Low Toxin Lifestyle Since Histamine triggers mucous, coughing, etc , is it actually aiding in detox?


Aug 28, 2023
This seems like a stupid question - but whenever I view things through a “detox” lense, things never seem to be how most view them.

If I don’t take antihistamines - I have an explosion of histamine / mast cell degranulation. Ita been like this for years and I keep getting worse. But it’s unbearable to be off of them in terms of itching and skin rashes and mucous.

But then I keep going back to what I read about on this forum and ask myself. Am I preventing a detox from happening by not allowing the histamine to cause these reactions ?

I don’t know where I stand on these detox events , somewhere between skeptical and intrigued, especially since it’s been six years since I even had a detox or flu like illness. Wondering if my chronic histamine usage is playing into this.


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
I don’t have an answer to your original question, but I do caution people against taking antihistamines regularly. I’ve had several friends who took daily antihistamines for years and when they tried to come off of them, the detox was awful. They said it triggered the worst withdrawal symptoms they’ve ever experienced. Severe itching and burning skin from the inside out and they felt awful for months. I tend to believe that the body is highly intelligent and I follow your line of thinking with histamines. I feel that histamine has to have a purpose.


Feb 3, 2020
I don’t have an answer to your original question, but I do caution people against taking antihistamines regularly. I’ve had several friends who took daily antihistamines for years and when they tried to come off of them, the detox was awful. They said it triggered the worst withdrawal symptoms they’ve ever experienced. Severe itching and burning skin from the inside out and they felt awful for months. I tend to believe that the body is highly intelligent and I follow your line of thinking with histamines. I feel that histamine has to have a purpose.
I can imagine. I rarely taken antihistamines in my life but they made my gut/liver feel backed-up.

Low SAMe can be a factor that can cause high basal histamine, because the enzyme that breaks it down (HNMT) requires SAMe. Low ATP, low magnesium can cause low SAMe, or poor recycling of homocysteine. (low activated B2, low folate, B12 etc.)

Have you ever got your homocysteine measured?
I know methylation issues (poor activation of folate into methylfolate) is involved in Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, which you have too right? (Could a vitamin deficiency cause ‘double-jointedness’ and troubling connective-tissue disorder?)
Nov 21, 2015
no. It's triggering the release of pockets of chemicals in mast cells. They are not desirable unless you are actually fighting an allergen.


Jun 6, 2016
I find this likely. Every signaling molecule in the body is there for a reason.

That's why the first step of detox should always involve finding the baseline of the body by stopping everything that suppresses symptoms, including drugs of course but also "lifestyle drugs" like coffee, hot spices, chocolate and supplements.

Most people have never experienced their own body in the state of "detox", but only in the state of "intox". Both states work differently, and the reaction to food, supplements, etc. is also different in both.

For example, in the state of "intox" (symptom suppression) it's possible that you can tolerate large doses of binders, niacin, zinc, molybdenum, etc. just fine but also don't notice any positive reaction, but once the body switches to "detox", suddenly you notice drastic changes even when ingesting high-zinc foods, or high molybdenum foods, as these substances make the body move more toxins out.

This also extends to relationships and interactions with other people; those on coffee, spices, drugs, supplements have a high tolerance for toxic people around them. Especially coffee works well to suppress a healthy reaction to a sick (work) environment.

In chronic conditions, these signalling molecules that signal danger/repair/detoxification can be dysregulated, and then they cause additional problems on the level of immune or nervous system, due to the large amounts of toxins flowing around in the cells. This is the level most people are stuck in. So the goal should be to gently lower the burden of toxicity, while supporting immune, nervous and hormone system health.

It's not that histamine-related issues like seasonal allergies are a detox reaction per se, but those symptoms are a sign of a toxic body that is attempting to detox, but it's not working correctly. Thus it over-reacts to minor stressors.

Niacin is interesting in that chronic use actually depletes the histamine stores, and Abram Hoffer noted that a person on niacin can not die from anaphylactic shock, because the histamine is not there anymore in the mast cells.
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Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
I can imagine. I rarely taken antihistamines in my life but they made my gut/liver feel backed-up.

Low SAMe can be a factor that can cause high basal histamine, because the enzyme that breaks it down (HNMT) requires SAMe. Low ATP, low magnesium can cause low SAMe, or poor recycling of homocysteine. (low activated B2, low folate, B12 etc.)

Have you ever got your homocysteine measured?
I know methylation issues (poor activation of folate into methylfolate) is involved in Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, which you have too right? (Could a vitamin deficiency cause ‘double-jointedness’ and troubling connective-tissue disorder?)
I’ve never taken antihistamines before, but I finally got my husband off of them. He used to take them daily almost half the year for seasonal allergies. I used to struggle with MCAS though. What you said makes sense, as when I first developed horrible histamine issues I was a vegan 🫠 I don’t struggle with them anymore, thankfully. I’m on low A now and I take B1, flush niacin, and b2 and I’ve noticed a huge difference in many areas.

I do not have EDS, but actually my stepmom and sister struggle with it so that’s very helpful. I’ve always suspected they are extremely b vitamin deficient.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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