Ukraine Crisis



Sep 24, 2016

Don’t forget in all your hateful rants that all things follow a causality.

As a former officer of a professional army and a human I fully condemn any animalic warcrime.

That Russia had to invade though is the responsibility of your leadership and, if you voted for them or didn’t resist their crimes like bombing Donbas.

Your country Ukraine will never be souvereign. Parts of it will remain occupied by Russia, the read will be the playing field of US-Western Elites sick fantasies. Could be you profit from the latter state of affairs.

But all that you deluded yourself to think you fight for or defend: Souvereignity. Democracy. Freedom. Ukranian way of life and culture, blood:

This all doesn’t matter to your masters. They play you if it helps you believe it. Of you’re that intellectually limited.

So, why there is only spite left for any Russian soldier that tortures and abuses his opponents and prisoners - where is your spite for your countrymen that do and did similar things? They are guilty in more ways: directly for their deeds. And for supporting and upholding the regime that brought all this upon you.

And let me assure you: you’re ideas of what the Ukraine is in the eyes of Western Europeans and Americans. Where it ever can be - is way off.


Aug 3, 2021
UAF was trying to kill Azovstal POWs as early as the middle of May


Sadly for Russians, it cannot be said that the UA soldiers are surrendering en masse. However, the resistance of the territorial battalions is noticeably reduced and now, being in a difficult situation, they prefer to give up.

This is mainly due to the Moscovites quite clever propaganda when various videos are keep being published of how mothers and wives come to visit UA POWs.

Since a bad trend is emerging on the eve of the expected large Ukrainian offensive, it became necessary to raise the spirit of the fresh UA meat so that they more cheerfully run into minefields, cannons, machine guns, tanks and the most importantly stop thinking about surrendering.

Now, after HIMARS strike, UA warriors will think twice should they surrender or not.
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Jun 2, 2022

Don’t forget in all your hateful rants that all things follow a causality.

As a former officer of a professional army and a human I fully condemn any animalic warcrime.

That Russia had to invade though is the responsibility of your leadership and, if you voted for them or didn’t resist their crimes like bombing Donbas.

Your country Ukraine will never be souvereign. Parts of it will remain occupied by Russia, the read will be the playing field of US-Western Elites sick fantasies. Could be you profit from the latter state of affairs.

But all that you deluded yourself to think you fight for or defend: Souvereignity. Democracy. Freedom. Ukranian way of life and culture, blood:

This all doesn’t matter to your masters. They play you if it helps you believe it. Of you’re that intellectually limited.

So, why there is only spite left for any Russian soldier that tortures and abuses his opponents and prisoners - where is your spite for your countrymen that do and did similar things? They are guilty in more ways: directly for their deeds. And for supporting and upholding the regime that brought all this upon you.

And let me assure you: you’re ideas of what the Ukraine is in the eyes of Western Europeans and Americans. Where it ever can be - is way off.
wtf you are talking about dude? lmao i cannot believe still that you keep saying this ***t like "we will never be suvereign" "us-west elites sick fantasies"
Please stop this conspiracy theories, really i cannot read this, all my hateful rants because u consider yourself as super-brained man who knows better than me or other ukrainians, dude DONBASS its the result of russian sponsoring separatits on this territory, and these separatits was the stupidest kind of people who cannot leave in capitalism due to their lack of brains, and they can live in only in communism-socialism like russia is.

DONBASS problem ONLY was fired up by russia, the ***t you talking about? NOBODY from ukraine never bombed donbas,, even when separatists thugs captured administation states EVEN in this case nobody fired them. but should have been.

Really now im 1000% sure that you really dont understand ukraine problem, come here to ukraine i will show you all myself dude.

Why the **** i should live in russia-garbage if i dont want to? Many other USSR countried now souvereign but you say UKRAINIANS doesnt exist(typical russia propaganda garbage)
But moldavans(rumunes) exist? Azerbaijan? Tajikistan? etc? they souvereign, but ONLY ukraine is not souvereign?

Maybe the problem started after the overcorrupted yanukovich regime FINALLY and thanks god crushed? All the ukraine suffer all our souvereign only because pro-russians and russian agents in ukraine. I would tell you about living in ukraine unto 2014, believe me it was horrible. My life 1000 times better now. With, like you say, PRO american course. Ill be better in SOUTH korea(pro amercan) than in NORTH garbage china-russian korea.

