Low Toxin Diet Sebastian's Glucose Protocol Log


Apr 21, 2014
@Bozidar "wait, refined dextrose and dextrose are two names for the same thing?"

To help you understand, kool-aid has water in it but not all water has kool-aid in it.

Honey contains other things than just dextrose.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
@Bozidar "wait, refined dextrose and dextrose are two names for the same thing?"

To help you understand, kool-aid has water in it but not all water has kool-aid in it.

Honey contains other things than just dextrose.
I just google, there is no product called "refined dextrose" to buy anywhere.


New Member
Forum Supporter
Jun 15, 2024
I have been taking 50 grams of dextrose for 4 days now with coffee. So far I have used 50 good grams of honey. I feel no difference.
I will try it without coffee in following days.
I am on a total disbelief side. I don't see how is it going to be any different since I stuff myself with carbs all day long and that is not resolving any issues. Only accutely.
Once you get elevation in blood glucose, food or dextrose, insulin is going to get it into a cell. Where is the magic? I don't get it...
I think it might help to take the dextrose before eating. That is what I am doing now. Once you have free fatty acids in your blood, then you get into insulin resistance with the Randle cycle. Also a high blood cortisol creates insulin resistance, which I have high cortisol. I am taking aspirin, niacinamide, and CortiNon to help lower the cortisol. Here are my results on Dr. Stephens protocol in terms of blood sugar:
Day 0: 111
Day 2: 106
Day 6: 96


Apr 21, 2014
@Bozidar "Yes, but then you don't call it refined dextrose"

Why did you clarify that you're using honey? Why not just say dextrose?

I'm kinda getting the feeling you just like arguing not caring if you clutter up the thread.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
@Bozidar "Yes, but then you don't call it refined dextrose"

Why did you clarify that you're using honey? Why not just say dextrose?

I'm kinda getting the feeling you just like arguing not caring if you clutter up the thread.
I am sorry, maybe it was not clear from what I wrote.
I was using honey before and then I replaced it with dextrose.
Then you mentioned refined dextrose and I was what a hell is this??
Now we know there is no such a thing as refined dextrose, but refined corn which is dextrose.
So that nobody is confused trying to buy refined dextrose because there is no such a thing, only dextrose.

I apologize to Sebastian for clogging up the thread...I am sorry.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
I have been taking 50 grams of dextrose for 4 days now with coffee. So far I have used 50 good grams of honey. I feel no difference.
I will try it without coffee in following days.
I am on a total disbelief side. I don't see how is it going to be any different since I stuff myself with carbs all day long and that is not resolving any issues. Only accutely.
Once you get elevation in blood glucose, food or dextrose, insulin is going to get it into a cell. Where is the magic? I don't get it...
That’s not the protocol at all; the protocol is to take enough dextrose until symptoms subside, repeating this dosage 3 to 6 times daily until the symptoms go away.

The theory is that the brain is flooded with glucose all at once. Dr. David Stephens has found that repeatedly consuming high doses of glucose throughout the day over about 6 months allows the brain to return to a state of higher glucose utilization and, consequently, higher brain function, which subsequently resolves other issues.

This flood of glucose to the brain might not happen with the consumption of white rice, since white rice is primarily a starch composed of polysaccharides, which need to be broken down into glucose, a much slower process compared to dextrose powder, which is 100% glucose and already a monosaccharide. Similarly, consuming 50 grams of honey doesn't achieve this, as honey is only 30-35% readily available glucose. Therefore, 50 grams of honey per day equates to only 15 to 20 grams of glucose, much less than the 24-28 grams recommended to be consumed 3-6 times a day, with amounts increased if symptoms persist.

Before you hastily make judgments about a protocol after failing to follow it correctly and then claiming it doesn't work, how about you actually follow the protocol as the rest of us who are seeing positive results do, and then make a judgment?
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Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
I don't want to jump all in, thats why only 50g for now.

Well, that's why you're not seeing results. The rest of us who have seen results from the protocol have not only followed it as Dr. David Stephens prescribes but have gone further by taking much more than the recommended starting dosage. You, on the other hand, are not following the protocol at all. 50 grams of dextrose a day is not the protocol. The protocol requires 3 to 6 doses per day and an increase in the amount per dose if symptoms persist.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
"Accordingly, the vice of lust, whereby the human intellect is obscured, is most properly denominated blindness, according to that of the Apostle (Ephesians 4:18): 'Having their understanding darkened'" (Summa Theologiae, II-II, Q. 154, Art. 12).

