Cancer Treatment


Feb 19, 2020
My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer two and a half years ago. She went the traditional treatment route of chemo through the Mayo Clinic. Last week she was told that they would not continue her treatment and gave her a prognosis of 3 weeks to 3 months to live.

Her daughter is marrying my son on June 18, 2023 and we are desperate to get her to the wedding.

I purchased, through Idealabs: Kuinone, Calcirol, Cyproheptadine, and Progestene. I also got aspirin and IP-6 & Inositol powder (a single product). All of the Idealabs products are in an alcohol base. I will attach some dosage information that I was given.

I'm just not sure what to tell her on how, when, and with what, to take the supplements. She will never be able to tolerate the alcohol flavor, so could she put the drops into something? I'm confused and overwhelmed and utterly heartbroken. She can only handle very simple instructions as her spirit is broken after this last bad news.

Dosage information I was given: In advanced cancer states, higher doses progesterone (at least 100mg daily), vitamin D (5,000 - 10,000 IU daily), aspirin (at least 2g-3g daily) and vitamin K2 (at least 30mg daily) have shown great promise in treating such cases. The anti-serotonin chemical cyproheptadine also seems to have a broad and strong anti-cancer effect, so 8mg-12mg daily is probably worth considering too.

Is there anything else I am missing? Your help is appreciated more than you could ever know. Thank You.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
This is just my opinion and I am not telling you to do this. You should always talk to a doctor before making any medical decisions.

I'm not saying this will cure her as I don't know her exact condition. Will it help prolong her life? I think so, it will also give her a better quality of life. The most difficult stage is psychological, she has to have the will to fight and survive.

If its possible, I would give your friend any sweet fruit juice. Fresh juiced organic orange juice is the best. All these things raise metabolism so your friend needs "fuel". It should be easily digested. Some milk also helps for the calcium. SHE NEEDS TO EAT TO REBUILD HER BODY.

I think progesterone is very protective. I don't know the dosage, but I think taking a 10-20 mg 3-4x a day would be safe.

DHEA is very useful in 5-10 mg per day (dont go over).

Vitamin K about 10-15 mg/day

Vitamin D i would take 10,000 iU per day

Be careful to take vitamin K separate from progesterone as the vitamin E can react with it.

Brushing teeth with baking soda (1 tbsp) can be helpful for sodium

Pyrucet is also useful. From what i've read 10-15 drops on the skin can be very helpful.

Aspirin 300 - 500 mg is probably safe

3-5 mg of Cyproheptadine is also helpful at night

I'd take Energin for the b vitamins

300 mg niacinamide 3x per day

drink coffee

Below is a list of alternative canceer treatments. Read around on this forum. There are stories of people curing their cancer and or living with it. Stage 4 is not a death sentence if she has the will to fight.

I would START with what I gave you, adjust the dose as needed and I would not take all those supplements on day 1, but start slowly at 1/3rd the dose 1 supplement at a time and if there are no side effeects (there shouldn't be) I'd raise the dose and add another supplement the next day.

The medical system is an abomination. Truly evil. The cure for cancer is suppressed. I know one person whose Mother had stage 4 lung cancer with 3 months to live. he gave her CBD oil and vitamin d as a suppository and the cancer went away. another lady I know cured her cancer 3 times using I think canceell or protocell. Another friend of a co worker cured his bladdeer cancer with alternative methods (not sure exactly what).

below is a report to the AMERICAN CONGRESS proving that the cure for cancer has been supressed since 1953. This is not a fake, go to any congressional library and ask your librarian to pull this information up.

I know your friends spirit is destroyed. To be honest dont listen to doctors. They are overpaid idiots. Don't know anything beyond pills, surgery and radiation. The medical system is largely a fraud designed to scare you.

There is a solution. You don't need a fancy degree to understand this forum. READ READ READ for your friend like your life depends on it. Don't depend on me, think for yourself. What I am telling you is a start. You can learn a lot in 1 week. (p.s. high doses of thiamin are useful for memory 600 mg/day so you can retain what you learned). Use this forum. Haidut is a good resource with more experience than me.

The biggest stumbling block I think is people are so brainwashed that doctors know everything that you will not be believed. I have been fighting my own mother and father on this for ~10 years. They see with their own eyes the fraud and the lies, yet do not 100% believe me.

