Dense Iron/Copper-Induced Blood Clots Linked To Brain, Eye, Heart, And Diabetic Diseases; Remedies


Jul 3, 2016
Dense Iron/Copper-Induced Blood Clots Linked to Brain, eye, heart, and diabetic diseases; some natural remedies identified:

Dense Iron/Copper-Induced Blood Clots Linked To Brain, Eye, Heart and Diabetic Diseases; Some Natural Remedies Identified

IP-6 etc for undissolvable blood clots

This is actually very interesting. Bill Sardi and the medical doctor that he quotes, theorize (with studies) that blood clots that can't be dissolved, typically in deep vein thrombosis and the like, become that way because of iron and copper binding to the blood clots, making them ''rusty'' and undissolvable. Using natural chelators, these blood cells can become normal again, or atleast more prone to becoming dissolved. Natural chelators including IP-6 are named.

Undissolvable blood clots are infamous in conditions like deep vein thrombosis to be very dangerous, because blood clot dissolving agents don't always work and the body has a hard time getting rid of them. Requiring a sometimes life long prescription of blood thinning agents like Coumadin.
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Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Dense Iron/Copper-Induced Blood Clots Linked to Brain, eye, heart, and diabetic diseases; some natural remedies identified:

Dense Iron/Copper-Induced Blood Clots Linked To Brain, Eye, Heart and Diabetic Diseases; Some Natural Remedies Identified

IP-6 etc for undissolvable blood clots

This is actually very interesting. Bill Sardi and the medical doctor that he quotes, theorize (with studies) that blood clots that can't be dissolved, typically in deep vein thrombosis and the like, become that way because of iron and copper binding to the blood clots, making them ''rusty'' and undissolvable. Using natural chelators, these blood cells can become normal again, or atleast more prone to becoming dissolved. Natural chelators including IP-6 are named.

Undissolvable blood clots are infamous in conditions like deep vein thrombosis to be very dangerous, because blood clot dissolving agents don't always work and the body has a hard time getting rid of them. Requiring a sometimes life long prescription of blood thinning agents like Coumadin.

Well you cant avoid iron and copper. Its in everything you eat to a certain degree. But I think its a good point to show you need the other nutrients to properly produce the enzymes that regulate and manage iron and copper in the body. Like ferritin, ceruloplasmin, hepcidine. Vitamin A is a great example of a nutrient that do this. Also taurine. And then getting enough vitamin E to help anti oxidant and anti clotting properties.


Jul 11, 2018
Goes back to eat your colors and eat a variety of foods. Trace minerals work in concert with each other, like vitamins...B complex works best...That is what is wrong with many medications, mother nature makes them better. When drug companies extract the ingredient they think is the working factor just to get a patent they do not consider the whole food or herb or mineral action. Like vitamins, minerals are best in foods for example salt has many minerals. Remember when salt shakers had rice in the bottom to keep it from caking up and keep it free flowing? You really do not need that non caking agent. Like a good cook will put a good fat into a pot of greens making them more digestible especially collards .....or add beans and olive oil, beans and rice combination makes a complete meal and making a complete protein. ....One good example of too much of a good thing is a beer drinking guy with a gouty big toe. So if you took 18 alfala tablets every meal you might so end up with iron overload .....To avoid a copper deficiency, it’s important that copper intake stays in balance with zinc and iron levels. If you consume too much of one, it can throw the other mineral levels out of balance. People who are supplementing with zinc or iron are at a greater risk of copper deficiency and should be aware of this precaution..


Forum Supporter
May 20, 2013
Dense Iron/Copper-Induced Blood Clots Linked to Brain, eye, heart, and diabetic diseases; some natural remedies identified:

Dense Iron/Copper-Induced Blood Clots Linked To Brain, Eye, Heart and Diabetic Diseases; Some Natural Remedies Identified

IP-6 etc for undissolvable blood clots

This is actually very interesting. Bill Sardi and the medical doctor that he quotes, theorize (with studies) that blood clots that can't be dissolved, typically in deep vein thrombosis and the like, become that way because of iron and copper binding to the blood clots, making them ''rusty'' and undissolvable. Using natural chelators, these blood cells can become normal again, or atleast more prone to becoming dissolved. Natural chelators including IP-6 are named.

Undissolvable blood clots are infamous in conditions like deep vein thrombosis to be very dangerous, because blood clot dissolving agents don't always work and the body has a hard time getting rid of them. Requiring a sometimes life long prescription of blood thinning agents like Coumadin.

This is an interesting topic to go back and re-read, within the context of the Low Vitamin A / Low Toxin diet.

In the article linked, there are a lot of substances that we don't want to use. But interesting to see magnesium and IP6 (phytic acid in rice and beans) being featured.

"So the problem of insoluble blood clots was well described decades ago but the origin of the problem remained obscure until Dr. Pretorius and colleagues fingered loosely bound or unbound iron and copper as the instigators of unremitting fibrin clots..."

"The antidotes that Dr. Pretorius recommends are magnesium, which 'disaggregates fibrin'..."

Looks like the progression goes like this (see diagram in linked article)

1. Red blood cells what are exposed to
2. Divalent (ferrous) Loosely-bound Iron AND Unbound Copper, which create a
3. Hydroxyl Radical, which leads to
4. an Undissolvable Fibrinoid Polymer (Parafibrin), which
5. resists enzymatic breakdown leading to
6. Tissue Oxygen Deprivation and
7. New Blood Vessel Formation (neovascularization)

1. Magnesium
2. Iron chelators (IP6 phytate - which we'll get from rice and beans)
3. Copper chelators (which we'll get from zinc)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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