Low Toxin Diet Vitamin A and Autism


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Feb 11, 2024
This is a topic I haven’t seen addressed on here yet, so I figured I’d start a discussion and I’d love to hear input.

I’m a new member, but long time lurker of the RP Forum. My health journey started around 6 years ago, when after the birth of my second baby I was having a ton of unexplained symptoms with zero answers from the medical community.

I did a year of a raw vegan diet (emphasis on fruitarian) and was left much worse off than before. I was breastfeeding my baby and was under 100lbs at 5'4". I did more research and went from vegan to carnivore diet, but with raw milk, and then after a few months discovered the primal diet community and switched to a fully raw primal diet. After I few months on primal I felt amazing. My severe acne completely disappeared, acne scars healed, teeth remineralized, period came back and was completely pain free, my body composition was crazy, I built muscle without trying and curves in all the right places, stopped burning in the sun, no more chemical sensitivities, no more anxiety, no more brain fog, so many benefits. However, my hair loss was crazy, coming out in big clumps, and I couldn't figure it out, and after a bit I also started suffering from extreme fatigue, which the primal diet community assured me was just "detox". These are two big things I notice the majority of primal dieters suffering from, btw. Important to note that primal diet is very high in organ meats, animal fat, and raw full fat dairy.

During this time, I conceived my third baby, and during my pregnancy went back to eating more cooked foods, and eating a more WAPF style diet but with some primal diet principles, because of nausea. My diet was relatively low carb and high fat during this time and I noticed some major blood sugar issues. I would eat a big meal and my blood sugar would get so low I'd feel like passing out. Also at this time, I was taking high doses of AS organ pills, especially Blood vitality (liver, spleen, and blood).Besides the blood sugar issue, I had a healthy pregnancy and a homebirth with no complications.

After birth, I was very strict to stay in for 40 days, resting and eating nourishing foods. My diet at this time was lots of rice congee with bone broth, small amounts of meat, warmed raw milk with honey, herbal teas, eggs, and other warm nourishing foods. I didn’t do any organ meats as I just couldn’t stomach them at the time. I felt amazing during this time and in the months after, and then when my son was 10 months I conceived my 4th baby. During this time, I started incorporating more RP principles and I found I craved carbs like crazy during that pregnancy. My diet mainly consisted of muscle meat, eggs, and carbs mostly in the form of fruit, orange juice, potatoes, rice, sugar, maple syrup, honey. I couldn't stomach organ meats or milk though I did do some raw milk kefir, yogurt, and plenty of butter. I had a wild pregnancy and a freebirth, although I did go to a GP once and requested a full thyroid panel and found that my TSH was slightly high. My t4 was on the low range of normal and free t3 was sky high (To note, I had gone and had my TSH tested several times over the years and always came back "normal" and couldn't get a doctor to run a full panel. They only even agreed this time because I was pregnant and fibbed a bit and told them my midwife had requested it.) I was prescribed a low dose of levo but stopped taking it, because it made me feel awful. I didn't feel my best during that pregnancy, but tried my best to eat a healthy diet and stay active and had no complications and my daughter was born very healthy. She just turned a year old yesterday.

Sorry this has gotten long winded, but my purpose in posting is that my third baby, who is now 2.5 started showing obvious signs of autism at 12 months and when he was closer to two it became undeniable and other people started to notice too. He does not have a formal diagnosis yet as we are waiting for Medicaid to come through to start the process, but at this point it isn't even a question. He 100% is autistic. It has really baffled me because I was eating what I thought was an incredibly health diet before conception and during pregnancy. I had an all natural pregnancy and a homebirth, no meds or vaccines ever, he's been EBF since birth and still breastfeeds. He's had grassfed raw milk since 6 months and I started him on solids with what I thought were extremely healthy foods (egg yolk, beef, beef liver, salmon Roe), I've tried to keep our lifestyle as toxin free as possible and still my son has autism. I know autism is more complex than many give it credit for, but it's still been so baffling to me. And my daughter conceived only 10 months after this birth shows zero signs of autism. In fact, she's incredibly advanced. Walking at 9 months, talking since 6 months, has surpassed all the milestones, and her cognition is that of a two year old. At a year old she participates in advanced pretend play and follows instructions at an advanced level among other things. My two oldest were conceived when I was basically on SAD diet, both hospital births, my oldest had a couple vaccines after age 2, and yet both appear very healthy and my oldest is also advanced for his age. He reads college neuroscience and physics textbooks for fun and understands things that sometimes I can barely comprehend. No one believe his age (11) when they talk to him. He’s also very comfortable in social situations and makes friends easily. No signs of autism. And I apologize if any of this come off as a brag, because I really don't intend it to, I just feel like it does give some context to what I’m dealing with.