Learn this knowledge, spread it. One day the system will be destroyed.


Apr 21, 2021
Heartbreaking. I like a lot of the supplements you’ve planned. Not sure about inositol with a really compromised metabolism though.

Remember the basics. Sunlight, balanced meals, friendship. I’ll pray for your friend.


Feb 19, 2020
This is just my opinion and I am not telling you to do this. You should always talk to a doctor before making any medical decisions.

I'm not saying this will cure her as I don't know her exact condition. Will it help prolong her life? I think so, it will also give her a better quality of life. The most difficult stage is psychological, she has to have the will to fight and survive.

If its possible, I would give your friend any sweet fruit juice. Fresh juiced organic orange juice is the best. All these things raise metabolism so your friend needs "fuel". It should be easily digested. Some milk also helps for the calcium. SHE NEEDS TO EAT TO REBUILD HER BODY.

I think progesterone is very protective. I don't know the dosage, but I think taking a 10-20 mg 3-4x a day would be safe.

DHEA is very useful in 5-10 mg per day (dont go over).

Vitamin K about 10-15 mg/day

Vitamin D i would take 10,000 iU per day

Be careful to take vitamin K separate from progesterone as the vitamin E can react with it.

Brushing teeth with baking soda (1 tbsp) can be helpful for sodium

Pyrucet is also useful. From what i've read 10-15 drops on the skin can be very helpful.

Aspirin 300 - 500 mg is probably safe

3-5 mg of Cyproheptadine is also helpful at night

I'd take Energin for the b vitamins

300 mg niacinamide 3x per day

drink coffee

Below is a list of alternative canceer treatments. Read around on this forum. There are stories of people curing their cancer and or living with it. Stage 4 is not a death sentence if she has the will to fight.

I would START with what I gave you, adjust the dose as needed and I would not take all those supplements on day 1, but start slowly at 1/3rd the dose 1 supplement at a time and if there are no side effeects (there shouldn't be) I'd raise the dose and add another supplement the next day.

The medical system is an abomination. Truly evil. The cure for cancer is suppressed. I know one person whose Mother had stage 4 lung cancer with 3 months to live. he gave her CBD oil and vitamin d as a suppository and the cancer went away. another lady I know cured her cancer 3 times using I think canceell or protocell. Another friend of a co worker cured his bladdeer cancer with alternative methods (not sure exactly what).

below is a report to the AMERICAN CONGRESS proving that the cure for cancer has been supressed since 1953. This is not a fake, go to any congressional library and ask your librarian to pull this information up.

I know your friends spirit is destroyed. To be honest dont listen to doctors. They are overpaid idiots. Don't know anything beyond pills, surgery and radiation. The medical system is largely a fraud designed to scare you.

There is a solution. You don't need a fancy degree to understand this forum. READ READ READ for your friend like your life depends on it. Don't depend on me, think for yourself. What I am telling you is a start. You can learn a lot in 1 week. (p.s. high doses of thiamin are useful for memory 600 mg/day so you can retain what you learned). Use this forum. Haidut is a good resource with more experience than me.

The biggest stumbling block I think is people are so brainwashed that doctors know everything that you will not be believed. I have been fighting my own mother and father on this for ~10 years. They see with their own eyes the fraud and the lies, yet do not 100% believe me.

Learn this knowledge, spread it. One day the system will be destroyed.
Thank you, very helpful!


Feb 19, 2020
Heartbreaking. I like a lot of the supplements you’ve planned. Not sure about inositol with a really compromised metabolism though.

Remember the basics. Sunlight, balanced meals, friendship. I’ll pray for your friend.
Hmmm not sure what to do. Don't want to discourage her appetite just seemed so good against the cancer cells. Should I have her not take it? This is all so complicated and all the harder when you are in a crisis. I just saw her and she told me I was her little cheerleader. My heart just about burst


Apr 21, 2021
Hmmm not sure what to do. Don't want to discourage her appetite just seemed so good against the cancer cells. Should I have her not take it? This is all so complicated and all the harder when you are in a crisis. I just saw her and she told me I was her little cheerleader. My heart just about burst
If she likes the idea of it, maybe stick with it. How’s her appetite?

She senses strength and clarity from you, her cheerleader 💚 My dad is dealing with cancer and once when I was going on about his vitamins he called me vitamin N (my first initial). It’s so much about the love and connection.

