Low Toxin Testimonials I was skeptical at first too, but the changes really are astounding...


May 3, 2019
Hey everyone, Ray here.

I'm 29, male.

I know many of you here, and elsewhere, involved in the 'Peatsphere' are extremely skeptical of this low toxin/low 'vitamin a' diet and lifestyle, and I understand your reservations, because I had them too.

I was very skeptical at first, primarily because this seemingly new approach contradicted many things that I believed to be true, from Peat's philosophies and my own 'scientific' understanding. Now to preface, I just want to share some of my story, and my goal is not necessarily to convince anyone to embark on this route indefinitely, but maybe to offer a perspective that would allow some to just give this a chance, perhaps. I'll try to summarize as best as I can and be somewhat brief. I don't wish to bore anyone.

I've been lurking, and at times personally involved in the Peat community since roughly ~2015-2016, and at that time I was extremely desperate to solve many health-related issues that I was having. I followed many philosophies and recommendations over the years from Peat and Georgi, who I still have incredible respect for. I made incredible progress in the beginning, or so I thought, but in recent years I felt almost as though I was going backwards. My experience was corroborated often by those who were going on this 'low vitamin a/toxin' endeavor. I was hesitant but intrigued.

Vitamin A, a poison? Never. I was in disbelief. I used to frequent scientific studies and reports of retinol, and how amazing it was for androgens, overall health, cognition, dopamine, etc. You could say I was in the pro-A crowd for many years. I've used, off-and-on, arguably toxic amounts of vitamin a, combined orally with T3, and even at times used it on the scrotum topically (I don't really want to go down that rabbit hole, as many here were already divided on how that could be unsafe/lowers LH, etc.). I made mistakes along the way and was never perfect, but overall, I followed a diet and lifestyle inspired by Peat principles for many years, that eventually seemed to hurt me.

Last year, especially the last quarter of 2023, I started to notice a decline in my health and wellbeing, that led me to the low toxin community, which I've been "peeking" into for the last couple of years to gain perspective. Thus, in January 2024, I went all in, to give it a try. I felt that if it didn't end up working well, I could just return to Peat's principles, and my former way, and not be much worse off.

I regret nothing.

Many things that I thought I knew were being challenged, and I accepted, and gave this approach a whole-hearted try. For the past 1.5-2 months, I've been doing a strict low a/low toxin diet and lifestyle, to an absolute tee, modeled after information from Dr. Garrett Smith, and @charlie as well. I've cut out all major sources of copper, vitamin a, dairy, caffeine, vitamin d3 (food/supplements), PUFA (was already doing this), spices, excessive fructose, nicotine (was already doing), alcohol, amongst some other nuances. My diet currently consists of (all organic/grass fed, etc.):

- Beef, Bison, Lamb, Venison
- Organic White Rice
- Organic Japanese Udon Noodles
- Iceberg Lettuce (Organic heads)
- Peeled Cucumber
- Capers
- Pad Thai/Rice Noodles
- Homemade sourdough bread
- Apples (1-2 daily)
- Bananas (1 or less a day)
- Pure White Sea Salt
- Purified/Distilled Water (the only liquid/beverage that I consume) **I add dextrose to my water from time to time.

This seems restrictive, but that's only by choice. The low toxin lifestyle has many options for those seeking more variety than me.

So far, this diet approach has been incredible. After the first week and a half, I felt fully transitioned (YMMV). My energy and well-being have been much better than they've been in quite some time.
Many involved in the low toxin community have mentioned phenomena like the liver "unlocking" and expelling massive quantities of toxin, after years of doing this approach. I don't know how, but I think I'm already entering those stages of detox.