With the dramatic and immediate success I've had with the glucose protocol, I'm revisiting Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov's work and reconsidering their belief that properly functioning glucose metabolism signifies optimal metabolic health and that toxins and radiation disrupt glucose metabolism. Unfortunately, they failed to recognize "vitamin" A and other fat-soluble toxins as harmful, resulting in many forum members failing to achieve health despite following their advice. If you don't remove these toxins from your body while restoring glucose metabolism through Dr. David Stephens's protocol, it's possible and even likely that stored toxins will again destroy your glucose metabolism once released into your bloodstream. This is inevitable as toxins tend to accumulate in the body, continuously increasing through various means.

I am also reflecting on St. Thomas's understanding that lust darkens the mind, Dr. David Stephens's definition of concussion as a glucose-limiting event, and the positive impact movements such as No Nut November, semen retention, and NoFap have had on their adherents. Pornography and masturbation flood the brain with dopamine, burning glucose at a high rate. Could these behaviors be considered glucose-limiting and thus concussive? Could avoiding them yield outcomes similar to the glucose protocol as seen in these movements? Additionally, what about other dopamine-seeking behaviors like endless social media consumption on platforms like YouTube or TikTok? Excessive social media use correlates with higher rates of depression and anxiety, exacerbated by the blue light emitted from devices, which is a form of radiation. The act of consuming content and its subsequent dopamine response can itself be concussive.

In the past, one aspect of this forum that troubled me was how many members sought to exploit Ray Peat's and Georgi's protocols' potential to restore glucose metabolism while persisting in their glucose-limiting and sinful behaviors. I recall reading a post where a member stated that their ultimate life goal was pleasure. Such a mindset often comes from those lacking belief in God, problematic because God created us with bodies that often deteriorate when engaging in sinful activities, prompting reflection and a focus on pleasing Him. It's not coincidental that many leading this health movement, such as Dr. Garret Smith and Dr. David Stephens, identify as Christian, along with other forum members. It's worth noting that behaviors Christians deem sinful can and often indeed have negative effects on the body, though it is also important to recognize that not everything that deteriorates the body is inherently sinful, for such a belief would be materialistic. Thus, while the glucose protocol may resolve health issues, it can lead to gluttony if abused, a sin with expected negative consequences. Christians historically did not have dextrose powder, yet they produced some of the greatest literary works, music, art and architecture of all time. Their diet consisted almost primarily of bread, and they fasted quite a bit. Their genius likely stemmed from their avoidance of sin.

The third point I wish to address is whether glucose-limiting events exclusively affect the brain. Since the brain isn't the sole organ using glucose for fuel—every cell in the body can utilize glucose—I'm uncertain if the digestive improvements from the glucose protocol directly stem from enhanced brain health. Similarly, other benefits not directly linked to brain function from the protocol leave me questioning their cause. Past forum discussions noted glucose as liver fuel, and if glucose triggers extra bile dumping, how can we be certain that other digestive improvements are the result of increased brain function when all cells in the body utilize glucose? Georgi Dinkov mentioned in many of his interviews that a person can force their body into glucose metabolism simply by eating a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Perhaps, this is what we are seeing with the glucose protocol, and perhaps this isn't the last we will be hearing from Georgi Dinkov and the other Ray Peat adherents.
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May 10, 2022
"Accordingly, the vice of lust, whereby the human intellect is obscured, is most properly denominated blindness, according to that of the Apostle (Ephesians 4:18): 'Having their understanding darkened'" (Summa Theologiae, II-II, Q. 154, Art. 12).

With the dramatic and immediate success I've had with the glucose protocol, I'm revisiting Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov's work and reconsidering their belief that properly functioning glucose metabolism signifies optimal metabolic health and that toxins and radiation disrupt glucose metabolism. Unfortunately, they failed to recognize "vitamin" A and other fat-soluble toxins as harmful, resulting in many forum members failing to achieve health despite following their advice. If you don't remove these toxins from your body while restoring glucose metabolism through Dr. David Stephens's protocol, it's possible and even likely that stored toxins will again destroy your glucose metabolism once released into your bloodstream. This is inevitable as toxins tend to accumulate in the body, continuously increasing through various means.