All my hate for all you guys its because you are ABSOLUTELY dont know the problem but claim yourselves like you super-historicans. And know better than me or other people.

quotes of typical pro russian propaganda twitter is another shame of you guys.


Aug 3, 2021

What's your take on UA war crimes i.e. torturing and killing Russian POWs, dozens of documented cases of RU POWs emasculation before exchange for UA POWs?


Jun 2, 2022

Don’t forget in all your hateful rants that all things follow a causality.

As a former officer of a professional army and a human I fully condemn any animalic warcrime.

That Russia had to invade though is the responsibility of your leadership and, if you voted for them or didn’t resist their crimes like bombing Donbas.

Your country Ukraine will never be souvereign. Parts of it will remain occupied by Russia, the read will be the playing field of US-Western Elites sick fantasies. Could be you profit from the latter state of affairs.

But all that you deluded yourself to think you fight for or defend: Souvereignity. Democracy. Freedom. Ukranian way of life and culture, blood:

This all doesn’t matter to your masters. They play you if it helps you believe it. Of you’re that intellectually limited.

So, why there is only spite left for any Russian soldier that tortures and abuses his opponents and prisoners - where is your spite for your countrymen that do and did similar things? They are guilty in more ways: directly for their deeds. And for supporting and upholding the regime that brought all this upon you.

And let me assure you: you’re ideas of what the Ukraine is in the eyes of Western Europeans and Americans. Where it ever can be - is way off.
Why do you ignore that united nation 11 TIMES(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 11 TIMES!! proposed the introduction of UN peacekeepers to the conflict zone, but SUPRISE!
Only one country all 11 times said - we dont need it. and this country is RUSSIA. HHAHAHAHHAHAH. WHAT A SUPRISE GUYS, RIGHT?

why do you ignore this thing?
Conclusion is - donbass is 10000% fired up by russia its OBVIOUSLY and you cannot admit it means its you brainwashed by russia propaganda totally. Russia now is typical 1984 book, killing thousands of civillians, says we FREE them. From life, b*tch?

Come to ukraine i will show you my FREE house in zaporizhia district.

Really shameful read all your russia propaganda garbage here on these forum.

But i will repeat - thanks god united states and great britain goverment are much smarter than you guys. My big thanks to adequate US and UK citizens, and my spit on f*ckers like you dude. Typican internet theoretic who never seen what life is. and in these case, more important - never seen what russia is. Russia is worse than terrorists.


Jun 2, 2022

What's your take on UA war crimes i.e. torturing and killing Russian POWs, dozens of documented cases of RU POWs emasculation before exchange for UA POWs?
Stop watching pro-russian stupid tweets, dude i send you channels where is thousands of proofs of these war, everyday analytics, READ THIS! few days. or read old posts.

SEND ME the proof of killing russians or some other ***t you talking? Yes, maybe few cases could exist, i cant say ukrainians is angels but dont forget there is OCCUPANTS and teerorists which everyday kill people with rocket missales etc, occupants who killing our nation, SURE people is angry and want a revenge.

I send you before PROOFS, you send me ***t text. Who is right dude? Send me proofs like i you sent.

Or you say cut off eggs with knife is ok?


Jun 2, 2022
Open the channels telegram which i sent, RUSSIAN CHANNEL Moscow calling(Moscow calling) during all the war collected THOUSANDS of proofs of russian war genocide of ukrainians and humanity, how their heavy weapons ALWAYS stay near the houses, like this photo. THOUSANDS of proofs.

Many videos how ukraine artillery jewelerly hit them. They use ONLY schools etc like bases. NOTHING of these you cannot find on pro-russian twitter tweets, sure.

But you read this ***t and saying to me that IM ukrainian = not exist. My culture is nothing. LOL
photo_2022-07-29 23.48.19.jpeg


Sep 24, 2016
NOBODY from ukraine never bombed donbas,
A simple but massive lie. Shows that nothing you claim should be trusted a priori.
Why the **** i should live in russia-garbage if i dont want to? Many other USSR countried now souvereign but you say UKRAINIANS doesnt exist(typical russia propaganda garbage)

I didn’t write you should. Nor that Ukraine doesn’t exist. I never once said that.
I said that what you believe you fight for and against is confused. I can understand that you want to fight Russia and defend Ukraine.
But you don’t understand that reality isn’t on that level. Ukraine leaders and their supporters have initiated events that results in: Ukraine cannot remain as it is. It’s gone. It didn’t need to come to this. You brought it to this.

