IV ALA HAS RUINED ME AND I HAVE A BRIEF DUE THURSDAY--Advice On How To Treat Potential Mercury Redistribution Caused By IV ALA Use?


Jun 24, 2022
United States
How does one get that overloaded with mercury without having mercury fillings?
According to that video: vaccines, coal fire plants, and other environmental factors.
Dr Boyd said to take molybdenum for sulfur issues. I take NOW nac/moly/se sometimes, one of the few things that clears the mental fog somewhat. Totally agree.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
I wish you well in your recovery. As hard as it is for you now, keep yourself engaged and active as you are now, and the days will pass more quickly, with each new day seeing a progression in your healing.

I am in rhe midst of recovering from a deterioration in my normally regular breathing and neuromuscular coordination from taking a substance wrongly myself. I also have myself to blame, though mine was from carelessness. You did what you could, but outcomes depend very much on the competence of your doctor, who needed more experience.

If I may, I'm missing the connection as to how a mycobacterial test confirmation led to an IV ALA. Sorry if I missed this if you had explained this.

As an aside, the field of heavy metal detox is a controversial field. It may interest you to read this thread as I entertain the possibility that the practitioner could be on the left side of the ball field of heavy metal toxicity treatment:

In the thread, @burtlancast had strong words for Andrew Cutler, who promoted the use of ALA for mercury detox.

I used to have mercury toxicity from dental amalgams. I don't remember whether it was DMPS or DMSA that was used in my series of IV chelation, but I do not recall IV ALA used on me. I underwent IV chelation with a doctor affiliated with the IAOMT. It turned out with no incidents.
I am so happy you recovered, looking forward to see your OSR results too!
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Have you started the ACV enemas ?

All the ingredients can be acquired within a few hours, there is no good reason for you to still haven't tried this when it could be a life saviour.

Let me know if you see candida coming out.
Both my fiance and I started the ACV enemas last night. OMG! that was the most unique experience we have had, it makes the coffee enemas look like snake oil. White biofilm candida things came out of us all night long. I felt so funny almost like being drunk (which I attribute to the breakdown of candida producing aldehydes). One thing that was fascinating was that when I went to sleep I had the most treacherous nightmares all night where I relived all the trauma (some of which was demonic in nature) I experienced in childhood. I was screaming all night in my dreams and my fiance had to hold me all night. While before this journey I was brainwashed by western medicine, I am now open to these alternative medicine treatments and I believe that this ACV enema was getting rid of parasites like candida that were perhaps holding onto this trauma. Maybe candida is demonic? I am unsure. And this is the craziest kind of talk I have ever engaged in on the forum. But that ACV enema last night did something to both of us. We are going to try again tomorrow (skipping today to give the body time to recover) and we are fascinated to see whether additional use will provide additional benefits and passing of these biofilms. Oddly enough, you see almost nothing in standard internet searches about this enema method and we are fascinated to continue this and see what happens. How often would you recommend doing this and for how long? The OSR will be here Tuesday BTW and we are soooooo excited to see what it does, we are so optimistic that this could not only fix what the IV ALA did but could fix the 2020 Hellcurse once and for all, as heavy metals may have been the reason I could not fully recover. Thank you for your advice, my friend.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
IV ALA is generally a pretty bad idea unless you can get a continuous infusion over the course of a few days. The half life of the active chelating metabolite of ALA in the body is roughly 3 hours. If you take ALA for a short period of time at any intervals less frequent than it's half life you will cause a "re-poisoning" event and the kinetics of mercury are such that the mercury will tend to redistribute from more inert places to more harmful ones such as CNS (since ALA is lipophilic+lipophobic and can cross the BBB but murcury is highly lipophilic) thyroid, liver.

OK so long term you should read the work of Andrew Hall Cutler. The simple chelation method from his research which uses ALA but at frequent low doses for at leat 3 days at a time, has nearly healed me of many many problems which were likely due to mercury. If mercury is causing your issues, which it probably is given your reaction to IV ALA, this will fix you. You need to ensure that you have no alamglams before you take ALA though. Otherwise the ALA pulls mercury from your amalgalms (yes it makes it into your saliva, which chelates clinically significance amounts of mercury from your filling which you then swallow and absorb) and redistributes into your CNS/brain.