After taking some dextrose with water last night before I slept, I woke up today with quite an experience. I've had some massive bile dumps this morning, and early afternoon, that I've never really experienced before. Literally out of nowhere, I had several instances of diarrhea, and one instance of vomiting. What was out of the ordinary, was that what was coming out of both ends has been nothing but pure thick yellow (bile/vitamin A I'm assuming) and absolutely no other substances or material; no food, nothing. It's just been this pure thick yellow liquid. It actually goes along with everything that I've been hearing and learning about this low toxin lifestyle. It 100% corroborates with the low toxin philosophies. It was hell at first, but now going into the evening, it has calmed down, and I feel absolutely incredible. I literally feel as though I've expelled some stored vitamin a/toxin, that may have been in my body for quite awhile. I feel an internal weight has been lifted after today. I know there will be more to come.

Not everyone will have the exact same experience as me, as I understand. I know some have been doing this approach for years and have yet to experience something of the likes at which I did. Maybe I'm just lucky, I don't know. I can't really explain this myself, but I'm seeing tangible results, and I can feel them too. Please, hear me out.

Kind of a tangent, sorry. I will finish by saying that God is good, always, and I'm thankful for this forum, @charlie, and this great awakening. I know to some it sounds crazy, but what do you really have to lose by giving this a shot? Seriously.

Edits: I seemed to be repeating myself some.

Edit 2: I failed to mention I'm also using (sparingly)

-Niacin + Sodium Bicarbonate or Potassium Bicarbonate
-Molybdenum, Zinc, Selenium, Topical Magnesium
-Hardwood Activated Charcoal

These are all tools, not staples. The diet overall is the key, for me.
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May 3, 2019
sounds like an infomercial
Lol sorry, not my intent. I've never made a post with as much text as this. Not my strong suit really. I tend to ramble and repeat myself. I wanted to try to be concise and get to the point. It is genuine.


Feb 10, 2013
so you've done this for a short amount of time and now know this is the one true path and must spread the message, why were you doing something that doesn't work for you for so long? And btw every vegan, paleo, keto etc follower will talk about their miraculous results at first. I've been peating for a good 12 years and I'm not experiencing the decline you're all promising.


May 3, 2019
so you've done this for a short amount of time and now know this is the one true path and must spread the message, why were you doing something that doesn't work for you for so long? And btw every vegan, paleo, keto etc follower will talk about their miraculous results at first. I've been peating for a good 12 years and I'm not experiencing the decline you're all promising.
I could be wrong. To be clear, I'm not saying that this is the end-all be-all, but it has worked for me so far. And yes, I understand your point. Maybe the miraculous results will diminish for me, in this case, or maybe not. I'm glad you've experienced no ill effects Peating, but that has not been the case for many others.


Mar 26, 2014
in recent years I felt almost as though I was going backwards. My experience was corroborated often by those who were going on this 'low vitamin a/toxin' endeavor. I was hesitant but intrigued.

Vitamin A, a poison? Never. I was in disbelief. I used to frequent scientific studies and reports of retinol, and how amazing it was for androgens, overall health, cognition, dopamine, etc. You could say I was in the pro-A crowd for many years. I've used, off-and-on, arguably toxic amounts of vitamin a, combined orally with T3, and even at times used it on the scrotum topically (I don't really want to go down that rabbit hole, as many here were already divided on how that could be unsafe/lowers LH, etc.). I made mistakes along the way and was never perfect, but overall, I followed a diet and lifestyle inspired by Peat principles for many years, that eventually seemed to hurt me.
This is very similar to my own thoughts and experiences. Many years ago I followed a vegan diet, so I am used to formulating and sticking to a diet. After that it was paleo, and of course liver consumption.

I know there is no such thing as a prescribed Ray Peat diet but elements of the suggestions don't seem to work for me, or at least don't do much. I've seen it said it could take a lifetime to fully understand Ray's work, and I don't think I could even given many lifetimes. However that is not to say that the depth and breadth of it makes it infallible. If it's likely an average person cannot fully come to understand it, then we are at a crossroads. How do you proceed if you never know what the right thing within a paradigm is?

If nothing comes of trying out the low vitamin A experiment then so be it.

I think one of the most important parts of his work is PUFAs, I still believe he was absolutely correct about them.