And yes, you seem to have difficulties comprehending necessities and casualties of politics, civilization and history. That’s nothing to do with me claiming to be a super-brain or historican which I never said. It had to do so with being a Student of human biology.
about living in ukraine unto 2014, believe me it was horrible. My life 1000 times better now. With, like you say, PRO american course. Ill be better in SOUTH korea(

I believe you. But many other Ukrainians feel different. Also Material improvement isn’t as important to all people when it comes with being an underling of a decadent, value less empire.
Typican internet theoretic who never seen what life is
You’re totally wrong on this.


Jun 2, 2022

Don’t forget in all your hateful rants that all things follow a causality.

As a former officer of a professional army and a human I fully condemn any animalic warcrime.

That Russia had to invade though is the responsibility of your leadership and, if you voted for them or didn’t resist their crimes like bombing Donbas.

Your country Ukraine will never be souvereign. Parts of it will remain occupied by Russia, the read will be the playing field of US-Western Elites sick fantasies. Could be you profit from the latter state of affairs.

But all that you deluded yourself to think you fight for or defend: Souvereignity. Democracy. Freedom. Ukranian way of life and culture, blood:

This all doesn’t matter to your masters. They play you if it helps you believe it. Of you’re that intellectually limited.

So, why there is only spite left for any Russian soldier that tortures and abuses his opponents and prisoners - where is your spite for your countrymen that do and did similar things? They are guilty in more ways: directly for their deeds. And for supporting and upholding the regime that brought all this upon you.

And let me assure you: you’re ideas of what the Ukraine is in the eyes of Western Europeans and Americans. Where it ever can be - is way off.
really i cant get it - how clueless should you be to saying that donbass is the result of ukrainian goverment, really. Even have crimea annexed and fired up donbass by russia you still say that LOL.

Also do you know that ukraine build this region? Fully? Euro 2012? Donbass airport? Fully new city? Glory of Shakhtar footbal, their stadion?

And after that you say ukraine bombed donbass? maybe send you youtube video of journalists from 2014 where they collected thousands of proofs that in 2014 there was russian military personnel? cmon?

Really donbass problem is so simple. This war too so simple. Russia simply dont want their people to see how good ukrainians started to live even without MILLIARDS of eurodollars from the export of gas, oil, gold, etc. Russia is THE RICHEST resources country but live in ***t, and you saying why ukrainians dont want live with russia dude?
Russia simply dont want to know to russia people that REVOLUTION is can be. Ukrainians is "bad" example.
Russia is ussr mentality when you HATE your neighbor. only because he bought something new or etc.


Jun 2, 2022
I didn’t write you should. Nor that Ukraine doesn’t exist. I never once said that.
I said that what you believe you fight for and against is confused. I can understand that you want to fight Russia and defend Ukraine.
But you don’t understand that reality isn’t on that level. Ukraine leaders and their supporters have initiated events that results in: Ukraine cannot remain as it is. It’s gone. It didn’t need to come to this. You brought it to this."

you say, lmao dude, OCCUPANT entered to my HOUSE and RAPE everything and marauder everything, and you say to me "I FIGHT FOR AND AGAINST IS CONFUSED" LOOOOL. Oh my god. really?

Im telling you, write me PM i will give you my personal number phone and i can give you excursion to my occupied city and can give you phones of owners of agricultural, for example, big business, they will tell you how their technique-park is 100% maraudered by russians to russia territory.

I will Meet you with my grandfather, agricultural businessman, which harvest 100% stolen by russians and they put gun on his head when he said i dont want to give you my crop.

Cmon man, GO SEE in real life this "russian world peace" which they spread on twitter. And you will find a clue why im so angry reading this garbage russian topic.
COme to see real life. I send you good telegram channels, but you dont want to read it., more i can PERSONALLY meet you. I bet. Im assured man i have money, no problem i give you all the facilities and comfort during trip.


Aug 3, 2021
I send you before PROOFS, you send me ***t text. Who is right dude? Send me proofs like i you sent.

There are video proofs fairly easily searchable I will not post them here though. As of POWs organs cut offs unfortunately its also true and started to happen almost from very beginning of conflict - RU authorities preferred not to make public news out of this to not shock their citizens, i.e. those thinking Ukrainians and Russians are two friendly nations with some bandera followers/extremists standing between. They could release data later though.