Short term try these things are known to help many people, including myself:
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- some fat soluble form of thiamine, or a very high dose of water soluble form
- try selenium as well

Look at my history - I've written a bunch about mercury and ALA. I've spent a significant amount of time researching and studying the topic.

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I am not a lawyer but literally find a document on what makes a good legal brief: https://tclf.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Reader-Engagement-Guide-TCLF-1.pdf

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Thanks for all this information. I will be looking into chatGPT plus as well. Brooks
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
@yerrag @GTW @TeslaFan
At the time of the IV ALA infusion and for a month or so after I was taking a selenium complex, I quit taking it once I read about its potential penchant for inactivating the charge of the mercury reducing its ability to be chelated. I immediately stopped taking it once I read that and I am currently in TERRIBLE (and I mean TERRIBLE) shape. In fact, I am so bad off my opposing counsel in a major federal civil rights case is petitioning the court on my behalf to delay the proceedings so I have time to try the OSR, as I can barely log on the freaking computer much less type out a coherent petition.

It may be an unfounded fear, but by taking the selenium complex I did not ruin the OSR's ability to work right? I am really worried about that as I NEED the OSR to do its thing and reverse this condition. I need to hear I didnt ruin my chances at success. My fears may be misapprehended, as my current ability to digest and understand complex medical research is clearly diminished. I have been off the selenium complex for at least two weeks, maybe more.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
According to that video: vaccines, coal fire plants, and other environmental factors.
Dr Boyd said to take molybdenum for sulfur issues. I take NOW nac/moly/se sometimes, one of the few things that clears the mental fog somewhat. Totally agree.
eating fish can also increase it, and there is a TON of pollution we are exposed to with these big corporations that illegally dump chemicals into waterways and soil. Glad you found a combo (NAC/MOLY/SE) that is working for you. You might consider adding in Glycine to be taken with your NAC. NAC+Glycine is the miracle combo (just search for "NAC Glycine Pubmed"). While there are a myriad of published studies, the most recent one published is an amazing read as it even talks about "The Power of Three" and how neither NAC nor Glycine alone can carry the same benefit as both together.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
I forgot to mention this: Mercury kills bacteria, too, and will increase yeast and fungus, this is expected; these will load up on mercury, too, and in a strange compromising way will be your temporary allies. So, you probably don't want to be killing off yeast just yet, as that will give you a terrible die off and redistribution effect. First feel better, and then attack yeast when you have a good chelation drug to capture all the released Hg.

Effective chelation drug has to have 2 or more sulfur "arms" to hold Hg in place. DMPS has 2 and will hold Hg for 8 hours.
From what I hear, OSR has 3 sulfur arms and will hold Hg for much longer. I never took OSR so can't personally confirm its effectiveness, but I did successfully use DMPS.
Thanks for this information. I never knew about the bacteria yeast and fungus affiliation with mercury (makes sense given that all this started with my exposure to mycotoxins, which derive from fungus). I have OSR on the way it is supposed to get here Tuesday, so we will see what happens. I need it to work as I cannot go on living in this impaired state. Think I should use yeast killing supplements at the same time as the OSR? I have some really good ones as well as Itraconazole I can use to powerblast this thing as I am taking OSR. I HAVE to get better in the next two weeks and climb out of this mess or I will be in some serious trouble.


Mar 29, 2016
I am so happy you recovered, looking forward to see your OSR results too!
Thanks. Hope to compare notes wih you soon.
eating fish can also increase it, and there is a TON of pollution we are exposed to with these big corporations that illegally dump chemicals into waterways and soil. Glad you found a combo (NAC/MOLY/SE) that is working for you. You might consider adding in Glycine to be taken with your NAC. NAC+Glycine is the miracle combo (just search for "NAC Glycine Pubmed"). While there are a myriad of published studies, the most recent one published is an amazing read as it even talks about "The Power of Three" and how neither NAC nor Glycine alone can carry the same benefit as both together.
This is an excellent study. The authors' suggestion takes very well into account the balance needed in the body between oxidative stress and reductive stress, which is very much in line with Ray Peat's thinking. Sadly, he wan't able to dwelve into more detail about reductive stress for laypeople like us to understand well enough to talk about. Peat recommends glycine intake but regarding NAC, but I'm not sure about his position on NAC but if @haidut and the thought leaders in this forum's views on it, its use is frowned upon because it is seen as bringing about reductive stress in the way it throttles oxidative potential towards optimal oxidative respiration.

