COVID vaccines already up to 96x as deadly as Flu Vaccines, according to CDC's own data.


Jan 25, 2014
That's what Anthony Colpo found in his most recent post on his website. I have seen Alex Berenson make a similar claim on his Twitter feed, that the COVID vaccines account for more adverse reactions in the VAERS database than all other vaccines combined, and 8 times the deaths. I was thinking this might be due to the massive vaccination campaign, but it isn't sheer number of vaccinations that account for this. The numbers Colpo compares show about 90 Million COVID vaccines to about 160 Million Flu shots (in recent flu seasons). It doesn't matter if it's overall numbers or per vaccination, there is something especially dangerous about the COVID shot (which would have to fall into the category of "experimental vaccine" or "experimental drug," although experimental trials are usually dramatically smaller).

Let's take a look at the last two flu seasons.

During the 2018-2019 flu season, 169.1 million doses of influenza vaccines were distributed throughout the US.

The corresponding figure for the 2019-2020 season was 174.5 million.

At this page, the CDC estimates that 49.2% and 51.8% of US residents received influenza vaccinations during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 flu seasons, respectively. This estimate suggests around 165 million people in the US received the influenza vaccines during each of those seasons. This further suggests that upwards of 94% of the vaccines distributed found their way into the arms of Americans.

The search results for the 2018-2019 flu season show 22 deaths for the multitude of influenza vaccine products distributed in the US.

And the results for the 2019-2020 flu season show 17 deaths for same multitude of influenza vaccine products.

"Over 92 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 8, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,637 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine." (Bold emphasis added)

You don't need to be a master statistician to see the discrepancy here, folks.

Despite less than three months of use and a far lower number of people vaccinated, the new COVID-19 vaccines have already accumulated a 96-fold higher volume of death reports than what was seen for influenza vaccines during the 2019-2020 season, and a 74-fold higher volume when compared to the 2018-2019 season.

There's no denying the differences - they are huge.

According to the VAERS database, as of 5 March 2021, COVID-19 vaccines have generated a total of 30,938 adverse event reports for the US and territories. Of these, 1,066 were life-threatening, 630 resulted in permanent disability, 5,775 involved emergency room visits, and 3,459 required hospitalization.

Again, these figures dwarf those for regular influenza vaccines; there were 7,343 total adverse events reported for influenza vaccines administered during the 2018-2019 season, and 6,446 reported for those given during the 2019-2020 season.

Doesn't matter how you slice it...... with fewer doses, the reported deaths and adverse effects are far higher than flu shots for the COVID vaccines over 3 months than for the previous two seasons, even if you add deaths and adverse events together.

Maybe they should add some of these figures to the COVID vaccine consent form?

@haidut @boris @Drareg @Giraffe


Oct 6, 2012
Good to see that Colpo is still around fervently bashing bad science, surprised they haven't tried to shut him down.
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I believe Berenson claimed 300-900 times more deadly depending upon how many doses taken..

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I believe Berenson claimed 300-900 times more deadly depending upon how many doses taken..

How much more likely are you to die after getting the #Covid vaccine than the flu vaccine? 300-900 times, based on federal VAERS reports. Yes, 900. Covid: 1 death reported per 35,000 shots or 10,000 completed vaccinations (so far). Flu: 1 death per 9,000,000 vaccinations.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That's what Anthony Colpo found in his most recent post on his website. I have seen Alex Berenson make a similar claim on his Twitter feed, that the COVID vaccines account for more adverse reactions in the VAERS database than all other vaccines combined, and 8 times the deaths. I was thinking this might be due to the massive vaccination campaign, but it isn't sheer number of vaccinations that account for this. The numbers Colpo compares show about 90 Million COVID vaccines to about 160 Million Flu shots (in recent flu seasons). It doesn't matter if it's overall numbers or per vaccination, there is something especially dangerous about the COVID shot (which would have to fall into the category of "experimental vaccine" or "experimental drug," although experimental trials are usually dramatically smaller).

Doesn't matter how you slice it...... with fewer doses, the reported deaths and adverse effects are far higher than flu shots for the COVID vaccines over 3 months than for the previous two seasons, even if you add deaths and adverse events together.

Maybe they should add some of these figures to the COVID vaccine consent form?

@haidut @boris @Drareg @Giraffe

I think the pharma industry messed up royally on the vaccine front this time. The AstraZeneca jab is pretty much finished and has spooked even the die-hard pro-vaxx crowd about the other vaccines as well. No wonder they are rushing to make the vaccine passports mandatory for travel/work/etc as if this fiasco continues the public will soon refuse to take any of the vaccines.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
The AstraZeneca jab is pretty much finished and has spooked even the die-hard pro-vaxx crowd about the other vaccines as well.

