Trump Elected Again?


Mar 29, 2016
I wonder if foreign market structures are similar, given that the US is their template. A good example then of monkey see monkey do. I'm sure vassals like the Philippines would be ingrained with such booby traps as well.


Jan 25, 2014
I wonder if foreign market structures are similar, given that the US is their template. A good example then of monkey see monkey do. I'm sure vassals like the Philippines would be ingrained with such booby traps as well.

I don't think it's so much "Monkey see, monkey do" as the same people setting up the same structures pretty much everywhere. It's more like a franchise than, say, McDowells-



Jan 25, 2014
The further it moves from reality the easier it will for government to manipulate the game. :(

Well, really, the big things happened long ago, I think mostly before I was even born. Starting with the creation of the Federal Reserve and IRS in 1913, The Gold Reserve Act, HJR 192, and the Trading with the Enemy Act amendment and the New Deal Acts of the 30s, setting up the UN, BIS, IMF and such through the 40's, the setup of Cede & Company and the DTCC in the 60's and 70's, and such.

Really, the government (and other big entities) pretty much had this power for decades now. It's just been a very slow reveal.

It reminds me of a Doctor Who quote in "Day of the Moon" when he's talking about The Silence...... "Remember, we're not fighting off an invasion, we're leading a revolution." Knowing how a lot of fiction and such works, I think "The Silence" might be a good metaphor for the enemy...... The Cabal, the Globalists, the World Revolutionary Movement, the New World Order, the Rothchilds, Rockafellers, Payseurs, the Satanic Bloodline Illuminatti..... whatever you want to call them.

This quote from The Silence seems dead on- "We have ruled your lives since your lives began. You should kill us all on sight. But you will never remember we were even here. Your will is ours!"

Seems pretty accurate. A lot of people are now waking up to these things, but it's tough, as you have to realize the world isn't set up the way you thought it was.


Mar 29, 2016
I don't think it's so much "Monkey see, monkey do" as the same people setting up the same structures pretty much everywhere. It's more like a franchise than, say, McDowells-




Apr 8, 2016
Well, really, the big things happened long ago, I think mostly before I was even born. Starting with the creation of the Federal Reserve and IRS in 1913, The Gold Reserve Act, HJR 192, and the Trading with the Enemy Act amendment and the New Deal Acts of the 30s, setting up the UN, BIS, IMF and such through the 40's, the setup of Cede & Company and the DTCC in the 60's and 70's, and such.

Really, the government (and other big entities) pretty much had this power for decades now. It's just been a very slow reveal.
Trump certainly pulled back the curtain like no other and he is paying a steep price. Those with power want to set an example for the next person who thinks it's a good idea to expose our fascist government.


Jan 25, 2014
Trump certainly pulled back the curtain like no other and he is paying a steep price.
He is either paying a steep price...... or this whole thing isn't over yet.

Monkey Werx lays out an interesting scenario here-

So, if he was right in that Trump is still flying on Military Aircraft after Jan 20th with Biden being denied a flight to the inauguration, that could indicate we might be in for some better days. Maybe the best really is yet to come.

Although he points out in other videos that the lack of a TFR over Mar a Lago is concerning if that first scenario is wrong. Bush Jr. still has a TFR over his house in Texas, so it also could indicate that Trump isn't getting proper security. In this case, a 2024 run would be pure fantasy, every election would be rigged insanely against him, and if he's not getting proper security, he might not make it to 2024. He sure did anger a bunch of (once) powerful people.


Apr 8, 2016
Although he points out in other videos that the lack of a TFR over Mar a Lago is concerning if that first scenario is wrong. Bush Jr. still has a TFR over his house in Texas, so it also could indicate that Trump isn't getting proper security. In this case, a 2024 run would be pure fantasy, every election would be rigged insanely against him, and if he's not getting proper security, he might not make it to 2024. He sure did anger a bunch of (once) powerful people.
If things get really bad for Trump that means its time to shut down the republican party for good. Then Trump's patriot party can replace the GOP and all the traitor republicans who supported the impeachment charade can be voted out of office.

The people of PA, MI, WI, and GA must vote out all the corrupt republicans in their states and vote in new people who can clean out the corruption in the election system.


