Low Toxin Diet Sebastian's Glucose Protocol Log


Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
I think the glucose is now starting to promote more bowel movements. Until yesterday, I was relying on magnesium hydroxide to force my body to defecate because I was so constipated on the low vitamin A diet. I should mention that I was constipated on the Ray Peat diet as well. However, I did not take any magnesium hydroxide yesterday or the day before, yet I still had four bowel movements yesterday. They were much more formed, probably due to the lack of magnesium hydroxide, which typically makes them more watery. This morning, one of the first things I did after waking up was have a bowel movement right after drinking my glucose. Also, I was actually very bloated and constipated the first two days on the glucose protocol. I should note that I stopped taking activated charcoal two days ago, so that could also be a factor. However, I've kept my fiber intake the same. If this increase in bowel movements persists, it suggests that the glucose protocol can increase detoxification, as more bowel movements equal more detoxification.


Apr 21, 2014
@Sebastian B I'm not really familiar with the glucose protocol. Is this known to help people with sleep? I've been sleeping no more than 4 hours a night for probably 10 years. I don't typically have issues getting to sleep, but I'm wide awake after 4 hours.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
@Sebastian B I'm not really familiar with the glucose protocol. Is this known to help people with sleep? I've been sleeping no more than 4 hours a night for probably 10 years. I don't typically have issues getting to sleep, but I'm wide awake after 4 hours.
It has helped my sleep dramatically. My issue was falling asleep, but I see no reason why it wouldn't help you stay asleep throughout the night. You should give it a try.


Dec 6, 2016
I get to sleep faster and seem to sleep really deeply, except for some wild dreams I've been having or at least am starting to recall now.

In my case I generally have been waking a bit earlier than I want to _but_ 7-8 hrs is still the norm and the dextrose may well help you sleep longer.


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Jun 19, 2023
@Sebastian B I'm not really familiar with the glucose protocol. Is this known to help people with sleep? I've been sleeping no more than 4 hours a night for probably 10 years. I don't typically have issues getting to sleep, but I'm wide awake after 4 hours.
Yeah, that is a very common thing for people with PTSD, like myself.
The most annoying thing ever....


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
@Bozidar Are you trying the glucose protocol? If so, do you mind sharing youre experience both good and bad?
I have been taking 50 grams of dextrose for 4 days now with coffee. So far I have used 50 good grams of honey. I feel no difference.
I will try it without coffee in following days.
I am on a total disbelief side. I don't see how is it going to be any different since I stuff myself with carbs all day long and that is not resolving any issues. Only accutely.
Once you get elevation in blood glucose, food or dextrose, insulin is going to get it into a cell. Where is the magic? I don't get it...


Apr 21, 2014
@Bozidar I see Sebastian is using refined dextrose and using quite a bit more than 50 grams. I wonder if one or both of those factors is why he's getting the results he's getting.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
@Bozidar I see Sebastian is using refined dextrose and using quite a bit more than 50 grams. I wonder if one or both of those factors is why he's getting the results he's getting.
Refined? Is that another magical word?
Well, What kind of dextroses are there?
I don't want to jump all in, thats why only 50g for now.
He is getting something, it is questionable how long is it going to last, like anything discussed here...


Dec 6, 2016
I have been taking 50 grams of dextrose for 4 days now with coffee. So far I have used 50 good grams of honey. I feel no difference.
I will try it without coffee in following days.
I am on a total disbelief side. I don't see how is it going to be any different since I stuff myself with carbs all day long and that is not resolving any issues. Only accutely.
Once you get elevation in blood glucose, food or dextrose, insulin is going to get it into a cell. Where is the magic? I don't get it...

Dr Stephens recommends the protocol linked below. Unless there are some potentially harmful contaminants in off the shelf dextrose or you have some late stage diabetic injuries that might be made worse by a lot blood glucose or insulin spikes, I don't think there is much risk to trying the protocol. Dr Stephens says it can take a few weeks of bumping up the amount of dextrose for people to start seeing symptom relief, while for others it can start immediately.

I have been and plan to keep on it to see how it goes and I'm probably at "higher risk" b/c I have BG management problems. If I stop, it'll be b/c I noticed something like early signs of diabetic neuropathy, etc. Even if Sebastian's progress is placebo (it doesn't look like it to me) he is finally getting some quality sleep. Are you concerned he might harm himself?
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
Well, I'm also new at starting the dextrose protocol, and for the last 2 nights I've been sleeping a little better too despite feeling like I'm coming down with a UTI (irritated and painful urethra). I usually wake up between 3-4am and can't fall back to sleep. I just lay there though to rest my body and mind, and that still offers rest and I'm functional during the day, but it's still very concerning that I'm not getting actual sleep. But for the past 2 nights I have been sleeping better. I'm still waking up around 4am, but I'm falling back to sleep! My alarm woke me up this morning!! That never happens.
But I'm trying to figure out what's irritating my urethra. I'm wondering how acidic my urine is, but I don't have litmus paper to find out. Or, what toxins are excreted through the urine?


Apr 21, 2014
@Bozidar not magical at all. When I ate wheat, refined made me feel less crappy than whole wheat. Someone with a honey allergy would react to honey and could be ok with refined dextrose. Honey has other things in it than dextrose. Honey is used as a "medicine" for certain things because of the ingredients other than dextrose. Too much medicine can cause issues. The dose makes the poison.