I've tried so many things to help my younger son, seemingly to no avail, although I do realize it takes more time. His digestion seems fine, he has healthy bowel movements each day and no constipation or bloating. He rarely if ever gets sick and has no outright physical health problems. He’s never even had so much as a rash. He is right on track for his growth, even big for his age. He eats well (eggs, beef, fruit, and milk are the majority of his diet) and no obvious allergies. He also sleeps well the majority of the time. However, he is non verbal, stims almost constantly, has poor cognition, and only participates in sensory play, no correctly playing with toys, and has very little interest in other children even his siblings. He also has very bad dark circles that none of my children have ever had and I can’t figure out how to resolve them.

I admit that when I first saw low vitamin A diet spoken about years ago, I did not even consider that it would have any validity. I’m sure there is some nuance, as with everything, but now reading through the forum in the last few weeks I’m wondering if my two year old and I could be suffering from vitamin A toxicity and if there may be a link to vitamin A toxicity and autism.

I’m putting my two year old and I, both, on a low vitamin A diet and will try to report back any results I see. The thing that really appeals to me is that feel that there is literally nothing to lose. There’s no possibility of danger like with certain other diets and supplements. If anyone has had a similar experience or has seen any info relating to vitamin A toxicity and autism, I’d love to hear from you…or anyone else that has any input. Thanks in advance!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


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Feb 11, 2024
Hi @lilrawhoney, welcome to the forum. :welcome

I just did a quick search on Dr. Garrett Smiths live stream videos and found this live stream he did connecting autism with "toxic bile theory".

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hK10uuW-Rn4&t

If anyone is else is interested in doing searches of the live streams you can do so by going to the link below and there is a place to search right next to "community" that will search just his live streams.

Thank you, Charlie and thanks for sharing this!!


Sep 27, 2015
I’m putting my two year old and I, both, on a low vitamin A diet and will try to report back any results I see. The thing that really appeals to me is that feel that there is literally nothing to lose. There’s no possibility of danger like with certain other diets and supplements. If anyone has had a similar experience or has seen any info relating to vitamin A toxicity and autism, I’d love to hear from you…or anyone else that has any input. Thanks in advance!
Grant Genereux's book Poisoning for Profits argues (in my opinion convincingly) that autism is caused by vitamin A toxicity. The book is available for free download on his blog.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Here is the link for the free download of Grant Genereux's e-books:



Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
Grant Genereux's book Poisoning for Profits argues (in my opinion convincingly) that autism is caused by vitamin A toxicity. The book is available for free download on his blog.
Thank you! I’m going to downloading it now. Honestly, after copious amounts of research, this is the ONLY theory that makes sense to me, in regards to autism.

Another thing is, over the years I’ve become increasingly suspicious of the Weston Price Foundation as a large majority of their long term members don’t appear to be healthy and there’s a phenomenon of many of them dying early from various cancers. Their diet revolves around high vitamin A intake. I obviously can’t say for sure what the reason for this is, but it’s one thing that made me see some validity in the low A community.
Grant Genereux's book Poisoning for Profits argues (in my opinion convincingly) that autism is caused by vitamin A toxicity. The book is available for free download on his blog.


