There Are Extraordinarily Big Waves Being Made In The Understanding Of Reality Right Now


Mar 2, 2016
Yesterday Steven Wolfram published an article entitled "Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful." In it he describes some of the work he has been doing for the past 50 years, on a subject called cellular automata. Basically cellular automata are systems that - from a very simple set of rules - can evolve to remarkably complex manifestations. He has recently started work on this again and has made major breakthroughs, all in a very short period of time. Please follow the link and read.

I Never Expected This

The article describes the concepts of hypergraphs, abstract relations between abstract elements. It goes on to describe the results of the evolution of systems from different sets of rules, from the simplest ternary (three part) self-loop, to sets of rules defined at random. It then goes on to attempt a definition of what "space" actually is, in the context of a field metric like Euclidean or Riemannian geometry ("flat" or "curved" space.)


Isn’t this strange? We have a rule that’s just specifying how to rewrite pieces of an abstract hypergraph, with no notion of geometry, or anything about 3D space. And yet it produces a hypergraph that’s naturally laid out as something that looks like a 3D surface.

And this is basically how I think space in the universe works. Underneath, it’s a bunch of discrete, abstract relations between abstract points. But at the scale we’re experiencing it, the pattern of relations it has makes it seem like continuous space of the kind we’re used to. It’s a bit like what happens with, say, water. Underneath, it’s a bunch of discrete molecules bouncing around. But to us it seems like a continuous fluid.

Needless to say, people have thought that space might ultimately be discrete ever since antiquity. But in modern physics there was never a way to make it work—and anyway it was much more convenient for it to be continuous, so one could use calculus. But now it’s looking like the idea of space being discrete is actually crucial to getting a fundamental theory of physics.

The article continues expansion and eventually derives Einstein's special relativity, including curvature tensors, along with the Feynman path integrals of quantum mechanics. In my opinion, the ideas expressed here are a huge deal. The concepts discussed within will allow us to understand relationships in a fundamentally different way. Progress in theoretical physics over the last 50 years has stalled entirely, and I think it's because we haven't been asking the right questions. We haven't been asking the right questions because fundamentally we had a complete misunderstanding between the relationships of elements.

Once we begin to understand discrete temporal circuits, causal relationships, and how space is rendered, things like time, energy, and mass will be much different concepts. Turbulence and temporal decoherence will be better understood. Ultimately, I believe the information this article is describing may lead to an undoing of reality, or loss of the cosmological dialectic. I think this is the goal of the beast and is described as the abomination of desolation in the book of Daniel. Heed this warning - human thought and will is not God, no matter our level of understanding. We may become intellectually advanced enough to potently alter reality with our thoughts. We may have sufficiently advanced technology to apparently remove all sources of suffering from our lives. Take care that you are not deceived. Christ said "love your enemies," anti-christ says "I have no enemies." Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and the number is hexocentrum hexodecum hex.


The speed of light c in our toy system is defined by the maximum rate at which information can propagate, which is determined by the rule, and in the case of this rule is one character per step. And in terms of this, we can then say that our foliation corresponds to a speed 0.3 c. But now we can look at the amount of time dilation, and it’s exactly the amount y=1/(sqrt(1-(v^2/c^2)) that relativity says it should be.


Feb 13, 2016
If space is discrete, to me that strongly implies that we live in a simulation.


Jan 6, 2019
If space is discrete, to me that strongly implies that we live in a simulation.
What does discrete even mean when applied to the cosmos? Some kind of multidimensional web of everythingness where each point is connected to every other point?


Oct 11, 2016
Few are more mainstream and restricted in a reality understanding than Wolfram!


Feb 13, 2016
What does discrete even mean when applied to the cosmos? Some kind of multidimensional web of everythingness where each point is connected to every other point?

I took it to mean unable to be broken down infinitesimally. For example a movie, no matter how high resolution it is, can always be broken down into pixels which can't further be broken down. As opposed to something which is continuous.

Discrete to me implies digital. But what does it matter to me whether the universe is digital or analog, I'm no physicist and I can't use that knowledge in any way lol.
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Jun 19, 2017
If space is discrete, to me that strongly implies that we live in a simulation.
The space does look like a discrete but there is a connection among discrete points by potentiality see e.g., Adopting Aristotle's Views Resolves The "paradoxes" In Quantum Mechanics And Consciousness

and I have this quote from Ray Peat saved (but I don't remember from where) :
"In the first philosophy course I took, Ramon Xirau, talking about Plato and Aristotle, made me realize what a big thing it was for Aristotle to focus on “becoming,” rather than “being.” The stuff we inherit, moment by moment, from our past, is an occasion for our choices, so it’s all possibility, rather than causality."

This is, maybe, what Wolfram is up to with his cellular automata that have probabilities assigned to transitions which may be akin to potentiality. (I haven't read the article yet, however).


