Low Toxin Diet Low "vitamin A" & Low Toxin Diet Food List


May 9, 2019
How might one follow the low-A diet as a vegan? (I ask because the Orthodox Lenten fast is approaching.)


Feb 5, 2019
If you're going awhile without meat, I'd consider taking a b-complex and zinc, and then just basing your diet on black/white/pinto beans, barley, oats, sourdough bread, and whatever pale veggies amd fruits you like. We eat cauliflower, cabbage, celery, and Romain hearts, apples, banana, berries, and I use onions and garlic and mushrooms. I also enjoy some organic tofu occasionally and use coconut fat to make things like oatmeal cookies and dairy free butter (miyoko brand is so good so ive been making similar recipe) We never really eat meat more than 3x per week, especially in Lent (trad Catholic) and I don't think it's necessary anyway, but I did grow up pretty much vegan so I'd be happy even having meat just on Sundays and holidays too.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@RayIV just posted his food list that he is having incredible results with. I was able to pick up a couple ideas from him:

Many things that I thought I knew were being challenged, and I accepted, and gave this approach a whole-hearted try. For the past 1.5-2 months, I've been doing a strict low a/low toxin diet and lifestyle, to an absolute tee, modeled after information from Dr. Garrett Smith, and @charlie as well. I've cut out all major sources of copper, vitamin a, dairy, caffeine, vitamin d3 (food/supplements), PUFA (was already doing this), spices, excessive fructose, nicotine (was already doing), alcohol, amongst some other nuances. My diet currently consists of (all organic/grass fed, etc.):

- Beef, Bison, Lamb, Venison
- Organic White Rice
- Organic Japanese Udon Noodles
- Iceberg Lettuce (Organic heads)
- Peeled Cucumber
- Capers
- Pad Thai/Rice Noodles
- Homemade sourdough bread
- Apples (1-2 daily)
- Bananas (1 or less a day)
- Pure White Sea Salt
- Purified/Distilled Water (the only liquid/beverage that I consume) **I add dextrose to my water from time to time.
Source of post: Low Toxin Testimonials - I was skeptical at first too, but the changes really are astounding...


May 9, 2019
If you're going awhile without meat, I'd consider taking a b-complex and zinc, and then just basing your diet on black/white/pinto beans, barley, oats, sourdough bread, and whatever pale veggies amd fruits you like. We eat cauliflower, cabbage, celery, and Romain hearts, apples, banana, berries, and I use onions and garlic and mushrooms. I also enjoy some organic tofu occasionally and use coconut fat to make things like oatmeal cookies and dairy free butter (miyoko brand is so good so ive been making similar recipe) We never really eat meat more than 3x per week, especially in Lent (trad Catholic) and I don't think it's necessary anyway, but I did grow up pretty much vegan so I'd be happy even having meat just on Sundays and holidays too.
Thank you so much for this! I've been in a quandary over whether or not to follow the fast strictly or to attempt to adhere to the Low A diet as its promoted by Dr. Smith. Much to think about!


Aug 4, 2020
@RayIV just posted his food list that he is having incredible results with. I was able to pick up a couple ideas from him:

Source of post: Low Toxin Testimonials - I was skeptical at first too, but the changes really are astounding...
What are your thoughts on using Kamut @charlie? It seems to have a good amount of selenium, zinc, magnesium, and potassium?



Apr 15, 2015
eggplant and zucchini peel is full of b-carotene



Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
So I'm only on day 2 of following low a. Today, I've eaten a pound of grassfed beef, organic white rice, oat bran, 2 bananas, plenty of salt, magnesium, and potassium. I feel like I'm not satiated at all and my body is craving fat so badly. Did anyone else feel like this at first?


May 3, 2015

Whole oats provides starch and fat along with the soluble fibre.

That may help fill you up.

A little coconut and chocolate may help too.

(I have half a cup of flavoured milk on my oats morning and night. It is delicious but not strictly allowed!)


