NIH 'very Concerned' About Serious Side Effect In Coronavirus Vaccine


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Once again, actual except from the article title as seen on CNN. I have never seen NIH, CDC or any other organization involved with vaccines declare that they are "very concerned" about any of them. It is almost a gospel in govt/pharma circles to never raise doubt about any vaccine, no matter how bad its side effects. Considering that only one patient so far developed the spinal cord inflammation, it makes me wonder if NIH/CDC have also seen something else in the preliminary data that spooked them, but they are not willing to publicly state yet. The fact that the entire trial is on hold makes me think this is the case. In "normal times", this one patient would have simply be written off as an "adverse event" (AE) and things would have continued. To put a multibillion dollar trial on hold suggests more is at play than is reaching the news...
Interestingly, the spinal cord issue this one patient suffered is known as transverse myelitis - a condition whose symptoms are strikingly similar to the (in)famous polio. I am beginning to wonder if all those health agencies got spooked that this vaccine may actually cause an outbreak of a polio-like disease, which would instantly remind people of the polio epidemics of the past and then they may begin to wonder what exactly caused those polio epidemics...Remember the polio-like epidemic from 2018 and 2019?
AFM: The Polio-Like Mystery Illness

I wonder what caused those mini-epidemics and why would CDC be warning that another epidemic is coming this fall. How would they know it is coming if they don't know what is causing it?? I can't find any information about the adjuvants in the coronavirus vaccine, but I bet aluminium and some form of endotoxin-mimic are present. Those alone can cause all of the issues seen in the acute polio cases from recent years, as well as the myelitis the coronavirus trial patient experienced.


AstraZeneca vaccine trial: NIH 'very concerned' about serious side effect in vaccine trial - CNN
"...The Food and Drug Administration is weighing whether to follow British regulators in resuming a coronavirus vaccine trial that was halted when a participant suffered spinal cord damage, even as the National Institutes of Health has launched an investigation of the case. "The highest levels of NIH are very concerned," said Dr. Avindra Nath, intramural clinical director and a leader of viral research at the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, an NIH division. "Everyone's hopes are on a vaccine, and if you have a major complication the whole thing could get derailed."

Evidence for a causal association between oral polio vaccine and transverse myelitis: A case history and review of the Literature - PubMed
"...A 6-month-old boy developed transverse myelitis 7 days after the receipt of oral polio vaccine (OPV). A paediatric neurologist confirmed the diagnosis when the boy was aged 9 years. The boy had received his first scheduled OPV at the age of 4 months and had developed immunity to serotypes 1 and 2 but not to serotype 3. A poliovirus type 3 was isolated from stool and throat specimens collected from the boy in the first 2 days after symptom onset. This was shown, in a World Health Organization accredited laboratory, to be a vaccine strain by nucleic acid probe hybridiztion and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The boy subsequently developed immunity to poliovirus serotype 3. It is accepted that poliovirus infection can present occasionally as transverse myelitis. This is estimated to occur in 1:125-1:800 cases. It is also accepted that OPV can cause vaccine-associated paralytic polio with a frequency of approximately one case per 2.5 million doses of OPV distributed. It seems feasible therefore that OPV could cause transverse myelitis with a frequency of 1 in 300 million to one in two billion doses distributed. In a 1993 report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Acadamies of the United States pertaining to vaccine safety, theoretical criteria were advanced for the establishment of a causal relationship between a vaccine and a clinical outcome. The clinical history and laboratory results in this case satisfy these criteria, providing plausible evidence for the causal link between oral polio vaccine (OPV) and transverse myelitis."


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thanks for posting this, not seen anything else about it.

It's not widely covered in the popular press, for obvious reasons. I was beyond surprised to see it on CNN, but I guess it is major news and they wanted to cover it so as to not be accused of censorship. However, it is not really given any emphasis on CNN's page. The front page is still littered with mostly unimpactful but eyeball grabbing crap.


Jun 11, 2018
Kennedy has an article about it. It has a paper in it that says vaccines are known to cause TM. I think the HPV vaccine is the main suspect of that polio-like illness outbreak. Like it was with the tragic case of Colton Berrett. This case makes me very sad: "Perhaps the most infamous example of this phenomenon is the case of Colton Berrett. Berrett received Merck’s HPV vaccine at age 13 after doctors advised his mother it would help prevent cervical cancer in his hypothetical wife down the line. After the vaccine, doctors diagnosed Berrett with TM, and the boy became increasingly paralyzed as his spine became increasingly inflamed. Doctors said he’d eventually lose the ability to breathe and the family chose to intubate him. After years of living with this disability, and needing someone to carry a breathing apparatus for him at all times, Berrett took his own life." (Kennedy´s website)
Dec 18, 2018
The entire vaccine paradigm is fairly risky, a lot of damage is mediated via cellular mimikry, which is not avoidable via simple vaccinations.