Jan 6, 2019
I took it to mean unable to be broken down infinitesimally. For example a movie, no matter how high resolution it is, can always be broken down into pixels which can't further be broken down. As opposed to something which is continuous.

Discrete to me implies digital. But what does it matter to me whether the universe is digital or analog, I'm no physicist and I can't use that knowledge in any way lol.
Why does discrete imply digital? Not sure I get the idea.


Sep 24, 2016
What does a simulation that achieves awareness of it being one become?

Except from getting its plug pulled?


Mar 18, 2020
Is it "backwardation" ? :D


Jul 23, 2018
Of course the creator of Wolfram Alpha wants you to believe that space and reality are discrete- and therefore the approximations performed in Wolfram Alpha are actually correct. Im sure he's in bed with the Matlab mafia.

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! These people want you to forget the power of the INFINITESIMAL.

"The Lord Said" == "DIXIT DOMINUS" == "D.D" == "D.X." ==dX == infinitesimal


Oct 11, 2016
Of course the creator of Wolfram Alpha wants you to believe that space and reality are discrete- and therefore the approximations performed in Wolfram Alpha are actually correct. Im sure he's in bed with the Matlab mafia.

WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!! These people want you to forget the power of the INFINITESIMAL.

"The Lord Said" == "DIXIT DOMINUS" == "D.D" == "D.X." ==dX == infinitesimal

Funny how parody of conspiracy theorists have become indistinguishable from reality. Yes, someone who is invested in materialism and the church of science will produce software that is mostly just useful for his purposes. It doesn't have to be on purpose. In light of the OP's use of 666... These silly materialists think we're on a rock traveling 66,000mph through space while spinning on a 66.6 degree tilt. Indeed; wake up.


Feb 18, 2016
I’d take this with a grain of salt, he claims to have defined energy and I didn’t really get that from it.
Like many have said about wolfram before he has worked with computer programmers for too long and sees it in everything.

Is he describing energy as a sort of slippage of molecules?

You can already alter reality with your thoughts.
Peat was speaking somewhere recently about the universe being analog ,can’t recall where .


May 8, 2017
But now there’s a crucial question. If we just start enumerating very simple rules, how far are we going to have to go before we find our universe? Or, put another way, just how simple is the rule for our universe going to end up being?
If you want to find which universes support life and you have eternity, run a bunch of simulations in a multiverse processor and wait for something to talk back. Not my field but shades of holographic principle.

Several people and organizations have secrets to hide and if people became more powerful no matter how responsible it threatens them, and every authoritarian in history has had reason to embed ethics of self-restriction in the latest religion while survival is all anyone knew. We're talking more like spider-man. I'm not worried about altering the present with my mind, but what would happen if everyone suddenly developed remote viewing?


Feb 13, 2016
I'm really curious, why do you think that discrete space would imply that we live in a simulation?

Digital sounds, generated by a synthesizer, have discrete waveforms but something generated by an organic instrument such as a live piano is continuous (well, if the universe is discrete, this isn't true, but I think it's ok to say it for the sake of analogy). Analog/continuous is a sign of being organic because it has infinite detail and complexity. To program something in infinite detail requires infinite energy, which is why computers, with a finite energy supply and finite time for programming/processing, have to settle for discrete. If you had infinite energy, why would you settle for discrete/less detail? Discrete implies programmed, finite energy implies something that is externally powered.

That was my thought process.


Aug 17, 2016
Digital sounds, generated by a synthesizer, have discrete waveforms but something generated by an organic instrument such as a live piano is continuous (well, if the universe is discrete, this isn't true, but I think it's ok to say it for the sake of analogy). Analog/continuous is a sign of being organic because it has infinite detail and complexity. To program something in infinite detail requires infinite energy, which is why computers, with a finite energy supply and finite time for programming/processing, have to settle for discrete. If you had infinite energy, why would you settle for discrete/less detail? Discrete implies programmed, finite energy implies something that is externally powered.

That was my thought process.
I like your thought process. (analog)


May 19, 2017
Digital sounds, generated by a synthesizer, have discrete waveforms but something generated by an organic instrument such as a live piano is continuous (well, if the universe is discrete, this isn't true, but I think it's ok to say it for the sake of analogy). Analog/continuous is a sign of being organic because it has infinite detail and complexity. To program something in infinite detail requires infinite energy, which is why computers, with a finite energy supply and finite time for programming/processing, have to settle for discrete. If you had infinite energy, why would you settle for discrete/less detail? Discrete implies programmed, finite energy implies something that is externally powered.

That was my thought process.
Wow, this is cool :): Are you a musican / sound engineer?


Feb 13, 2016
Wow, this is cool :): Are you a musican / sound engineer?

It used to be a hobby, until I accepted I was too left-brained to make anything decent lol.
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