John mcclain

Dec 1, 2017
I know of 2 people who that had been given not much didn't eat for 27 days is now very much alive this was 12 yrs ago...the other got the all clear last year from eating one meal a day...


Jul 27, 2022
My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer two and a half years ago. She went the traditional treatment route of chemo through the Mayo Clinic. Last week she was told that they would not continue her treatment and gave her a prognosis of 3 weeks to 3 months to live.

Her daughter is marrying my son on June 18, 2023 and we are desperate to get her to the wedding.

I purchased, through Idealabs: Kuinone, Calcirol, Cyproheptadine, and Progestene. I also got aspirin and IP-6 & Inositol powder (a single product). All of the Idealabs products are in an alcohol base. I will attach some dosage information that I was given.

I'm just not sure what to tell her on how, when, and with what, to take the supplements. She will never be able to tolerate the alcohol flavor, so could she put the drops into something? I'm confused and overwhelmed and utterly heartbroken. She can only handle very simple instructions as her spirit is broken after this last bad news.

Dosage information I was given: In advanced cancer states, higher doses progesterone (at least 100mg daily), vitamin D (5,000 - 10,000 IU daily), aspirin (at least 2g-3g daily) and vitamin K2 (at least 30mg daily) have shown great promise in treating such cases. The anti-serotonin chemical cyproheptadine also seems to have a broad and strong anti-cancer effect, so 8mg-12mg daily is probably worth considering too.

Is there anything else I am missing? Your help is appreciated more than you could ever know. Thank You.

sad situation , but good youre still trying with life left with the wedding as a motivating force

some info might be worth a dive into:
desloratadine or loratadine could be worth a look, (especially this antihistamine) has an association to improved survival rates with some cancers ->

mct oil ->
human MCT oil trial (not sure how much of a role the keto played due to lower carb intake, but they used MCT oil
The ketogenic diet (using MCT oil) group exhibited a response rate of 60% and disease control rate of 70% across five CR, one PR, one SD, and three PD cases



Jul 27, 2022
and ramping up saturated fat intake specifically stearic acid, which ray peat has talked about


best dietary source of stearic acid is probably beef tallow

+ using low dose 50mg hesperidin might be helpful to restore her appetite significantly (or maybe 100ml orange juice but it varies). its shown to restore appetite in cancer by 59% at 50mg. and is an antioxidant (shown at 150mg+) but has direct anti-cancer properties and may also be able to reverse anti-cancer drug resistance of cancer cells
good luck
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Dec 3, 2015
My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer two and a half years ago. She went the traditional treatment route of chemo through the Mayo Clinic. Last week she was told that they would not continue her treatment and gave her a prognosis of 3 weeks to 3 months to live.

Her daughter is marrying my son on June 18, 2023 and we are desperate to get her to the wedding.

I purchased, through Idealabs: Kuinone, Calcirol, Cyproheptadine, and Progestene. I also got aspirin and IP-6 & Inositol powder (a single product). All of the Idealabs products are in an alcohol base. I will attach some dosage information that I was given.

I'm just not sure what to tell her on how, when, and with what, to take the supplements. She will never be able to tolerate the alcohol flavor, so could she put the drops into something? I'm confused and overwhelmed and utterly heartbroken. She can only handle very simple instructions as her spirit is broken after this last bad news.

Dosage information I was given: In advanced cancer states, higher doses progesterone (at least 100mg daily), vitamin D (5,000 - 10,000 IU daily), aspirin (at least 2g-3g daily) and vitamin K2 (at least 30mg daily) have shown great promise in treating such cases. The anti-serotonin chemical cyproheptadine also seems to have a broad and strong anti-cancer effect, so 8mg-12mg daily is probably worth considering too.

Is there anything else I am missing? Your help is appreciated more than you could ever know. Thank You.
Think the biggest damage is from the clueless authorities mouthing out predictions! You could add Lidocaine. Here is a note form Ray
200 mg in a single systemic dose is the limit, a day’s total of about 500 mg. I make a 4% solution and then take the appropriate amount of that in milk or orange juice at intervals so that it doesn’t numb my throat going in.

Also you can heat the alcohol out of the supplements. All the best.


  • fcell-08-00565.pdf
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Jul 2, 2022
I am so sorry what you and your friend are going through. It is a very tough situation and hope she gets through. Some of the suggestions already mentioned here are solid.

