Are the huge t4 doses for dogs legit?


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
for a 75lb dog the vet doses are like 350-700mcg of t4. the reason i ask is I’m giving my 75lb dog dog 1/2 grain NDT (tyromax) which is apparently 19mcg t4 and 4.5mcg t3, please correct me if I am wrong. I am going to add a bit of solo t3 to bring the ratio to 1:2 t4:t3.

Even on such a relatively small dose my dog perked up and is looking healthier and more alert. I haven’t tracked temps or pulse or bloodwork because I figured such small doses are more supplemental than medicative. My dog has been on it 3 weeks and she seems happy. She has a skin tag on her elbow and ideally I want to see it eventually fall off, dr peat said being slightly hyperthyroid is good for doing that. I also just want her to be healthy and happy; she was poisoned by floroquinolones from the vet a couple years ago and suffered alot. She has problems with moving around a lot and since I notice some improvements I am encouraged to continue.

I have reluctantly held off on taking her to the vet because I hate them after what they did to her, but getting bloodwork might be helpful. I will start tracking her rectal temps as well.
Nov 21, 2015
Go by her behavior and evident enjoyment of life not some test. In general though dogs do require very large doses of drugs for their body weight.


Feb 14, 2020
Hey Noodlecat, thanks for asking this question. I had the same thought as my dog is on 400mg of Thyroxine and my Dr perscribed me 25mg. I'm about 8 times heavier than my dog - he's 11kg and I'm maybe 90kg. Seems weird that I'd be on the 1/8th of his dosage. I guess they metabalise differently? I actually take cynomel and cynoplus rather than my Dr's presribed garbage, but just prefer that he knows what I'm on "approximately".

All that being said, I'm going down the T3 rabbit hole right now and experimenitng on myself. Am definitely thinking it would be helpful for my dog too but nervous about dosing him as I've already asked the vet about T3 and they're very dismissive that they only measure T4 and does T4 and the body makes the T3 itslef... eyeroll

How did you go with your dog? Any progress reports?
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