I am also reflecting on St. Thomas's understanding that lust darkens the mind, Dr. David Stephens's definition of concussion as a glucose-limiting event, and the positive impact movements such as No Nut November, semen retention, and NoFap have had on their adherents. Pornography and masturbation flood the brain with dopamine, burning glucose at a high rate. Could these behaviors be considered glucose-limiting and thus concussive? Could avoiding them yield outcomes similar to the glucose protocol as seen in these movements? Additionally, what about other dopamine-seeking behaviors like endless social media consumption on platforms like YouTube or TikTok? Excessive social media use correlates with higher rates of depression and anxiety, exacerbated by the blue light emitted from devices, which is a form of radiation. The act of consuming content and its subsequent dopamine response can itself be concussive.

In the past, one aspect of this forum that troubled me was how many members sought to exploit Ray Peat's and Georgi's protocols' potential to restore glucose metabolism while persisting in their glucose-limiting and sinful behaviors. I recall reading a post where a member stated that their ultimate life goal was pleasure. Such a mindset often comes from those lacking belief in God, problematic because God created us with bodies that often deteriorate when engaging in sinful activities, prompting reflection and a focus on pleasing Him. It's not coincidental that many leading this health movement, such as Dr. Garret Smith and Dr. David Stephens, identify as Christian, along with other forum members. It's worth noting that behaviors Christians deem sinful can and often indeed have negative effects on the body, though it is also important to recognize that not everything that deteriorates the body is inherently sinful, for such a belief would be materialistic. Thus, while the glucose protocol may resolve health issues, it can lead to gluttony if abused, a sin with expected negative consequences. Christians historically did not have dextrose powder, yet they produced some of the greatest literary works, music, art and architecture of all time. Their diet consisted almost primarily of bread, and they fasted quite a bit. Their genius likely stemmed from their avoidance of sin.

The third point I wish to address is whether glucose-limiting events exclusively affect the brain. Since the brain isn't the sole organ using glucose for fuel—every cell in the body can utilize glucose—I'm uncertain if the digestive improvements from the glucose protocol directly stem from enhanced brain health. Similarly, other benefits not directly linked to brain function from the protocol leave me questioning their cause. Past forum discussions noted glucose as liver fuel, and if glucose triggers extra bile dumping, how can we be certain that other digestive improvements are the result of increased brain function when all cells in the body utilize glucose? Georgi Dinkov mentioned in many of his interviews that a person can force their body into glucose metabolism simply by eating a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Perhaps, this is what we are seeing with the glucose protocol, and perhaps this isn't the last we will be hearing from Georgi Dinkov and the other Ray Peat adherents.
great points, thanks


Sep 15, 2013
"Accordingly, the vice of lust, whereby the human intellect is obscured, is most properly denominated blindness, according to that of the Apostle (Ephesians 4:18): 'Having their understanding darkened'" (Summa Theologiae, II-II, Q. 154, Art. 12).

With the dramatic and immediate success I've had with the glucose protocol, I'm revisiting Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov's work and reconsidering their belief that properly functioning glucose metabolism signifies optimal metabolic health and that toxins and radiation disrupt glucose metabolism. Unfortunately, they failed to recognize "vitamin" A and other fat-soluble toxins as harmful, resulting in many forum members failing to achieve health despite following their advice. If you don't remove these toxins from your body while restoring glucose metabolism through Dr. David Stephens's protocol, it's possible and even likely that stored toxins will again destroy your glucose metabolism once released into your bloodstream. This is inevitable as toxins tend to accumulate in the body, continuously increasing through various means.

I am also reflecting on St. Thomas's understanding that lust darkens the mind, Dr. David Stephens's definition of concussion as a glucose-limiting event, and the positive impact movements such as No Nut November, semen retention, and NoFap have had on their adherents. Pornography and masturbation flood the brain with dopamine, burning glucose at a high rate. Could these behaviors be considered glucose-limiting and thus concussive? Could avoiding them yield outcomes similar to the glucose protocol as seen in these movements? Additionally, what about other dopamine-seeking behaviors like endless social media consumption on platforms like YouTube or TikTok? Excessive social media use correlates with higher rates of depression and anxiety, exacerbated by the blue light emitted from devices, which is a form of radiation. The act of consuming content and its subsequent dopamine response can itself be concussive.