All I'm saying is that people might react differently using honey rather than refined dextrose and to assume that there isn't a difference could mean whether it helps the person or not


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Well, I'm also new at starting the dextrose protocol, and for the last 2 nights I've been sleeping a little better too despite feeling like I'm coming down with a UTI (irritated and painful urethra). I usually wake up between 3-4am and can't fall back to sleep. I just lay there though to rest my body and mind, and that still offers rest and I'm functional during the day, but it's still very concerning that I'm not getting actual sleep. But for the past 2 nights I have been sleeping better. I'm still waking up around 4am, but I'm falling back to sleep! My alarm woke me up this morning!! That never happens.
But I'm trying to figure out what's irritating my urethra. I'm wondering how acidic my urine is, but I don't have litmus paper to find out. Or, what toxins are excreted through the urine?
I noticed yesterday that my urine is really "loud", meaning, it stinks really bad. I get the same exact thing/smell from high dose niacin when it is pushing detox to the max. From my observations, glucose is pushing detox hard. I have backed off all other supplementing except glucose, some potassium and magnesium and still it pushes detox hard. All of the detox pathways I have noted for myself get pushed on hard by glucose. Who woulda thunk it?


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
I have been taking 50 grams of dextrose for 4 days now with coffee. So far I have used 50 good grams of honey. I feel no difference.
I will try it without coffee in following days.
I am on a total disbelief side. I don't see how is it going to be any different since I stuff myself with carbs all day long and that is not resolving any issues. Only accutely.
Once you get elevation in blood glucose, food or dextrose, insulin is going to get it into a cell. Where is the magic? I don't get it...
From my understanding, it takes energy and proper liver/GI function to convert more complex carbs into blood glucose. If you have a compromised gut or liver, that's not going to offer the same benefits as glucose/dextrose will. You can actually start digesting glucose/dextrose in the mouth when one is starved of it. Plus, it seems with this loading dose of oral dextrose over-rides the dysfunctional glucose down-regulation in the brain, almost like flooding the brain with needed glucose (storming the castle, bathing the cells with so much glucose that it pushes glucose back into the brain to help heal). I don't know if that's the right analogy, but it works for me!

Honey is still not the same as glucose/dextrose. Honey is a combo of fructose and glucose, and from my understanding fructose has to be processed first. I wonder if this impedes the pure glucose from being used (or at least delays it, or just taxes the body. When one has GI issues, honey can also cause more bloating/gas due to it's high FODMAP profile).


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
I noticed yesterday that my urine is really "loud", meaning, it stinks really bad. I get the same exact thing/smell from high dose niacin when it is pushing detox to the max. From my observations, glucose is pushing detox hard. I have backed off all other supplementing except glucose, some potassium and magnesium and still it pushes detox hard. All of the detox pathways I have noted for myself get pushed on hard by glucose. Who woulda thunk it?
Interesting. I wonder if I take some potassium bicarbonate with my dextrose drink, if it will at least decrease the possible acidity of my urine. This is uncomfortable. I held off one dose of my dextrose drink yesterday, plus I took some oil of oregano pills in case I was coming down with a UTI, and last night I took activated charcoal. Something helped, but not sure what. Plus I drank more water than usual yesterday.
I did take my 2tbsp of dextrose drink this morning though despite the pain. I'm going to take some potassium bicarb now though.


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
Oh, a few more things to note: I haven't been eating my daily beans for about a week because I think I'm intolerant to Navy Beans. I use dry beans, soak them for a couple of days and change the water a few times, then I cook them (I can't tolerate canned beans). The navy beans caused terrible bloating and gas pains. So, I held off on all beans/fiber for about a week. I'm cooking black beans now so I'll retry them today.

Another note I forgot to mention: I have a problem with snoring at night and I'm trying everything in the book to stop that but nothing else has helped. I think that's one reason why I wake up at night: I wake myself up and I think my cortisol level spikes. I don't think it's sleep apnea, but who knows. Anyway, the last 2 nights my husband is reporting that I'm not snoring!!! I hope it's due to the dextrose!!! Before seeing these posts just recently with Dr. David Steven's, I never put 2-and-2 together about my concussion as a child causing my lifelong symptoms. In my early 20's I developed a repetitive job injury in my shoulder, elbow, hand, and upper back. That's when MD's discovered a fused vertebra in my neck. They said it was from birth (congenital), but I wonder if the blow of falling from a tree on my head was so hard that it fused them together. I've also had life long hormonal problems (PCOS, infertility, low thyroid), that I wonder if it was all stemming from the lack of energy to those glands in the brain (pituitary, hypothalamus), as well as energy to the thyroid. I've been pursuing healing for myself for over 30 years. I don't know if this is the answer, but it's so worth a try and much better than what the doctors (AKA drug dealers) have for me. I would rather experiment with dextrose than to retry Metformin, immune suppressing drugs for my Hashimoto's auto-immune disease, or birth control. They are all poison but unfortunately, I've tried some of those in the past when I didn't know any better.

Just another note, I haven't been posting on my own journal page just because life is so busy, but I've been also experimenting with decreasing my thyroid hormone. I am on (compounded T4/T3) while doing the low toxin/low Vit. A protocol and I'm safely down on my thyroid hormone 40%. I just decreased again about 1 week ago. I've been ordering my own thyroid tests every 6 weeks, checking body temps and pulse, and overall monitoring my symptoms and so far so good! I'm so excited about that!! As long as everything is fine, I've been decreasing my thyroid hormone 10% every 6-8 weeks. I just break open the capsules, weigh the thyroid powder, decrease according, then re-capsulate them. It's been working fine so far.
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