tests should be set at 28 CT or lower. The stated reason for the 28 CT maximum is to avoid false positives on people who have been vaccinated, which would discourage acceptance of the vaccines. This is another example of ‘following the science’ only when it suits a political purpose; to wit, CDC is not recommending the lower threshold for anyone else being tested. False positives must be avoided to encourage vaccinations, but false positives to prevent children from attending school or maintain other government restrictions seem OK with CDC. Last summer, the New York Times reported that CTs above 34 almost never detect live virus but most often, dead nucleotides that are not contagious. The Sentinel found that many private labs in Kansas used thresholds of 38 and 40, and another one in Lenexa potentially at 45. The state lab at the Kansas Department of Health initially used a 42 CT on its most commonly performed test; on January 7, they reduced it to 35."
"...Horowitz quotes former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson as saying a standard of 28 CT applied to the general testing regime would preclude as many as 90% of cases from being recorded."
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This whatever it is keeps getting weirder and weirder. Unreal.

It was weird when it started back in early 2020. At this point, I'd call it "shadow" civil war - the corporatist govt and the vaxxed/lobotomized vs, the unvaxxed.


Nov 18, 2019
It was weird when it started back in early 2020. At this point, I'd call it "shadow" civil war - the corporatist govt and the vaxxed/lobotomized vs, the unvaxxed.
Yep. Precisely. Look at this:

World Economic Forum Urges Companies to Fire Unvaccinated Employees as Part of ‘Jobs Reset,’ Deletes Tweet after Backlash​



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yep. Precisely. Look at this:

World Economic Forum Urges Companies to Fire Unvaccinated Employees as Part of ‘Jobs Reset,’ Deletes Tweet after Backlash​

What a clown world... and not a single person asks the questions often thrown at "contrarians" like us. Namely, "is WEF and/or its staff trained in medicine to make ads and propaganda on health topics?", "who elected WEF to set workplace and public health policies?", "who sets the WEF agenda?", "what does WEF stand to gain from ads/policies they produce?", etc, etc. It seems like half of the Western world is suffering from "trustanoia" and the other half from paranoia, yet the paranoid are actually not sick. As one of Intel's CEOs presciently said back in the 1960s - "only the paranoid survive".


Oct 1, 2019
Great info. It really seems that they are working towards completely excluding unvaccinated people from participating in society, travelling, etc., to bully as many people as possible into getting the shot. It's already here in Germany. Currently you have to show a negative test to go into certain shops and there are contact restrictions as to how many families can meet, how many people are allowed to play sports together, etc. and there are curfews and you have to self quarantine after travel.

Vaccinated people can freely go into shops without doing a test, they have no contact restrictions and they don't have to abide by the curfews and they don't have to self quarantine after travelling outside of Germany.
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Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
It's already here in Germany. Currently you have to show a negative test to go into certain shops and there are contact restrictions as to how many families can meet, how many people are allowed to play sports together, etc. and there are curfews. Vaccinated people can freely go into shops, they have no contact restrictions and they don't have to abide by the curfews.

Holy ******* sh*t. When that starts happening in the US, I will actually go insane. The social pressure here is at a fever pitch. Although! I was in Harford County, Maryland yesterday for anyone familiar with the Baltimore area, and most of the customers in the Royal Farms convenience store were maskless. I came in with a mask on and took it off in the store once I realized where I was -- it's tough to describe these people and the area but they are like educated, professional rednecks with a military/cop adoration thing going on. Very white, very insular. People were still coming into the store with their masks on, not expecting Bel Air (a town of 10,000 people in a county of 250,000 people) to be so liberal with their policies. Most stores closer to the bigger city of Baltimore are still requiring masks to enter even after the State dropped the mask mandate (who's really in charge? :) ). But thank God I'm not required to prove anything.


May 17, 2021
Great info. It really seems that they are working towards completely excluding unvaccinated people from participating in society, travelling, etc., to bully as many people as possible into getting the shot. It's already here in Germany. Currently you have to show a negative test to go into certain shops and there are contact restrictions as to how many families can meet, how many people are allowed to play sports together, etc. and there are curfews and you have to self quarantine after travel.

Vaccinated people can freely go into shops without showing a test, they have no contact restrictions and they don't have to abide by the curfews and they don't have to self quarantine after travelling outside of Germany.
So do the 'vaccinated' have to carry some sort of a vaccine passport - like in Israel? Are they asked for proof of vaccination. This has always been downright sinister and disturbing.


Oct 1, 2019
So do the 'vaccinated' have to carry some sort of a vaccine passport - like in Israel? Are they asked for proof of vaccination. This has always been downright sinister and disturbing.
Yes, there is the standard voluntary vaccine passport that exists here for decades or people can show proof on paper from their doctor etc. There's also a digital vaccine passport that is supposed to come out end of this month. It's funny how last year everyone here ridiculed the people that said this would happen.



Mar 4, 2019
They have already announced here in Malta that they will allow vaccinated people to be outside without a mask come July, and for a Vaccine Pass to be used to permit access to events. It's insane that we've come to the point that we need to take drugs with such low confidence that they actually work to supposedly protect ourselves and others to gain basic freedom in return. Florida banned such things, but for how long until DeSantis is pressured because of the corrupted data from the change in cycles in vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated?


Jan 25, 2014
Just like that, being asymptomatic – or having only minor symptoms – will no longer count as a “Covid case” but only if you’ve been vaccinated. The CDC has put new policies in place which effectively created a tiered system of diagnosis. Meaning, from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people."

"...As reported by Daniel Horowitz at Blaze Media, the new CDC guidance for “COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough case investigation” – meaning people who tested positive after getting vaccinated – says PCR tests should be set at 28 CT or lower. The stated reason for the 28 CT maximum is to avoid false positives on people who have been vaccinated, which would discourage acceptance of the vaccines.