But the Times is right in one way. The side effect profile of the AZN shot is largely indistinguishable from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Either they’re all safe despite lots of reports of blood clots, platelet disorders, and strokes - or none of them are. Which is it?

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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
But the Times is right in one way. The side effect profile of the AZN shot is largely indistinguishable from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Either they’re all safe despite lots of reports of blood clots, platelet disorders, and strokes - or none of them are. Which is it?

My bet is on the latter. Considering the spike protein is the main mechanism of damage/danger for SARS-CoV-2 and does so through activating the angiotensin receptor, I just don't see how injecting ourselves with mRNA that makes virtually every cell in the body produce that spike protein in massive amounts would be safe.


Nov 29, 2017
My bet is on the latter. Considering the spike protein is the main mechanism of damage/danger for SARS-CoV-2 and does so through activating the angiotensin receptor, I just don't see how injecting ourselves with mRNA that makes virtually every cell in the body produce that spike protein in massive amounts would be safe.
They may have already got their quota and will relax things a bit for a few years until all the vaccinated start dropping like flies. (maybe?)


Feb 26, 2018
Comparing the deaths from the COVID vaccine to the flu vaccine is really only the starting point of any "value" analysis.

Comparing ONLY the deaths due to each vaccine is invalid/no meaning.

To get any understanding of the overall "value" of a vaccine program one could/should start with the net lives saved (deaths due to the vaccine - lives saved by the vaccine).

Calculating an accurate approximation for "lives saved by the COVID vaccine" would be needed before any statement or comparison of "value" on the COVID vaccine is formed.


Oct 6, 2020
To get any understanding of the overall "value" of a vaccine program one could/should start with the net lives saved (deaths due to the vaccine - lives saved by the vaccine).

How would one determine that? How do we know for sure that a vaccine "safed" someone, or if it was the body on its own who dealt with the virus??

I am not a man of statistics, but if you cant gather these informations without detail on each and every individual case, the statistic does not mean much, just as the amount of "positive test" cases or Covid related deaths does not mean much.

Most causes of deaths in this world are not figured out properly and are superficial.


Jan 25, 2014
To get any understanding of the overall "value" of a vaccine program one could/should start with the net lives saved (deaths due to the vaccine - lives saved by the vaccine).

Lol, that's rich. The only thing the COVID vaccines were tested for in the 28 day trial that led to their EUA status was number of infections (really, positive tests). They didn't test to see if it prevent hospitalizations, or serious cases, or deaths.

This is also another YUUUUUUUUGE moving of the goalposts from the original propaganda surrounding the so-called "Pandemic." The initial lockdowns used the sales pitch of "if it saves just one life, it's worth it." Well, apparently, the 1,637 lives cost by this medical experimentation mean nothing to you. It's gone from saving lives to an accounting problem, which column can we fit the most deaths in? And can we somehow balance it out?

And as long as we're talking about "value analysis," how much do those shots cost? If drug companies get $100 per shot, that times 92 Million is $9.2 Billion dollars, all without any sort of liability to those that were killed or injured by it. That's a great business these days, if you can totally overlook any moral issues.
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Jan 25, 2014
I think the pharma industry messed up royally on the vaccine front this time. The AstraZeneca jab is pretty much finished and has spooked even the die-hard pro-vaxx crowd about the other vaccines as well. No wonder they are rushing to make the vaccine passports mandatory for travel/work/etc as if this fiasco continues the public will soon refuse to take any of the vaccines.

I've kinda felt that way since the beginning of this whole COVID nonsense, that the Medical Powers That Shouldn't Be pushed this whole thing too far, too fast. There are huge chucks of the population, anywhere between 30-50%, are going to be resisting this vaccine to various degrees, and maybe a slightly higher percentage that question all of it. Now, the entire medical industry is inviting scrutiny from all sectors of the public. I think if they were going to try this degree of medical tyranny, they really should have waited about 20-30 years to be successful.

As G. Edward Griffin said, the Velvet Glove is off. Only the Iron Fist remains. A lot of people can see it now that didn't even think it existed before.


Feb 26, 2018
Lol, that's rich. The only thing the COVID vaccines were tested for in the 28 day trial that led to their EUA status was number of infections (really, positive tests). They didn't test to see if it prevent hospitalizations, or serious cases, or deaths.

This is also another YUUUUUUUUGE moving of the goalposts from the original propaganda surrounding the so-called "Pandemic." The initial lockdowns used the sales pitch of "if it saves just one life, it's worth it." Well, apparently, the 1,637 lives cost by this medical experimentation mean nothing to you. It's gone from saving lives to an accounting problem, which column can we fit the most deaths in? And can we somehow balance it out?