I would look into Chlorine Dioxide (CDS solution) as a detox substance. Can be put into a Magneisum Bicarbonate made with a deuterium depleted water. None of those will hurt her but have the potential to help while consuming the daily water intake. And will not interact with anything pretty much except antioxidants.

If I were sick with cancer I would primarily use this and raw goat milk + collagen as main staple + raw egg yolks and spend a lot of time in the sun/red light device while grounded.

Wish you luck and sending positive energy towards both of you. Truly hope her situation can get a positive turn.
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Forum Supporter
Mar 21, 2021
My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer two and a half years ago. She went the traditional treatment route of chemo through the Mayo Clinic. Last week she was told that they would not continue her treatment and gave her a prognosis of 3 weeks to 3 months to live.

Her daughter is marrying my son on June 18, 2023 and we are desperate to get her to the wedding.

I purchased, through Idealabs: Kuinone, Calcirol, Cyproheptadine, and Progestene. I also got aspirin and IP-6 & Inositol powder (a single product). All of the Idealabs products are in an alcohol base. I will attach some dosage information that I was given.

I'm just not sure what to tell her on how, when, and with what, to take the supplements. She will never be able to tolerate the alcohol flavor, so could she put the drops into something? I'm confused and overwhelmed and utterly heartbroken. She can only handle very simple instructions as her spirit is broken after this last bad news.

Dosage information I was given: In advanced cancer states, higher doses progesterone (at least 100mg daily), vitamin D (5,000 - 10,000 IU daily), aspirin (at least 2g-3g daily) and vitamin K2 (at least 30mg daily) have shown great promise in treating such cases. The anti-serotonin chemical cyproheptadine also seems to have a broad and strong anti-cancer effect, so 8mg-12mg daily is probably worth considering too.

Is there anything else I am missing? Your help is appreciated more than you could ever know. Thank You.
Haidut has done some studies and he didn’t cure the cancer but one of his first studies he used
Cortinon which is progesterone and dhea and he talks about it in one of the generative energy podcast I think right before Covid hit.

But it was some incurable marine cancer and the cancer took weeks longer for the mice to get the cancer then the mice who didn’t receive the cortinon and many survived the entire length of study when the non cortinon mice died very soon after getting the cancer.

He talked about another study he did on generative energy podcast about a year ago he did with just b-1 and b-3 and stop the growth of the tumor.

Ethyl pyruvate administration suppresses growth and invasion of gallbladder cancer cells via downregulation of HMGB1-RAGE axis​

And he sells pyrucet


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I am not sure if this may help. My elder brother was diagnosed with bladder cancer two years after our mom passed away. She left us her house, a difficult property. My younger brother had just moved into the upper floor six months earlier and they tried to rent out the remaining part of the house and my elder brother also lived on the property. They weren’t able to rent it out and my elder brother refused to sell the property and didn’t want to move.

When I heard about his cancer diagnosis, I look the diagnosis up in the book by Dr. Geerd Hamer, he developed the cancer theory that cancer is caused by a psychological conflict or shock. Under bladder cancer is listed as cause ‘House, Inheritance’, which nailed it. My brother also told me that he had recurring nightmares about losing the property. He was operated but didn’t survive it.

Here is a link to the cause of gallbladder cancer, the cause is listed as ‘fear of starvation’:

Then there is the ‘Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer’ where a cancer is thought as a ‘pregnancy’ at the wrong place. It has to do with the secretion of a protective pancreatic enzyme, the chymotrypsin. This enzyme is listed as an ingredient in the German ‘Wobenzym N’. My ex is taking it for her breast cancer in addition to her chemo.

I think that Hamer is correct and that the central nervous system creates the cancer, as a ‘special survival’ program. It then down-regulates the pancreas to lower the secretion of the cancer protective chymotrypsin.

So as a therapy, one can supplement this enzyme and then help the patient to overcome the underlying psychological problem, which is no easy task. I tried that with my brother and failed. He told me ‘I rather die than move, I will never have it as nice as I have it now’! Very sad. It seems that it is easier to chop off one’s hand than to deal with a deeply rooted psychological problem.


New Member
Nov 7, 2022
Vail, AZ
My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer two and a half years ago. She went the traditional treatment route of chemo through the Mayo Clinic. Last week she was told that they would not continue her treatment and gave her a prognosis of 3 weeks to 3 months to live.