It's basically the same Circular logic that Peter Duesberg accuses these same agencies and "officials" of using in diagnosing AIDS.

In other words, got shingles and a negative HIV test? That's shingles. Got shingles and positive HIV test? That's AIDS.
Pneumonia and negative HIV test? Just Pneumonia. Pneumonia and HIV Positive? AIDS!
Burkett's Lymphoma and HIV Negative? Standard causes. Burkett's Lymphoma and HIV Positive? AIDS!

In other words, the diagnosis is meaningless. I've heard stories that if some people are HIV psotive and forget where they put their car keys (like everyone does from time to time, doctor's will tell them it's AIDS related dementia.

The one good thing is that unvaccinated people don't get tested for COVID near as often.


Aug 22, 2019
They are really making it obvious, aren't they? But I guess if people are dumb enough to get the vaccine, they are dumb enough not to see through this con game.


Jan 25, 2014
They have already announced here in Malta that they will allow vaccinated people to be outside without a mask come July, and for a Vaccine Pass to be used to permit access to events. It's insane that we've come to the point that we need to take drugs with such low confidence that they actually work to supposedly protect ourselves and others to gain basic freedom in return. Florida banned such things, but for how long until DeSantis is pressured because of the corrupted data from the change in cycles in vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated?

But, do they enforce it? Biden has made similar statements, but I don't pay any attention to what that dementia patient who raised a crack addict says. I have never once worn a mask outside. Never been bothered by any sort of authority, either.

I guarantee you DeSantis has been "Pressured" ever since he became a COVID Apostate back in May 2020, by exposing the Prophecy for being 100% wrong and fraudulent. (Remember, Florida was gonna have 466,000 people in ICU due to COVID by April 2020, which more than quadrupled hospital capacity. In reality, they never exceeded 2,000 COVID patients in hospitals at any one time). The real question is, will he break, of get Magafuli-ed.


Mar 4, 2019
They are really making it obvious, aren't they? But I guess if people are dumb enough to get the vaccine, they are dumb enough not to see through this con game.
I don't think it's that most people are dumb, it's that they have been limited for so long, they would do anything to get back to the normal and happy life taken away by the government. The survival instinct trumps over logical decision-making in most cases. Nobody wants to be an outcast. I also have argued against my siblings about the measures and they have all broken the rules while promoting them, so there's also that cognitive dissonance going about.

The one good thing is that unvaccinated people don't get tested for COVID near as often.
They will be coerced to eventually. Nothing stops the government or anyone in control to always give out positive tests.

But, do they enforce it? Biden has made similar statements, but I don't pay any attention to what that dementia patient who raised a crack addict says. I have never once worn a mask outside. Never been bothered by any sort of authority, either.

I guarantee you DeSantis has been "Pressured" ever since he became a COVID Apostate back in May 2020, by exposing the Prophecy for being 100% wrong and fraudulent. (Remember, Florida was gonna have 466,000 people in ICU due to COVID by April 2020, which more than quadrupled hospital capacity. In reality, they never exceeded 2,000 COVID patients in hospitals at any one time). The real question is, will he break, of get Magafuli-ed.
They enforced the mask mandates here, getting up to around 1000 people a week fined for not wearing a mask outside. When they put it, cases kept on rising, and have seemed to only decline when they put in a lockdown.

Even if he doesn't break or die for any reason, he can be replaced by somebody with essentially less balls for the common cold.


May 17, 2021
Yes, there is the standard voluntary vaccine passport that exists here for decades or people can show proof on paper from their doctor etc. There's also a digital vaccine passport that is supposed to come out end of this month. It's funny how last year everyone here ridiculed the people that said this would happen.

I see. But for stores to ask for a negative PCR test result is downright ludicrous (as ludicrious as the vaccination passport itself, huh!?). It is also concerning that quarantine rules do not apply to vaccinated anymore. They have not done that yet in Canada, YET being the keyword.


May 17, 2021
I don't think it's that most people are dumb, it's that they have been limited for so long, they would do anything to get back to the normal and happy life taken away by the government. The survival instinct trumps over logical decision-making in most cases. Nobody wants to be an outcast.
Hmmm, I think most people trust 'authority' whether it is someone wearing a white coat or a 'scientist' or some buffoon in the public health department making arbitrary rules.
People also buy into the 'thou shall socially distance and wear masks to protect OTHERS' nonsense. I think the vast majority is inherently stupid. If they think the lockdown 'saves' lives or double masking is helpful (a large number of my extended family members and friends think so!), I really have little to say to them.


Nov 18, 2019
Holy ******* sh*t. When that starts happening in the US, I will actually go insane. The social pressure here is at a fever pitch. Although! I was in Harford County, Maryland yesterday for anyone familiar with the Baltimore area, and most of the customers in the Royal Farms convenience store were maskless. I came in with a mask on and took it off in the store once I realized where I was -- it's tough to describe these people and the area but they are like educated, professional rednecks with a military/cop adoration thing going on. Very white, very insular. People were still coming into the store with their masks on, not expecting Bel Air (a town of 10,000 people in a county of 250,000 people) to be so liberal with their policies. Most stores closer to the bigger city of Baltimore are still requiring masks to enter even after the State dropped the mask mandate (who's really in charge? :) ). But thank God I'm not required to prove anything.
Oregon is the first state to require vaccine passports to enter public places including grocery stores. My guess is that it won’t be enforced that much. But alas, it is here.


May 17, 2021
Oregon is the first state to require vaccine passports to enter public places including grocery stores. My guess is that it won’t be enforced that much. But alas, it is here.
I thought some city mayors opposed it....
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