The Pfizer and Moderna Shots are Safe. Really Safe


Apr 14, 2013

The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses ...​

"In contrast, responses to the fungal pathogen Candida albicans were higher after vaccination.

In addition, the production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1Ra was reduced in response to Toll-like receptor 4 and C. albicans. This also suggests a shift towards increased inflammatory responses to fungi following vaccination, say the researchers."

CDC says ‘superbug’ fungus has spread in Washington, D.C., and Dallas

"U.S. health officials said Thursday they have evidence of an untreatable fungus spreading in two hospitals and a nursing home."

Another link about candida infections... Untreatable 'superbug' fungus has spread in 2 US cities, health officials say


Dec 9, 2015
Also consider there could be a significant lag in VAERS reporting. I saw this posted recently on FB.
"This is an anonymous report from a colleague who reported to VAERS. It squares with the other anecdotes I've heard about that system, which I gather is woefully understaffed:
'I received my 2nd Covid shot (moderna) Feb 3. I reported my adverse reactions and doctors telemedicine visits in the weekly check ups. TODAY yes today (July 22) I get a phone call from the company working with the CDC requesting details. Fortunately I had still had my notes and could accurately report'"


Jan 25, 2014
Also consider there could be a significant lag in VAERS reporting. I saw this posted recently on FB.
"This is an anonymous report from a colleague who reported to VAERS. It squares with the other anecdotes I've heard about that system, which I gather is woefully understaffed:
'I received my 2nd Covid shot (moderna) Feb 3. I reported my adverse reactions and doctors telemedicine visits in the weekly check ups. TODAY yes today (July 22) I get a phone call from the company working with the CDC requesting details. Fortunately I had still had my notes and could accurately report'"

Of course they are understaffed. If the increase in death rate is any indication of total reports (about 150-200 a year, now on pace at 12,000-24,000 or more a year), they would have had to scale up massively..... or just get buried and be far behind. No one can handle a 100x (or more) increase of their normal workload that suddenly (this all happened in 6 months time).

I think overwhelming some of these departments was part of the design of this obviously fake pandemic. One week in July in 2020 (the middle of summer, when ALL diseases present in their mildest form) saw more Covid PCR tests than comparible flu tests that had been ordered for the 2017, 2018, and 2019 flu seasons COMBINED. No doubt there was plenty of human error, poor machine maintenance, and newly hired novice technicians, that helped add to the number of "cases" so they could continue to promote the "casedemic," above and beyond what social pressure, bribery, and manipulating PCR cycle counts could do alone.
Jul 17, 2021
Safety data based on more than 17 million Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccinations was just published in a JAMA online article. How safe were they? Very.

Sorry, anti-vaxxers. If you're hoping to find some bad news about the COVID vaccines, you've come to the wrong site. Perhaps you should try, or I'm out of my I've got nothing but good news.
The good news comes to us thanks to a new paper in JAMA Insights. Tom Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA, at the CDC Immunization Safety Office, and colleagues evaluated the chances of vaccine recipients developing anaphylaxis following a shot. It should put you at ease; anaphylactic reactions to both the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines are very rare. More than 17 million vaccines were administered, and only 66 people suffered a reaction.

Time Interval Between Injection and the onset of anaphylactic symptoms
View attachment 25613

It is no accident that you need to wait around for 15 minutes following your shot. As is the case with most anaphylactic reactions, they happen fast. The median time until onset for both vaccines was 10 minutes. More than 75% of the people who got a reaction developed it within 15 minutes and about 90% within a half-hour (source for this and subsequent figures JAMA Insights).
The First Shot is Riskier than the Second
It is not surprising that people who developed symptoms did so much more frequently after the first shot than the second:
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...or that the people who ran into trouble had a history of allergic reactions in the past (1).

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The Bottom (and Very Good) Line - An Excellent Safety Profile
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If you're worried about a bad reaction to the vaccine, this should put your mind at ease. The incidence of anaphylactic reactions was very low – 4.7 per million (0.00047%) for Pfizer and 2.5 per million (0.00025%) for Moderna. These are not the kind of numbers you should be worried about. To put this in context (and for some yuks), here are some common activities and the risk of dying.

