Identifying controlled opposition: Russell Brand, Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, DeSantis/Abbott, David Icke, CAF


Aug 17, 2016
Yes @FoodForeal, 100%.

Anecdote: in the 80's, I spent about 2 years total in India, 3 trips total. 80% studying/20% travelling (approximately). Travelling in India I found exhausting as I am very sensitive and there are so many visuals/noises/smells etc., India is quite incredible. And the people are very perceptive even psychic. Not only spiritual. I met other travellers from the West who met random peeps in a train station in Delhi or Bombay and these folks could tell the first names of their grandparents!! These are not yogis or saints mind you, but... possessing some phenomenal qualities nonetheless. So one day after about 6 months in my first "Time" in India I was getting stronger in myself, enjoying to a little degree my success at being or fulfilling my aura and not being stretched apart like a wet tissue, and whilst walking in busy Pondicherry street when I felt a 'pull' of some sort; back and to the right. I kept walking and then thought to myself -"hey I will call him out as it is not stopping - this beam of energy or attention from this source". So I turned around and pointed immediately to a man about 30 mtrs from me in a busy street, and he smiled and 'agreed or confirmed' that 'yeah - he was trying to get me' - with Attention! Last time... . One can notice things, but, Not giving attention AND giving attention can be played upon and "Nudged" by more powerful sources than you can imagine. So Food's advice need be well heeded. :):


Jun 22, 2021
Another thing worth noting about Russel Brand and Joe Rogan now that we bring him up:

Russel heavily promotes "legalization of the masses of drugs" and Rogan seems to promote the legalization of MDMA at the very least and more - Musk also promotes this filth as well


which *surprise surprise* is one of the elite's biggest goals at the end of all of this! The mass legalization and decriminalization of drugs is coming soon (within the next 30 years) and anyone promoting this idea is a GIANT red flag


Oct 6, 2020
Another thing worth noting about Russel Brand and Joe Rogan now that we bring him up:

Russel heavily promotes "legalization of the masses of drugs" and Rogan seems to promote the legalization of MDMA at the very least and more - Musk also promotes this filth as well


which *surprise surprise* is one of the elite's biggest goals at the end of all of this! The mass legalization and decriminalization of drugs is coming soon (within the next 30 years) and anyone promoting this idea is a GIANT red flag

Sooo? Why would that be bad? If one thing i learned on my selfexperimentation journey the past years, then its how much useful and good stuff has been regulated/banned the ***t out of its existence for no realy good reasons other than it disrupting perhaps the medical/pharmaceutical complex. Which i would welcome.


Jul 31, 2020
Another thing worth noting about Russel Brand and Joe Rogan now that we bring him up:

Russel heavily promotes "legalization of the masses of drugs" and Rogan seems to promote the legalization of MDMA at the very least and more - Musk also promotes this filth as well


which *surprise surprise* is one of the elite's biggest goals at the end of all of this! The mass legalization and decriminalization of drugs is coming soon (within the next 30 years) and anyone promoting this idea is a GIANT red flag

what's wrong with this? Calling all drugs filth and opposing decriminalization is a tradcuck take i wouldn't expect from you
May 21, 2015
You guys make up this fantasy of the elites as some omnipresent mysterious eternal evil. It's completely natural to have that phase of paranoia in your journey of discovery, but try not to get stuck on that. They are people too after all. And often the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'd focus more on building bridges with the regular people and them. That's one of the benefits of this age of social media. We can communicate with these people fairly directly. Keep challenging them and sharing ideas for future solutions instead of just identifying who's out to get you. Nobody's perfect and if you get addicted on just finding faults in others, you'll end up alone.

The passivity of "regular" people is a big part of what created this whole dichotomy.

If you're worried about them seeing you as useless eaters then step up to the plate and prove that you're not.

If you just live in fear of them they will have no respect for you.


Oct 6, 2020
You guys make up this fantasy of the elites as some omnipresent mysterious eternal evil. It's completely natural to have that phase of paranoia in your journey of discovery, but try not to get stuck on that. They are people too after all. And often the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'd focus more on building bridges with the regular people and them. That's one of the benefits of this age of social media. We can communicate with these people fairly directly. Keep challenging them and sharing ideas for future solutions instead of just identifying who's out to get you. Nobody's perfect and if you get addicted on just finding faults in others, you'll end up alone.

The passivity of "regular" people is a big part of what created this whole dichotomy.