In the past, one aspect of this forum that troubled me was how many members sought to exploit Ray Peat's and Georgi's protocols' potential to restore glucose metabolism while persisting in their glucose-limiting and sinful behaviors. I recall reading a post where a member stated that their ultimate life goal was pleasure. Such a mindset often comes from those lacking belief in God, problematic because God created us with bodies that often deteriorate when engaging in sinful activities, prompting reflection and a focus on pleasing Him. It's not coincidental that many leading this health movement, such as Dr. Garret Smith and Dr. David Stephens, identify as Christian, along with other forum members. It's worth noting that behaviors Christians deem sinful can and often indeed have negative effects on the body, though it is also important to recognize that not everything that deteriorates the body is inherently sinful, for such a belief would be materialistic. Thus, while the glucose protocol may resolve health issues, it can lead to gluttony if abused, a sin with expected negative consequences. Christians historically did not have dextrose powder, yet they produced some of the greatest literary works, music, art and architecture of all time. Their diet consisted almost primarily of bread, and they fasted quite a bit. Their genius likely stemmed from their avoidance of sin.

The third point I wish to address is whether glucose-limiting events exclusively affect the brain. Since the brain isn't the sole organ using glucose for fuel—every cell in the body can utilize glucose—I'm uncertain if the digestive improvements from the glucose protocol directly stem from enhanced brain health. Similarly, other benefits not directly linked to brain function from the protocol leave me questioning their cause. Past forum discussions noted glucose as liver fuel, and if glucose triggers extra bile dumping, how can we be certain that other digestive improvements are the result of increased brain function when all cells in the body utilize glucose? Georgi Dinkov mentioned in many of his interviews that a person can force their body into glucose metabolism simply by eating a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Perhaps, this is what we are seeing with the glucose protocol, and perhaps this isn't the last we will be hearing from Georgi Dinkov and the other Ray Peat adherents.

Beautiful post.

I think other organs definitely suffer from lack of available glucose but I don't see why they would they would limit themselves, probably just a brain thing. Other peripheral improvements aside from brain health is literally everything everyone was after while studying Ray's work - improved metabolism as a result of improved glucose utilization and sheer availability honestly. Isn't in crazy, all these years on the forum and no one thought - I'm gonna pound glucose since it's the primary fuel for the body, what's the worst that can happen - Especially considering how hard some of us went with fructose and sucrose! Everything is coming full circle. If Peat were around he wouldn't frown at dextrose therapy, it reaches into the core of his philosophy. He'd probably get himself a 50 lb bag.

Thank you for keeping us updated, your results are encouraging and I hope you continue to heal.


Jun 6, 2016
Isn't in crazy, all these years on the forum and no one thought - I'm gonna pound glucose since it's the primary fuel for the body, what's the worst that can happen

I can't get my head around this either. What a blind spot that was.

Pornography and masturbation flood the brain with dopamine, burning glucose at a high rate. Could these behaviors be considered glucose-limiting and thus concussive?

That's a great thought.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Other peripheral improvements aside from brain health is literally everything everyone was after while studying Ray's work - improved metabolism as a result of improved glucose utilization and sheer availability honestly.
Exactly. :rightagain

Isn't in crazy, all these years on the forum and no one thought - I'm gonna pound glucose since it's the primary fuel for the body, what's the worst that can happen - Especially considering how hard some of us went with fructose and sucrose!
It was hidden purposely till an appointed time.
Everything is coming full circle.
It sure is. It's beautiful thing and a Blessing to be a part of. As I said before, the healing capacity of the Ray Peat Forum will continue to increase exponentially. We will continue to see miraculous turnarounds, it has only just begun.
Thank you for keeping us updated, your results are encouraging and I hope you continue to heal.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
Beautiful post.

I think other organs definitely suffer from lack of available glucose but I don't see why they would they would limit themselves, probably just a brain thing. Other peripheral improvements aside from brain health is literally everything everyone was after while studying Ray's work - improved metabolism as a result of improved glucose utilization and sheer availability honestly. Isn't in crazy, all these years on the forum and no one thought - I'm gonna pound glucose since it's the primary fuel for the body, what's the worst that can happen - Especially considering how hard some of us went with fructose and sucrose! Everything is coming full circle. If Peat were around he wouldn't frown at dextrose therapy, it reaches into the core of his philosophy. He'd probably get himself a 50 lb bag.

Thank you for keeping us updated, your results are encouraging and I hope you continue to heal.
I am starting to believe that insulin is indeed the primary glucose-limiting mechanism, as Georgi has suggested long ago. It has long been understood that stress contributes to insulin resistance. Therefore, the glucose-limiting events described by Dr. David Stephens might actually be the result of increasing insulin resistance. The "valve" Dr. Stephens refers to may, in fact, be the "key" known as insulin.
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