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Jun 19, 2023
How to reconcile this with Paul Saladin's approach and the animal based advocates out there? And my own bias. But why is it then that those tribes in Africa are eating and praising liver, masai drinking milk and so on...
It feels totally counter intuitive.
Also this happy woman Mary Rudick traveling around the world, visiting different tribes....
@charlie I would appreciate your comment.


Jul 2, 2022
How to reconcile this with Paul Saladin's approach and the animal based advocates out there? And my own bias. But why is it then that those tribes in Africa are eating and praising liver, masai drinking milk and so on...
It feels totally counter intuitive.
@charlie I would appreciate your comment.
Those tribes don't live very long from what I know. Correct me if I am wrong. How long do the masai live on average ?

If the goal is to optimize life and health span living like people in tribes is not the best idea imho. We can do much better than that even though the environment is so toxic.


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
Those tribes don't live very long from what I know. Correct me if I am wrong. How long do the masai live on average ?

If the goal is to optimize life and health span living like people in tribes is not the best idea imho. We can do much better than that even though the environment is so toxic.
But why would they eat toxic things?
It doesn't make sense.
I think from Saladinos report they live as long as we are, but they have high infant mortality, that is what screws up the statistics so people think they don't live as long.
Infant mortality is because they dont have modern medicine. Regardless now of bad stuff which modern medicine and the system are doing.
If you get past the age of 5 you are probably going to live into old age.


Jul 2, 2022
But why would they eat toxic things?
It doesn't make sense.
I think from Saladinos report they live as long as we are, but they have high infant mortality, that is what screws up the statistics so people think they don't live as long.
Infant mortality is because they dont have modern medicine. Regardless now of bad stuff which modern medicine and the system are doing.
If you get past the age of 5 you are probably going to live into old age.
That is true what Saladino said about child mortality, but living to like 70 or 80 I would argue is a relatively short lifespan. It is our perception that living to 80 is a big achievement. The average seed oil and vax ridden NPC in the west lives to 70-80 years of age. I think anyone who is health conscious should aim higher than that. At least 25-40% longer.


Jun 6, 2016
But why would they eat toxic things?
It doesn't make sense.

What's so difficult to understand there? Humans do things that aren't good for them all the time.

Why do people look up to savages who live in tiny shacks and haven't managed to create basic culture and civilization? The only thing they get roughly right is diet, because they are forced to eat what nature provides, as long as they don't have contact with civilization. So they at least don't outright poison themselves (except when they do, and die out as a consequence), but their diet is far from optimal, it is merely a diet they adapted to in their local environment.
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Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
What's so difficult to understand there? Humans do things that aren't good for them all the time.
But all the millions of years of evolution?
That is somehow wrong now?
I really want to believe you and Charlie, but it just breaks my brain when I see what tribes are eating and what charlie is proposing.
I find genuinely perplexing and intriguing...


Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
That is true what Saladino said about child mortality, but living to like 70 or 80 I would argue is a relatively short lifespan. It is our perception that living to 80 is a big achievement. The average seed oil and vax ridden NPC in the west lives to 70-80 years of age. I think anyone who is health conscious should aim higher than that. At least 25-40% longer.
But I just said it and you agreed with me.
It appears that they live until 70 or 80 because of child mortality, accidents in older age and no modern medicine to save them.
They live longer then that...


Jul 2, 2022
But I just said it and you agreed with me.
It appears that they live until 70 or 80 because of child mortality, accidents in older age and no modern medicine to save them.
They live longer then that...
What I am saying is that if they don't live past 100-110 they don't have a good diet and lifestyle.

Modern medicine is a double edge sword and probably the reason those who survive past 5yo live to 70-80 because of the lack of the childhood vaccines that limit our lifespan. Not that they have anywhere near perfect diet. But still 80 is no good is what I am saying.

Modern medicine is trash and better stay far away from it. I must be bleeding from all holes to go to a hospital. And even then they will probably kill me quicker if I decide to go. Better die at home.


Sep 27, 2015
But why is it then that those tribes in Africa are eating and praising liver, masai drinking milk and so on...
The copper and retinol in the liver are not going to be good for them but they can get away with a lot more when there is low exposure to toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and EMF which all damage the integrity of the bile duct membranes and cause the liver to leak bile into the blood. While the liver (of the eater) is able to keep the retinol stored away without much leakage then this leaves the short term effect of the high B-vitamins in the liver (that's being eaten) to make it seem like a short-term beneficial food.