May 7, 2018
Portland, OR
Yikes. And not surprising at all. The FDA is quite dubious when establishing the "safety" of anything, since by "safe" they usually mean it won't leave you severely disabled or dead.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Is it possible that there is a connection between this story and the Bill Gates story here? Bill Gates Slams FDA, Doubts Agency Can Be Trusted With COVID-19 Vaccine
There's a video interview of Gates in the article.

I think Gates gets angry whenever ANY organization (even as corrupt as the FDA) interferes with his plans and profit-making. Just a month ago he was praising CDC/FDA and many govt officials around the world about the "tough" stance on the pandemic because they were all suggesting vaccination should be mandatory and maybe even the digital health "passport" Gates is also pushing.


Feb 18, 2016
Once again, actual except from the article title as seen on CNN. I have never seen NIH, CDC or any other organization involved with vaccines declare that they are "very concerned" about any of them. It is almost a gospel in govt/pharma circles to never raise doubt about any vaccine, no matter how bad its side effects. Considering that only one patient so far developed the spinal cord inflammation, it makes me wonder if NIH/CDC have also seen something else in the preliminary data that spooked them, but they are not willing to publicly state yet. The fact that the entire trial is on hold makes me think this is the case. In "normal times", this one patient would have simply be written off as an "adverse event" (AE) and things would have continued. To put a multibillion dollar trial on hold suggests more is at play than is reaching the news...
Interestingly, the spinal cord issue this one patient suffered is known as transverse myelitis - a condition whose symptoms are strikingly similar to the (in)famous polio. I am beginning to wonder if all those health agencies got spooked that this vaccine may actually cause an outbreak of a polio-like disease, which would instantly remind people of the polio epidemics of the past and then they may begin to wonder what exactly caused those polio epidemics...Remember the polio-like epidemic from 2018 and 2019?
AFM: The Polio-Like Mystery Illness

I wonder what caused those mini-epidemics and why would CDC be warning that another epidemic is coming this fall. How would they know it is coming if they don't know what is causing it?? I can't find any information about the adjuvants in the coronavirus vaccine, but I bet aluminium and some form of endotoxin-mimic are present. Those alone can cause all of the issues seen in the acute polio cases from recent years, as well as the myelitis the coronavirus trial patient experienced.


AstraZeneca vaccine trial: NIH 'very concerned' about serious side effect in vaccine trial - CNN
"...The Food and Drug Administration is weighing whether to follow British regulators in resuming a coronavirus vaccine trial that was halted when a participant suffered spinal cord damage, even as the National Institutes of Health has launched an investigation of the case. "The highest levels of NIH are very concerned," said Dr. Avindra Nath, intramural clinical director and a leader of viral research at the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, an NIH division. "Everyone's hopes are on a vaccine, and if you have a major complication the whole thing could get derailed."

Evidence for a causal association between oral polio vaccine and transverse myelitis: A case history and review of the Literature - PubMed
"...A 6-month-old boy developed transverse myelitis 7 days after the receipt of oral polio vaccine (OPV). A paediatric neurologist confirmed the diagnosis when the boy was aged 9 years. The boy had received his first scheduled OPV at the age of 4 months and had developed immunity to serotypes 1 and 2 but not to serotype 3. A poliovirus type 3 was isolated from stool and throat specimens collected from the boy in the first 2 days after symptom onset. This was shown, in a World Health Organization accredited laboratory, to be a vaccine strain by nucleic acid probe hybridiztion and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The boy subsequently developed immunity to poliovirus serotype 3. It is accepted that poliovirus infection can present occasionally as transverse myelitis. This is estimated to occur in 1:125-1:800 cases. It is also accepted that OPV can cause vaccine-associated paralytic polio with a frequency of approximately one case per 2.5 million doses of OPV distributed. It seems feasible therefore that OPV could cause transverse myelitis with a frequency of 1 in 300 million to one in two billion doses distributed. In a 1993 report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Acadamies of the United States pertaining to vaccine safety, theoretical criteria were advanced for the establishment of a causal relationship between a vaccine and a clinical outcome. The clinical history and laboratory results in this case satisfy these criteria, providing plausible evidence for the causal link between oral polio vaccine (OPV) and transverse myelitis."

My guess is in spite of an indemnification negating contract signed by the "victim" their family are trying to speak out, possibly some doctors trying to speak out also, I’m guessing they were hospitalized outside the trial facilities once the side effect started so people outside the trial know.