Her daughter is marrying my son on June 18, 2023 and we are desperate to get her to the wedding.

I purchased, through Idealabs: Kuinone, Calcirol, Cyproheptadine, and Progestene. I also got aspirin and IP-6 & Inositol powder (a single product). All of the Idealabs products are in an alcohol base. I will attach some dosage information that I was given.

I'm just not sure what to tell her on how, when, and with what, to take the supplements. She will never be able to tolerate the alcohol flavor, so could she put the drops into something? I'm confused and overwhelmed and utterly heartbroken. She can only handle very simple instructions as her spirit is broken after this last bad news.

Dosage information I was given: In advanced cancer states, higher doses progesterone (at least 100mg daily), vitamin D (5,000 - 10,000 IU daily), aspirin (at least 2g-3g daily) and vitamin K2 (at least 30mg daily) have shown great promise in treating such cases. The anti-serotonin chemical cyproheptadine also seems to have a broad and strong anti-cancer effect, so 8mg-12mg daily is probably worth considering too.

Is there anything else I am missing? Your help is appreciated more than you could ever know. Thank You.
Check out Joe Tippens
My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer two and a half years ago. She went the traditional treatment route of chemo through the Mayo Clinic. Last week she was told that they would not continue her treatment and gave her a prognosis of 3 weeks to 3 months to live.

Her daughter is marrying my son on June 18, 2023 and we are desperate to get her to the wedding.

I purchased, through Idealabs: Kuinone, Calcirol, Cyproheptadine, and Progestene. I also got aspirin and IP-6 & Inositol powder (a single product). All of the Idealabs products are in an alcohol base. I will attach some dosage information that I was given.

I'm just not sure what to tell her on how, when, and with what, to take the supplements. She will never be able to tolerate the alcohol flavor, so could she put the drops into something? I'm confused and overwhelmed and utterly heartbroken. She can only handle very simple instructions as her spirit is broken after this last bad news.

Dosage information I was given: In advanced cancer states, higher doses progesterone (at least 100mg daily), vitamin D (5,000 - 10,000 IU daily), aspirin (at least 2g-3g daily) and vitamin K2 (at least 30mg daily) have shown great promise in treating such cases. The anti-serotonin chemical cyproheptadine also seems to have a broad and strong anti-cancer effect, so 8mg-12mg daily is probably worth considering too.

Is there anything else I am missing? Your help is appreciated more than you could ever know. Thank You.
check out Joe Tippens
he has an interesting story about how he healed his met cancers in a very short time. Drastic healing requires drastic measures. Also, there are onco adjunct supplements to take that the patient may want to consider. Good luck!


Jul 27, 2022
and ramping up saturated fat intake specifically stearic acid, which ray peat has talked about

View attachment 47830

best dietary source of stearic acid is probably beef tallow

+ using low dose 50mg hesperidin might be helpful to restore her appetite significantly (or maybe 100ml orange juice but it varies). its shown to restore appetite in cancer by 59% at 50mg. and is an antioxidant (shown at 150mg+) but has direct anti-cancer properties and may also be able to reverse anti-cancer drug resistance of cancer cells
good luck
worth checking this post out on hesperidin in cancer
not sure if gallblader cancer has the same pinX1 involvement for full effect. but other mechanisms are at play also so may be beneficial. and the mitochondria effects should be a help Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer progression


Feb 19, 2020
At the time of my posting my friend was emotionally at the point of being unable to process alternative therapies. I wish I had tried earlier but had so much hesitation as most people are unwilling to look outside the traditional medical community. I won't make that mistake again.

She passed away a week and a half ago, Her funeral is on Saturday and her daughter's wedding shower is on Sunday. Heartbreaking situation.

Thank you for your help. ❤️


Dec 15, 2022
At the time of my posting my friend was emotionally at the point of being unable to process alternative therapies. I wish I had tried earlier but had so much hesitation as most people are unwilling to look outside the traditional medical community. I won't make that mistake again.

She passed away a week and a half ago, Her funeral is on Saturday and her daughter's wedding shower is on Sunday. Heartbreaking situation.

Thank you for your help. ❤️
Loving her the way you did brought her more than you could ever know.

So sorry for your loss.
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