COVID-19 takes serious toll on heart health—a full year after recovery


Dec 10, 2016
“From very early in the pandemic, it was clear that SARS-CoV-2 can damage the heart and blood vessels while people are acutely ill. Patients developed clots, heart inflammation, arrythmias, and heart failure.

Now, the first large study to assess cardiovascular outcomes 1 year after SARS-CoV-2 infection has demonstrated that the virus’ impact is often lasting. In an analysis of more than 11 million U.S. veterans’ health records, researchers found the risk of 20 different heart and vessel maladies was substantially increased in veterans who had COVID-19 1 year earlier, compared with those who didn’t. The risk rose with severity of initial disease and extended to every outcome the team examined, including heart attacks, arrhythmias, strokes, cardiac arrest, and more. Even people who never went to the hospital had more cardiovascular disease than those who were never infected.

The results are “stunning … worse than I expected, for sure,” says Eric Topol, a cardiologist at Scripps Research. “All of these are very serious disorders. … If anybody ever thought that COVID was like the flu this should be one of the most powerful data sets to point out it’s not.” He adds that the new study “may be the most impressive Long Covid paper we have seen to date.”


Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
How many got clot shots? How many were intubated? Shills like Topol never ask questions about confounding factors.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If anybody ever thought that COVID was like the flu this should be one of the most powerful data sets to point out it’s not.”

...and yet official govt data (e.g. Australia) says the exact opposite - that COVID-19 is very much like the flu - i.e. 0.1% mortality rate, and 0.1% severe cases rate.


Jul 13, 2014


Dec 10, 2016
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Feb 13, 2021
This is a weird topic.

As we all know, the official narrative has blown COVID vastly out of proportion, manipulating every metric possible to do so.

Those who [rightfully] reject this narrative, on the other hand, often say COVID is no different than the flu or a common cold.

But what if the truth was somewhere in the middle? Surely they are variations from one person to the next, too. I got COVID last December and am still not quite as energetic or strong as I was prior. I'm guessing my VO2 max is still lower than it was before getting sick.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Might not apply to Omicron variant which is very mild according to studies.

I don't understand what your point is. Mildness has nothing to do with the effects of the clot shot, which are known to include cardiovascular adverse events


Jan 9, 2019
Like war Veterans? the people who get injected with everything under the sun? Contaminants are found in past flu vaccines, jagged particles, like the type of thing an intensive Vax program would cause (Ray always quotes elderly Vax program the flu year before the plandemic.) Especially if these particles interact with the ever increasing global burden of electrification, which was fast tracked during lockdowns.

Maybe the threat never ceased, maybe it's not acute but chronic exposure to something. Context matters, especially for an unproven so called virus.


Oct 5, 2014
This is a weird topic.

As we all know, the official narrative has blown COVID vastly out of proportion, manipulating every metric possible to do so.

Those who [rightfully] reject this narrative, on the other hand, often say COVID is no different than the flu or a common cold.

But what if the truth was somewhere in the middle? Surely they are variations from one person to the next, too. I got COVID last December and am still not quite as energetic or strong as I was prior. I'm guessing my VO2 max is still lower than it was before getting sick.
I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle, yes. I also got covid (dunno if Omicron) last December and I feel the same as you said. Difficult to pinpoint it to the infection because winter and 3 years of intense stress, isolation, etc. have left me depleted so maybe it is that. I also felt like this other times in my life so I can honestly not blame it on covid.

I have a work colleague that got it also on December (very mild) and now has long covid symptoms for at least 6 weeks. On medical leave since then.

Nothing of this justifies all the crimes the globalists commited on us. It doesn't deny the fact thatr 99% of people pass it as a flu and recover well. But that doesn't mean covid doesn't exist.

Another proof is that I know people whose only and exclusive symptom has been losing the sense of taste and smell. I never heard of this before the plandemic started.

What is VO2 btw?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I have a work colleague that got it also on December (very mild) and now has long covid symptoms for at least 6 weeks. On medical leave since then.

I wonder how many people are milking this because it's so easy to do now


Oct 5, 2014
I wonder how many people are milking this because it's so easy to do now
Could be. My point is that there have been many clear evidences from the beginning this was a circus to reach other objectives, and the more time passed, the more clear it became.