View attachment 25617

Source: Mental Floss
Don't take this too seriously. It's a comparison of dying from a completely unrelated set of activities and a reaction to a vaccine. But it points out how unlikely you are to have a serious reaction to either vaccine; it's a bit riskier than jogging and a bit less risky than bicycling. Most people don't give either of these a second thought.
So based on data from more than 17 million shots, your chances of an anaphylactic reaction are vanishingly small.
What Happened to the People Who Ran Into Trouble?
There is good news here as well. Of the 66 people (17 million shots) who had reactions, 92% received emergency epinephrine treatment; half were treated in the ER, and half were admitted. Seven people required intubation; no one died. And keep in mind that more than three-quarters of this group had a history of allergies or prior anaphylactic episodes. For the rest of us, the chance of running into this problem is close to zero.
So, don't worry. Relax and go for a jog or a swim and go get vaccinated. Just be extra careful if you bike there.
(1) The allergic triggers included about 20 substances, including vaccines, drugs, latex, and nuts.
(2) In this article I am only reporting on anaphylaxis and only in the US. Since 193 million shots (across the world) have been given, small numbers of other adverse reactions, even deaths could be possible. And very unlikely.


edit: its also FDA approved
Tell me you are joking.

Former Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer Pharmaceutical, Michael Yeadon, said millions will die from the COVID gene therapy jab over the next few years. Thousands already have.

”Safe and effective”? Better think again.


Oct 21, 2018
Tell me you are joking.

Former Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer Pharmaceutical, Michael Yeadon, said millions will die from the COVID gene therapy jab over the next few years. Thousands already have.

”Safe and effective”? Better think again.
What if he was just saying that out of spite cause he apparently got fired from pfizer


Aug 3, 2021
why you need a jab when u can apply ivermectin and get immunity the natural way - basically same antibodies while virus reproduction is halted through ACE 2 blockade

iver literally has 100% success rate if taken with the first symptoms


Forum Supporter
Sep 26, 2017
why you need a jab when u can apply ivermectin and get immunity the natural way - basically same antibodies while virus reproduction is halted through ACE 2 blockade

iver literally has 100% success rate if taken with the first symptoms

And why you need the jab when you can simply use good old Aspirin which helps/protects not only against Covid but many other things?


Compare this against the recent findings of the real effectiveness of the vaccines (if there is even any):

For instance, in a report released from the Ministry of Health in Israel, the effectiveness of 2 doses of the BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine against preventing COVID-19 infection was reported to be 39% [6], substantially lower than the trial efficacy of 96% [7]. It is also emerging that immunity derived from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine may not be as strong as immunity acquired through recovery from the COVID-19 virus [8].


Jan 25, 2014
What if he was just saying that out of spite cause he apparently got fired from pfizer

Well, all Pfizer would have to do is release the longer term safety data for the demonvax at 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years out. That should end any discussion.

Oh, whoops! The longest data they possibly have at this point just over 1 year.

If you think Yeadon might be lying or dishonest, that's fair. I think everyone's motives can be suspect. But I think you have to turn that same skepticism on Pfizer itself. Could they simply be lying or hiding data fraudulently to rake in over $40 Billion in a few months time with dangerous, poorly tested drugs that they have no liability for? That sort of money is a much bigger motive, and Pfizer has been caught and punished for faking data to protect their bottom line in the past. Considering these companies act like cartels, Yeadon speaking out will limit any sort of work or opportunity with ANY drug company or government in the future. It's not like he'll just be able to go to Glaxo or Eli Lilly or Moderna now, or get grants from the NIH.

In other words, Pfizer is profiting hugely from the rhetoric being spouted, and has a track record of lying for dollars. Yeadon speaking out is costing him monetarily, in opportunity cost, and even in relationships he had in the industry.


Oct 21, 2018
Well, all Pfizer would have to do is release the longer term safety data for the demonvax at 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years out. That should end any discussion.

Oh, whoops! The longest data they possibly have at this point just over 1 year.

If you think Yeadon might be lying or dishonest, that's fair. I think everyone's motives can be suspect. But I think you have to turn that same skepticism on Pfizer itself. Could they simply be lying or hiding data fraudulently to rake in over $40 Billion in a few months time with dangerous, poorly tested drugs that they have no liability for? That sort of money is a much bigger motive, and Pfizer has been caught and punished for faking data to protect their bottom line in the past. Considering these companies act like cartels, Yeadon speaking out will limit any sort of work or opportunity with ANY drug company or government in the future. It's not like he'll just be able to go to Glaxo or Eli Lilly or Moderna now, or get grants from the NIH.

In other words, Pfizer is profiting hugely from the rhetoric being spouted, and has a track record of lying for dollars. Yeadon speaking out is costing him monetarily, in opportunity cost, and even in relationships he had in the industry.
Agreed. Great response. Any source on pfizer lying in the past?


Jun 12, 2021
Agreed. Great response. Any source on pfizer lying in the past?


Nov 28, 2014
Agreed. Great response. Any source on pfizer lying in the past?
A few examples:


Jan 25, 2014
Agreed. Great response. Any source on pfizer lying in the past?
Anthony Colpo does and excellent job in this article, and also links to the issues Peter Doshi brought up in it's Covid trial, which looks fraudulant-




Jul 13, 2014
Oh god I hope this guy gets his booster. Looking forward to the updates
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