Which is why the study's idea of using both glycine and NAC together, and not each of them individually, is worth considering.

While I personally like to take glycine in the form of gelatin (in the form of beef tendon), and I eat meat to provide the cysteine, I also like to take msm, which is rich in sulfur (though my main reason is to help my liver produce albumin, which is heavily bein used up as an antioxidant to counter the oxidative stress brough upon by mercury toxicity), I see GlyNAC positively based on this study you shared. Thank you.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
@Brooks Esq.
How much acv?
Glad you're doing better and thank you for updating. Have read many similar posts and they seam to go unresolved/incomplete.
Everything you said about candida I totally agree and experience.
One more thing on that video: Thought it was an interesting point, he says mercury tends to prefer fatty tissue/biofilms.


Dec 2, 2022
@yerrag @GTW @TeslaFan
At the time of the IV ALA infusion and for a month or so after I was taking a selenium complex, I quit taking it once I read about its potential penchant for inactivating the charge of the mercury reducing its ability to be chelated. I immediately stopped taking it once I read that and I am currently in TERRIBLE (and I mean TERRIBLE) shape. In fact, I am so bad off my opposing counsel in a major federal civil rights case is petitioning the court on my behalf to delay the proceedings so I have time to try the OSR, as I can barely log on the freaking computer much less type out a coherent petition.

It may be an unfounded fear, but by taking the selenium complex I did not ruin the OSR's ability to work right? I am really worried about that as I NEED the OSR to do its thing and reverse this condition. I need to hear I didnt ruin my chances at success. My fears may be misapprehended, as my current ability to digest and understand complex medical research is clearly diminished. I have been off the selenium complex for at least two weeks, maybe more.

Do you have the urge to urinate more frequently and kidney pain ?


Feb 20, 2021
[COLOR=rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.75)]
  • Enhanced Bioavailability: Our brain supplements have a high-strength formula with 100mg NAC that provides enhanced bioavailability compared with 1200mg NAC supplements or liposomal gluthatione.
  • >Here, we demonstrate that N-acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester (NACET), a lipophilic cell-permeable cysteine derivative, increases the viability in oxidative stressed RPE cells more efficiently than NAC by reacting directly and more rapidly with oxidizing agents, and that NACET, but not NAC, pretreatment predisposes RPE cells to oxidative stress resistance and increases the intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) pool available to act as natural antioxidant defense.
  • NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine Ethyl Ester


Jul 25, 2013
Think I should use yeast killing supplements at the same time as the OSR?

I would not be killing candida w/o a presence of a strong chelator, correct.
And also, I would not start the war on candida until after you felt better for at least a couple weeks. Body can only deal with so much at once.

Don't forget to take zinc, as these chelators will also pull in Zn if Hg is not around to compete for the place.


Mar 20, 2021
@Brooks Esq. Wow! I just read all about your apple cider vinegar experience! Very profound. I would also like to know how much apple cider vinegar you used for water ratio, and did you use anything else in it? How long were you able to hold it in? I always have trouble with that part...


Mar 29, 2016
And also, I would not start the war on candida until after you felt better for at least a couple weeks. Body can only deal with so much at once.
Good advice.

I've always found when I jump the gun and tried doing many things all at once, I end up falling flat on my face. Besides, it's hard to know where you went wrong and where you can pick back up. So, it's just easier to just solve one problem at a time.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Thanks. Hope to compare notes wih you soon.

This is an excellent study. The authors' suggestion takes very well into account the balance needed in the body between oxidative stress and reductive stress, which is very much in line with Ray Peat's thinking. Sadly, he wan't able to dwelve into more detail about reductive stress for laypeople like us to understand well enough to talk about. Peat recommends glycine intake but regarding NAC, but I'm not sure about his position on NAC but if @haidut and the thought leaders in this forum's views on it, its use is frowned upon because it is seen as bringing about reductive stress in the way it throttles oxidative potential towards optimal oxidative respiration.

Which is why the study's idea of using both glycine and NAC together, and not each of them individually, is worth considering.

