New world order = good?


Apr 17, 2019
You are a genuinely rude person. This kind of response sums up why this forum has gone downhill over the past year. You hardcore great resetters - and even if it's all true, it's fair to say you are literally OBSESSED with it, to the point of mental illness - won't hear even the faintest whiff of scepticism or doubt. When you do, you can be incredibly rude and obnoxious. In that regard, you are no different to the hardcore pro-vaxxers or those who vehemently deny conspiracy theories. So, congrats.
Of course they’re obsessed with it! It’s pretty much a life and death sitch, globally! Congrats to you too.


Jul 8, 2019
Kind of insane to think a new world order, by the elite, that would have been monsanto GMO monocropping with no gene diversity, is somehow better than the free market...

For me, the problem is not a matter of knowing about them, the problem is attempting to do something about them. With the current citizenry, the effort has been a major waste of my time.

Grithin, I love you. You are so hardcore.


Jul 8, 2019
You are a genuinely rude person. This kind of response sums up why this forum has gone downhill over the past year. You hardcore great resetters - and even if it's all true, it's fair to say you are literally OBSESSED with it, to the point of mental illness - won't hear even the faintest whiff of scepticism or doubt. When you do, you can be incredibly rude and obnoxious. In that regard, you are no different to the hardcore pro-vaxxers or those who vehemently deny conspiracy theories. So, congrats.

Wow, you should hear what I think of you!


Forum Supporter
Dec 28, 2020
If you get the vaccine, you won't be around to rethink the direction of the world after the "pandemic".

I'm sure it's fun for you to think about how mass death will open up opportunities for you, but I doubt the elites are that into you.

"Conspiracy theory" was a term invented by the ClA to stop the populace from revolting after the ClA's assassination of JFK. It's meant to keep people stupid and unquestioning and believing that elites mean well for us.

Anyhow, I'm interested in hearing how you became a ClA dupe and what place that holds in your life. Does being ignorant and a ClA dupe make you happier?

Thks in advnce!!
Wow, you should hear what I think of you!
If you get the vaccine, you won't be around to rethink the direction of the world after the "pandemic".

I'm sure it's fun for you to think about how mass death will open up opportunities for you, but I doubt the elites are that into you.

"Conspiracy theory" was a term invented by the ClA to stop the populace from revolting after the ClA's assassination of JFK. It's meant to keep people stupid and unquestioning and believing that elites mean well for us.

Anyhow, I'm interested in hearing how you became a ClA dupe and what place that holds in your life. Does being ignorant and a ClA dupe make you happier?

Thks in advnce!!
RPF smashing trolls since 5 minutes ago ?


Jul 9, 2020
We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” - William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987

There is no such thing as a "correct" conspiracy theory. The sellers are preying on gullible buyers. The "real conspiracy" is not a conspiracy at all, it's being done right in front of your face. What do people with wealth, influence, and power want? They want more wealth, influence, and power, and they'll do anything to get it and crush anyone who stands in their way. Cashless economies, mass surveillance, western imperialism, nationalism, police states, are all tactfully used to gain more control over the individual. Rabbit holes don't just exist, they're designed. They're designed for people to get snagged by, you know, people like excommunicated intellectuals, or just the average foil head idiot.

If you're dumb enough to get entangled with outlandish stuff like the IDW, or from Zionist shills like Alex Jones, or the worst of them all, complete crazy loons like David Icke, then you're perhaps even more lost then the so called "unconscious" crowd too self absorbed with their daily lives to give a s**t. Because the real thing that people with power fear are informed principled individuals that are self-made. They also fear stuff that threaten western capitalist values, in the old days it was communism mostly, now days the threats are more dispersed. But stuff like crypto, p2p, mutual aid, Islam, etc. rank much higher.


Jan 1, 2014


Jan 1, 2014
Sorry. I meant sad how Gen X has fallen through the cracks even to their own children! No offense. Love ya, gen X.
Thanks from a Gen X father!

Well, i was the only kid in my school from divorced its the norm, its a gong show out there as far as parenting, i feel sorry for the kids and parents getting pressured in so many ways.

The Boomer generation was plentiful in numbers as is the Millennial generation so there is that but i get the feeling we have hit the wall as far as civilization here in the west. Young couples here buy dogs, i hear "doggy mommy" talk all around town. The aisle that had baby diapers is now mostly pet stuff. Young people cant afford houses nor children in the city. Out in the sticks not the same at all, kids and houses but here in the city focus is on luxury goods and virtue signalling. My Millennial family members will not move to rural area though, seems to scare them almost.
I think its from negative programming.

I do feel empathy from Millennials although i will be leaving my home country for good because of them.

They want socialism, i want freedom.


Jul 23, 2018
Of course there are always some very old parents but that is not the majority as you well know.
I am pointing out the glaringly obvious point that an entire generation gets skipped over daily and that may very well be a sign of IQ slippage.

Check out:

Amazon product ASIN B07M8NG2CNView:
It has nothing to do with whom the parental generation is, rather, who concentrates most of the wealth and who established/voted for the policies that have shaped the decaying west:

the eternal boomer.


