Vibrational Therapy Resource Page: Homeopathy, Flower & Gem Elixirs, Light, Color, Sound and Energy Healing (Please post books, resources & studies)



Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Ask the person to imagine a bright light - the photon count will immediately shoot up
This ties in with a book recommendation: Change Your AURA - Change Your LIFE
This book teaches how to use colored rays to change your aura. @Lollipop2 @yerrag




Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
video lecture: Sound Therapy for Better Brains and Sleep

Rafaele Joudry presents. She was the joint creator of the Joudry portable Sound Therapy method with her mother, Patricia Joudry. Because of the transformative effects, Sound Therapy has had on so many lives, Rafaele is committed to making Sound Therapy accessible to every person and family that needs it. Rafaele is constantly writing, lecturing, touring and teaching to bring the message of Sound Therapy to the world.

When your ears and brain perform better, the result is:
- better communication and relationships
- more energy and less stress
- enhanced performance at work and school
- greater well-being and enjoyment of life.


Oct 6, 2020
video lecture: Sound Therapy for Better Brains and Sleep

Rafaele Joudry presents. She was the joint creator of the Joudry portable Sound Therapy method with her mother, Patricia Joudry. Because of the transformative effects, Sound Therapy has had on so many lives, Rafaele is committed to making Sound Therapy accessible to every person and family that needs it. Rafaele is constantly writing, lecturing, touring and teaching to bring the message of Sound Therapy to the world.

When your ears and brain perform better, the result is:
- better communication and relationships
- more energy and less stress
- enhanced performance at work and school
- greater well-being and enjoyment of life.

Interesting and i would try it asap if i could but they do not sell the sounds on their own with the "excuse" of needing their hardware for filtering and they only sell packages with the lowest one starting at 700 dollars going up to 1k and above. "affordable" my a$$.

The website design is awfully suspicious as well. Looks like most of the cash grab internet scams. Not that it is one ... idk.


May 10, 2022
My wife is really into a lot of things here in this thread. She has gotten her Aura read at one of the health spas here in town, she had a very unique one had many of the colors of the rainbow surrounding her. She also enjoys going to the reiki center. We both got an AO body scan done at a natural healing and wellness center, i thought it was pretty cool myself, had about 15 or so pages of info. The same practitioner also has a "quantum" bed, its like a titanium bed, that sends out various frequencies. I think it may have been developed by the same person who made the tesla coil unit. Id like to give it a try soon...

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Interesting and i would try it asap if i could but they do not sell the sounds on their own with the "excuse" of needing their hardware for filtering and they only sell packages with the lowest one starting at 700 dollars going up to 1k and above. "affordable" my a$$.

The website design is awfully suspicious as well. Looks like most of the cash grab internet scams. Not that it is one ... idk.
Youtube most likely filters the end ranges of the music that it provides. I came to a similar conclusion and I am now listening to Mozart online. Two hours worth of music and over 41 million hits, others might be thinking the same thing.



Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Interesting and i would try it asap if i could but they do not sell the sounds on their own with the "excuse" of needing their hardware for filtering and they only sell packages with the lowest one starting at 700 dollars going up to 1k and above. "affordable" my a$$.

The website design is awfully suspicious as well. Looks like most of the cash grab internet scams. Not that it is one ... idk.
I would not buy anything expensive either - was not pushing that.
I put in the thread as Patricia Joudry (her mother) was big in the development of Tomatis sound therapy.

The concept of the filtering is that unexpected changes in frequency will require the ear muscle to adjust.
This exercises the inner ear.

The Tomatis Method is based on the principle of the transmission of unanticipated sound contrasts through music and a person's voice in order to constantly surprise the brain. That element of surprise, forces the brain to develop automatic mechanisms to detect change, which ultimately serves to develop stronger focus and attention.

I also learned that many high range sounds are where much healing takes place.
Combining that information - I just play bird sounds.

The hypersonic effect is a phenomenon in which sounds containing significant quantities of non-stationary high-frequency components (HFCs) above the human audible range (max. 20 kHz) activate the midbrain and diencephalon and evoke various physiological, psychological and behavioral responses.


Nov 18, 2019
I would not buy anything expensive either - was not pushing that.
I put in the thread as Patricia Joudry (her mother) was big in the development of Tomatis sound therapy.

The concept of the filtering is that unexpected changes in frequency will require the ear muscle to adjust.
This exercises the inner ear.

The Tomatis Method is based on the principle of the transmission of unanticipated sound contrasts through music and a person's voice in order to constantly surprise the brain. That element of surprise, forces the brain to develop automatic mechanisms to detect change, which ultimately serves to develop stronger focus and attention.

I also learned that many high range sounds are where much healing takes place.
Combining that information - I just play bird sounds.