While I personally like to take glycine in the form of gelatin (in the form of beef tendon), and I eat meat to provide the cysteine, I also like to take msm, which is rich in sulfur (though my main reason is to help my liver produce albumin, which is heavily bein used up as an antioxidant to counter the oxidative stress brough upon by mercury toxicity), I see GlyNAC positively based on this study you shared. Thank you.
Glad you found the study interesting. What I love about this particular study is that is directly addresses "The Nine Hallmarks of Aging" which is a relatively new concept. Glynac hits seven of the nine, apparently. Also interesting, and in direct response to your reference to negative viewpoints on NAC use by other forum members, the study directly addresses the "Reductive stress" ("RedS") phenomenon in how too much antioxidant activity has the opposite impact by inducing oxidative damage. NAC+Glycine does not have this risk, again according to the study. I make every person I care about take NAC+Glycine and I wanted to share it because you guys have been so kind and helpful to me.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
@Brooks Esq.
How much acv?
Glad you're doing better and thank you for updating. Have read many similar posts and they seam to go unresolved/incomplete.
Everything you said about candida I totally agree and experience.
One more thing on that video: Thought it was an interesting point, he says mercury tends to prefer fatty tissue/biofilms.
Thanks to @Santosh I got those biofilms out with ACV enemas!!! Like you wouldnt believe LOL. Oh and we are using 3 tablespoons for every liter of water.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
Do you have the urge to urinate more frequently and kidney pain ?
No kidney pain, and I have not noticed any urge to urinate more frequently than before the horrendous IV procedure.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
[COLOR=rgba(18, 18, 18, 0.75)]
  • Enhanced Bioavailability: Our brain supplements have a high-strength formula with 100mg NAC that provides enhanced bioavailability compared with 1200mg NAC supplements or liposomal gluthatione.
  • >Here, we demonstrate that N-acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester (NACET), a lipophilic cell-permeable cysteine derivative, increases the viability in oxidative stressed RPE cells more efficiently than NAC by reacting directly and more rapidly with oxidizing agents, and that NACET, but not NAC, pretreatment predisposes RPE cells to oxidative stress resistance and increases the intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) pool available to act as natural antioxidant defense.
  • NAC Supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine Ethyl Ester
This is interesting, NAC now has two (2) different forms that are worthy of further investigation; NACET and NAC Amide. Unfortunately, there is not too much I can find on Pubmed regarding these substances, and NAC Amide is not really available anywhere. Part of me almost wonders if the nebulized version of NAC (which is available by prescription) would provide better brain absorption than the oral capsules, which have a bioavailability of 10-11% MAX, and I am guessing an even lesser penetration through the BBB. Weirdly, I cannot find anything about this theory of nebulized NAC, most likely because it is off patent and they cant cash in on repurposing it for neurodegenerative disease.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
I would not be killing candida w/o a presence of a strong chelator, correct.
And also, I would not start the war on candida until after you felt better for at least a couple weeks. Body can only deal with so much at once.

Don't forget to take zinc, as these chelators will also pull in Zn if Hg is not around to compete for the place.
Thank you, I am going to hold off on the candida killing, although I am not sure I have any left after the ACV enema lol.
Brooks Esq.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
@Brooks Esq. Wow! I just read all about your apple cider vinegar experience! Very profound. I would also like to know how much apple cider vinegar you used for water ratio, and did you use anything else in it? How long were you able to hold it in? I always have trouble with that part...
We started with three (3) tablespoons of ACV mixed in a liter of purified alkaline water from Costco. WOW did it expel some candida. The second time we did it it did not have nearly the same impact which to us meant that the first use got rid of most all of our candida, what comes out is NASTY looking white biofilms. The second time we used it both of us also had some blood come out which we believe is due to the fact that it removed candida that was latched onto our GI tracts and the tract was a little raw due to now being free from that nasty Candida. That first night was atrocious as I had reoccurrence of numerous instances of severe childhood trauma in my sleep and my fiance had to hold me all night as I was screaming. The second time had none of this. I know it sounds crazy but I almost wonder if candida--which are living organisms--have some affiliation with demonic activity, or otherwise with holding onto negative trauma. If this is the case, I flushed these candidas and their baggage down the toilet. LOL.
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