Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I know this is a health forum. But exactly that is what has been put at hand to all of us. To not be supplement freaks or to not know with what one is stumbling, but to have clear sight.

The world is about to change drastically. Some will wake up, others won't.

The world is about to wake up to all the decades of work not done. Of having looked the other way, and a lot of people that have suffered for that. Lots of people have committed suicide because of having been abandoned. Others have developed addictions, and others are contemplating suicide everyday.

And what is coming may look shocking to anyone. But we must make hope breach through this, because there is.

The world is about to see the destruction of one of the biggest works of the Devil: the Matrix.

The Matrix has been installed after the French Revolution. Little by little, as people thought that it was something to celebrate. That's how we have been slow-cooked as a society. People eventually minding their own bubble and living like islands, in an all-connected world.

We have just been saved from a worldwide genocide, lots of people still don't know. But the same lack of work done, and all the social engineering of the common enemy has left us in a very uncomfortable situation. This means the world, specially the western world has been plagued with psychopaths, with bad weeds. With people that have got corrupted and have no way back. Just some will be able to get corrected. But we will find ourselves having to be quick with the back to normal.

Standards must be set, all those pertaining to common sense, but reality will show a lot of people the truth of the words I have just written.

What I am asking is, please, pass the message. I don't speak "conspiracy theories". I speak solutions. I speak hope, and education.

To bring back normal, to bring truth, God is bringing the Argentinian Revolution of 2024. This is what is about to happen.

And it will be replicated in all the world.

That it be done, and well done.

We need worldwide cooperation.

Asking again, share the files: the free E-book Modern Procer Project NOW!, and the series of four articles made an E-book too. These are the guidelines of the Project.

The website is

And please, help with translations. When the thing be on us, we will appreciate we received help because we did things with a brain. (GitHub link)

Thank you so much.​


  • Modern Procer Project NOW! - Guillermo Yacante Afonso [E-book].pdf
    1 MB · Views: 0
  • The Articles - Guillermo Yacante Afonso [].pdf
    857.2 KB · Views: 0
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I want to make it very clear.

We need soldiers, and we need health for that.

The mindwork has already been put at hand, that was the most difficult and it is all a gift of God.

We need to set people free from their cages of mental conditioning.

Lots of chronic illnesses are just symptoms of poisoning.

And we need to free hemodialysis for that. How are we going to do it? Do you think Big Pharma will be happy about it? Or the WHO?

All the guidelines have been marked in the writings. Time to act. Remember every person around us affects us. The same every country of the world, affects the neighboring.

The cure of "autism", besides using hemodialysis properly, is administering the acetylcholinesterase reactivators*. We need to pass the message. Are we going to trust in labeled vials? All this terrorism has been done in purpose. We need to produce and secure these medicines ourselves. *edit: is mainly hemodialysis alone. Just cleaning the blood, simple as that.

Let the obvious be told, the dose makes the poison, or the medicine, and the way of administration.

Please, move it.​
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Jun 21, 2015
I know this is a health forum. But exactly that is what has been put at hand to all of us. To not be supplement freaks or to not know with what one is stumbling, but to have clear sight.

The world is about to change drastically. Some will wake up, others won't.

The world is about to wake up to all the decades of work not done. Of having looked the other way, and a lot of people that have suffered for that. Lots of people have committed suicide because of having been abandoned. Others have developed addictions, and others are contemplating suicide everyday.

And what is coming may look shocking to anyone. But we must make hope breach through this, because there is.

The world is about to see the destruction of one of biggests works of the Devil: the Matrix.

The Matrix has been installed after the French Revolution. Little by little, as people thought that it was something to celebrate. That's how we have been slow-cooked as a society. People eventually minding their own bubble and living like islands, in an all-connected world.

We have just been saved from a worldwide genocide, lots of people still don't know. But the same lack of work done, and all the social engineering of the common enemy has left us in a very uncomfortable situation. This means the world, specially the western world has been plagued with psychopaths, with bad weeds. With people that have got corrupted and have no way back. Just some will be able to get corrected. But we will find ourselves having to be quick with the back to normal.

Standards must be set, all those pertaining to common sense, but reality will show a lot of people the truth of the words I have just written.

What I am asking is, please, pass the message. I don't speak "conspiracy theories". I speak solutions. I speak hope, and education.

To bring back normal, to bring truth, God is bringing the Argentinian Revolution of 2024. This is what is about to happen.

And it will be replicated in all the world.

That it be done, and well done.

We need worldwide cooperation.

Asking again, share the files: the free E-book Modern Procer Project NOW!, and the series of four articles made an E-book too. These are the guidelines of the Project.

The website is

And please, help with translations. When the thing be on us, we will appreciate we received help because we did things with a brain. (GitHub link)

Thank you so much.
You mean by king louis XIV?

what does the future have in store for us?
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
If you don't know how to pronounce my name, call me Guillotine.

And remember that the worst terrorists love the cassocks. Stay away from them because under their baggy clothes they could carry anything. Remember the mentality of the psychopaths, if they are going down, they would want to drag with them as many as they could.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
And some psychopaths don't play the religious so much. These would want to go down in public places.

If you see this, cross yourselves.

And feel proud about it. Anyone getting angry is to get laid as well. To get horizontal.

Bring the Holy One.

The Holy Ex.


Oct 12, 2020
Sorry but you guys are sounding very cringe. Thanks for my daily dose of it. LoL. Nothing is changing, the world is just going worse and worse and it will stay like that until we exterminate the Joos from the planet and give the federal reserve back to its real owners. They are the root of all evil.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I plan on making this my last post for now.

Please, print everything.

Imagine there will be power shortages in all the world, but don't worry, God is sending His.

Barabbas be damned. It's Jesus who has saved the world again. The real Jesus, not the imposters. The one that has done it through His spirit. And that is to return soon.

Remember to have print Bibles too. The recommended version in English is the King James Version.

Regarding food and resources, remember there is enough for everyone if the bad weeds are plucked away. Do this among the priorities.

The common enemy are the psychopaths, worldwide.

And don't forget about my personal petition:

The Pope, the today Argentinian Anti-Christ be flying away from his balcony into Saint Peter's Square, and be made a mashed potato.

That's what he deserves.

That so it be.​

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