The hypersonic effect is a phenomenon in which sounds containing significant quantities of non-stationary high-frequency components (HFCs) above the human audible range (max. 20 kHz) activate the midbrain and diencephalon and evoke various physiological, psychological and behavioral responses.
Very interesting @Grapelander! Helpful as well.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Youtube most likely filters the end ranges of the music that it provides. I came to a similar conclusion and I am now listening to Mozart online. Two hours worth of music and over 41 million hits, others might be thinking the same thing.


Mozart is always superb. I started listening when The Mozart Effect book came out. @David PS
I always enjoyed Bach. A few years ago I became enamored with "Italian Baroque" music.
That is now my go-to for studying and contemplation.

Superlearning Book (Sheila Ostrander; Lynn Schroeder) features the work of Dr. Georgi Lozanov in Bulgaria and the use of Baroque music in learning and memory.

Lozanov’s suggestology is basically “applied” altered states of consciousness for learning, healing, and intuitive development. The same mechanisms of mind that lead to supermemory (and thus to accelerated learning), can also lead to ESP and voluntary control.

To strengthen memory, Lozanov would use music. He would start with slow movements of classical Baroque music, music that has a steady beat about once per second, sixty beats per minute. Music rather than sleep or hypnosis would calm the body so the mind could begin to realize its waiting potentials. It was appropriate that the idea of using music as the bridge to reach the reserves of mind should come from the country of the legendary musician Orpheus of Thrace, a land that is now part of Bulgaria. Orpheus had used music as a means of charming both nature and living creatures.

Lozanov studied in his lab the music Bach wrote for Count Kayserling, “The Goldberg Variations,” and found that, in particular, the aria with which it starts and ends could induce a meditative state with many beneficial physical effects derived from its slowing down body processes.
Pieces by other composers of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, written in the same musical tradition, were found to have similar effects. Music history has it that Bach designed much of his music to appeal to the mentality. Lozanov and colleagues noted that with this music the body relaxed, the mind became alert.

The idea that music can affect your body and mind certainly isn’t new. For centuries, people have been lullabying babies to sleep. For centuries, people sang sea chanties and harvesting songs to ease their labor. For centuries, from Asia to the Middle East to South America people have used music to carry them into unusual states of consciousness. The key was to find just the right kind of music for just the right kind of effect.

Music by sixteenth to eighteenth-century composers - Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann, Corelli, Handel - is often called Baroque music. In particular, the labs investigated the slow (or largo) movements of the Baroque concertos. (Each concerto has different segments to be played at different speeds.) In the slow movements, we find again that familiar, and it seems, potent rhythm—sixty beats a minute. This Baroque music often has a very slow bass, beating like a slow human pulse. As you listen, your body listens too and tends to follow the beat.
Your body relaxes and your mind becomes alert.

Italian Baroque Music Ancient Dances Suite

Albinoni - 12 Concertos, Op.9 | Christopher Hogwood The Academy of Ancient Music

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Mozart is always superb. I started listening when The Mozart Effect book came out. @David PS
I always enjoyed Bach. A few years ago I became enamored with "Italian Baroque" music.
That is now my go-to for studying and contemplation.

Superlearning Book (Sheila Ostrander; Lynn Schroeder) features the work of Dr. Georgi Lozanov in Bulgaria and the use of Baroque music in learning and memory.

Lozanov’s suggestology is basically “applied” altered states of consciousness for learning, healing, and intuitive development. The same mechanisms of mind that lead to supermemory (and thus to accelerated learning), can also lead to ESP and voluntary control.

To strengthen memory, Lozanov would use music. He would start with slow movements of classical Baroque music, music that has a steady beat about once per second, sixty beats per minute. Music rather than sleep or hypnosis would calm the body so the mind could begin to realize its waiting potentials. It was appropriate that the idea of using music as the bridge to reach the reserves of mind should come from the country of the legendary musician Orpheus of Thrace, a land that is now part of Bulgaria. Orpheus had used music as a means of charming both nature and living creatures.

Lozanov studied in his lab the music Bach wrote for Count Kayserling, “The Goldberg Variations,” and found that, in particular, the aria with which it starts and ends could induce a meditative state with many beneficial physical effects derived from its slowing down body processes.
Pieces by other composers of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries, written in the same musical tradition, were found to have similar effects. Music history has it that Bach designed much of his music to appeal to the mentality. Lozanov and colleagues noted that with this music the body relaxed, the mind became alert.

The idea that music can affect your body and mind certainly isn’t new. For centuries, people have been lullabying babies to sleep. For centuries, people sang sea chanties and harvesting songs to ease their labor. For centuries, from Asia to the Middle East to South America people have used music to carry them into unusual states of consciousness. The key was to find just the right kind of music for just the right kind of effect.