Either way if the conspiracy circles can pin this vaccine trial to a potential polio outbreak it will take hold like wildfire, even the "normies" will have questions of how we go from covid19 to polio in a few months, what will the MSM say? My guess is climate change will be blamed.
They were saying last week that all medical staff should receive mandatory vaccines from now on as the compliance rate is so low each year, there was a backlash from many nurses and doctors, tells you everything really.

Astra-zeneca were also involved with this kids death, it was a trial for their meds. They were acquitted but some want a retrial.
Death of Dan Markingson - Wikipedia

The danger these "experts" face is the contemporary immune system in humans is already in an overactive state, the potent adjuvant pushes it over the edge leading to far more cases of side effects than past humans who had better diets and possibly less stress in general. The adherence to the current medical dogma will be their undoing.
This may explain why Italians who received the flu vaccine were more likely to die from covid, an already heightened immune response becomes excessive. There is only so much adaptation within a time frame we can handle.

The trials have resumed, this is the second pause , the first was a "pre undiagnosed" case of multiple sclerosis.


Aug 17, 2016
My guess is in spite of an indemnification negating contract signed by the "victim" their family are trying to speak out, possibly some doctors trying to speak out also, I’m guessing they were hospitalized outside the trial facilities once the side effect started so people outside the trial know.

Either way if the conspiracy circles can pin this vaccine trial to a potential polio outbreak it will take hold like wildfire, even the "normies" will have questions of how we go from covid19 to polio in a few months, what will the MSM say? My guess is climate change will be blamed.
They were saying last week that all medical staff should receive mandatory vaccines from now on as the compliance rate is so low each year, there was a backlash from many nurses and doctors, tells you everything really.

Astra-zeneca were also involved with this kids death, it was a trial for their meds. They were acquitted but some want a retrial.
Death of Dan Markingson - Wikipedia

The danger these "experts" face is the contemporary immune system in humans is already in an overactive state, the potent adjuvant pushes it over the edge leading to far more cases of side effects than past humans who had better diets and possibly less stress in general. The adherence to the current medical dogma will be their undoing.
This may explain why Italians who received the flu vaccine were more likely to die from covid, an already heightened immune response becomes excessive. There is only so much adaptation within a time frame we can handle.

The trials have resumed, this is the second pause , the first was a "pre undiagnosed" case of multiple sclerosis.
If there is anything negative happening with this crown company, it is surely not evident in its chart.


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Dec 10, 2016
It's not widely covered in the popular press, for obvious reasons. I was beyond surprised to see it on CNN, but I guess it is major news and they wanted to cover it so as to not be accused of censorship.
They may get back in line after the elections.


Jun 11, 2018
Another headscratcher: Zuckerberg says Facebook won't remove anti-vaccine posts amid coronavirus pandemic. Zuckerberg says:"If someone is pointing out a case where a vaccine caused harm or that they're worried about it — you know, that's a difficult thing to say from my perspective that you shouldn't be allowed to express at all."
Is it because of Kennedy´s lawsuit or a major event is coming, when most of the "misinformation" will be cleared. It is headed toward that scenario. Google´s whistleblower Zach Vorhies said a major censorship event is coming in october.
Aug 14, 2015

Super smart Dr Zach Bush's information around viruses, vaccinations, and the microbiome
is mind blowing.... a must watch short video. He is so ahead of anything
I have heard or researched.... Yet it makes complete sense.


Nov 29, 2017

Super smart Dr Zach Bush's information around viruses, vaccinations, and the microbiome
is mind blowing.... a must watch short video. He is so ahead of anything
I have heard or researched.... Yet it makes complete sense.

I'll give it a listen. He sold a product called Restore. It was supposed to repair the gut lining. I purchased it years ago but stopped it very quickly because of the negative aspects of the product. Has anybody used it?


Feb 18, 2016
Lol. I could see that happening.

Have you noticed how often they change the language around "climate" issues, we have used change,crisis, emergency etc , I bet "climate" will be changed soon.


Feb 18, 2016
If there is anything negative happening with this crown company, it is surely not evident in its chart.

That says a lot alright, it’s likely pre-orders have been priced in and they are going with it regardless of a few who get side effects.

This puff piece came out today, Reuters also pumping it-
AstraZeneca's trial illnesses may not be due to COVID-19 shot - Oxford University

"After independent review, these illnesses were either considered unlikely to be associated with the vaccine or there was insufficient evidence to say for certain that the illnesses were or were not related to the vaccine," the document said".

Nothing sticks with this lot.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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