If you're worried about them seeing you as useless eaters then step up to the plate and prove that you're not.

If you just live in fear of them they will have no respect for you.

While i agree with the first part, the second one is just naive.

Challenge who exactly? With ideas no less? And communicating with them would imply that "they" (whoever that is supposed to be) care or give a damn about what you think or want (which they coudn't care less unless that information is necessary for future strategys).

I know im not a useless eater, but they might not think that way. Why would i "step up the plate" to function/work the way someone else wants? Why should i bow down and accustom my life and my limited time on earth, the most precious resource to their will? This "you need to benefit society or your existence is unacceptable" sounds like its a remnant of times where dictatorship/communism/whatever gaslighted its population. All a animal needs to do is eat, sleep and breath. Everything else is optional.

Fear is natural towards thoose who oppose ill-will and death to you. Who damage you. I dont want their respect. If i need it to have it to survive thats another story.

Communication with people from different backgrounds and with different views is the key, not echo chambers.

This is not like talking with people from another culture to understand their behaviour and beliefs. This is talking with people that poision your environment, enforce and create rules/laws that benefit material wealth over living people and creating a construct that makes and keeps you depenend on them. A modern slave system.

What we need is not to "talk it trough" with these "good intentions gone bad" personas, but actually have a shift of power to groups/individuals that stop totalitarianism and one world goverment advances in its tracks. We need to have/create a system where some delusional billionair philantrophists with a godcomplex can't act as if their thoughts and ideas are absolute.
Jul 17, 2021
what's wrong with this? Calling all drugs filth and opposing decriminalization is a tradcuck take i wouldn't expect from you
People on psychedelic drugs are people who are not in control of their brains, and thus more “controllable” and easier to manage and influence. In other words, sheeple.


Jul 31, 2020
People on psychedelic drugs are people who are not in control of their brains, and thus more “controllable” and easier to manage and influence. In other words, sheeple.
I haven't tried psychedelics myself, but this seems like a wide generalization since a lot of people got life changing benefits from LSD and psilocybin. Some people also got wrecked for sure, but that's also why research on psychedelics shouldn't be illegal and information should be widely avaiable without stigmas surrounding it.

With this said, it's possible that the elites want to use them to weaken society even further by following their usual modus operandi of taking good things and corrupting them (for example by pushing the more serotonergic ones like DMT and polluding the culture surrounding them)
May 21, 2015
While i agree with the first part, the second one is just naive.

Challenge who exactly? With ideas no less? And communicating with them would imply that "they" (whoever that is supposed to be) care or give a damn about what you think or want (which they coudn't care less unless that information is necessary for future strategys).

I know im not a useless eater, but they might not think that way. Why would i "step up the plate" to function/work the way someone else wants? Why should i bow down and accustom my life and my limited time on earth, the most precious resource to their will? This "you need to benefit society or your existence is unacceptable" sounds like its a remnant of times where dictatorship/communism/whatever gaslighted its population. All a animal needs to do is eat, sleep and breath. Everything else is optional.

Fear is natural towards thoose who oppose ill-will and death to you. Who damage you. I dont want their respect. If i need it to have it to survive thats another story.

This is not like talking with people from another culture to understand their behaviour and beliefs. This is talking with people that poision your environment, enforce and create rules/laws that benefit material wealth over living people and creating a construct that makes and keeps you depenend on them. A modern slave system.

What we need is not to "talk it trough" with these "good intentions gone bad" personas, but actually have a shift of power to groups/individuals that stop totalitarianism and one world goverment advances in its tracks. We need to have/create a system where some delusional billionair philantrophists with a godcomplex can't act as if their thoughts and ideas are absolute.
Well we can't be separated from our environment and they are a part of our environment, and an individual being in constant feedback loop with the environment is an essential unavoidable part of life and yeah I'd say we need to do it (communicate with them) to survive at this point.

God only knows what's your particular avenue of communicating with them, but nevertheless putting the ball rolling and putting forth practical ideas and solutions needs to happen more than just cursing the big bad elites.

Ain't gonna be no knight in shining armor destroying them for ever and ever. ?? These power structures are way too old and the momentum is way too big. It's in our very genes and I think a part of what needs to happen to "reprogram" us to a more positive future is that the elites need to have a positive experience about the environment by the masses not wanting to lynch them and instead giving them emotional and intellectual support. These people are traumatized, scared and lonely individuals. They need healing too.
Jul 17, 2021
I haven't tried psychedelics myself, but this seems like a wide generalization since a lot of people got life changing benefits from LSD and psilocybin. Some people also got wrecked for sure, but that's also why research on psychedelics shouldn't be illegal and information should be widely avaiable without stigmas surrounding it.