And as long as we're talking about "value analysis," how much do those shots cost? If drug companies get $100 per shot, that times 92 Million is $9.2 Billion dollars, all without any sort of liability to those that were killed or injured by it. That's a great business these days, if you can totally overlook any moral issues.

So you agree with my fundamental statement that comparing ONLY deaths due to vaccine programs is meaningless in terms of comparing ANY value statement?

This Thread's Title headline only focuses on this inaccurate premise unfortunately.

COVID vaccines already up to 96x as deadly as Flu Vaccines.​



Jan 25, 2014
So you agree with my fundamental statement that comparing ONLY deaths due to vaccine programs is meaningless in terms of comparing ANY value statement?

This Thread's Title headline only focuses on this inaccurate premise unfortunately.

COVID vaccines already up to 96x as deadly as Flu Vaccines.​

I don't think I agreed with your fundamental statement. But are you suggesting a better title would be...

COVID vaccines already up to 96x as deadly as Flu Vaccines, according to CDC's own data, and haven't been shown to save even one single life, making the net overall value of these vaccines beyond disastrous in any sort of value analysis.

That better for you?


Jan 25, 2014
Comparing the deaths from the COVID vaccine to the flu vaccine is really only the starting point of any "value" analysis.

Comparing ONLY the deaths due to each vaccine is invalid/no meaning.

To get any understanding of the overall "value" of a vaccine program one could/should start with the net lives saved (deaths due to the vaccine - lives saved by the vaccine).

Calculating an accurate approximation for "lives saved by the COVID vaccine" would be needed before any statement or comparison of "value" on the COVID vaccine is formed.

I will also note, Colpo wrote two articles previous to the one I quoted in this thread where he does the very "value" analysis you talk about, and again, it looks terrible.

[Federal Health Minister of Austrialia, Greg] Hunt, in all his blissful ignorance and self-entitled arrogance, deems himself fit to declare the views of anyone skeptical of the new junk vaccines as "ludicrous."

What's really ludicrous is the rot that spews forth from the mouths of Hunt and his ilk.

Being asked to blindly believe a bunch of lying degenerates when they urge us to take dangerous and poorly studied drugs, all to prevent an influenza virus with an infection fatality rate of less than 0.5% ... now that is ludicrous.

Being asked by these same overpaid degenerates, none of whom would know the first thing about health and science, to "trust the science," is ludicrous. Which 'science' are they asking us to trust? The misleading media and government interpretations of it, or the actual data published in the medical journals? The former isn't worth the paper it is printed on, and the latter shows the current batch of COVID vaccines have not saved a single life in the randomized clinical trial setting. The latter also shows the COVID vaccines produce side effects in the overwhelming majority of recipients, and have a far higher rate of serious side effects than placebo treatment.

That's a pretty poor risk:reward ratio if ever there was one.

Being asked to roll up our sleeves and get injected with drugs made by companies like Pfizer and AstraZeneca, which have very long histories of criminal behaviour, is extremely ludicrous. These two Pharma crime families alone have racked up literally billions of dollars in fines for bribery, fraud, unlawful marketing and more. I'd no sooner allow these white collar criminals to inject me with toxic junk than I would the Russian mafia.

You know what else is ludicrous? The Australian government ordering 150 million doses of COVID vaccines - including 54 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab that likely sent Hunt to hospital - for a country whose population hasn't even cracked 26 million! The government has not even begun to explain this glaring anomaly, and our brain-dead media has not even begun to question ScoMo and his merry band of degenerates as to why Australia needs enough vaccines to inject not only its own citizens, but also everyone in Sri Lanka and Poland?

Just whose palms are getting greased here?

Of the three COVID 'vaccines' now available in the West, only the Oxford-AstraZeneca drug is really a vaccine. You see, until COVIDidiocy came along, the term "vaccine" referred to a drug that exposed you to a dead or weakened strain of a target virus in order to trigger the production of antibodies.

This is not how the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna drugs work. Instead, they are gene-altering therapies that insert lab-made messenger RNA into your cells. This synthetic mRNA then instructs your cells to produce a protein similar to that of the spike protein found on the exterior of a COVID-19 molecule. Your cells then eject this protein. Once outside the cells, it triggers the production of COVID-19 antibodies.

It's an approach that has never been used before outside of (often problematic) clinical trials. The long term effects of this strategy remain unknown, and at present there is no valid clinical trial evidence the mRNA drugs can save even a single life.

To the contrary, we have a mounting body count involving people who died shortly after taking these drugs. As of this writing, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna drugs are the only COVID 'vaccines' approved in the US. Between the two of them, they've racked up 288 death reports on the VAERS reporting system from their December rollout through to 21 January 2021 in the US and its territories.

