Low Toxin Diet Sebastian's Glucose Protocol Log


Sep 13, 2012
Yeah I've noticed since doing the glucose that I'm having to drink ALOT more water. After the first few days of glucose I checked the scales and was honestly like 6lbs lighter due to dehydration, confirmed by scales soon returning to normal after upping water intake.
Yeah that's confirmation that BP is a measure of how much water your kidneys need to eliminate excess electrolytes, so it's also a sign kidneys are struggling and if someone then takes in excess electrolytes along with the glucose... yikes you could cause a stroke!


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
Hi everyone,

I'm taking a break from the glucose protocol due to increased blood pressure and calcification. I'm experiencing a strange sensation in my brain, reminiscent of what I felt at the end of my time on the Ray Peat diet, particularly after taking high doses of vitamin D and/or 11-Keto-DHT. Frankly, it feels like the onset of a stroke, which is probably exactly what it is. I've tried vitamin K2 and increased magnesium, but they've only provided minimal relief.

It's likely that I still have a significant amount of calcium stored in my body from my two years on the RP diet, during which I consumed a lot of milk, cheese, and even eggshells initially. It has only been four months since I switched from the RP diet to the LVA diet. I believe the cause of the calcification is definitely the dextrose powder. While I felt fine and relaxed on the LVA diet, I did experience other issues such as constipation, gut permeability, and sleep apnea, all of which the dextrose powder helped alleviate. However, the unsettling sensation of calcification in my brain and heart, along with the increased blood pressure, is much worse than the negative symptoms I was experiencing just a few weeks ago. Therefore, I'm taking a break until I start to feel normal again.

Interestingly, when I asked ChatGPT, "Can higher glucose intake cause calcification and high blood pressure?" it responded with the following:

"Yes, higher glucose intake can contribute to calcification and high blood pressure. Excessive glucose levels can lead to several metabolic disturbances that promote vascular calcification and hypertension.

High glucose intake can cause hyperglycemia, which triggers inflammatory pathways and oxidative stress. These processes can damage the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis and vascular calcification. Furthermore, hyperglycemia can increase the production of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which promote calcification of vascular tissues.

In addition to vascular calcification, high glucose intake is associated with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, which are major risk factors for hypertension. Insulin resistance can lead to increased sodium retention by the kidneys, increased sympathetic nervous system activity, and structural changes in blood vessels, all contributing to elevated blood pressure.

Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet with controlled glucose intake is important for preventing vascular calcification and managing blood pressure levels.
It seems that ChatGPT is associating glucose with sugar, which is different according to Dr. Stephen's protocol. Yes, sugar will do what the above mentions, but glucose or dextrose will lower blood sugars, cleanse the liver, lower inflammation, and provide easy energy to all the cells, especially the brain. I wonder if you are going through a major detox. Only you know though what you can tolerate, so it still seems right to back off if this was too much for your body. It does sound like you need to add more water. Are you also adding more fiber?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I wonder if you are going through a major detox.
Seems like that is likely what is happening, toxins moving out of the brain. When copper moves out of my brain it literally feels like my brain is morphing and twisting. I could see it freaking someone out if they did not understand what was going on.


Forum Supporter
Jun 15, 2024
Interestingly, when I asked ChatGPT, "Can higher glucose intake cause calcification and high blood pressure?" it responded with the following:
I wonder if ChatGPT just tells us what we want to hear. This is the query I typed into ChatGPT:
dextrose for improved brain function

and here was the response:

Dextrose, a simple sugar derived from corn, is primarily known for its role as a source of energy in the body. Its potential effects on brain function primarily stem from its ability to provide glucose, which is the brain's primary fuel. Here are some ways dextrose might influence brain function:

1. **Energy Source**: The brain relies heavily on glucose for energy. Dextrose can quickly raise blood glucose levels, providing the brain with immediate energy. This can improve cognitive function, memory, and alertness, especially in situations where blood glucose levels are low.

2. **Cognitive Performance**: Studies have shown that maintaining stable blood glucose levels can help support cognitive performance. Dextrose can prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which can impair cognitive function and lead to confusion, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

3. **Mental Fatigue**: Dextrose may help alleviate mental fatigue and enhance mental performance during prolonged cognitive tasks. By providing a readily available energy source, it supports sustained attention and mental clarity.

4. **Recovery**: After physical or mental exertion, dextrose can aid in recovery by replenishing glycogen stores in the brain and muscles. This helps restore energy levels and improve overall well-being.

5. **Brain Health**: While dextrose itself does not directly promote brain health in terms of neuroprotective effects, its role in maintaining stable glucose levels indirectly supports brain function over the long term. Fluctuations in glucose levels have been associated with cognitive decline and neurological disorders.

