Here is why Pfizer asked for 50+ years to release vaccine study data...


Mar 29, 2016
I guess if no real study has been made about anything, we must default to accepting what our doctors tells us because doctors are never wrong.

Everything is safe unless proven otherwise. Ergo keep taking jabs and wait for 'evidence' it's not.

No need to cross your fingers.

No need to wonder why the normal process in establishing safety and efficacy is not followed.

Believe in the new normal. Fear not. Everybody does. There is safety in numbers.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
According to this release, there were 1223 deaths from 21720 participants, and that is just over the first 90 days. Ask those stubborn people what other medical interventions they know of (especially vaccines) that killed 5%+ of recipients in just the first 90 days after administration. That may raise a few eyebrows, especially if some of them work in the medical field and know something about acceptable risk of side effects, etc.
I am really surprised that nobody caught this, or did I miss a reply?

The 1,223 death were the reported deaths from the ‘vaccination’ of the US population at the time, not from the participants of the ‘vaccine’ trial.

Also, look up Steven Kirsch, he did an analysis of the VAERS database and other sources and came to an underreporting factor of 41. The current VAERS number is 8,664 deaths, multiplied by 41 is 355,224.

In the US today, about 240M received at least one dose, 200M two doses and 50M the booster. This is a bit of a puzzle to compute the total number of shots given, so at least 450M (2x200M + 50M).

That is a rate of about 0.08% (0.355/450x100%). Still way, way too high. That is about half the fatality rate of the Covid virus. So pick your poison!

However, if early treatment were given, the Covid virus would be even less severe and less fatal, the crime is that early treatments are not given and people are treated to death at the hospitals AND that ‘they’ only offer the ‘vaccination’, which we don’t know what will happen to all of those who got the jab in years to come.

And then there is the question about how many actually died ‘of Covid’ and not ‘with Covid’, meaning that a lot of the fatalities were due to co-morbidities.

As predicted by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, I think he was quoting other sources, any virus will adapt and mutate into less fatal but more virulent versions, as we now see with the latest omicron variant.

Most puzzling is what happened in Japan, they have zero cases! Do they use Ivermectin? But now they closed the borders…


Jun 7, 2016
Yeah and think about how there is no treatment offered for the virus* in the west in its early stages, there is nothing until people get really sick and end up in hospital where they perform highly risky and dangerous practices.

It would be logical to have a treatment for the virus* in its early stages, once tested and confirmed, have a medical protocol. With all the prestige of the western medical system, they can’t even come up with this missing part.

People cannot come back and say but but vaccine* because people still get the virus from being vaccinated*


Aug 10, 2018


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I am really surprised that nobody caught this, or did I miss a reply?

The 1,223 death were the reported deaths from the ‘vaccination’ of the US population at the time, not from the participants of the ‘vaccine’ trial.

Also, look up Steven Kirsch, he did an analysis of the VAERS database and other sources and came to an underreporting factor of 41. The current VAERS number is 8,664 deaths, multiplied by 41 is 355,224.

In the US today, about 240M received at least one dose, 200M two doses and 50M the booster. This is a bit of a puzzle to compute the total number of shots given, so at least 450M (2x200M + 50M).

That is a rate of about 0.08% (0.355/450x100%). Still way, way too high. That is about half the fatality rate of the Covid virus. So pick your poison!

However, if early treatment were given, the Covid virus would be even less severe and less fatal, the crime is that early treatments are not given and people are treated to death at the hospitals AND that ‘they’ only offer the ‘vaccination’, which we don’t know what will happen to all of those who got the jab in years to come.

And then there is the question about how many actually died ‘of Covid’ and not ‘with Covid’, meaning that a lot of the fatalities were due to co-morbidities.

As predicted by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, I think he was quoting other sources, any virus will adapt and mutate into less fatal but more virulent versions, as we now see with the latest omicron variant.

Most puzzling is what happened in Japan, they have zero cases! Do they use Ivermectin? But now they closed the borders…

Yes, we caught it. There are several posts throughout the thread. The document Pfizer released due to the court order is redacted in a way to make it impossible to calculate ratio of deaths and other SAE. However, if you look several posts up I found some data that gives an indication of the ratios and they are still higher than other vaccines. And now Pfizer is asking the court to give it until 2096 to release the full data, which to is evidence enough something nefarious is going on.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Where do you get this number? It is nearly 20,000.