Both of these dubious drugs have also enjoyed "emergency use" approval in the UK, along with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. As of 24 January 2021, there have been 22,820 adverse events reported for COVID-19 vaccines on the UK's MHRA Yellow Card reporting system; 16,756 of these were for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, 6,014 for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, and 50 for unspecified brand/s.

When it comes to deaths, during the same period the MHRA received 107 reports for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 34 reports for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine and 2 where the brand was unspecified.

Based on the current available evidence, these drugs offer a highly unattractive risk:reward ratio. Their long-term effects are unknown, and they have not been properly tested among trial populations that reflect real world conditions. The mRNA drugs in particular use relatively new, incompletely tested technology that has a problematic history. In fact, prior to the mad scramble to bring COVID vaccines to market, no mRNA drug had ever been licensed for human use.

And in the short time these drugs have been on the market, they have already racked up an alarming volume of adverse events and deaths that occurred soon after vaccine administration. And that's using voluntary reporting systems, which capture only a small portion of actual events.

And then there's the inconvenient little matter that the COVID-19 'pandemic' is an absurdly over-hyped sham, for which repeated studies show an infection fatality rate of 0.5% or less.

I'm guessing these are the real reasons Bourla and Gates aren't exactly tripping over themselves to get injected with any of their new vaccines.

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
Deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. There are convulsions, epileptic fits, heart attacks, strokes... lots of people devastated, even if still alive.

I no longer believe the "it's for the greater good!" justification. If something is not win-win for everyone, it is a no-go for me. If I have to play russian roulette "for the greater good", I'm not pulling the trigger.


Feb 26, 2018
I will also note, Colpo wrote two articles previous to the one I quoted in this thread where he does the very "value" analysis you talk about, and again, it looks terrible.

ok, so from what I can see over the 2 articles, the life saving rate is quoted as 0.5% for the COVID vaccine and there were 90 million people vaccinated in the US so that would mean lives saved are 90m x .005 = 450,000.
Deaths due to vaccine were reported as 1637
So net lives save is 448,364

As a rough approximation, looks like the vaccine program is pretty good ‘value’ to me.

I appreciate that there are significant other considerations but as a first approximation this adds a data driven perspective to the conversation.

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
Um, but saving 0.5% from the covid vaccines is clearly impossible. If all 330M people in the US were vaccinated, using that number would save 1.65M people -- many times more than have died to date (officially 0.55M deaths), despite a year of coronavirus.

The problem is that the system is badly broken.
  • count every death with a positive test as a COVID death
  • count every death post-vaccination as a coincidence
How can we tell how safe the vaccines are without the data? How can we tell how serious covid is without knowing how many people died FROM covid, not just with covid?

"The only way to determine the risk of death from the COVID vaccines is to tabulate EVERY death in the days following vaccination and then to compare those rates to historic daily death rates in each age category. "
RFK, Jr. to President Biden: No. 1 Driver of Vaccine Hesitancy Is Mistrust of Regulators • Children's Health Defense


Jan 25, 2014
ok, so from what I can see over the 2 articles, the life saving rate is quoted as 0.5% for the COVID vaccine and there were 90 million people vaccinated in the US so that would mean lives saved are 90m x .005 = 450,000.

Completely incorrect. Colpo certainly didn't claim that, nor do the trials show that.

Again, there is no data suggesting that the vaccine has saved even a single life. You are just being deliberately dishonest at this point.

But good luck if you are signing up for this large scale medical vaccination experiment.


Feb 26, 2018
Um, but saving 0.5% from the covid vaccines is clearly impossible. If all 330M people in the US were vaccinated, using that number would save 1.65M people -- many times more than have died to date (officially 0.55M deaths), despite a year of coronavirus.

The problem is that the system is badly broken.
  • count every death with a positive test as a COVID death
  • count every death post-vaccination as a coincidence
How can we tell how safe the vaccines are without the data? How can we tell how serious covid is without knowing how many people died FROM covid, not just with covid?

"The only way to determine the risk of death from the COVID vaccines is to tabulate EVERY death in the days following vaccination and then to compare those rates to historic daily death rates in each age category. "
RFK, Jr. to President Biden: No. 1 Driver of Vaccine Hesitancy Is Mistrust of Regulators • Children's Health Defense

wow ! So only 3 years would be required to get from the last years 0.55m life savings to the theoretical 1.65m value, not bad !!!

I know this is a gross approximation but my point is even if you are very more conservative in the savings analysis, the net lives saving will continue to be significantly positive.

Note, I am not pro or anti vaccine, I am data driven and appalled at the inaccurate scaremongering on both sides of the argument.

Vaccines can have a rule to play where the risk/reward or call it ‘value’ can be shown. In the case of COVID, this seems to be elderly 80+ And/or existing significant medical condition (for example cancer, diabetes, obesity etc).
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