With this said, it's possible that the elites want to use them to weaken society even further by following their usual modus operandi of taking good things and corrupting them (for example by pushing the more serotonergic ones like DMT and polluding the culture surrounding them)
The elites want and do use any means necessary to control whom they consider useless eater peasants.. So now it’s psychedelics.


Feb 9, 2022
You guys make up this fantasy of the elites as some omnipresent mysterious eternal evil. It's completely natural to have that phase of paranoia in your journey of discovery, but try not to get stuck on that. They are people too after all. And often the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'd focus more on building bridges with the regular people and them. That's one of the benefits of this age of social media. We can communicate with these people fairly directly. Keep challenging them and sharing ideas for future solutions instead of just identifying who's out to get you. Nobody's perfect and if you get addicted on just finding faults in others, you'll end up alone.

The passivity of "regular" people is a big part of what created this whole dichotomy.

If you're worried about them seeing you as useless eaters then step up to the plate and prove that you're not.

If you just live in fear of them they will have no respect for you.
By what? Joining them? Becoming self sufficient? They've made those impossible. They aren't incompetent. They're evil and highly intelligent.




This is not like talking with people from another culture to understand their behaviour and beliefs. This is talking with people that poision your environment, enforce and create rules/laws that benefit material wealth over living people and creating a construct that makes and keeps you depenend on them. A modern slave system.

What we need is not to "talk it trough" with these "good intentions gone bad" personas, but actually have a shift of power to groups/individuals that stop totalitarianism and one world goverment advances in its tracks. We need to have/create a system where some delusional billionair philantrophists with a godcomplex can't act as if their thoughts and ideas are absolute.
Yes. It is sickening to know that there are people who think adapting is good. Really? Just adapt? What about cancel culture? Should you adapt to that by self censoring your speech if it might be considered racist? You don't adapt to PUFAs in your food do you? You ELIMINATE THEM from your environment. You can't call that adaption, that is taking control over your environment, not adapting to it. Do you adapt to non-ionizing radiation? Fluoride in your tap water?
I haven't tried psychedelics myself, but this seems like a wide generalization since a lot of people got life changing benefits from LSD and psilocybin. Some people also got wrecked for sure, but that's also why research on psychedelics shouldn't be illegal and information should be widely avaiable without stigmas surrounding it.

With this said, it's possible that the elites want to use them to weaken society even further by following their usual modus operandi of taking good things and corrupting them (for example by pushing the more serotonergic ones like DMT and polluding the culture surrounding them)
The mind is so delicate that purposely upsetting its homeostasis with neurotoxic drugs that cross the blood brain barrier will permanently change the state it is in. The brain always degrades over your lifetime because it is so highly ordered. The most neurons are present when you are a baby and must learn the world anew. Your brain prunes neurons as things are learned but saves neuronal space for times when adaptability is needed. Psychedelics force your brain to use up the adaptability it has left so it is very unlikely your brain will change states much in the future. The CIA was heavily involved in promoting LSD during the 60s, and they still are promoting it now because psychedelics cause your brain to adapt to the environment it is in as part of a spiritual experience that changes your outlook on negative things in your environment that you had not integrated and might otherwise have opposed in the future if you had not taken psychedelics.
The elites want and do use any means necessary to control whom they consider useless eater peasants.. So now it’s psychedelics.
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May 21, 2015
By what? Joining them? Becoming self sufficient? They've made those impossible.
By putting forth ideas that get us closer to more self sufficient local community based living etc. The change happens one step at a time and it's hard for these people in their ivory towers to relate to "regular" people. Yes joining them in a way - or making them join us. I think this is an important part of a start of a better future, alchemical wedding which gives birth to new kinda world. Seeing them as an enemy that needs to be eliminated only feeds their desire to run from normal people and to destroy/oppress them. Both sides require boldness and trust in the face of this challenge. Love vs Fear. Rather than trying to eliminate the elites, try to make each of them eliminate the psycho control freak within themselves.

If you want bodily self-determination and privacy (which to me is holy), than you should also want that to everybody else, including the psycho elite.

Btw funny how many people consider themselves Christians etc spiritual lovey dovey, yet the teachings of this Jesus character mean **** all to them.