Jan 25, 2014
If things get really bad for Trump that means its time to shut down the republican party for good. Then Trump's patriot party can replace the GOP and all the traitor republicans who supported the impeachment charade can be voted out of office.
Lol. How are you gonna "vote" your way out of this when we just saw the most egregious, blatant display of election fraud in history? You think all elections will suddenly be honest from here on out?


Apr 8, 2016
Lol. How are you gonna "vote" your way out of this when we just saw the most egregious, blatant display of election fraud in history? You think all elections will suddenly be honest from here on out?
I understand it goes deeper than that. For example, prosecutors are unwilling to change criminals who manipulated the election with crimes because they don't want their lives to be destroyed. Judges are afraid to hear the evidence because they don't want to deal with harassment and have their lives destroyed. They even got to Bill Barr and were able to stop him from investigating the criminal activity. Don't know if Bill Barr was corrupted from the start or if they just threatened or blackmailed him. But the effect is the same.

All we can do is to voice our opinions when we can and vote against the corruption. There really aren't any other options.


Jan 25, 2014
I understand it goes deeper than that. For example, prosecutors are unwilling to change criminals who manipulated the election with crimes because they don't want their lives to be destroyed. Judges are afraid to hear the evidence because they don't want to deal with harassment and have their lives destroyed. They even got to Bill Barr and were able to stop him from investigating the criminal activity. Don't know if Bill Barr was corrupted from the start or if they just threatened or blackmailed him. But the effect is the same.

All we can do is to voice our opinions when we can and vote against the corruption. There really aren't any other options.

There are always other options. Article V and the 2nd Amendment were put into the Constitution for a reason. Those options may be difficult, unethical, or illegal, but at a certain point, at least two of those boundaries won't stop people.

I agree, the system is corrupt to the core. and I've mentioned a few things that directly show that (such as the DTCC, the Fed, Cede & Co, and such).

I personally just don't think Trump is done. He could have done so much in the last two months and...... didn't. I'm willing to see what happens by Juan O Savin's April 1st date that he was promoting for several months before the election. As long as the DC Prison is standing (and all indications are that they plan to keep it up until March or longer) and the White House is dark, I don't think it's over, and I don't think Biden is a true president, certainly not in charge of the military.

On a side note, I know you think Lin Wood is crazy, but with the allegations he made against Pence and Roberts, the real question is....... why haven't they denied the allegations, demanded a retraction, and started a multi-million dollar defamation suit against him? I think the reason is that Wood's allegations are correct. Calling him "crazy" is a great way to sidestep the issue. When Michael Jackson had slanderous allegations made against him, he sued people and won. That's what innocent people do, protect their reputation. Pence and Roberts have to know about the allegations, have the legal knowledge and connections to successfully fight slander, and have the financial resources as well. If they don't sue Lin Wood, that just tells me that Wood is over the target.


Apr 8, 2016
Lin Wood is not as crazy as many of the Democrats are so maybe I was too hard on him. People like Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff have been sucked into much crazier conspiracy theories. Also, Lin Wood got banned from Twitter so that adds to his credibility. They were afraid of something he was saying so he must have been close to the mark on some things.


Jan 29, 2021
myanmar showed us that even if a fake president is sworn in via election fraud, military can still take over afterwards.
Whats especially interesting about myanmar is that connections of the (fraud) government to obama soros clinton and others have been uncovered


Sep 24, 2016
myanmar showed us that even if a fake president is sworn in via election fraud, military can still take over afterwards.
Whats especially interesting about myanmar is that connections of the (fraud) government to obama soros clinton and others have been uncovered

I‘m not privy to what happens there. But read in msm that the military taking over is poised to make Myanmar a Chinese satellite.
That’s not great news either.


Jan 25, 2014
Lin Wood is not as crazy as many of the Democrats are so maybe I was too hard on him. People like Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff have been sucked into much crazier conspiracy theories. Also, Lin Wood got banned from Twitter so that adds to his credibility. They were afraid of something he was saying so he must have been close to the mark on some things.

Well, one Democrat who helped to expose a government conspiracy was..... Maxine Waters. I you look back at her testimony in congress about the CIA spreading cocaine and heroin all throughout South Central LA in the 80s, she's like a different woman than the Maxine Waters we see today-

I don't know what happened to her. The current version that has been railing against Trump these years is like a ridiculous parody of the woman who gave that testimony.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I'm willing to see what happens by Juan O Savin's April 1st date that he was promoting for several months before the election.
April is in line with what Bo Polny has been saying.
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