Anyone Heard Of Royal Rife?


Nov 21, 2012
Please give a link. The software is free, you download it and enter the freqs you want to use or use their sets of freqs on the software. I don't see how you can use it the way you say.

This is one of their many videos on YouTube.


The software only works on Spooky2 machines, which I don't have as the basic kit is almost 10x the price of that of the home-built device.
He said to download Z-App (also free) as a generator for the home-built device, but turns out Z-App isn't functioning properly anymore.

I also saw that Spooky2 software only runs on Windows and I have an (older) iMac.


Oct 6, 2020
i Dont realy trust the spooky device.

"In July 2017, I ran two sets of “biofeedback scans” on myself to see whether Spooky2 would produce consistent results or plausible diagnoses. On July 6, I did a “full system scan” (covering frequencies from 76KHz to 152KHz) in remote mode. About an hour later, a Scan Results window appeared with list of frequencies that represented 42 diagnoses: allergic granulomatous angiitis, alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency, amniotic band syndrome, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, avitaminosis, bladder exstrophy, candida hipower, Chlamydia infections, Churg-Strauss syndrome, conjunctival diseases, deglutition disorders, fistula, hookworm infections, HSAN type 1, hyperhidrosis, hyperpituitarism, labyrinthitis, lassa fever, mediastinal cyst, MELAS syndrome, meningioma, miller fisher syndrome, mite infestations, muscle cramp, mutism, mycobacterium infections, optic neuritis, parasites roundworms, pilonidal cyst, porphyrias, proteinuria, respiratory hypersensitivity, rubella, schistosomiasis, seasonal affective disorder, shock septic, simian virus 40, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, thrombasthenia, tonsillitis, and zearalenone. Tonsillitis was perhaps the most noteworthy because my tonsils were removed during my childhood.

About 22 hours later, I repeated the the full system scan and got 30 more diagnoses: Aldrich syndrome, ascaris megalocephala all stages, cancer gestational trophoblastic tumor, cancer gestational tumor, cancer osteosarcoma, cataract, cranial nerve diseases, Cushing syndrome, diabetes insipidus, diplopia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, dyspepsia, filariasis, funnel chest, hendra virus disease, homocystinuria, hydatidiform mole, hydronephrosis, infertility, keratosis actinic, lacrimal duct obstruction, Landau-Kleffner syndrome, molluscum contagiosum, multiple chemical sensitivity, parasites turbatrix, pharyngeal diseases, prosopagnosia, Romberg disease, shock, and sterigmatocystin_2.

To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. In these tests, the validity was zero because I do not have any of the 72 conditions and consistency was zero because no condition listed in either scan was found in the other scan."

I think i've also read a article from a programmer who looked at the software and said that the device will spit out diagnosis randomly.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
Let me say first of all, that I have no financial interest in spooky2, and have made various complaints about it. That is till I understood that it is not a silver bullet, but only a tool in my tool box. My health problems are caused by environmental illness, due to damage from mercury poisoning in infancy, playing with the stuff in childhood, amalgams, and a severe pesticide exposure four decades later.

I found that diet is very important first of all, and other modalities especially where it concerns detoxing. Their programs for that did not work at all on me and could be dangerous when the detoxification system is damaged itself.

The most help I have had is not for much chronic conditions but for infections and things like severe gall bladder pain and jaundice, and spooky2 has saved my life a couple of times as I am intolerant to chemicals and would die under anesthesia. I did die on a dentists chair at about the age of nine during an extraction using a general anesthetic, as the dentist was resuscitating me when I came to. A few treatments and my gall bladder has been quiet since.

Another wonderful success has been with a very severe case of ocular shingles which was extremely painful. I came across someone on Facebook running a group of spooky2 users who had produced a set of freqs for scanning and stopped it, and then a month later when it was returning, stopped it in its tracks, never again for it to come back.

I had a much pain in a toe which I had stubbed which went away after one treatment.

@Dutchie You don't need to buy the basic kit, you only need one XM at $100:

And some accessories, in order to get started doing the scans. The person running the FB group only ever uses the biofeedback scans. There is however a few problems such as the software which works best is from 2017 and increasingly hard to get hold of, and the new spook2 machine is said to not be as good as the old model.

So there are problems nowadays. I have been involved from the start when a group broke away from the original Rife forum which had users of many different types of machines, some suspect because the price was going to be so low for the spooky2.

I would say do your own research.

@Ben that Quackwatch article is a load of rubbish. Surely you know how this thing goes. They never say that spooky2 diagnoses. It gives freqs that have been useful in certain conditions that's all. You are advised not to look up conditions. They tell you that the scan can produce differing freqs each time it is done.


Nov 21, 2012
The homebuilt device doesn't have a scan-modality afaik, but when you know broadly what issues/causes you want to treat, it seems you dont necessarily need to have scan/biofeedback.
I'd assume your body and how you feel is the best biofeedback.

Regardless....I still don't know if hooking up the device to the computer earphone-output and playing the YT videos works.
When I read some of the comments underneath, it seems people are just listening to the tones,without any device...

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
The homebuilt device doesn't have a scan-modality afaik, but when you know broadly what issues/causes you want to treat, it seems you dont necessarily need to have scan/biofeedback.
I'd assume your body and how you feel is the best biofeedback.

Regardless....I still don't know if hooking up the device to the computer earphone-output and playing the YT videos works.
When I read some of the comments underneath, it seems people are just listening to the tones,without any device...
The main problem with using freqs is getting the right ones. It is very hard. The sets that they provide are very hit and miss. A lot of people are disappointed. I am afraid that I don't know much about using sound freqs.


Nov 21, 2012
The main problem with using freqs is getting the right ones. It is very hard. The sets that they provide are very hit and miss. A lot of people are disappointed. I am afraid that I don't know much about using sound freqs.

Since it's uploaded by Spooky2, I don't know if they're sound frequencies (they're not Binaural Beats).

In October this year I've had Rife treatment at a naturopath, but he had this big expensive machine which only required me to sit in a chair in the same room near the machine.
So, I have no experience with these portable machines and all the gadgets it comes with and I can't find videos which easily explain and demonstrate people using it. Whether it's worth it for me to buy the basic selfbuilt device.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
Since it's uploaded by Spooky2, I don't know if they're sound frequencies (they're not Binaural Beats).

In October this year I've had Rife treatment at a naturopath, but he had this big expensive machine which only required me to sit in a chair in the same room near the machine.
So, I have no experience with these portable machines and all the gadgets it comes with and I can't find videos which easily explain and demonstrate people using it. Whether it's worth it for me to buy the basic selfbuilt device.

Is this what you were looking for?

There are countless forums and FB pages on spooky2. It has expanded enormously since the start. I use the FB one:

Spooky2 (Rife minus the Frequency of Controlling Vested Interests) for reliable information.


Nov 21, 2012
Is this what you were looking for?

There are countless forums and FB pages on spooky2. It has expanded enormously since the start. I use the FB one:

Spooky2 (Rife minus the Frequency of Controlling Vested Interests) for reliable information.

Thanks....yeah,I had already seen the videos at spooky.
I was looking more at vlogtype everyday videos where someone is setting up and using a rife machine on themselves .
Also bc spooky only has videos about their machine.
Spooky financially isn't an option for me.

And I don't have FB,so I can't access groups on there.


Nov 21, 2012
People are selling them second hand. Not being on FB is a problem.

Well, I guess I have bad luck then bc no way will I go back to (and support) FB.

Maybe in The US they are, but here I haven't come across anyone selling them second hand.
Hence why my interest was peaked when I came across someone who builts and sells these machines at an affordable price. :)
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