NIH 'very Concerned' About Serious Side Effect In Coronavirus Vaccine


Aug 17, 2016
That says a lot alright, it’s likely pre-orders have been priced in and they are going with it regardless of a few who get side effects.

This puff piece came out today, Reuters also pumping it-
AstraZeneca's trial illnesses may not be due to COVID-19 shot - Oxford University

"After independent review, these illnesses were either considered unlikely to be associated with the vaccine or there was insufficient evidence to say for certain that the illnesses were or were not related to the vaccine," the document said".

Nothing sticks with this lot.
And Oxford is the crown U. These people are a bunch of clowns.


Nov 18, 2019

Super smart Dr Zach Bush's information around viruses, vaccinations, and the microbiome
is mind blowing.... a must watch short video. He is so ahead of anything
I have heard or researched.... Yet it makes complete sense.

@burtlancast this guy explains from a virology and biological viewpoint in this clip why AIDS did not come from HIV.


Dec 8, 2016


Dec 8, 2016
Probably, needs to go to @burtlancast’s thread he started today, but I don’t know how on my phone. Do you? Could you?
I tried and it only grabbed your text and not the video.


Jan 1, 2013
@burtlancast this guy explains from a virology and biological viewpoint in this clip why AIDS did not come from HIV.

Read here, it will explain why AIDS is indeed without a shadow of a doubt an infectious disease.

Zach is a confusionist.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
there was insufficient evidence to say for certain that the illnesses were or were not related to the vaccine," the document said"

Also note the patho-logic used in this sentence. There is insufficient evidence to say one way or the other BUT there is at least SOME evidence pointing towards the shot being the reason. There is NO evidence of it being due to something else. So, basically, these psychopaths will not attribute it to the vaccine unless the amount of evidence it is due to the vaccine is above a certain (arbitrary) threshold. What a joke!!
How about, in the absence of other evidence, we go with the (possibly insufficient) evidence we have already, which points to it being due to the vaccine. Isn't that what any reasonable person would do when it comes to issues of safety? Btw, this is the same logic used for ionizing radiation exposure - the "treshold" hypothesis, which turned out to be pure fraud.
NAS falsified data on radiation safety to justify widespread use!

Namely, the goons tell you to this day that risks of radiation exposure are not cumulative but subject to some (again, arbitrary) "threshold" of exposure that THEY get to determine and it moves all the time. So, unless the X-ray machine is somehow calibrated above that magical threshold, you are perfectly "safe" and your doctor can give you 100s of X-rays while assuring you those lesions developing in your lungs, kidneys, thyroid, etc have nothing to do with the radiation exposure but are due to your "bad luck" (a more palatable euphemism for "bad genes").


Feb 18, 2016
Also note the patho-logic used in this sentence. There is insufficient evidence to say one way or the other BUT there is at least SOME evidence pointing towards the shot being the reason. There is NO evidence of it being due to something else. So, basically, these psychopaths will not attribute it to the vaccine unless the amount of evidence it is due to the vaccine is above a certain (arbitrary) threshold. What a joke!!
How about, in the absence of other evidence, we go with the (possibly insufficient) evidence we have already, which points to it being due to the vaccine. Isn't that what any reasonable person would do when it comes to issues of safety? Btw, this is the same logic used for ionizing radiation exposure - the "treshold" hypothesis, which turned out to be pure fraud.
NAS falsified data on radiation safety to justify widespread use!

Namely, the goons tell you to this day that risks of radiation exposure are not cumulative but subject to some (again, arbitrary) "threshold" of exposure that THEY get to determine and it moves all the time. So, unless the X-ray machine is somehow calibrated above that magical threshold, you are perfectly "safe" and your doctor can give you 100s of X-rays while assuring you those lesions developing in your lungs, kidneys, thyroid, etc have nothing to do with the radiation exposure but are due to your "bad luck" (a more palatable euphemism for "bad genes").

Amazing falsified data, we are seeing this play out again in real time.
They know they can get away with it, most folks don’t understand vaccines, anyone questioning vaccines have been put in the conspiracists bracket, win win.

A thinking person knows an experimental vaccine stimulates the immune system, we end up with 2 side effects that are immune related, big pharma blame the individual being experimented on for having a "prior" overactive immunity possibly caused by climate change or it’s "genetic". Joe public can’t do math and see the dangerous logic with vaccination based on the above outcomes.

I’m thinking the lockdowns and isolation in some cases has lowered protective hormones so this vaccine could trigger more sides than "normal" flu vaccines, the thing is if an elderly person dies from side effects from a regular flu vaccine its very difficult to prosecute because of their age and the statistical change of dying within certain age groups, folks probably don’t even question if someone over 70 dies a few days after a flu vaccine.
They have already said the covid vaccine needs to cause a stronger immune response than normal, they are setting themselves up for a fall, as tragic as it is maybe, we need to see it to learn.


Jan 25, 2014
@burtlancast this guy explains from a virology and biological viewpoint in this clip why AIDS did not come from HIV.

You can read the CDC classification for HIV and AIDs, and realize very quickly that it is not one single disease with one single cause.

1993 Revised Classification System for HIV Infection and Expanded Surveillance Case Definition for AIDS Among Adolescents and Adults

You can also look at recent interviews with Magic Johnson and Jim J. Bullock to see that, if HIV does cause AIDS, it may take 29-35 years (or longer) for serious symptoms to manifest, not to mention death.


Nov 18, 2019
You can read the CDC classification for HIV and AIDs, and realize very quickly that it is not one single disease with one single cause.

1993 Revised Classification System for HIV Infection and Expanded Surveillance Case Definition for AIDS Among Adolescents and Adults

You can also look at recent interviews with Magic Johnson and Jim J. Bullock to see that, if HIV does cause AIDS, it may take 29-35 years (or longer) for serious symptoms to manifest, not to mention death.
Interesting. Thank you. This makes sense.


May 1, 2016
It's not widely covered in the popular press, for obvious reasons. I was beyond surprised to see it on CNN, but I guess it is major news and they wanted to cover it so as to not be accused of censorship. However, it is not really given any emphasis on CNN's page. The front page is still littered with mostly unimpactful but eyeball grabbing crap.

Need not be surprised...
Anything that is negative about a vaccine at this point in time is desired for them to maintain the fear about covid and preserve the negative impact such has had on Trumps favorability.


Feb 29, 2016
The nano particles cause the ionizing radiation and 5 bee will vaporize the person when they turn it on, in certain areas, so the lockdown gets enforced even more. Mark Steele tells the mechanics of how this will work as a kill grid. min.47 or thereabouts
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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