It's important to note that while dextrose can provide short-term benefits for brain function, excessive consumption or prolonged use may lead to negative health consequences, such as insulin resistance and weight gain. Therefore, it's essential to consume dextrose in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance should consult with a healthcare professional before using dextrose supplements.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
Seems like that is likely what is happening, toxins moving out of the brain. When copper moves out of my brain it literally feels like my brain is morphing and twisting. I could see it freaking someone out if they did not understand what was going on.
I am not convinced that copper alone is the issue. I suspect that copper increases calcification. On the Ray Peat diet, I consumed significantly more calcium than copper. I experienced a similar sensation when using topical vitamin D and 11-keto-DHT previously. This aligns with the mechanism of Finasteride, which promotes hair growth by opposing DHT and reducing calcification. Excessive DHT leads to calcification and hair loss.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
It seems that ChatGPT is associating glucose with sugar, which is different according to Dr. Stephen's protocol. Yes, sugar will do what the above mentions, but glucose or dextrose will lower blood sugars, cleanse the liver, lower inflammation, and provide easy energy to all the cells, especially the brain. I wonder if you are going through a major detox. Only you know though what you can tolerate, so it still seems right to back off if this was too much for your body. It does sound like you need to add more water. Are you also adding more fiber?
I don't think that's the issue. While dextrose powder lowers blood glucose due to its extremely high glycemic index and rapid absorption, it also spikes insulin significantly. The frequent insulin spikes I experienced likely caused the calcification.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I don't think that's the issue. While dextrose powder lowers blood glucose due to its extremely high glycemic index and rapid absorption, it also spikes insulin significantly. The frequent insulin spikes I experienced likely caused the calcification.
You could be right. But I wonder why Dr. Stephens has not talked about this?

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
You could be right. But I wonder why Dr. Stephens has not talked about this?
It's likely not an issue for most people or those he's worked with. Most people haven't spent two years chugging milk, eating a half-pound of cheese daily, and consuming 6-8 eggs a day.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
Wow be careful @Sebastian B ! Are you checking your blood pressure? What is it? My husband has hypertension and he can manage it well by drinking about 2 L of water a day. He is now doing carnivore and losing a lot of weight, it hasn't cured his blood pressure though he still needs to watch his water intake, high BP means MORE WATER NEEDED! Glucose will likely increase your water needs even more.
I've been drinking a lot of fluids on the dextrose protocol, so much that I would wake up at night to pee. However, I wasn't just drinking plain water; I added dextrose powder to all of it. I think I was overdoing the dextrose powder, as I also gained around 5 pounds, which indicates excessive intake. I didn't check my blood pressure, but the sensations in my heart, brain, and left arm were similar to what I experienced at the end of my time on the Ray Peat diet. These symptoms were greatly improved by topical magnesium spray, which suggests calcification since magnesium provided significant relief.


Sep 13, 2012
I've been drinking a lot of fluids on the dextrose protocol, so much that I would wake up at night to pee. However, I wasn't just drinking plain water; I added dextrose powder to all of it. I think I was overdoing the dextrose powder, as I also gained around 5 pounds, which indicates excessive intake. I didn't check my blood pressure, but the sensations in my heart, brain, and left arm were similar to what I experienced at the end of my time on the Ray Peat diet. These symptoms were greatly improved by topical magnesium spray, which suggests calcification since magnesium provided significant relief.
Yeah waking at night to pee can mean you pushed yourself too anabolic with all the glucose. Catabolism typically means less urine production. Anabolism more water to the kidneys especially at night when we do switch more anabolic to repair our body. But I would definitely check your BP it could have nothing to do with it, Acid reflux and gas can also cause pain in the heart area and all over honestly and when I did the glucose for 4 days I had so much gas in my system I was so uncomfortable!


Jun 6, 2016
So you said you have high blood pressure but did not even check it?

It's easy to measure at home, if you really suspect a problem there I don't understand why you don't measure it. Same for blood glucose.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
So you said you have high blood pressure but did not even check it?

It's easy to measure at home, if you really suspect a problem there I don't understand why you don't measure it. Same for blood glucose.
Do I need to use a pulse oximeter to determine if I have a fast heartbeat? I've had high blood pressure in the past and experienced arterial stiffness on the Ray Peat diet, so I am familiar with the sensation.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
Just to update you all, I had a bit of glucose today, but it was only a fraction of my previous intake. I had about two tablespoons with breakfast and another two tablespoons for lunch, compared to the third to half a cup I was consuming six times a day before. I'm also considering sipping very small amounts in between meals the way that @mosaic01 has been doing.
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