While at the same time there are some evidences this might just be more than a common flu for some people. See... this is not a pure, 100% lie like there were weapons of mass destruction on Irak. There is something. That's why Occamrszor said a middle term is maybe more realistic, and I agree.

For the record: I am still against all the plandemic measures. I still find them crimes against humanity.


Nov 6, 2015
I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle, yes. I also got covid (dunno if Omicron) last December and I feel the same as you said.

I have a work colleague that got it also on December (very mild) and now has long covid symptoms for at least 6 weeks. On medical leave since then.
What are you guys doing? Me and my partner had "covid" and it was just like a flu (I had a similar one in 2012) and we feel better afterwards, not worse. I heard the same from several other people. The people who feel worse after flu have all been taking various drugs (ie. paracetamol in huge amounts to suppress fever, colloidal silver which according to Peat is as toxic as mercury...) and I suspect it's the stuff they were taking that made them feel worse.

In flu metabolism seems to be greatly increased (fever, high pulse) and the body cleanses itself of toxins. I had dry, thick skin on my soles for a couple of years which was impossible to completely remove. After "covid" everything nicely peeled off after soaking for a while and I had baby feet again.

So I'm not sure why people are not thrilled to have the flu but fear it so much and want to suppress symptoms in every possible way. Does no-one trust nature (and their own bodies) anymore?


Oct 5, 2014
What are you guys doing? Me and my partner had "covid" and it was just like a flu (I had a similar one in 2012) and we feel better afterwards, not worse. I heard the same from several other people. The people who feel worse after flu have all been taking various drugs (ie. paracetamol in huge amounts to suppress fever, colloidal silver which according to Peat is as toxic as mercury...) and I suspect it's the stuff they were taking that made them feel worse.

In flu metabolism seems to be greatly increased (fever, high pulse) and the body cleanses itself of toxins. I had dry, thick skin on my soles for a couple of years which was impossible to completely remove. After "covid" everything nicely peeled off after soaking for a while and I had baby feet again.

So I'm not sure why people are not thrilled to have the flu but fear it so much and want to suppress symptoms in every possible way. Does no-one trust nature (and their own bodies) anymore?
What are all these false assumptions and superiority tone man? I passed it like less than a flu. I didn't take any paracetamol or silver. I took mostly clinically proven substances for covid : aspirin, antihistamines, MB, etc.

I said I cannot even blame feeling way less energized on the covid. And explained why. Inam not worried either.

Do you understand what you read or you just want to let us know how great catching covid was for you?

For my work colleague it was less than a flu as well. After a few days longcovid symptoms stroke her out of the blue. She could be faking it? Only she knows.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
For my work colleague it was less than a flu as well. After a few days longcovid symptoms stroke her out of the blue. She could be faking it? Only she knows.

I wasn't implying that your friend was faking it, but your other post triggered the thought that some might be, something I hadn't really considered before. Most people are weak-minded when it comes to this kind of thing, so possibly there could be some unconscious psychosomatic stuff going on. Or it may be legit, who knows?


Feb 21, 2021
Viruses are not the cause of disease. Viruses are the result of disease from some form of toxic exposure to the body from either gmo foods, plastics, bad air, chemicals, glyphosate, heavy metals, vaccines, emf, and stress. Or probably a combination of all. The cells make viruses do neutralize the toxic area. Even though papers will have in the title "Virus isolated", it is not. They take some body fluid from someone they think has a particular virus. If they filtered it, spun, they cannot find the virus. The can never find the virus. They take that fluid, mix it with other tissue such as monkey kidney cells (Vero is what they call it), bovine serum, antibiotics, trypsin (protein digesting enzyme) and more crap. The monkey kidney cells die and break apart into very tiny particles, (still no virus), virologist say, see, the virus killed the cells. Again, they cannot find a full virus or viral genome. They take the millions of tiny genetic sequences, put those into a computer, the computer puts them together and boom, they say that's the viral genome. Except for the fact that there's monkey kidney tissue, bovine serum, human dna from the snot, bacterial dna from the snot. All a big farce. Not saying people aren't getting sick and dying, but it's not a contagious virus, it's toxins from our modern way of life.
For more info, search Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Sam Bailey, Jon Rappoport, Stefan Lanka, Robert O Young
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