Or you say cut off eggs with knife is ok?

Well no war is without war crimes and people goes crazy under intense stress very often. I did not see the video but read on this case that the man was called pedophile later.


Jun 2, 2022
There are video proofs fairly easily searchable I will not post them here though. As of POWs organs cut offs unfortunately its also true and started to happen almost from very beginning of conflict - RU authorities preferred not to make public news out of this to not shock their citizens, i.e. those thinking Ukrainians and Russians are two friendly nations with some bandera followers/extremists standing between. They could release data later though.

Well no war is without war crimes and people goes crazy under intense stress very often. I did not see the video but read on this case that the man was called pedophile later.
Russian thug-killer said HE IS PEDOPHILE and you perceive this as TRUTH? HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA oh my god, who im talking with. Im done with you. Bye, im mute you garbage. You are pointless. no chance to mend.
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Jun 2, 2022
The problem started with the communists.


I missed you. So what? you send me this map several times. Who cares about this? 1618 year LOL.
Schoolboy , please quit talking about politics. Really i told you, leave your hated US citizenship and go to russia men, to this empire of lie, really the best place for you.
Im tired trying to show the truth to really blind people like you. You think to be pro-russian and anti-american, its cool to be? GO TO RUSSIA. I know ALL about russia, and believe me, 1 month of living in russia, when you can be put in jain JUST FOR LIKE on the post "anti-war" and you see real nightmare.


Jun 2, 2022
What are your plans for when Zaporhzyia comes under Russian control?
This is the region where i am birth and grow, i lived in small city near zaporizhia which is occupied now as i mentioned before, i lived here till 18 years old and left many years ago and now living in big city which is ukrainian now. but my parents live in this city where i birth. And sure all the friends from here so i have 100% real picture what happening here. And my grandfather is businessman, known by all the people.

I have no plans for this region simply because i have business many years in other big city which is ukrainian controlled now.

I dont understand why, also, earlier said that i should serve? I want to return to this. Really for equip one soldier need to have 10-12 WORKING civilians, my business have done sooo big donates to army, we have done much more than sitting in the trench. To my best friend we bought car for war. etc. For their battalion. Many small things. But you cant get the importance of this. Cuz you are so narrow-minded. "WHY DONT YOU SERVE MUTHAFUCKA AND FIGHT ON DA SOFA" hahahhahah

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
But you cant get the importance of this. Cuz you are so narrow-minded. "WHY DONT YOU SERVE MUTHAFUCKA AND FIGHT ON DA SOFA" hahahhahah

No it makes sense. You wouldn't accomplish anything in a trench except get yourself killed. You would be most effective, though, if you worked to overthrow the corrupt government ruining your country


Jun 2, 2022
Well, im done with this topic again, i just entered here to see - will you talk about this animal act of genocide with cutting eggs to PAW, or deheading of ukrainian soldiers. But you have not. Silence. Cuz you quote and read only pro russia ***t guys.

After the words that ITS ukraine goverment problem that donbass fired up - im done. Stupidity and horror in this topic is super high. Higher cannot be.
I repeat again - YOU KNOW nothing about ukraine and this war. Theoreticals, who cannot even analyze information.

Ukraine is not country like united states, honestly, i even thought sometimes that our people probably less clever than western.
But this topic showed me that i was totally wrong. Seeing your possibility for analyzation, and using % of humans brain, i see that even my carwasher wiser than some of people from this topic.

Thanks for adequate people of United states and UK. We will never forget your support. And other countries citizens, who read me now. Sorry for anger. But imagine you to be in my situation and read this garbage like in this topic. You would be angry too. I came here with peace and trying to help to understand situation in ukraine for users of forum which i been reading for years, but i came across wall of russia propaganda tweets, etc. I send you adequate sources of information. use it. This telegram channels that i mentioned.

Despite all, i am not wish the evil to you guys. I wish somewhen you will understand what is when somebody OCCUPATE you and your contry. Ruin you life. Like lifes of my friend in mariupol, who are homeless. They had businesses, really best life. Houses, etc. Now they have nothing. Only because russia 1 war tactics of massive artillery destoroying of everything.

My life will never be the same after this war. Hopefully, maybe after this words somebody from you open your eyes.


Aug 3, 2021
My life will never be the same after this war.

UA officials admitted a few months ago that Minsk agreements were being made not to comply with them. History teaches us that in politics broken agreements are very often lead to unpredictable consequences.
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