I'm so sick of these conspiracy theory echo chambers online. Stop living in fear and focus on sharing positive meaningful analysis of problems and future solutions. One way or another the snowball gets rolling and these ideas get shared. You never know who's reading your stuff online, or what kind of A.I. feeds on your input and gets wiser helping people to make better choices.
Jul 17, 2021
By putting forth ideas that get us closer to more self sufficient local community based living etc. The change happens one step at a time and it's hard for these people in their ivory towers to relate to "regular" people. Yes joining them in a way - or making them join us. I think this is an important part of a start of a better future, alchemical wedding which gives birth to new kinda world. Seeing them as an enemy that needs to be eliminated only feeds their desire to run from normal people and to destroy/oppress them. Both sides require boldness and trust in the face of this challenge. Love vs Fear. Rather than trying to eliminate the elites, try to make each of them eliminate the psycho control freak within themselves.

If you want bodily self-determination and privacy (which to me is holy), than you should also want that to everybody else, including the psycho elite.

Btw funny how many people consider themselves Christians etc spiritual lovey dovey, yet the teachings of this Jesus character mean **** all to them.

I'm so sick of these conspiracy theory echo chambers online. Stop living in fear and focus on sharing positive meaningful analysis of problems and future solutions. One way or another the snowball gets rolling and these ideas get shared. You never know who's reading your stuff online, or what kind of A.I. feeds on your input and gets wiser helping people to make better choices.
Lol, so you are endorsing “if you can’t beat em, join em” type of thing?

Haha that reminds me of “resistence is futile” You need to become one with the Borg mentality….don’t think that’s gunna fly with free thinkers who like their brains left alone.


Feb 9, 2022
By putting forth ideas that get us closer to more self sufficient local community based living etc. The change happens one step at a time and it's hard for these people in their ivory towers to relate to "regular" people. Yes joining them in a way - or making them join us. I think this is an important part of a start of a better future, alchemical wedding which gives birth to new kinda world. Seeing them as an enemy that needs to be eliminated only feeds their desire to run from normal people and to destroy/oppress them. Both sides require boldness and trust in the face of this challenge. Love vs Fear. Rather than trying to eliminate the elites, try to make each of them eliminate the psycho control freak within themselves.

If you want bodily self-determination and privacy (which to me is holy), than you should also want that to everybody else, including the psycho elite.

Btw funny how many people consider themselves Christians etc spiritual lovey dovey, yet the teachings of this Jesus character mean **** all to them.

I'm so sick of these conspiracy theory echo chambers online. Stop living in fear and focus on sharing positive meaningful analysis of problems and future solutions. One way or another the snowball gets rolling and these ideas get shared. You never know who's reading your stuff online, or what kind of A.I. feeds on your input and gets wiser helping people to make better choices.
You are a cow and have the mindset of a cow. That's how they view you. They're not afraid of you. They're confused by you and your lack of ego.

How many psychedelics have you exposed your brain to? We are all one? We just have to love the elite so much that they aren't afraid of us and want to live off the land with us? You think that's what they're about? You didn't even read the links. You think big data AI feeds on our input and helps people make better choices? LOL? LMAO?
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Nov 22, 2017
Another thing worth noting about Russel Brand and Joe Rogan now that we bring him up:

Russel heavily promotes "legalization of the masses of drugs" and Rogan seems to promote the legalization of MDMA at the very least and more - Musk also promotes this filth as well


which *surprise surprise* is one of the elite's biggest goals at the end of all of this! The mass legalization and decriminalization of drugs is coming soon (within the next 30 years) and anyone promoting this idea is a GIANT red flag

I'm for the mass legalization and decriminalization of all drugs, that includes out of patent medical drugs. I don't want governments telling people what they can and can't take.

If LSD and DMT and other such drugs were freely available, I think there would be less reliance on low quality, destructive drugs like fentanyl and meth. And society would be less rigid and authoritarian.


Feb 9, 2022
I'm for the mass legalization and decriminalization of all drugs, that includes out of patent medical drugs. I don't want governments telling people what they can and can't take.

If LSD and DMT and other such drugs were freely available, I think there would be less reliance on low quality, destructive drugs like fentanyl and meth. And society would be less rigid and authoritarian.
Reducing the ego with neurotoxins does not make society better or individuals stronger it makes people into a cattle collective that is easily controlled by equality ideologies that emphasize the importance of one for all instead of allOne.
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