Is there a nutritive phenomenology attempt?

May 31, 2021
A knowledge-experience base consisting of the exact "feels" of various nutritive interventions which Peat usually recommends must be quite fruitful to out community. Even though all life-giving substances have a mutual feeling, all of them are slightly different than one another. And knowing and discussing this slight differences, one can help oneself if lacking one and not other. Homeostatic problems which may arise from overusing one thing and not using its counter-measure may bring some chronical problems, which one veils as a peculiarities of "pro-metabolics" but in fact arising from some kind of a real lack in body, such as aspirin's consumption of K1 creating some "spaced-out" feeling may veil itself as high-vibratory state. While in fact, it is and it is not, due to homeostatic shift and non-alignment.

Here is an attempt, please post your own, change, re-correct, re-vise, etc.


Red light&CO2&Calcium&Red light&Water Structuring: Main etheric intelligence, brings Self-Respect, Self-protection, Spine and Spirit, signalling that, here in this territory, a living attention resides, with depth of vision and closed eye visuals, which can induce its Rays of vision, Here and Now. Enables Up-to-Down movement of energy. Sensitive and craving to real light, exactly because those makes one more light-like. Enables the sensing of the EMF auras.

Copper (& Vit A, other traces except iron) brings Self-Rememberence and Self-Honesty, connecting Here and Now with real anticipation as past/future. Heart and etheric Blood. Dissolution of simulation/oblivion/veiling,. Vividness of and glow of vicinity, various differential colors of experience re-emerging, differential and open intelligence (from without skull) processing materiality as memory having multiple levels.

K1(Plant Quinones)&Magnesium (& Vit D, other traces except iron) brings Self-Constellation, Alignment of the Spine, and fuel for Self-motivation and Forward Teleological Motion of implosive spiral movement. Controlled discharge, locomotion, Change of territory, cleaning. Fuels Down-to-Up controlled discharge. Brings the main overtone of territorial trophics, autotrophics. Plant intelligence, vegetative intuition comes into picture. Question of trophics as "what will you do if no locomotion is possible?" always fuels the locomotion itself. Plant-non-flinching.

B1&B3 (& other B's, and healthy glucose oxidation) brings previously rigid or sticky relation of form and content, in memory and in working with memory, into a dynamic and "clean" or "neat", one where both can interchange and be in contact. Shows infinite layers of workability and memorizability of reality as: "Memory is not a file cabinet, but remembering itself changes the memories." With its etheric elegance, attention can flow in the Presence easily without straining.

Gelatin, glycine rich tissue inhibits thoughts arising from excessive rigidity and roughness, or strained to the point of fracturing and excessive projection. Unseen projections are imploded, roughages are smoothened, and a need for deep sleep or relaxation, of Downward centers, emerge.

Peristalsis, gut sterility, cascara-like quinones accepting charge into intestines, lower-toroidality, brings a fast transit time between perception and actions. No representation when working ever stucks and spoils inside, relation of inside and outside becomes a self-similar one, rather than explosive and self-absorbed. Enables Up-to-Down Grounding of organism.

Less endotoxicity, or less irriation, low-serotonin and low-irriation in general, decreases unnecessary hyper-reflexivities and inability to forget useless quasi-information whive arises as a residue from the occurence of primary intelligent processes. Ability to separate map from its territory, and ability to not over-use the map by forgetting the territory in front of the eyes. While the opposite state induces rigidification of organism to the point that it cannot be in contact with external world because it is not itself. Excessive seperation of internal and external, I and non-I, non-enemy and enemy, halting life inducing solipsism.

Raw saturated fat corrects the secondary peristalsis from gut to lymphatics. One feels more lighter and not congested. At the first time, the lubrication of entire shelling of organism is corrected and all membranes feel lighter, stronger, better-separating and better-accepting. "EZ" (Gerald Pollack) is strengthened.

Raw animal tissue, or raw milk protein, or raw cholesterol, or thyroid and progesterone, or K2, animal quiones as MK4-7-etc, either in tissue or synthetic. Boosts (gives the second overtone of) the etheric and territorial intelligence. Re-sensitivizes the human into animal realm. Shows the territorial aura, inhibiting and protecting mind and body. And opening awareness as detached from mind and body: brings a phenomenological pneumatical reduction. Shows the existence of "heterotrophic" life, which has a peripheral sense of spirits of other pneumatics, residing, locomoting, territorializing in the broad vicinity of horizon of existence, visible spatiotemporality within the locality, again by freeing the Consciousness from the local human intelligence. It un-nests thinking, brings its non-deductive capacity. Communication without using words: vibratory organic communication. Ressetting of steroidal cascade into its centripetal region. Calmness, and non-reactivity, animal non-flinching, with trace minerals other than iron.

Excessive iron (along with adrenaline), desensitizes one to electrics and meanings of close reality. Makes one insecure in its own skin, inducing a necessity to veil the decompository and rusting internal degeneration. Mask-making. External absolute eye, watching the subject from outside. External locus of control, para-noia. Re-action. Degenerative masculine anxiety, fear of loss. Excessive eccentrical phsyical and psychical tissue-formations.

PUFA (along with serotonin, estrogen, prolactin etc.): Volatile fetishized and fixated thinking. Stressed thinking is followed as the leader. Inability to decide the exact boundary of a concept, or a tissue, or the discernment itself: Somatic and psychic cancer. Paradoxical points are seen to the mind, which reflects into the humours of body and spirit, trashy humor: Lack of Self-Respect in all levels. Liquidity and solidity in concepts and percepts; and the tissue hydrophilic and hydrophobic poles are misplaced. Polarity of tissue is lost. Melted and edematous appearance resides, same with the mind. Polarity and differentiation of Life is lost, hence duality of sexuality is lost as infinite genders emerging homogenized, slimy, unindividuated, and smeared into each other.

Raw and non-rancid Omega3 from raw tissue, such as raw fish(be careful with thiaminase) or brains, eyes, or marrow: Cerebral to the point of externalizing the axis or the spine of the body. More like, being an “eccentric neuronal signal” itself, axonic, but not dendritic. Not “essential," but may be experience-inducing, rarely and in minute amounts. In order to commit the distant action, necessary controlled Up discharge close to a pole shift of torus. Plasmoids have a bright beam, kundalini, or chrism. Remember, all neurons being toroidal, still having axons. But organisms, or planets, or suns, may not be neurons. Even though all universe has filamentality.
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