Extremely LOW T3/T4, despite Tyronene


May 13, 2019

Been on ~40mcg T3 for close to a year in small divided doses throughout the day. This is my most recent lab result.

my doctor told me the T3 likely wasn’t having any effect on my physiology. But my temps are definitely higher when I take it, my hair doesn’t fall out, and my heels don’t crack.

she wanted to start me on T4 only.

I should add I also had slightly elevated AST/ALT the day I got bloodwork.

I have struggled with extremely poor digestion for 3 years now. I do not eat enough most days but despite this I am GAINING weight, not losing it.

Should I:

continue T3 only
Start T4/T3 mix
Start T4 only

I really don’t see my liver converting T4 well on the days I barely get anything to eat. These days are becoming the norm and not the exception.

ANY insight appreciated. I know thyroid is supposed to help with digestion and motility but I can’t seem to make it work. I am hypothyroid by my blood work despite the insane amount taken.


Oct 1, 2019
T3 only did not work for me. I had similar digestion issues as you described in another thread. I tried to counter it with antibiotics which worked for a while, but the low thyroid would always catch up and repeat the situation. I also tried T3+T4, but I increased the dosage too fast which also backfired and resulted in failure to correct the problem.

This year I started with very low amounts of T3+T4 a day (1mcg + 3mcg) and slowly built up the dosage every few weeks and corrected most of the problems after about 4-5 months.
Demystifying Thyroid Supplementation


May 13, 2019
T3 only did not work for me. I had similar digestion issues as you described in another thread. I tried to counter it with antibiotics which worked for a while, but the low thyroid would always catch up and repeat the situation. I also tried T3+T4, but I increased the dosage too fast which also backfired and resulted in failure to correct the problem.

This year I started with very low amounts of T3+T4 a day (1mcg + 3mcg) and slowly built up the dosage every few weeks and corrected most of the problems after about 4-5 months.
Demystifying Thyroid Supplementation
Wow thank you. This is encouraging. May I ask which brand of thyroid?

can you describe how you knew you were increasing the dosage too fast?


Oct 1, 2019
can you describe how you knew you were increasing the dosage too fast?

I wasn't getting the desired symptom relief and started feeling hypothyroid again (getting cold, jittery, low stomach acid, etc.).

Wow thank you. This is encouraging. May I ask which brand of thyroid?

I started with Tyromix from Idealabs and when the dose started getting bigger I switched to Tiromel (T3) and Levotiron (T4). Oh and I wrote the wrong dosage above, sorry. My starting dose was 3mcg T3 + 6 mcg T4 for 2 weeks. That was 1 drop of Tyromix. Then 2 drops a day for 2 weeks, then 3 drops a day and so on.

I did no labwork. Just kept an eye on the symptoms, and temperature and pulse.
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Aug 1, 2017
I wasn't getting the desired symptom relief and started feeling hypothyroid again (getting cold, jittery, low stomach acid, etc.).

I started with Tyromix from Idealabs and when the dose started getting bigger I switched to Tiromel (T3) and Levotiron (T4). Oh and I wrote the wrong dosage above, sorry. My starting dose was 3mcg T3 + 6 mcg T4 for 2 weeks. That was 1 drop of Tyromix. Then 2 drops a day for 2 weeks, then 3 drops a day and so on.

I did no labwork. Just kept an eye on the symptoms, and temperature and pulse.
what dose did you arrive at after the 5 months? currently giving tyromix a try and the results are rather inconsistent


Oct 1, 2019
@Andman I am currently doing continuosly 25mcg T3 and 50mcg T4, waiting how the season change will affect my pulse and temperatures. My pulse is not always over 80 yet on that dosage, but I think that might be due to a stressful situation.


May 10, 2018
@Andman I am currently doing continuosly 25mcg T3 and 50mcg T4, waiting how the season change will affect my pulse and temperatures. My pulse is not always over 80 yet on that dosage, but I think that might be due to a stressful situation.
Very interesting, glad you managed to get on top of it. Could you let us know how you spread the drops throughout the day?


Oct 1, 2019
@James b I started with 1 drop with breakfast. Later 1 drop with breakfast, 1 drop with dinner. Then 1 drop with breakfast, 1 with lunch, 1 with dinner. When I got to 4 drops I would take one of the meals with 2 drops and the other with 1 and so on. (I think Peat has said up to 10mcg of T3 is ok at once when taken with a meal, but I feel better with less).

Now I take 4 times a day 6,25mcg of T3 + 12,5mcg of T4. That's each time a quarter of a tablet of Tiromel 25mcg and Levotiron 50mcg.

The last days I missed some meals and did only 3/4 of the T3. Maybe I'll keep this 1:3 ratio instead of the 1:2.
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Jan 18, 2020
but I increased the dosage too fast which also backfired and resulted in failure to correct the problem.

Mr, can you please elaborate on the above? did you have symptoms of over-supplementation if you took too much too quickly? that's what happens to me, i have high rt3 and thyroid despite low doses accumulate in the serum to very high levels quickly.

Also, were your ft3/ft4 levels low when you started supplementing?


Oct 1, 2019
Mr, can you please elaborate on the above? did you have symptoms of over-supplementation if you took too much too quickly? that's what happens to me, i have high rt3 and thyroid despite low doses accumulate in the serum to very high levels quickly.

Also, were your ft3/ft4 levels low when you started supplementing?

Hello, yes. If I took too much at once I would get throat pains. According to Peat it‘s a depletion of thyroid tissue. Taking too much T3 at once can cause holes in the thyroid, but it regenerates quickly.

I was mainly watching for symptoms, no bloodtests. I checked thyroid function by measuring temperate and pulse before and after breakfast. The „free“ hormone in tests has not much significance, according to Peat it‘s just a laboratory concept, the active hormone is more important. I recommend reading the thyroid articles on www.raypeat.com for more information.


Jan 18, 2020
Hello, yes. If I took too much at once I would get throat pains. According to Peat it‘s a depletion of thyroid tissue. Taking too much T3 at once can cause holes in the thyroid, but it regenerates quickly.

I was mainly watching for symptoms, no bloodtests. I checked thyroid function by measuring temperate and pulse before and after breakfast. The „free“ hormone in tests has not much significance, according to Peat it‘s just a laboratory concept, the active hormone is more important. I recommend reading the thyroid articles on www.raypeat.com for more information.
throat pain was the only sympthom?


Jan 18, 2020
View attachment 23866
Been on ~40mcg T3 for close to a year in small divided doses throughout the day. This is my most recent lab result.

my doctor told me the T3 likely wasn’t having any effect on my physiology. But my temps are definitely higher when I take it, my hair doesn’t fall out, and my heels don’t crack.

she wanted to start me on T4 only.

I should add I also had slightly elevated AST/ALT the day I got bloodwork.

I have struggled with extremely poor digestion for 3 years now. I do not eat enough most days but despite this I am GAINING weight, not losing it.

Should I:

continue T3 only
Start T4/T3 mix
Start T4 only

I really don’t see my liver converting T4 well on the days I barely get anything to eat. These days are becoming the norm and not the exception.

ANY insight appreciated. I know thyroid is supposed to help with digestion and motility but I can’t seem to make it work. I am hypothyroid by my blood work despite the insane amount taken.
hi, any updates>?


Jan 18, 2020
That was an immediate symptom of a too high dose at once. Over a longer time it was just that my hypothyroid symptoms came back. Fatigue, coldness, etc.
Hi Boris, can you give us updates on your health and dosing?
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