Maybe the other parts of his work just aren't compatible with my physiology, that's not his fault and he never claimed to be an ultimate healer.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
so you've done this for a short amount of time and now know this is the one true path and must spread the message, why were you doing something that doesn't work for you for so long?
Speaking for myself, I did not know where to go after Peat. I did a real short stint in fruitarianism because I was so sick and desperate from Peating but that did not last long. The Peat food recommendations were killing me but I just did not know anywhere else to go so I came back to it until I figured out the low toxin way.

And what is wrong with him being excited because he is experiencing exactly what many of us has said he would experience? And now, his health and well being will just continue to get better and better and better. He is on the fast track to health. One would think you would be happy from him but your tone says otherwise.


May 3, 2019
If nothing comes of trying out the low vitamin A experiment then so be it.

I think one of the most important parts of his work is PUFAs, I still believe he was absolutely correct about them.

Maybe the other parts of his work just aren't compatible with my physiology, that's not his fault and he never claimed to be an ultimate healer.
Absolutely. Well said @Peater

I still try to avoid PUFA personally, as I see that as a toxin as well. Peat was right, there.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I know there is no such thing as a prescribed Ray Peat diet but elements of the suggestions don't seem to work for me, or at least don't do much. I've seen it said it could take a lifetime to fully understand Ray's work, and I don't think I could even given many lifetimes. However that is not to say that the depth and breadth of it makes it infallible. If it's likely an average person cannot fully come to understand it, then we are at a crossroads. How do you proceed if you never know what the right thing within a paradigm is?
That is what is so beautiful about this new paradigm, it is so simple. It's truly liberating. Life gets so easy and full of so much energy and not so many rabbit holes and nuances you need to try and figure out. I feel like I have been set free from captivity.


May 3, 2019
And what is wrong with him being excited because he is experiencing exactly what many of us has said he would experience? And now, his health and well being will just continue to get better and better and better. He is on the fast track to health. One would think you would be happy from him but your tone says otherwise.
Exactly, Charlie.

To the naysayers, I apologize that I'm coming off as a giddy child rambling about how great this is, because honestly, I feel like one at the moment. I feel my health beginning to peak and optimize, in ways I've never felt.

To those of you that have had zero issues with Peating (whatever that means to the individual), I can't convince you otherwise.

To the others that are struggling, or have struggled, I hear you, and maybe just MAYBE this could be a helpful solution. That's all I'm saying.


Feb 10, 2013
Speaking for myself, I did not know where to go after Peat. I did a real short stint in fruitarianism because I was so sick and desperate from Peating but that did not last long. The Peat food recommendations were killing me but I just did not know anywhere else to go so I came back to it until I figured out the low toxin way.

And what is wrong with him being excited because he is experiencing exactly what many of us has said he would experience? And now, his health and well being will just continue to get better and better and better. He is on the fast track to health. One would think you would be happy from him but your tone says otherwise.
glad it's working for both of you but Ray's ideas work for some of us too, and no one seems to be happy about that, we just get told it's bad for us and we are on the wrong path. I think we can all read about each others experiences and decide for ourselves anyway. If it sounds good to some and Ray's ideas haven't worked for them then they may decide to try it.


May 3, 2019
why were you doing something that doesn't work for you for so long?
Again, to be clear, I felt great with a Peat inspired approach at first. It wasn't until the end, that things seemed to turn on me negatively, albeit rather quickly.
glad it's working for both of you but Ray's ideas work for some of us too, and no one seems to be happy about that, we just get told it's bad for us and we are on the wrong path. I think we can all read about each others experiences and decide for ourselves anyway. If it sounds good to some and Ray's ideas haven't worked for them then they may decide to try it.
Genuinely agree with you here @Mephisto

I guess that's my point. I never attempted to demonize those like yourself that seem to be having zero issues. I'm offering my experience to show some that this could be a potential solution, if they're struggling. I honestly think we're on the same page with that.