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Jun 19, 2023
The copper and retinol in the liver are not going to be good for them but they can get away with a lot more when there is low exposure to toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and EMF which all damage the integrity of the bile duct membranes and cause the liver to leak bile into the blood. While the liver (of the eater) is able to keep the retinol stored away without much leakage then this leaves the short term effect of the high B-vitamins in the liver (that's being eaten) to make it seem like a short-term beneficial food.
So, eating liver then is a short term beneficial food if you live in a low toxin environment like Hadza. You never find out about Vitamin A toxicity because you can take the load of it. It doesn't affect them.
I mean, provided that you think B vitamins are essential for life?

Also, is Vitamin A essential for life, in any amount, or not?
I think it is important to call things by their proper name.
If Vitamin A is essential, even in tini tiny amount, then you cannot call it a toxin. That is an absolute statement.
It becomes toxic past the certain point.
The same for Vitamin B6.
So what is it? Essential or not?
Does anyone have a certain proof of either or?


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024

Whole oats provides starch and fat along with the soluble fibre.

That may help fill you up.

A little coconut and chocolate may help too.

(I have half a cup of flavoured milk on my oats morning and night. It is delicious but not strictly allowed!)
Thank you! I’ll try the whole oats. I also added a bit of raw milk to my oat bran. I’m not 100% convinced that all dairy is bad, but I’m limiting it now to see if it helps. It feels so hard to hit protein requirements without eggs and dairy, but I’m sure there’s a learning curve 😅


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
How to reconcile this with Paul Saladin's approach and the animal based advocates out there? And my own bias. But why is it then that those tribes in Africa are eating and praising liver, masai drinking milk and so on...
It feels totally counter intuitive.
Also this happy woman Mary Rudick traveling around the world, visiting different tribes....
@charlie I would appreciate your comment.
I’ve actually had the exact same thoughts as you. I’m sure there’s nuance to the vitamin A topic, as with everything.

From what I’ve read, the Maasai eat a diet of raw meat/milk/blood and some type of bitter herb soup. The muscle meat is going to be pretty low in A. The tribe will slaughter and eat from an entire cow which leaves very little organs to go around. I believe I read that organs and cow stomach contents go into the bitter stew and the whole tribe will share the stew. I’ve been on a raw meat diet before and raw fat is not palatable. A ribeye tastes delicious when cooked, but gross raw. Yet a sirloin is delicious raw, but when cooked is one of the worst cuts of meat.

I’m not convinced yet that raw milk is harmful. I’ve noticed that within the Ray Peat community all milk is pretty much treated the same, but imo it’s not. Store bought milk is over processed, from genetically modified cows on awful diets, with toxins added and fortified with high amounts of D and A. I know many people who can’t do store bought milk, but tolerate grassfed A2 raw milk perfectly and feel good on it. I believe real milk is much lower in A, especially if you skim the cream off. (Relating to this, I know plenty of people with autoimmune disease who can’t do conventional eggs or even store bought pasture raised, but see great results with real pasture raised eggs supplemented with only organic soy free/corn free feed.)

I’ve tried to research, but can really find what the vitamin A content in blood would be? If anyone knows please let me know 😅 But I believe it’s extremely high in B vitamins.

Either way it’s seems the Maasai may have a lower A diet than the general population and aren’t being exposed to synthetic A from fortified foods, not to mention that their livers are probably working pretty optimally from lack of exposure to environmental toxins, EMFs, vaccines and other meds, etc. They also spend all of their time outside in the sun and so having plenty of vitamin D will be protective against A.

I’m not sure if it’s true, but I’ve read that the Maasai have a pretty low infant mortality rate compared to other tribes and that they tend to live longer. There were many people claiming to be over 100, though some have disputed that they just keep track differently, so who knows?

In modern society it’s very hard to know what the optimal diet should be, because we live such suboptimal lives and I think that makes a huge difference.
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