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Feb 11, 2024
Just wanted to come back and report that in my short time on this diet, my temps have been steadily around 98.2 upon waking every morning and never lower than 97.9. Ever since I gave my birth to my youngest, last March, my temps have been mid 96s to low 97s. Both my cold and heat intolerance has remarkably improved. My 2 year old constantly had freezing hands and feet that I could never figure out. His palms and soles were also often bright red. His hands and feet are warm now and the color has normalized. All of my children have had healthier coloring return to their faces and my two year olds chronic dark circles are noticeably better.


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
Just wanted to come back and report that in my short time on this diet, my temps have been steadily around 98.2 upon waking every morning and never lower than 97.9. Ever since I gave my birth to my youngest, last March, my temps have been mid 96s to low 97s. Both my cold and heat intolerance has remarkably improved. My 2 year old constantly had freezing hands and feet that I could never figure out. His palms and soles were also often bright red. His hands and feet are warm now and the color has normalized. All of my children have had healthier coloring return to their faces and my two year olds chronic dark circles are noticeably better.
Wow, this is amazing so far! Please keep us posted. I've been on the similar path of following Weston A Price for years and was diligent with my last 2 children on WAP guidelines, but yet they both have issues with ADD and mood issues (girls, ages 16 and 11, non vaxxxxxed). I do have 2 older daughters who were chronically sick, but they started out being vaxxxxed and following a more SAD diet, including myself, with some added high vitamin A foods (especially raw carrots daily). To the delight of my children, I'm no longer enforcing the raw carrots at lunch, LOL! They won't eat legumes though. Start them when they are younger, it's so much easier!! Even my husband won't eat them!!


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Dec 11, 2023
I can't shake the raw milk though in the house, only because I'm still trying to figure out the calcium intake. Calcium is very confusing!! I'm not drinking it now, nor having any dairy just because I'm experimenting on just myself now. It's hard to start to change food items in the house when I don't have the answers, so if anyone has a good summary on calcium and why dairy products aren't necessary, that would be helpful (just to give context, we owned dairy goats for a few years, and I even owned a dairy cow for 1 1/2 years due to the passion I had about drinking raw milk, so I do need more than just 'milk is bad' to tame my passions, LOL).


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
Good one @lilrawhoney!

Are you now avoiding dairy & liver and going light on greens, carrots and OJ?
Thank you! I’ve still been having small amounts of raw milk, but no liver, carrots, or OJ. The only greens I have are occasional iceberg or romaine lettuce.


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
Wow, this is amazing so far! Please keep us posted. I've been on the similar path of following Weston A Price for years and was diligent with my last 2 children on WAP guidelines, but yet they both have issues with ADD and mood issues (girls, ages 16 and 11, non vaxxxxxed). I do have 2 older daughters who were chronically sick, but they started out being vaxxxxed and following a more SAD diet, including myself, with some added high vitamin A foods (especially raw carrots daily). To the delight of my children, I'm no longer enforcing the raw carrots at lunch, LOL! They won't eat legumes though. Start them when they are younger, it's so much easier!! Even my husband won't eat them!!
My children have taken surprisingly well to beans, although I’m sure they thought I was a little nuts, as I was big on no beans for years 😅 my 2 year old is hit or miss with them, but when I can’t get him to eat beans I add sun fiber to his drinks. I also make “pancakes” using banana, oatmeal or oat bran, and egg, because he won’t eat straight oatmeal. I have a really good source for freshly milled sourdough bread as well and he really enjoys that.

We also haven’t cut raw milk in my house, we just aren’t consuming as much anymore. I also had a big passion for raw milk and even though I’m open to being wrong about it, I firmly believe that it’s nowhere near an issue like the pasteurized milk they sell in the stores. I haven't been giving it to my 2 year old though, as he will easily get in the habit of only drinking milk and refusing to eat.

My 5 year old girl also shows many signs of ADHD. I believe she suffers from sleep apnea as well. So I’m really hoping this way of eating will help her too. I’ve already noticed she’s sleep better and waking up early in the morning like she’s well rested, which is a huge change! I’ll definitely keep you updated! It’s comforting to hear from other mothers 💕
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