From OpenVAERS:

The 20,000 is ‘overall’ reported. The lower number is ‘US/Territory/Unknown’ only. Since our government seems not to be interested in the harm done to its population and is not keeping records (VAERS is voluntary), the Steven Kirsch analysis is the best we have.

Here is a video clip about the use of Ivermectin in Japan:

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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
The 20,000 is ‘overall’ reported. The lower number is ‘US/Territory/Unknown’ only.

What does this mean? What does overall mean?

n/m I found it
  • VAERS occasionally receives case reports from US manufacturers that were reported to their foreign subsidiaries. Under FDA regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and unexpected (in other words, it does not appear in the product labeling), they are required to submit it to VAERS. It is important to realize that these case reports are of variable data quality and completeness, due to the many differences in country reporting practices and surveillance system quality.
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
From OpenVAERS:

The 20,000 is ‘overall’ reported. The lower number is ‘US/Territory/Unknown’ only.

That's really sloppy/careless/deceptive for OpenVAERS to default load the higher overall number that doesn't pertain exclusively to the US. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't made your comment that forced me to dig deeper.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
That's really sloppy/careless/deceptive for OpenVAERS to default load the higher overall number that doesn't pertain exclusively to the US. I wouldn't have known if you hadn't made your comment that forced me to dig deeper.
Even Dr. Mercola fell for this, then Steven Kirsch corrected him in the interview.


Jul 17, 2018
I believe to have read someone posting a study suggesting a genetic affinity for the Corona / Spike therapy/infection.

Lord Cola posted something about it:

When we talk about percentage we need to consider that some people will have zero friends with adverse effects and others with multiple ones in their "real life" observation. That does not proof or show in any way that the jab is "harmless" imo.
I think the saline injection is also very common in this experiement......


Jan 28, 2019
In a documentary about to be aired on a British TV channel, Pfizer is accused of knowingly undermining trust in competitor AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine and selling its own vaccine for 30 times the cost of production.



The control aspect has reached the UN. Check out the ice age farmer: The U.N. Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) is now responsible for taking entire privately hosted websites offline, as they seek to take total control of the flow of information and establish their "Great Narrative." CTED notifies domain registrars of "extremist" sites -- i.e., those that promote narratives they don't approve of -- and the sites can no longer be found. This reflects a new level of internet censorship, but it is not just publishers who are in the is all of us. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Kinda important, people. Pointing this out so it's not overlooked. There was already issues with hosts and domain registrars refusing to service websites late last year. Websites that use certain alternate hosts were blocked by certain ISPs this year. This is the next step. They are moving quickly, possibly in an attempt to distract people from their attacks on multiple fronts.


Nov 18, 2019
Bumping @Kayaker’s comment above.

Anyone know of any solution or way to get back online?


Mar 29, 2016
Amazing story about your friend, and that he lived to tell the tale. It's unfortunate that this will be the only way a lot of people's eyes will be opened, when either they or their loved ones are harmed by either the vaccine or incompetence of care.
Yeah. It is just as amazing that I was able to snag one convert. I think that it's just easier to convert people to Scientology than to our medical world view. We may be called terrorists and science deniers and get corralled into concentration camps where Scientology gets free press by Leah Remini. Anyway, I'm not so hard on Scientology anymore now that I understand our religions to be in their own way and in some ways more vile than Scientology. Scientology for one does not sanction the use of very harmful psychiatric drugs, whereas most churches just consent by their silence. But I digress...


Mar 29, 2016
Anthony Colpo did the deepest dive I've seen on the 6 Month Pfizer Trial data-

And also, when they updated the death figures-

Thanks. There was little that can be gleaned from the 2 months of data from the study that was intended to last 3 years by way of giving us an indication of the severity of harm via deaths and adverse events. But it showed the direction of where the study results were headed that if allowed to continue were to be damning of the experimental gene therapy.

Is it any coincidence that the study population of around 44k is about the same as the number of the collected and released case reports relating to the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine 3 months after the EUA was granted, as relating to the FOIA request that was granted by the judge? It seems to me that was intended to create confusion by the FDA, or is it just me?
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