Music by sixteenth to eighteenth-century composers - Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann, Corelli, Handel - is often called Baroque music. In particular, the labs investigated the slow (or largo) movements of the Baroque concertos. (Each concerto has different segments to be played at different speeds.) In the slow movements, we find again that familiar, and it seems, potent rhythm—sixty beats a minute. This Baroque music often has a very slow bass, beating like a slow human pulse. As you listen, your body listens too and tends to follow the beat.
Your body relaxes and your mind becomes alert.
Thanks for your detailed work. The forum is often a place for continuing education.

I have only been listening to Mozart for a few days. I am now going listen to Barque music. Here is link that you might find interesting.
Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching; v10 n1-4 Spr-Win 1985


Nov 29, 2017
I was thinking about chromotherapy and the projectors that are available on the market right now (some are really cheap too..). Any suggestions for a project that can be used specifically for color therapy that won't break the bank? I've seen two types of projects, home theatre and galaxy star that are fairly cheap and may be effective (even just for ambiance and mood).


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
I was thinking about chromotherapy and the projectors that are available on the market right now (some are really cheap too..). Any suggestions for a project that can be used specifically for color therapy that won't break the bank? I've seen two types of projects, home theatre and galaxy star that are fairly cheap and may be effective (even just for ambiance and mood).
The type of lighting (incandescent, fluorescent, LED, sunlight, lantern, candle) is important.
Incandescent not available after this year 2022 in US.
Seems like LED can replicate any color. I heard somewhere that LED has square waves - so that needs to be looked into.
Dinshah's first color healing used a kerosene lamp and blue tinted glass.

1897 - pg. 10 - Let There Be Light
During the bubonic plague of this and following years, the accepted medical treatment saved only 40% of the unfortunate sufferers.
Over 60% of Dinshah’s patients recovered by his closely watching the strength of the heart, using caffeine, ammonia, and other stimulants when needed; and the utilization of iodine-terchloride, a nonofficial preparation. His later studies relating elements to Colors would classify this as having Color emanations of Lemon and Green.
The year 1897 also marked a turning point in his medical thinking: The niece of one of his Theosophical Society friends was dying from mucous colitis. The learned physician who was ministering to her used the then-accepted drugs to no avail. Dinshah was aware of the theory of chromopathy, having read
The Principles of Light and Color (1878), by Dr. Edwin D. Babbitt; and Blue and Red Lights, or Light and its Rays as Medicine (1877), by Dr. Seth Pancoast.
Convinced that the only hope for her recovery lay in an unorthodox healing method, he proceeded according to Dr. Babbitt’s technique. The light from a kerosene lantern, with an Indigo-colored glass bottle used as a filter, was shone on her. Milk was placed in another bottle of the same color as the filter bottle and then exposed to Sunlight; she later drank the milk. The urgent straining to evacuate, which occurred perhaps a hundred times a day, abated to ten after one day of treatment; after three days she was able to get out of bed. Saving this near-fatal case was the beginning but twenty-three years passed before his scientific researches culminated in the healing system he called
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Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Color Therapy : Healing w/ Color - Rueben Amber pg-13
Dr. Charles W. Littlefield discovered that if minerals were moistened and the water permitted to evaporate, a vital force appeared in the mineral particles having the characteristics of the various tissues of the body. Newton’s laws cannot explain Littlefield’s discovery. In the presence of a mineral salt solution, when a person concentrates upon an idea, these mineral particles form a picture and duplicate the image as the person had visualized it. This thought energy has physical manifestations which can be received only in the presence of light of the right color, as has been demonstrated by Philip Cancellor, inventor of this extraordinary technique of Thought Photography.

The Beginning and Way of Life - Google Books

Resurrection Salt - Rex Research




Nov 18, 2019
Color Therapy : Healing w/ Color - Rueben Amber pg-13
Dr. Charles W. Littlefield discovered that if minerals were moistened and the water permitted to evaporate, a vital force appeared in the mineral particles having the characteristics of the various tissues of the body. Newton’s laws cannot explain Littlefield’s discovery. In the presence of a mineral salt solution, when a person concentrates upon an idea, these mineral particles form a picture and duplicate the image as the person had visualized it. This thought energy has physical manifestations which can be received only in the presence of light of the right color, as has been demonstrated by Philip Cancellor, inventor of this extraordinary technique of Thought Photography.

The Beginning and Way of Life - Google Books

Resurrection Salt - Rex Research

View attachment 41990

WOW 🤩 Oh my amazing! Have to look into this. Thanks for sharing!


Nov 29, 2017

@Grapelander have you ever heard of projectors (high end) being used for light therapy? Lightboxes and filters are simple and probably the way I'm going to go to test out spectro chrome therapy but just wondering if projectors can be used
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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