Mar 15, 2018
They want socialism, i want freedom.
Nobody wants socialism, people want a solution that isn't based around selling their countries out to bankers, get a reality check, propaganda is being used to destroy later generations. You know that, don't play dumb.


Sep 24, 2016
Of course there are always some very old parents but that is not the majority as you well know.
I am pointing out the glaringly obvious point that an entire generation gets skipped over daily and that may very well be a sign of IQ slippage.

Check out:

Amazon product ASIN B07M8NG2CNView:
Baby boomers are most probably rather the majority of the millenial's parents, just because the time-span for baby boomers is wider and the rates of birth went down when generation x came about. Also the use of contraceptives and delayed parenthood are important factors and those persisted throughout the generation x, so the usual fertile years get shifted quite a bit as the financial stability becomes the basis for having children.

Also you were addressing your first post to a person from the generation Z and mistaking them for a millenial, which seems to be again an effect of a difference of proportions and I would guess generation Z gets left out for the same reason as the generation X.

Sweet Meat

Feb 7, 2021
Hi guys, im probably very ignorant, please don't come up to me.

I am gen Z, to me all this stuff of a new world order does not seem so bad, at least regarding food?.

the brave new world and hunger games society do seem off, like a lot ofc. But I also feel that major changes can occur for the good.

While agriculture is being under attack, and I agree is bad, let's face it, thinking that all farmers are angels is naive. People are opportunistic. Not because they want, or not because they are of ill-nature (although some might be, I do not intend to generalize) but maybe because they had no other choice and things have been like this for a long time (extractive agriculture, with profits being the solely purpose, not nurturing a community and being part of an ecosystem and hence having certain responsibilities with it).

Meat from this type of exploitations often sucks too.... The meat from the supermarkets is each timeless nutritious and less tasty.

I feel this pandemic, gives my generation the opportunity to step in. Baby boomers while very revolutionary (they said **** off to establishment), have also been pretty psychopathic and corruptive regarding business and the world they have created.

The narratives of the new world order, whether be actually good or not, sort of give my generation a sense of mission to do things better and to want to make them better for real (otherwise we will face collapse and we do not want that).

Could things be done differently? YES without fear-mongering? I wished... but I do not see my generation raised by baby boomers (raised by deeply traumatized parents (world wars, migrations, displacing, the 20s then the depression crisis) having much motivation to do anything about the world unless we are given the illusion we can do something good for the wolrd and feel good about ourselves (Something our parents never did hehe) while doing it.

Lastly, its simply impossible to know what conspiracy theory is correct. Is there a point on going down the rabbit hole other than disconnecting majorly from reality and the cotidianeity? The day to day surely is boring but also gratifying. The rabbit hole serves for missing out on the present, on experiencing life without the pessimistic lenses of what is going on behind the curtains which is quite fatalistic and deterministic imo.

Ofc we are already pretty wokish? so we dont fall for stuff like the rona, but I guess we can see it as an opportunity the world in general has to rethink its direction? I have seen a lot of people be less materialistic or more real after the pandemic. I feel it has its goods. Its like major areas of life that needed refinement or optimization are given the chnce to re ordr.

Anyhow, im interested in hearing what you guys think about conspiracy theories and what plce do they hold in your life! Also, if you did not know about consp theories, do you think you would b happier?

Thks in advnce!

good and bad are subjective. objectively, you'll have less opportunity to do as you will, but all the opportunity in the world to do as you're allowed.

why? because by their nature, centralized systems of governance (nwo, global government, international fiat economies and general socialism) restrict and oppose anything which is decentralized; eg you, the individual

that is, your freedom to live as YOU choose is at direct odds with the agendas of those who actually have power, land and influence

marx said it best; the right to own property is the right to selfishness.

people often defend this statement stipulating that marx didn't mean "personal" property - but he did. he differentiates private (capital) from personal (individual) and dictates than in a true communist world, no individual would have the right to own anything, which is akin to slavery

in a truly communist world, we would only be slaves to our technology and manufacturing systems, but very unlikely this will happen in our lifetime. maybe a few hundred years, but until then, we will have rich oligarchs controlling society via technology because most of the world will be too numb or dumb to care

sad fact, by 2050 there is estimated to be 1 billion human beings with an iq below 83.

sadder fact, armed forces recruit individuals with sub 83 iqs as media shills, because they are deemed too stupid to do anything else besides lie to the public for money
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2020
Anyhow, im interested in hearing what you guys think about conspiracy theories and what plce do they hold in your life! Also, if you did not know about consp theories, do you think you would b happier?


Sep 21, 2014
Interesting that this topic is in the "Animals" subsection of the forum. Considering how many sheep are running around these days, it actually makes sense.


Aug 17, 2016
"What are the historical, political, ideological and economic factors and actors that now define the dynamics and configuration of power in the world and what is the U.S. position in what is known as New World Order?”



New World Order - Who We Are...

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