Mar 26, 2014
glad it's working for both of you but Ray's ideas work for some of us too, and no one seems to be happy about that,
I fully admit I'm not only happy for but jealous of men who have managed to get lean and athletic, which was my goal, getting metabolism just right, that must be the missing piece as the rest of my diet and training was totally dialled in. I saw Ray's work as like "Paleo+" (that's a compliment) now I'm sure to manage to lean up this stupid 'skinnyfat' physique that never seems to improve...it didn't. And that's not Ray's fault.

I think just seeing the recent talk has got me to admit it to myself and try a slightly different tangent. So I still put down avoiding PUFA in the "Benefits of RP" Column*. Paleo was still touting O3 when I was part of the crowd .

*Edit: and red light/heat lamps. I am in love with my 150w infrared therapy light.
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purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
glad it's working for both of you but Ray's ideas work for some of us too, and no one seems to be happy about that, we just get told it's bad for us and we are on the wrong path. I think we can all read about each others experiences and decide for ourselves anyway. If it sounds good to some and Ray's ideas haven't worked for them then they may decide to try it.
why not start a thread with success stories to bring some balance? Would be interesting to see how many people are succeeding with the usual recommendations on here long term, tbh i've not seen many come out in defense this way.


Feb 10, 2013
Again, to be clear, I felt great with a Peat inspired approach at first. It wasn't until the end, that things seemed to turn on me negatively, albeit rather quickly.

Genuinely agree with you here @Mephisto

I guess that's my point. I never attempted to demonize those like yourself that seem to be having zero issues. I'm offer my experience to show some that this could be a potential solution, if they're struggling. I honestly think we're on the same page with that.
that's great, i hope your new approach continues to work for you
I fully admit I'm not only happy for but jealous of men who have managed to get lean and athletic, which was my goal, getting metabolism just right, that must be the missing piece as the rest of my diet and training was totally dialled in. I saw Ray's work as like "Paleo+" (that's a compliment) now I'm sure to manage to lean up this stupid 'skinnyfat' physique that never seems to improve...it didn't. And that's not Ray's fault.
honestly i don't think that was ever his goal when it comes to diet, you have to stress your body quite a bit to get that super lean muscular look, weight was never my issue going into ray peat, actually i was an anorexic into weightlifting and started following him at a bmi of 11, and in really poor health. His writing about all the stress hormones made me feel bad about what I'm doing to my body cause it made me visualize my poor cells suffering hah.
why not start a thread with success stories to bring some balance? Would be interesting to see how many people are succeeding with the usual recommendations on here long term, tbh i've not seen many come out in defense this way.
I think a lot of people just move on from discussing diet if they found something that works for them so if they don't have health problems to discuss they come less and less, I myself mostly lurked here and there, but his death brought me back to the forum more often, and i still enjoyed reading the non diet related posts from like-minded people.


Mar 26, 2014
honestly i don't think that was ever his goal when it comes to diet, you have to stress your body quite a bit to get that super lean muscular look, weight was never my issue going into ray peat, actually i was an anorexic into weightlifting and started following him at a bmi of 11, and in really poor health. His writing about all the stress hormones made me feel bad about what I'm doing to my body cause it made me visualize my poor cells suffering hah.

True, he's not an athletic coach. But I did think the stress hormones stuff (which makes sense) and of course lowering estrogen would help my "cortisol belly", but it hasn't. My cells don't know I'm eating to reduce cortisol, they just know I'm eating...and at some point eating to lower cortisol becomes over eating (or eating in a way my body doesn't like) while cortisol remains unchanged.

The thyroid, the healthily energetic hormones etc, it all seemed like the final missing piece. Of course my body could be fundamentally broken, I'm not denying that at all. I am N = me doing my best to understand a lifelong Dr's work. And now I'll never get to ask him, so I am back to trying to sort it out on my own.


Sep 23, 2017
why not start a thread with success stories to bring some balance? Would be interesting to see how many people are succeeding with the usual recommendations on here long term, tbh i've not seen many come out in defense this way.

There is a Low Vitamin A Diet Testimonials thread on the forum:

But then perhaps you meant success stories of people following RP ideas. Sorry if I've misunderstood.
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